Don't WAIT!

Thursday, August 27, 2015

News, Rumors, and Opinions Thursday Morning 8-27-15


Iko Ward :
  The world is green this AM including the ISX. Forex polled at 1118. The stage is set once again. Perhaps tonight the show will begin.

We need Forex to take another dip down ( increase in value ) sometime today or tonight. Doesn't have to be much, just in the right direction.

WT:  Solution parliamentary bloc held that the approval of the House of Representatives of the political parties law, will correct the political process, calling the political blocs to deal positively with important laws and to accelerate

The House of Representatives voted on Thursday through its majority on the law of parties, after a delay of eight years because of differences between the blocks around it Alssayash.anthy
Many political experts believe that the passing of new rules for parties eliminates the voting blocs for all key laws, including: amnesty law, natl guard law, federal court law, accountability and justice law, etc

Party law received a unanimous vote: I believe that is the first unanimous vote of ABADI government: THAT in itself tells us that the ABADI reforms are established

Hopefully, Natl Guard Law, Three presidency mandate law will also be voted in today as well....and break the logjam on not approving key laws

Khafaji said that "the vote on the law today is part of the fulfillment of the paper is an important parliamentary reforms in Iraq and will provide new principles for political action in the country." The House of Representatives has voted to approve the draft law of parties controversial and inactivated eight years ago.

The parliament endorsed the Parties law that witnessed many disputes lasted for some years. Parliament source stated to Alforat News Agency "Most of the parliament members voted on the Parties law." /End/ Updated: 2015/8/27 21:49

Normanros:  next on agenda today is national guard law

Bozo:  Seems we are still waiting for laws to be passed and read.

Greenrage:  We are definitely waiting on something...

Bozo:  Just goes to show you. There is always sumthin.


Dinar Updates:

tlm724   Article quote:  "The parliament ended the first reading of the law against money laundering and the financing of terrorism,"

which is awesome and today we have this:  "Also it hosted the meeting after that gentlemen's central bank governor and directors of money laundering offices in the Central Bank and the Financial Inspection Office and the intelligence service to discuss the money-laundering operations"  

yesterday the first read today the to follow up for the anti-money laundering law, real quick like a bunny!   I love how this is shaping up...throw in the Islamic Banking Act discussed in order to submit it to a vote and the investment law too! 

I am very pleased with how things are progressing.


About the Poofness Update:

Hi, Folks -

Word just in: Poofness midweek update is expected Thursday night.

Blessings.  --hobie




Frank26:  Sadly................. i was just informed that apparently ......... We were hacked.Hmmm.

Thank You.  Was taught that one should say TY when ............ Flattered........

We know ........ Who.  Now the question to me is do i wish to know .........Why.  Hmmm.

Keep me in prayer Family.  This is my chance to .......... Forgive ...... And Forget.

KTFA  Frank

KTFA Cont……

» August 27th, 2015, 3:25 am 




Walkingstick » August 27th, 2015, 7:24 am  CBI News & Announcements

To / all ministries and departments not associated with the Ministry all (Melli Bank of Iran)


Walkingstick  » August 27th, 2015, 6:57 am 

Central is preparing to launch bonds in local currency and asserts: We have a surplus of foreign currency

An informed source at the Central Bank of Iraq, on Wednesday, for the last willing to put up bonds for sale in the local currency, while pointing to a surplus of foreign currency in the country.

The source said in an interview with the (long-Presse), that "Iraq needs funds in local currency and not in hard currency, so the central bank is preparing to launch bonds in local currency for sale in order to strengthen the local currency."

The source, who asked not to be named, said "bonds that will be put forward will be available to all citizens and the various classes in order to take advantage of it will be local and national," noting that "the mechanism of sale will be announced in the near future."

The source continued that "there is a surplus in foreign currency in the country and, therefore, he went to the Central Bank to sell bonds in the national local currency away from the dollar selling."

The Central Bank of Iraq announced earlier, to take the necessary measures to support liquidity in the banking system, and decided to facilitate the procedures for the sale of foreign currency "to sustain the exchange rate."

The Central Bank of Iraq, said in (the 18th of January 2015), that the financial reserves of Iraq is equivalent to one and half times the weakness of the currency bloc, returned as "best rates" in the countries of the world, and as he emphasized that Iraqi financial institutions are "unable" to cover the fiscal deficit, he stressed the need to reconsider the structure of the budget and spending and to diversify sources of income and achieve the investment more broadly to address the decline in oil prices.   LINK


Walkingstick  » August 27th, 2015, 8:15 am 

Iraqi Economy: Puzzle between corruption and float currency

August 27, 2015 in the versions Center Add comment

With the continued erosion of oil prices and talk about the steepest drop in the coming days, the disaster looming on the horizon for the Iraqi economy battered, Will lead to the entry of the country in economic trouble may be difficult to predict future Banekasath.

