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Sunday, August 30, 2015

Wealthwatch News / Links & Chat  8-30-15  Part 2 of 2

Post From Chat Room 8-30-15
Wealthwatch Morning Chat  8-30-15  Part 2 of 2

chattels: ERBIL, Kurdistan Region — Local and international media are reporting that an anti-ISIS protest began Saturday in the Anbar province city of Rutba, along the Baghdad-Amman highway, after ISIS killed a local civil servant. 

Bassem Eid Ammash, a spokesman for the Anbar provincial council, told Rudaw Sunday that after a funeral for a man killed by ISIS for allegedly killing one of the militants, mourners leaving the event began protesting against ISIS. ISIS shot back at the protesters, he said, and 200 people were arrested. 

The AP reported that only 70 were arrested, but otherwise confirmed Ammash’s comments. The AP also reported that the man being buried at the funeral was Munir al-Kobeisi, a civil servant, and that he was killed for killing an ISIS fighter in part of an ongoing tribal blood feud.
chattels: The US and its allies have struggled to train and organize anti-ISIS resistance in the majority-Sunni Arab Anbar province. Attempts by Shiite-led central government troops and militias to regain territory in the ISIS stronghold have also produced few tangible results, with many fearing aggression by Shiite troops in the region would only drive ideological rifts and push locals to support ISIS.


Tootsie: I like rudaw, used to peruse them , good site

chattels: ‹@Tootsie› One of my favorites - very " readable "

Tootsie: ‹@chattels› did not post the details of Parliament meeting today, just snip re: postponement of NG law and resuming in Sept

chattels: ‹@Tootsie› I posted some about it in the chat earlier " MORNING NEWS, 30 AUGUST 2015 "

chattels: ‹@Tootsie› I did not see a date for vote, but they were discussing after Parliament adjourned according to one report

chattels: I question the importance of the NG law except for the Sunni and as long as the Militias are being paid then the Shia do not seem to care

chattels: The Kurds are not going to allow anyone but Peshmarga in Kurdistan and Baghdad is likely never to pay the Peshmarga so not much lost by the Kurds either

chattels: the disputed areas could get " dicey ", but thus far it has been " negotiated "

chattels: IMO only of course

chattels: According to a parliamentary source told all of Iraq [where] that "the National Guard Law was not presented to the House of Representatives agenda of the meeting has been postponed until the completion of the discussion with the heads of blocs and will be displayed as soon as readiness today.   chattels:;

chattels: " ............ will be displayed as soon as readiness today. " ??????????????

Tootsie: solid thinking IMO

Doug_W: ya TODAY??

Tootsie: Integrity: monopolizing the Central Bank auction of foreign currency to escape the regional States 08/30/2015 Baghdad/JD/... The integrity Commission revealed that a group of monopolists to Central Bank auction to sell foreign currency to regional States, pointed out that the uncooperative ministries.

The integrity Commission, said mp Adel Noori/JD/Agency: that there are billions of manipulated by a group of agents of the Central Bank auction monopoly to sell foreign currencies they smuggled in favour of regional States.

He added: that ministries not cooperating with the Commission on integrity, adding: when we address a letter to a Minister or to Cabinet does not answer after six months or more if the answer did not satisfy the purpose because there is distortion. Nouri noted that the Executive institution of the regulatory institution, emphasizing marginalized urala Vice within the integrity Commission moves alone, within the Commission, representing all the components don't even have any bias toward any party.

The parliamentary Finance Committee, revealed that approximately about 312 billion dollars came out of Iraq through the Central Bank's daily auction to sell hard currency, noting that there are suspicions that mostly went to money laundering.

 A government source had indicated in an earlier statement to the Agency/JD/90% of dollar sales by the Central Bank of Iraq is for transfers and only 10% sale. /End - bing translation ^

Tootsie: In another matter, Mr. Iaram Sheikh Mohammed, Vice President of the Council announced the postponement of the vote on the draft law of the National Guard, noting that the talks between the parliamentary blocs continuing so far to agree on the law.

And then it decided to adjourn the meeting to next Tuesday 08/09/2015 The information department Iraqi Council of Representatives 08/30/2015 - full details are here ~ translate.googleuserconte...  LINK

chattels: Good article on the conduct of all business in Parliament today

chattels: ‹@Tootsie› there is a mention of foreign currency auctions in the Parliamentary record today

chattels: " ........... considered MP Fatima Hamidi to study a careful auction sale of foreign currency will appear the existence of Daash support dramatically. "

Tootsie: yes,

chattels: ‹@Tootsie› my article mentions your Tuesday date on the NG as well

chattels: [Baghdad-where] raise the House of Representatives today to its regular Tuesday of next week without resolving the dispute on the draft law of the National Guard and decided to postpone it.  chattels:

chattels: ‹@Tootsie› another - [Baghdad-where] raise the House of Representatives its regular Sunday after the Tuesday of the week Almqubl.


