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Sunday, August 23, 2015

Wealthwatch Late Night Chat  8-22-15

Post From Chat Room 8-22-15
Wealthwatch Late Night Chat  8-22-15

Donnie: Yesterday....

Donnie: This is the worst two day drop since 2008. We are now off by more than 10%, marking an official correction, first time since 2011. 

More than 66% of stocks are down 10% or more and 25% are off by 20%, aka bear market territory. The fears of China slowing are feeding upon itself and is causing people to reexamine everything. Bear in mind, this entire run higher has been based upon global growth. 

The civilized world has been stymied for quite some time and we’ve been relying upon savages in the far east to buy our wares. Bottom line: we plunge lower, through the ***ing floor boards, on Monday. 
Asian markets will get clobbered and disappear into thin air, as if they never existed. This is a very unique and special situation. I truly want you, as a novice investor, to appreciate the novela styled drama of all this. Take it in and learn from your idiotic mistakes.   Donnie:

Donnie: In the above article/blog if you scroll down to "BEWARE OF FAKE RALLIES" it's funny. True and vulgar but also funny. Anyone who has invested over the past 30 years can appreciate what he says.

Tootsie: how all all today?? I have been off couple days, trying to read history UGH lol got to page 5, thought would just say hi!!

rollonjohn: ‹@Tootsie› Just thought I would check in for a few lol

Tootsie: ‹@rollonjohn› me also ~ not been active ,
Tootsie: So, back to finish history ~ start on page 6 hahaha

OOTW: ‹@Donnie› hmmm that's interesting

Donnie: ‹@OOTW› TY

OOTW: just reading the blog now

chattels: Baghdad (AIN) –Defense Minister Khalid al-Obaidi visited on Saturday the Iraqi Commands in Anbar province, the Ministry of Defense said in a statement. The statement, received by AIN, added that Obaidi assured that victory is very close in Ramadi.   chattels:

Tootsie: Phew - finished ~ soo much material, probably all jumbled in brain now ~ -

chattels: Anbar (AIN) –Defense Minister, Khalid al-Obaidi, fired one of the commanders of the brigades of the 10th Division in Anbar. A security source said to AIN "Due to his failure in running the brigade, a commander of one of the 10th Division Brigades was dismissed by Obaidi during the latter's visit to the headquarters of the 10th Division."   chattels:

Tootsie: ‹@chattels› my goodness , so much material!
Tootsie: ‹@chattels› your joke was quite cute! ex-wife hahaha

chattels: ‹@Tootsie› NO SHORTAGE OF NEWS, EH ?

Tootsie: ‹@chattels› nope, hahaha, or good discussions!


Tootsie: ‹@chattels› surely you jest!
Tootsie: can't stop laughing hahaha
Tootsie: Going to bid adieu for the evening. ~ Hang in there ~ night

chattels: ‹@Tootsie› GN :)

faith: Ugghhh! Saints lost again!!! :sad:  :sad:
faith: No Saints win..... :sad:

[12:47:39 AM] chattels: BAGHDAD / Nina / The member of the Parliamentary Integrity Committee MP Aqil al-Zubaidi to "listen carefully to the demands of Almtzaherbn and to respond to them, and warned of a blind eye to them,

because they are designed and calling for reform and achieve prosperity for the Iraqi people." Zubaidi said in a statement today,

"It has to be the provision of security protection the demonstrators and prevent some of those who are trying to abuse her and do radical reform is through the removal of the corrupt in government departments and entrusted to people, professionals and independent.

"Le Pen labeled" We hope that the prime minister Haider al-Abadi launch of a new package affects some extra episodes in the country in order to address sag that has plagued some aspects of the state. "


chattels: Deputy: government will send legislation to the parliament regarding Habronema ministries and her laws 2015/8/23 7:06

chattels: [Baghdad-where] Deputy for the National Alliance revealed the government's intention to send legislation to the laws of the House of Representatives regarding the ministries covered by the government and has the last Baltrchiq laws.

Said Khalid al-Asadi told all of Iraq [where], that "the first phase of the government limbering are entrusting the task of the deleted ministries and ministers manage to other ministers

 For example, the integration of the Ministry of Municipalities with the Ministry of Construction and Housing and the Ministry of Tourism and Antiquities to the Ministry of Culture as well as the environment with health and others."

chattels: undertake to send legislation to parliament under which these ministries turn into directorates within the ministries. "He pointed Asadi that" cabinets and agents so far are still in their positions ........."

chattels: " ............... cabinets and agents so far are still in their positions ...................."

chattels: Kurdistan: Oil imports amounted to one billion and 550 million dollars in August and passed most of the financial crises 2015/8/22 17:59

chattels: [Baghdad - where] announced the Ministry of Natural Resources in the Kurdistan region, on Saturday, that imports of oil during the month of August this exceeded what it promised and amounted to one billion and a half billion dollars, and confirmed that the region was able to bypass most of the financial crises of 2014,

 and with the ministry indicated that it ensured the amount of $ 850 million a month until 2016 by providing oil to buyers in the future, pointed out that the region and the Ministry of Finance is responsible for the receipt of amounts of oil exports.

chattels: "The statement noted that" the Government of the region and the support of the five Kurdish parties decided at the end of 2014 and after further discussions with the federal government to give a chance to the new Iraqi government headed by Haidar al-Abbadi

and which included the provision of a specific section of the oil region of the company Sumo in front of dues whole territory of the federal government budget for the year 2015 and that up to one billion per month, which was ratified in the Iraqi government's budget for 2015. "

chattels: The Kurdistan region has taken on 24 June a political decision .................



chattels: Will Abadi's reforms work? The Iraqi parliament voted Aug. 11 to approve Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi and parliament Speaker Salim al-Jabouri’s economic, political and administrative reform measures in response to the demands of the Iraqi street. Read more:

chattels: When the government did not respond to calls for improved services, people then demanded comprehensive reform.

 However, this does not necessarily mean that their demands will be implemented on the spot, especially in a country suffering from complex crises at all levels, political divides, economic collapse and an ongoing, raging war against the Islamic State (IS), which controls large swaths of Iraq’s territory.

chattels: Some political analysts said that while the adoption of the reform packages was important, what was extraordinary was that Iraqi politicians actually found themselves having to make serious and comprehensive reforms and were forced to concede high offices and political and financial benefits.

chattels: The implementation of the reforms on the ground could either happen through creating appropriate mechanisms and enacting legislation, or may be hindered by legal complexities and red tape.

It is likely that the political differences between the parties and blocs as well as security requirements may disrupt the implementation of reforms. Thus, there is still a risk that people's demands will not be met.

chattels: It is worth mentioning that some reservations on these reforms were expressed by Vice President Ayad Allawi and Vice President Osama al-Nujaifi, who considered the reforms a violation of the constitution.


chattels: " Legality and Constitutionality Questions in Iraq’s Reform Push "

chattels: The government has major challenges to face in its implementation of reform measures, given the size of the problems in the state’s structure, disintegrating institutions, the confusion and inconsistency of laws and management’s instructions, and the deep-rooted corruption even in state regulatory systems. 

The difficulty of this task lies not only in the lack of required professional and scientific experts to deal with the situation — especially in light of the major brain drain in all domains during the past decade —

 but also in the will of Iraqi politicians to adopt the philosophy of reform in the interest of unity and society. Read more:

via Dinar Recaps - Our Blog

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