Don't WAIT!

Friday, August 28, 2015

Frank26 at KTFA: "A HCL Date Should Interest You!"


   KTFA FAMILY ............ LOOK AT YOUR NOTES OR READ THIS: (See Article Below)

The 2015 Budget contains the HCL and there is a Rider to activate it when SECURITY is SECURED.

Today A is again with THE CITIZENS in the streets.

AND !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Those that formulated the Rider are NOW asking for a ........... DATE !!!..... To use it.


An HCL DATE............ Now that should interest You Family.
Last MONDAY CC DELTA and i told You ......... Don't ask us for a DATE ........ Instead look for a Completion process.

Please enjoy because THE HCL is lacking the fourth and final part for ......... THE CITIZENS. But it is changing now.

As A brags about his promise to DRS ............... You see KTFA FAMILY .......... DRS has the GREEN LIGHT and we believe he is coming to proclaim this because the GREEN ZONE is the highest example of SECURITY.

TA DA.   Have an Aloha Friday ............. Love You.

KTFA     Frank  
This is my highest example of .......... SQUIRREL !!!


DustiBigelow:   have to see if I have it right in my head:

From what I remember, Frank said that the HCL is done, done, done. Stick a fork in it, it is done.

All we need is for the budget to come forth with the RI/RV and there it is...DONE.

Am I right in my head or not?

(No smart remarks here, peeps. I am very sensitive and cry easily!

Frank26:  Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh ????????? ................... Yup

KTFA   Frank


Parliamentary Energy: agreement on the preparation of a proposed law for oil and gas
Author: Publisher on:August 28, 2015In:

BAGHDAD / Center Brief for the Iraqi Media Network (IMN) - A member of the Commission on oil and energy parliamentary Zaher al-Abadi, the Committee decided to send a formal letter to the Council of Ministers over the Presidency of the Council of Representatives of the statement the official position of the draft oil and gas law, otherwise the Commission will go to prepare a proposed law for oil and gas .

He explained Abadi's (IMN) that "the members of the Commission on oil and energy parliamentary agreed to send an official letter to the government to inquire on the date of completion of preparation of the draft oil and gas law and send it to the House for its own legislation."

He added that "in a month if there is no answer or a bill, the members of the Committee in accordance with the law will resort to the law to prepare a proposal for oil and gas and to move legislate procedures to resolve disputes over oil circle."

And provided a close political agreement between participating in the government blocks on the government's commitment to political blocs - and within the established limits - consolidating the foundations of national unity and inspire the spirit of civil peace to move forward a draft national reconciliation, and complete the requirements for a law of amnesty, and to bring accountability and justice law to justice, as well as law oil and gas and the law of parties.

Since the adoption of the Iraqi constitution, such as oil and gas law, the most prominent outstanding issues between Baghdad and Erbil were unable to former House and present to find consensus on a common formula for the oil and gas law.

via Dinar Recaps - Our Blog

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