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Friday, August 28, 2015

Friday News Summaries by Aggiedad77 at KTFA 8-28-15

aggiedad77 » August 28th, 2015, 9:40 am 

Friday News Summaries and Commentaries

Well it is another Friday and what will be in store for us on this day......the demonstrators are still working in Iraq....the religious cleric, the supreme Ayatollah is being heard from I'm assuming he's been whispering in PM Abadi's ear again.....look for some new reforms today I would imagine....

The Green Zone reopens on Abadi's's going to be a good day today.....unless your name is Maliki or attached to Maliki in any shape or form, then you are likely to wake up poorer today than you thought....those ill-gotten gains that sit in foreign bank accounts.....well let's just say the balance may not be as big as it was when you went to sleep.....if the bank cooperates with requests from the Iraqi government.
Iraq's banking activities Forum in Beirut on September 15

More middle of September activities from within Iraq....but this time it is centered in Beirut at a banking conference....and yes "keywords" will be in attendance it seems......where he goes.....Dr. S's shadow is sure to be close one would think....their talks will be largely focused on the latest goings on in the Iraqi banking industry....opportunities that are available within the banking system, electronic banking well as a variety of workshops centering on security, technology, and other developments.

Abadi Office: Government reforms can not be undone but its application may take time

PM Abadi has been hearing your questions and concerns about the the recent reforms he has published....he wants you to know that what has been done....cannot be undone.....meaning the VP's and the Deputy PM's will be going....just give it some time....he knows you are concerned but asks that you remember this is Iraq and things do move a bit slower than the Western world.....just remember Parliament has voted on these measures and is in agreement so we are good to go.

Provincial Reconstruction Fund: World Bank loan was allocated to emergency operations, and we need to trillion dinars

Some provinces are asking for dinars as part of their provincial reconstruction efforts after DAASH has been ousted from the area.....they know that money was received from the World Bank for such efforts and now are wanting it made available to is always the case.....a committee has been formed to determine how and where the funds will be divided.....who has greater precedence....let's hope and pray this is all done without the presence of corruption this time around.

Abadi's office denies reports Iraq to borrow $ 500 million from Saudi Arabia

PM Abadi says.....noooooo.....we didn't borrow any money from the Saudi's.....not $500 million.....not even a dollar....why would we do that....we've been in the process of canceling these high level positions, their security, cars, planes and such.....we have all the money we need right now and we are even planning deeper cuts to show the people how serious we are at saving money.

Ministry of Foreign Affairs announces the re-distribution of Iraq's ambassadors abroad

Without really saying very much the Ministry of Foreign Affairs has told everyone that they intend to shuffle the deck with regard to their ambassadors who are situated around the world.....keep that bag packed just in case you are going to be moved.....I hope you are seen as a good performer from your past work experience....that will help you keep the job.

Al-Maliki thugs force top Saudi paper to halt Iraq operation

A band of thugs who support Maliki are being accused of harassing a Saudi news paper on several occasions....stopping their printing presses....making changes to articles, front page headlines, shuffling photos and such.....all in the name of censorship they claim....but the Iraqi government, at least the government in charge today claims they do not censor any news media or support anyone who is attempting such actions.....more reasons to clamp down on the likes of Maliki and his pawns.

Can Al-Sistani save Iraq?

Good question.....can the Iraqi Grand Ayatollah keep control of things within Iraq......well I think he's been doing a masterful job thus far, especially where PM Abadi and others are concerned.....he has good ideas and appears to be able to articulate them well to the right parties....even if they are at a cross-roads today of Shia progress within Iraq and complaints from the public.....there is always power in one's position.....he has this going for him that he has long been in power and has done many things well for the Iraqi people, even when the government and political leaders were choosing to line their own deep down the people are listening.

Parliamentary Energy: agreement on the preparation of a proposed law for oil and gas

Now this is a strong gesture on the part of the Parliament Energy Committee......they sent a letter to the COM asking when they intend to send a draft of the oil and gas law to Parliament....copied the Speaker of Parliament in this effort....they intend to give COM a month to respond and if now action is forthcoming.....they intend to take their own action in making a proposal to move a legislative action forward on their own.....oh how interesting things can get at times.

Abadi directs open green area in front of the citizens within the third package of reforms

PM Abadi stands before the Iraqi citizens and announces the reopening of the Green Zone....this he says is part of the third package of reforms....yes it is Friday and on target is yet another package of good news from Abadi.

The government directed the return of funds seized outside legal contexts to the State

The government has ruled that any funds that are seized outside of Iraq that are believed to have been removed from Iraq in some illegal operation must be returned to the state....can you say.....happy days are here again......those funds are removing any former problems they had with liquidity as they are being retrieved.

Diwaniya governor offers his resignation to Abadi

I know this headline says the Diwaniya governor is resigning....but the headline just below it also says the governor of Muthanna is resigning.....both stepping down and tendering their resignations to PM Abadi....the Muthanna governor claims he can no longer work with the "obstructionist partner"......seems to be pointing a finger at Abadi....but it sure seems to me that his other fingers point back at himself.....let time and any investigation tell the truth of his prior actions.

Abadi called a new package of reforms, notably the re-land and money stolen

In this third round of reforms PM Abadi is seen telling the people of the reopening of the Green Zone and at the same time telling them of a legal committee that is being charged to investigate former government activities that may have taken land and money from Iraqi citizens and if this is the case it is to be returned to the rightful ready for their results in the near future.
Parliamentary member in the economic stresses the difficulty of determining the price of oil to balance in 2016

The Economic and Investment Commission within Parliament is having a difficult time of looking into their crystal ball for 2016 and finding a benchmark level for the price of oil that they feel will be appropriate for the budget.....not that they have to have a number today....but the price of oil in the budget definitely has a play on how other aspects of the budget will be structured...there is a huge difference between say $56 oil versus $40 they may soon resort to throwing darts at a board to try and pin down a moving target.

Abadi waving to cancel the constitution and parliament in Iraq

So is PM Abadi truly working for the will of the people....will he allow a referendum to move forward to bring an end to not only the Parliament within Iraq but also the he that much of a rebuilder that he would be willing to heft that project upon his shoulders and move forward.....that would truly be incredible if this is pulled off.....a totally new Iraqi government....something I never suspected of seeing any time soon for sure.....if it be the will of the people....strong words.

Qabbanji: questioning of ministers and officials constitutional step and his refusal is not justified

One Iraqi imam is seeking to be heard....he is seeking to have the Iraqi citizens heard.....that there be investigations into government wrongdoings and any rejection of interrogation will not be one is above the one....government officials are there to serve the people and must remember that.

The people of Sinjar intend to file a lawsuit against al-Maliki on charges of delivery of the judiciary for "Daash"

Just yesterday we saw the State of Law coalition wanting to pursue Kurd President Barzani about what happened in the Sinjar area last year when DAASH overran today we see the Sinjar people pursuing a lawsuit against Maliki....claiming he is the one responsible for the fall of Mosul and the other areas.

Iraq and a host of economic Brix

Huge question....if Iraq can't get the answers and support they feel they need from the western world....would they, should they, could they turn to the BRICS nations.....yeahsureyoubetcha they might in a New York minute if they thought it would benefit them.

Break time.....sit back and enjoy this ramp up day to the weekend....the summer is almost over.....but the temps are still hitting the top of the thermometer....take care Family.

Aloha    Randy

via Dinar Recaps - Our Blog

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