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Saturday, August 29, 2015

Wealthwatch Morning News / Links & Chat  8-29-15

Post From Chat Room 8-29-15
Wealthwatch Morning News / Links & Chat  8-29-15

Tootsie: Good Saturday Morning!!
Tootsie: OK, Parliament meeting Sunday 30th
Tootsie: 11 items

Tootsie: The agenda of the meeting No. (18) Sunday 30 August 2015 The agenda of the meeting No. (18) Sunday 30 August 2015 August 30.2015 The third parliamentary session The second legislative year The first legislative term First, read verses from the Koran. 

Second: The vote on the draft law of the National Guard. (Security and Defense Committee, the Legal Committee), (Article 22). 

Third: discuss the subject of suspicious activities in support of the Daash. 

Fourth: discuss the issue of displaced balances in banks. 
Fifth: The second reading of the draft law on ratification of the Republic of Iraq on the Statute of the Council of the Arab Peace and Security Act. (Committee on Foreign Relations, the Committee on Defense and Security). (Article 2).

Sixth: The second reading of the draft ratification of a partnership agreement for cultural, scientific and technical cooperation and for the development between the Government of the Republic of Iraq and the Government of the French Republic Act.

 (Committee on Foreign Relations, the Committee on Culture and Information, the Commission on Higher Education and Scientific Research). (Article 2). CONTINUES

  Tootsie: speaking of silliness =- Tonight is a 'super moon' we will have 2 more, Sept & Oct. The orbit is very close to earth (perigee) as opposed to way out there (apogee) - I hope to be awake to see ~ ;-} probably won't be though, have no idea what time will rise in Houston

Doug_W: go here N look  Doug_W:

Tootsie: ‹@Doug_W› THANKS! ~

Doug_W: yw Toots

Tootsie: Rafidain Bank announced recover tens of billions have been leaked to the market 08/29/2015 BAGHDAD / JD / .. Rafidain Bank announced the recovery of tens of billions were leaked to the public market and are operated by some quarters and crooked ways.

The general director of the bank on behalf of Kamal al-Hassani in a written statement / dinars / received a copy of it: that many of the financial manipulations and abuses have been exposed before we receive the post office, adding that he has control over money between attempts embezzlement through instruments or through the operation of such amounts in violation of contexts legal.

He said al-Hassani said there are some actors pushing cheap ways to get the gains of banking facilities outside the framework of legal controls and sometimes even not get this side or that loans each pays to defame the work of the bank,

stressing that the bank was able to recover tens of billions were leaked to the public market and are operated by some authorities and crooked ways. / End

 Tootsie: Parliamentary Finance finish drafting anti-money laundering and submit it to the presidency of the Parliament Act 08/29/2015BAGHDAD / JD / .. the parliamentary finance committee, announced the development of a final version of the law against money laundering, while raising to the presidency of the parliament decided on Sunday for a vote.

The decision of the Committee MP Ahmad Haji told / JD /: that his committee held a meeting with Governor of the Central Bank and the President of the Board of Supreme Audit to discuss the fight against money laundering and the reduction of money smuggling law.

He added that the Commission has reached at a meeting to prepare a final version of the law against money laundering and decided to submit it to the Presidency of the Council of Representatives on Sunday to be incorporated into the agenda of the Council for a vote on it, stressing the need to vote on it because of its great importance in reducing the waste of money and smuggling of foreign currency .

The anti-money laundering law has had its first reading in parliament, but the speaker of parliament has asked the Finance Committee to make some amendments to intercept some of the blocks on some of its paragraphs. / End

Tootsie: Forecast to reach next year's budget by 70 billion dollars and the price of oil to $ 45 a barrel 08/29/2015 BAGHDAD / JD / .. warned a number of experts and specialists in the financial and economic affairs of a recession as a result of the fall in world oil prices,

 Marjaheen that the 2016 budget will amount to 70 billion dollars and the price of oil is limited to $ 45 a barrel in light of the continuing Alankhafad of global oil prices.

The price of Brent crude to US $ 39 a barrel reached in the Iraqi oil price of $ 31 a barrel. He says economic expert Gamal Abdel Hadi, said the continuing decline in world oil prices to their lowest level this means that the country's economy is threatened by the danger of being supported by 85% on oil revenues.

He told Abdul Alehtda / JD /: "In light of the continued decline in oil prices, the government Stltja a compromise in the preparation of the 2016 budget, especially since there are austerity and reform measures, which will lead in turn to provide the big money of the country.

He guessed that the total budget next year by $ 70 billion and will determine the price of oil does not exceed $ 45 a barrel, indicating that he will get there fiscal deficit but are not significant and can be repaid.

He advised economist government focus on development projects that can bring significant revenues to the state. For his part, the expert in financial and economic affairs Maytham and coffee, the expected size of revenue for the 2016 budget is linked to a large extent oil revenues,

and the size of these revenues will be linked to estimate the price of oil, and for access to rough estimates for 2016 revenues, suppose three scenarios are: $ 30 / barrel 0.35 a barrel to $ 0.40 dollars a barrel. CONTINUES>

Tootsie: SNIP~ The budget expenses in 2015 amounted to up to 125 trillion dinars.

Tootsie: I am sure they mean $35 and $40 ,

Doug_W: ‹@Tootsie› I am sure ur right...THIS time

dose: Any opinion on the recent HCL news tootsie? Doug? My name is Doug too BTW

via Dinar Recaps - Our Blog

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