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Monday, August 31, 2015

News, Rumors, and Opinions Monday Morning 8-31-15


Iko Ward:  So far everyone is minding their P's and Q's. Asia and Europe down just a little. Footsie closed today. ISX up a notch. Saudi's down a notch. Forex back to 1119.4 (As long as they polled down I'll take it) Conclusion? We're still on hold.

  IKO who do you think is really in charge of flipping the rv switch?

Martha:  Are we all ready for a very interesting week?

  Martha, just how interesting do you think this week will be? Can you elaborate?

Martha:  okay we are about to see the death of the fiat currency
Iraq is ready to go

China has helped to start this happening and we can only watch BUT it should not effect the RV in that the whole world needs it and of course Iraq is still the lynch pin

Gang I am not calling dates but the reality of what we are seeing and if means one more week or a few more days until Thurs then I am in for the ride

These are uncharted waters for me. I spent all weekend reading and trying to see where we are

You must realize that there are still those who don't want this to happen and they are still trying to stop things

The banking laws are done, security is in place the HCL has been completed a long time ago but everything NEEDS MONEY AT A REAL RATE

Look back at all the dates and the reasons things should have happened but did and didn't then you will realize what has been going on in the world that has taken us to this point

The IMF is broke and we are so far in debt, wouldn't it be nice to have a cleared budget on Oct 1,

The US cant raise interest rates because they would have to print more money


Driftcurrent:  Fitz I think the US will have no choice

:  Iraq is no longer the one to "push the button" though anymore, are they? Isn't it in the hands of the IMF (and probably the US)?

  my question is this if the bonds could be released at any time and Frank says against the tues-thurs scenario than will we see it 2morrow the first or next Tuesday the 8th which follows our holiday weekend but lets hope sooner

Look back at all the dates and the reasons things should have happened but did and didn't then you will realize what has been going on in the world that has taken us to this point

Doetracker:  Martha. What is the reason behind the people you say don't want this to happen when it is a global event?

Martha:  The world want it's it but in reality it is the US and the PTB that are still holding out in a sense and until they wake up and change their ways we are stuck in a vicious cycle.

  Martha, is it a few PTB that don't want more wealthy Americans?

Martha:  it's not about wealth but equal distribution

JV:  I so agree with you, Martha! But can they control the whole world's currency? I pray not.

  No they cant and thus the need for this re-alignment and the release of asset backed currencies….. there are those who still dont get it and they will lose all that they have gained…. The financial world still doesnt see it and they are still looking at playing games by hedging their bets

martha :   realize this, that all the past dates we have looked at, things did happen, it was should have but didn't for reasons that varied including those that are way beyond our pay grades but at this point, China has pushed and the US has nowhere to go, so you figure it out. Iraq is more than ready.

JV:  What gives me hope is that good will defeat evil. There is so much good that many of us want to do and will do.

June1:  Martha - the world today - the people with the rage - the horrible terrible things that are happening everyday- the changes those are trying to make in what we can say what we can do what we can not do that have absoutely nothing to represent what America always stood for - freedom and pride of being living in the US -lost because bad people want the control and distruction of this. We have to fix it all!!

Martha:  June you are so right. Our constitution has been mutilated and for what? For control, power and money…. June we need to stay VERY positive. God does have a plan and with a little nudge from the Chinese, Brics and the rest of the world it is coming together

Martha:  gang if you read franks post about the bonds very carefully you see that Iraq is hedging their bets for the RV since we know they are ready and it is still timing

:  Martha let us say from what elmer told us last night the market might crash today - if that were to be - what happens than - with the US AND CERTAINLY iRAQ AND THE WORLD FOR THIS RV - how long how fast do you think they would than react to finally get the RV ON BOARD??

Martha:  IMO June this would be a perfect time to work the re-instatement/ RV in....The markets will continue to go down this week…. The US is headed for more corrections but how far we go is yet to be seen and will it be a free fall and if we have a total crash is yet to be seen

  Martha what is confusing to me is this - but as I am writing this - I think I do know - if market crashes - RV happens than immediately the stock market is reborn we do get the top value of our investment because now all is good -right?

  the US is getting a wake up call and the ptb know what they must do but if they dont do it then we are destined for the blackest of times perhaps a true depression…. we have all become experts and we know to much for our own good but we will be the ones to lead others out of this pending doom and gloom


SassyD:  Central banks can’t save the markets from a crash. They shouldn’t even​ try --

SassyD : NOTE: in Mar 2015 there were only 37 listed companies  -….now there is 98;45/     
SassyD : Iraqi indicators go up at the end of session -- August 31, 20​15 13:53 --

The bonds are like a hungry man being fed a tablespoon of okra that hasn't seen food in ages. Quite fascinating to see Iraq play with bonds that will make no difference to their bottom line imo..they've got much bigger problems

Aggiedad77:  Good Morning Family......just from this page we see that Dr. S is wanting his name cleared from the false accusations made against him by the previous administration.....the Iraqi government continues to lean on and play ball with the US which I am sure does not bode well with the Iranians who were already riled up at being rebuffed last week by PM Abadi and the religious clerics......

Seems that the COM is muddying the waters for any attempts by Maliki or the other VP's to re-enter Parliament.....and we have the three big boys....

President Masum, PM Abadi, and Speaker Jubouri all meeting today to discuss reforms and whatever else they get the urge to bring up.....where are the fireflies for this meeting.....oh and the Investment Law sounds like it might be ready to be teed up today.....we shall see.....

And don't forget about the Anti-Money Laundering Law.....where and when will it surface in Parliament.....the clock is ticking.


Rowdy64: what happen to them being black listed on Oct.1st.


Walkingstick:  Legal expert: the return of Nuri al-Maliki to parliament does not mean innocence
By Mustafa Curran 24 minutes ago

Roudao - Baghdad

considered the legal expert Tareq Harb, on Monday, that the renewal of confidence to Nouri al-Maliki, a deputy in the Iraqi parliament does not mean innocence.

He spoke of war for the network Roudao media, said that "the return of Nuri al-Maliki's deputy in the Iraqi parliament ordered carries no legal violation, while does not mean therefore acquitted of the charges against him. "He explained that the court can demand of the Iraqi parliament lift the immunity of al-Maliki and submit it to eliminate about the charges against him. and provided the commission of inquiry in the fall of Mosul, the final results to the Iraqi Council of Representatives, where the report Nuri al-Maliki name of the accused caused the fall Mosul, under the control of Daash., who controlled the "Islamic state" Daash the city of Mosul (Nineveh province) in June 2014 after a large withdrawal of Iraqi forces. The report stated that the former prime minister Nuri al-Maliki face his orders to Iraqi Army to withdraw from the city of Mosul (400 km north of the capital Baghdad).


via Dinar Recaps - Our Blog

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