Tootsie: September 9,

chattels: we shall see if the NG law makes the agenda

chattels: ‹@Tootsie› you think ?

chattels: not the 2nd ?

Tootsie: The Parliament release, official, said 08/09 the one from the info dept ~

chattels: [Baghdad - where] said chairman of the parliamentary call block, behind Abdul Samad, on Sunday, said his bloc would raise a lawsuit against the Kurdistan Regional Government to sell oil to Israel.

] chattels:

chattels: ‹@Tootsie› more " fast tracking ", eh ? :)

Tootsie: ‹@chattels› absolutely!!NOT , sheesh

chattels: He said Abdul Samad "We have the documents and evidence of anecdotal evidence by the provincial government from the sale of Iraqi oil to Israel, we will give these documents the prosecutor has the block assigned one of Representatives to move to this case", adding that "the provincial government did not deliver the money not to the central government does not of the Kurdish people and counted only in the hands of the ruling family.

chattels: " anecdotal evidence " is arguably hearsay and not admissable in American jurisprudence

Tootsie: but the need a break ~ they had 4 session almost in a row, Tue,Thur,Sat, Sun - overworked ~ ya think?

Tootsie: of course they have committee meetings and arguing session to tend to prior to meeting again - I have to be more lenient

chattels: " ............. counted only in the hands of the ruling family." = Barzani ! ?

chattels: ‹@Tootsie› I do believe that they are " arguing it out " in committees

Tootsie: yes, I am sure they are, at least not throwing shoes anymore

chattels: Interesting " related article " on oil sales to Israel

chattels: ‹@Tootsie› it was chairs being thrown most recently :)

chattels: The Kurdistan Regional Government (KRG) has unequivocally stated that they are not selling oil directly to Israel.

The report quoted one KRG official declaring that Erbil does “not care where the oil goes once we have delivered it to the traders. Our priority is getting the cash to fund our Peshmerga forces against Daesh and to pay civil servants' salaries.”

Tootsie: I have to agree with that ~

chattels: "The MP for the coalition of Iraq's Mehdi al-Hafez s said that" the Constitution and Parliament obstacles in front of the reform process, "noting that" the parliament in terms of its shape and the role he can not do the task of reform ".hsp he said.    chattels:

chattels: al - Hafez is still catching " ** " for stating the truth, IMO

chattels: He added that Hafiz "The problem was and still is how to move these reforms the existence of significant obstacles? Constitution and Parliament obstacles that we are to move forward we need to reconsider these things so that the reform process is moving correctly and responsive to national needs.

"He explained that" Parliament was not the initiator of reform, properly supported it is a good step but we have a big problem that the parliament in terms of composition and the role he can not the task of reform.

chattels: One MP accused him of being an agent of DAESH

chattels: [Baghdad - where] the Independent Electoral Commission and the Minister of the Interior signed in the Kurdistan region, on Sunday, a memorandum of understanding between the two sides to enhance the prospects of joint cooperation.  chattels:
chattels: Citizen Nuri al-Maliki leaves Green Zone

chattels: " .............. canceled immediately vice president and the ministers, and have become citizens without protections are supposed to live among us, ............."

[chattels: "Citizen Nuri al-Maliki left Baghdad , accompanied by Medhat al-Mahmoud and a number of parliamentarians for the rule of law, and evacuate their homes inside the Green Zone "; as a natural third reform package as a result, and a conclusion to say all the forces it with reforms even on itself.

] chattels: The news source is the will of the masses, and hope for the demise of the space surplus positions, and achieve reforms to get rid of political waste, and self-examination to search for the corrupt who have caused the entry of terrorism, and Mr Nuri al-Maliki is a citizen and duties and his rights, and be held accountable for mistakes, and predicted waiver Mahmood; as a result of the demands of the three weeks, and urgency reference to reconsider the elimination, while the members of the state law;

 Most of them advisers and deputies have received homes in the Green Zone, and exit a matter of course before entering the citizens and asked, "Where did this to you" ?!


chattels: BAGHDAD – The French government has refused to grant asylum to the eldest son of former Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki. A source told BasNews that Ahmed Nouri al-Maliki recently applied for a French visa as an asylum seeker, but his application was declined early on in the process.

 “He is now attempting to apply in other countries as he has been refused by France,” the source continued. “Maliki has bank accounts in Lebanon with huge deposits and hopes to move to another country.” Ahmed al-Maliki is accused of being involved in corruption while his father was in power.  chattels:

chattels: “Maliki has bank accounts in Lebanon with huge deposits and hopes to move to another country.” What happened to the report(s) of siezure / freezing of the funds in Lebanon ?

via Dinar Recaps - Our Blog

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