Don't WAIT!

Thursday, August 27, 2015

Thursday Afternoon Dinarland Chatter 8-27-15


UN Operational Rates publish tomorrow, and then go into effect on September 1st. And while we keep hearing "anytime" of the month, many world contracts for goods and services are priced or repriced based on the UN operational rates for currency published at the first of the month.

It would make sense to have a rate change tomorrow and then go onto FOREX on Tuesday.

oh, and by the rules of the Operational Rates, there is a window of 48 hours on either side of the 1st to make a change to the rates, and still be effective the 1st. We could see some slights of hand....

   tbone.....if that is the case, then there would by default be a window starting on Saturday through next Thursday......right????
TBone:  Timth - yes, the timing is perfect….Timth - The window starts tomorrow. The rates typically publish late morning New York Time. Then anytime until Thursday, changes can be made. Even if they publish one number tomorrow, an official change can be input later in the window.

TMth21man :  Tbone.....oh I get it. So the UN could publish the rates tomorrow morning and then sometime over the next 6 days, they could "zap" change the Dinar to the international rate?

TBone:  Timth - yes, according to the rules


Jerseyboys:  I'm not trying to be a wise a$$, I'm just asking... Does the U.S. Have the wherewithal to push money into the stock market to hopefully help it along like China did in the last few days?

Martha:  jersey no it doesnt unless they print it

  Thanks, Martha... As in another QE?

China created a stimulus package that I finally figured it out… China adjusted its value to align with its GNP. it also gave its banks short term loan money to bridge its better customers to get thru the minor storm. This is exactly what Iraq is doing…

  BUT iraq needs a reality rate or else they are losing those investors yesterday

  IMO the US needs to stimulate but can’t until--- because to increase interest rates they would have to print more FIAT currency and our government is in the bottom-bankcrupt…. you need assets behind your money to create true value

  Martha by saying yesterday your implying the urgency of the reality rate ??

Martha:  Crusty yes. there are banks and businesses that have been waiting on this RV and they have been holding on way too long

  So with Dow dropping thats more pressure to RV for us !!

Martha:  the US is in a conundrum as to which way to go for the moment. Perhaps they are also waiting for this RV as well cause they need it ….plus debt forgiveness

Martha:  We have a very tight timeline now and we wait and watch


KMan:  JPMorgan Head Warns Second Market Crash May Be Imminent: Violent Selling Could Return On Thursday. The markets are already nose diving today. DOW only now at +123 down from over 400 points…… China dumped 139 billion in Treauries.

Martha:  JP Morgan is creating the scare tactic since they are the "trouble" makers with the most derrivatives…. China doesn’t want non asset backed currency

  Martha, try Citi Group  with 58 billion in silver deriviatives.

KMan:  Waiting for other BRICS to do the same.

Martha:  and they will ....but China is holding our debt and is not dumping it all…. for every action there is a reaction

KMan:  Martha they probably wanted to make a statement. Get this GCR going now!

June1:  Martha so this will drag out tomorrow - till next week for our RV - AND if Iraq does RV tomorrow we still would have to wait several days to go for our EXCHANGES??

   IMO- absolutely not. This would still be the best time to slip it in

IFY: best time to slip a ship into port is under the disguise of a storm

KMan:  Martha, what most people lose sight of is that the PTB need a credible excuse as to why the system has to be changed. Many of these investors haven't got a clue what is about to happen.

June1:  Martha are you saying - absolutely not…. this would still be the best time to slip it in - they could still RV tonight??

Martha:  If Iraq can pull a rabbit out of its hat then yes but remember the 29th is the full moon, a completion but in any way 9/1 the whole world will know by the markets

  Martha always thought they wanted to come in like a thierf in the night - Iraq - with this RV ?

Martha:  whether they come in 8/28 or 8/29 the whole world will see it on 9/1

Well this MAY happen for us b4 9/1 if so guess we need BE Ready… The U S wants it on weekend imo



Hale Ali’I :  The countdown has begun. Piece by piece one by one, the old ways are crumbling down. The entire system is about to topple.

:   WOW!! Slap me silly!! MR is screaming at us..., can you see it family?

  Indeed. As we said the RI can start in the country and this would encourage the CITIZENS to buy their DOMESTIC BONDS.

THEN .......... An RV would stimulate us to buy the INTERNATIONAL BONDS.  TA DA.

KTFA     Frank


JDTolle  » August 27th, 2015, So much good you can do

Stop worrying about how difficult it will be. Start discovering how well you can handle it.

Don’t hesitate for another moment, because your hesitation works against you. Get up, get going, and get it done.

Rest for a while when you are weary. But don’t rest for so long that you lose all your momentum.

What will energize you is taking action. What will ease your weariness is doing something useful to make positive, meaningful progress.

There are plenty of excuses, and none of them will do you any good. Leave them all behind and feel the exhilaration as you take control of your own destiny.

Starting right now, there is so much good you can do. Get up, get moving in the direction of your dreams, and enjoy all the greatness you are meant to create.

Ralph Marston   Wishing All a safe and blessed day   JDT

P.S. No one, Eleanor Roosevelt said, can make you feel inferior without your consent. Never give it. -- Marian Wright Edelman

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