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Monday, August 31, 2015

Monday News Summaries by Aggiedad at KTFA 8-31-15

aggiedad77 » August 31st, 2015,

Monday News Summaries and Commentaries

Jubouri threatens to cancel the membership of deputies

This has been a long time in coming.....Speaker Jubouri looks like he is finally going to get radical with members of Parliament who continually are missing from Parliament don't come to pay the the form of dismissal from Parliament......I love this.....get those people to the plate or send them home hungry and with a fine.

Securities affected by the stresses of movement because of the economic downturn and pays tribute to the support of government and the private sector
The Iraqi Securities Exchange continues to be stressed over the fall in oil prices and the whole economic issue that plagues Iraq at the moment....on the other hand they send praise to the government for their open support of the private sector businesses...they see the efforts with the money freed up for loans to small and medium businesses as a proactive step to stimulate the economy and bring positive results to the market as well.

Zebari discuss with the US delegation plans to support the economy and the capacity of the Ministry of Finance

Finance Minister Zebari continues to openly lean upon the USAID organization to find ways to bolster their economy.....I can't help but think this is a deliberate attempt to thumb their noses at Iran as the Iranians do not like to see Iraq working so closely with the US and other western countries.

Economist calls for the development of an emergency plan to stabilize the Iraqi dinar

One Iraqi economist is calling for some kind of emergency plan development by the central government to stabilize the dinar.....someone educate this man so he understands that it is the CBI who is in charge of their work and they are the ones who have the responsibility for the stability of the currency.

Abadi constitute special committees to open the Central Bank of files .. and the issue of the dismissal of the former province Shabibi!

PM Abadi is working to close the vise grip around any and all corruption that has occurred over the previous 8 years of the Maliki reign.....this would include any wrong doing in the CBI.....but it would also include the setting of the record straight about false allegations that were made against Dr. S and his staff.....Abadi is as serious as a heart attack on shutting down corruption at all levels and locations......but he is also as serious to clear any who have been falsely hoping this committee work will have a short fuse on it so that we can see Dr. S stepping back up to the plate again.

Chihod: Vice-President of the Republic will not return to parliament, but the withdrawal of the bench

Let's see, this is Monday, one of the week days that ends in "day" it will be declared today that the VP's....or former VP's whatever they are called this week, will not be getting seats in Parliament.....only if it serves in the "general" interest of the country will any of them be allowed back in Parliament.....can anyone identify a general interest to Iraq that would permit and warrant Maliki stepping back into Parliament.....I didn't think so.

Urgent three presidencies will meet this evening

President Masum is meeting with PM Abadi and Speaker Jubouri this evening.....and part of their discussion will be about reforms.....will it be to discuss current reforms or those that have yet to be announced.....or both.....where are the fireflies this would be a good meeting to buzz in on I would think.

National Business Council sends to the House of Representatives four paragraphs to be included in the investment law prepared for the vote not the news crew....National Business Council has sent a memo to Parliament....we have four paragraphs that we feel should be included in the Investment Law before you vote on it.....take a read at what we propose.....if you have these bases covered then all the better......but we don't want anything to fall through the crack.....protect the investors who want to funnel money and projects to Iraq....they can become a great stimulus for the economy but just make sure they get a fair and square deal.

Sangaree: the formation of specialized committees to bring the views of the National Guard Law

Everyone has an opinion.....some say the National Guard Law has the approval and backing of the political blocs but here we see someone claiming in their opinion the political blocs do not support things as they are written....I'll be looking at Tuesday to see if they do any action on this law at all.
Legal expert: the return of Nuri al-Maliki to parliament does not mean innocence

Let me make this simple in an analogy......if the wolf were to ask nicely do you think the farmer would allow him admittance to the hen house, just because he asks nicely....NOOOOOO.....the farmer recognizes his ulterior motives and slams the door in his face......this is what Parliament needs to do to Maliki.....stand up to him.....stand up just as PM Abadi stood up to the Iranians and declare you are not wanted here.....besides there is this little detail of guilt associated with the fall of Mosul and a number of other crimes that Maliki is being looked at that could muddy the water.

Commission on oil and energy parliamentary: Shahristani committed a crime against the Iraqi people

Here is another Maliki thug that I have long felt was lining his own pockets as he made "deals" with the international oil companies who were trying to come into Iraq.....Shahristani is one not to be trusted....he smells of corruption.

Vice chest: parliamentary directed to dismiss al-Mahmoud during the next few days

Stop talking and just get rid of this guy.....he's been around through all the Maliki years and even before that.....just how clean can he be......and there appear to be a number of legitimate charges against him that will bring him before a court at some point....get him out of the way so he is not able to stack any judges one way or the other that would be a cause for concern later....take away his powers.

Parliamentary Finance discussed the draft law combating money laundering and terrorism financing

Yes the clock continues to tick against Iraq and they need this Anti-Money Laundering Law passed toot fast......get this done....the second reading should be a no brainer.....then on to a vote.....don't take this up to the 11th hour to make this happen.

Taking a break for errands to run....will catch up with everyone later.

Aloha    Randy

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