As mentioned in a previous article, that the economic crisis experienced by Iraq produced a number of crises that had an impact on the lives of Iraqi citizens, especially the crisis staff salaries delayed and disrupted thousands of vital projects on level of infrastructure, not to mention the benefits and obligations of other companies. In short, it is the stage could call it difficult labor phase.

and foreshadowing the current reality of the Iraqi economy is very difficult circumstance would pay more crises especially with rampant corruption apparently was or secret, and classified Iraq as part of the most corrupt countries in the world, according to Transparency International, which stretched budgets General of the State. Today is the fear of resorting to reduce salaries to reduce expenses, which will be held the economic and social landscape of the country.

Resorting to float the dinar

some reports indicate that the Iraqi government may resort to the liberalization of the dinar which will not solve the financial problem in the country, but would have disastrous effects on Iraqi citizen in the first place. On the other hand, the flotation is the port for speculators in the market to carry out money laundering and manipulation auction currency within the central bank.

What do we mean the currency float Floating?

First has to be to make it clear the concept of floating currency and what are the repercussions on the lives of the citizen and the country in general to understand the consequences of such a hold on life citizen.

We mean the currency float is to let the exchange rate of a currency floating rise and fall with demand and supply in the money market, and the introduction of waves Balaattabarmistoy liberation of the national economy, and the adequacy of its performance, and flexibility of its production apparatus.

In order to understand more of the process of flotation, the Central Bank of the State to leave the exchange currency in local currency rate ( Iraqi dinar and foreign) such as (the dollar) is determined dinar according to the trends of demand and supply on the dollar, if the demand for the dollar in the foreign exchange market has increased (dollar market), the dollar exchange rate tends to rise, and if the demand for the dollar has fallen, the dismissal rate tends downward.

It is the risk of this process that it opens the door to money laundering and diversion of corrupt money from the Iraqi dinar to the free currency in order to smuggle them out operations.

A study that Iraq is seeking to edit the national currency, which is considered, according to the experts that the float of the dinar in the interest of Treasury but on the other hand the tragedy of the lives of the Iraqi citizens

that lack of oversight contributed to the presence of many corrupt and financial mafias, who took advantage of the situation in the country, whether political or security or economic, to achieve a very huge financial gains due to the absence of official censorship institutions.

Here we highlight the speculators are manipulating currency market known as the "three whales" or so-called some of the title of "the kings of the market" illusion of senior corrupt who Aguetatwa funds Iraqis and resources of the country:

• Hassan Nasser Jafar and who stands behind a bank across Iraq, one of the defendants subject of an auction of foreign currency and buy dollars from the central bank, has the exchange of Baghdad in Amman and has suspicious activities in this regard, according to a government report released in July this year, Nasser has several transform informal offices sell money orders out of Iraq illegally and outside the scope of the Iraqi Central Bank Law , leading to negative effects resulting from money laundering operations.

• Hamad al-Moussawi Bank Huda director, a senior accused of money laundering Foreign remittances, and manipulation auction sale currency.

• Ali Ghulam, executive director of the Bank of the Middle East, and accused of fraud and accused of trespassing on public money , and the owner of lists of import counterfeit and transaction banking suspicious.

These three names, and many others are still Tlhoa money Iraqis, because of their relationships with lobbies within the government of politicians and senior civil servants, which contributed to the continuing work of these whales in spite of reports and cases detected exceeding the public money.

And here we must refer to the Iraqi authorities claim to hold accountable those people, and return the stolen money to the Treasury, it is part of its efforts to prevent the fall of the country into the quagmire of bankruptcy and economic collapse.

In conclusion, we should offer a number of comments that could contribute to stop the bleeding Iraqi economy in general and the banking system in particular, as follows:

1. Prosecution of traffickers and corrupt public money who Aguetatwa Iraqi funds and be enormous wealth for themselves.

2. Iraq today is an urgent need to reform the banking system and on the head of the Central Bank and the banking correct policies.

3. Stop interference in the bank's policy by the executive, legislative and other institutions authorities whether it be directly or indirectly.

4 for sale. Addressing the process of money laundering and economic crime and the smuggling of hard currency from Iraq, and know where the money that is dollar-buying by the source..

5. The establishment of an economic court with an independent authority concerned with the economic and criminal side, through the eyes brought before arising from the application of the laws relating to crimes of bankruptcy and supervision away from the interference of official figures and politicians suits.

6. Contribute to resolving a large part of the financial problem experienced by the country due to low oil prices, through the diversification of sources of income.

7. Compensate the poor class in society and affected by the manipulation mafias money at the price of the dollar by the influential central bank previously.
Iraq today is going through the most severe historical stages and the economy today is cracking horribly and talk about future plans is a form of wasting time, the need today is an urgent because each official and the national citizen turn to save the country from the clutches of traffickers and corrupt public money who pose a threat to the country for at least the level of terrorism that has ravaged the country.


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