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Monday, August 31, 2015

Mnt Goat Monday Update  “Changing the IQD Exchange Rate?” Part 3 of 3

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Parliamentary Finance supports the issuance of large cash categories
August 23, 2015

Our economy / Baghdad
The parliamentary finance committee confirmed that it supports the issuance of new categories of cash to facilitate the process of carrying currency among citizens, indicating that the environment is not ready to replace the value of the currency or delete the zeros of them.

Said Finance Committee member Jabbar Abdul Khaliq in an exclusive interview with our economy, that the Finance Committee in the House of Representatives supports the issuance of a new class of categories (50 and 100) thousand, indicating that these groups are designed to facilitate the process of carrying currency among citizens.
Abdul Khaliq stressed that the theme delete the value of the zeros and the replacement of the currency at this time is not successful because the environment is ripe for it, stressing that this process needs a stable security environment as well as providing sophisticated technology and Komrat and devices to destroy the old currency and devices supervisory good.

The Council of Ministers in the previous session postponed the application of the decision to delete the zeros from the current currency, without specifying a time limit before they resume the parliamentary finance committee and the central bank steps discuss implementation of the resolution at the current session on that early next year will be introduced in 2016 in principle.

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Update on Reform Laws
So in many of my news letters I keep giving you an update on what we have been told are the critical laws needed for a stable Iraq (not rumor or conjecture). Today I want to update you on the current status of these laws. Please see the articles below.

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Urgent Parliament POSTPONES VOTING ON NATIONAL GUARDS LAW till dealing on its articles

Published: 2015/8/30 

Baghdad (AIN) –The parliament postponed voting on the National Guards law draft till reaching an agreement on its articles by the political sides." /End/

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2015/8/30 12:36

[Baghdad-where] announced to the economic and investment commission in Parliament, for the completion of the amendment of the Investment Law No. 13 of 2006.

The committee member said Osman Doski told all of Iraq [where] that "Alhadjnh finished writing a draft amendment to the law and will be presented in the nearest session of parliament for a vote."

He explained Doski "The main amendments to the Act added paragraphs to facilitate foreign investor in Iraq and give the work of the right to submit a judicial complaint in Iraqi courts and abroad Investment Authority if what happened there is disagreement between them with the provision of facilities in the acquisition of lands for investors.

"The Chairman of the Committee of Economy and Investment parliamentary Jawad al-Bolani said last month," The second draft amendment to the investment law will be presented to the final vote in the coming period, and will be a great achievement of the legislative side of the Iraqi economy.

"He said Bolani" the introduction of a number of radical changes to the law which will form an important factor in the creation of excellent investment environment and meet the aspiration of all parties ".anthy 2

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Here Comes Reforms III

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08/30/2015 (00:01 pm) 
Parliamentary reforms unexpected cut advisers, managers and pressing expenses

BAGHDAD / Mohammad Sabah

House of Representatives is preparing to make the second Hzmth reform, during the next few days.And is expected to include a reduction of advisers speaker of parliament and adviser to the permanent parliamentary committees and some of the directors-general and heads of sub-districts.

And witnessing a secret corridors of the House of Representatives debate on the reform second paper for fear of political pressure to prevent its application.

In this context, the National Alliance believes that the parliamentary and governmental reform packages is not enough to reform the political system.

It seems that the first paper reforms sent by Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi embarrassed parliament and political mass and forced them to legislative reform of their organization in terms of performance and cut costs.

And the voice of the House of Representatives on the parliamentary reforms launched by the President of the Parliament Saleem al-Jubouri in 11 of the Aug. 26, paragraph contained package.

The prime minister Haider al-Abadi, issued on August 9 th, a series of directives, which included a reduction to prepare an immediate protections for all those responsible, and the abolition of the posts of Vice President and the Prime Minister immediately.

MP Salim says Shawki, a member of the Parliamentary Legal Committee (range), "The House of Representatives is preparing to submit his paper Correctional second judge to reduce the number adviser to the Speaker of Parliament and parliamentary committees and sub-permanent circuits and general managers."

Shawki "These reforms include restructuring the legislative institution in line with the reformist government programs advocated by the reference Najaf and called the demonstrators", stressing that "the Presidency of the Council of Representatives is considering new paper for submission in the next few days."

He adds mass citizen member of the "advisers House Speaker numbering to ten advisers at the time allocated for each parliamentary standing committee three advisers only," pointing out that "the number of sub-districts for the House of Representatives more than 10 its managers and employees, as well as about 10 years Managers the structure of the House of Representatives. "

And it refers to a member of the Legal Committee that "these numbers will be reduced in the paper the next parliamentary reform, which is currently being prepared by the Presidency of the Council of Representatives and specialists in the parliament."

And confirmation of detection MP Salim Chawki, approved a parliamentary sources familiar with the existence of a paper reform intends to House Speaker Salim al-submission to the political blocs in order to consult in Tvasilha.oadavc sources, who spoke for (long) condition of anonymity, that "this paper reformist being written confidentially by the Presidium of the House of Representatives away from the pressures of the political blocs that may hinder completion in the event of cancellation of some positions. "

But the Turkmen MP Hassan Turan denies (range) For the Legal Committee, which is one of its members. He called on the President of the House of Representatives to the presentation of these reforms on the heads of political blocs and the competent committees.

For his part, MP Razak Mahabs confirms that "the issue of reform needs to be a long time," adding that "the first reformist paper presented by the House of Representatives is not sufficient to complete the repair process completely."

He Mahabs, in an interview with the (range), that "Everyone is waiting for asking parliamentary papers and other government to complete the reform process and a wide large in order to assess the political system and the elimination of financial and administrative corruption."

And see a member of the Badr parliamentary bloc that "the government and parliamentary reforms require the feminine special grades, which weighed on the federal budget and the state was not intended to enhance the performance of the state as far as being the satisfaction of the political parties."

Stresses Mahabs that "all positions of the Iraqi state and distributed on a sectarian basis, which significantly affected not to provide services for the Iraqi people," pointing out that "Mahassata political system pay the introduction of hundreds of special grades to satisfy blocs and political parties."

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Update on Nori Al Maliki

Seems that I am one of the few, if not the only one, who is sticking to my convictions on this topic of Nori al-Maliki and that his influence and that of what he brings is the Iranian influence and it must be dealt with prior to any RV. I have been saying this now for years since the beginning and I will continue to stress this point.

So now that Abadi has momentum and is moving forward quickly with his reforms we see articles now coming out freely denouncing Iranian influence and how it was the major source of corruption and constant violence, fear and discontent in Iraq. Many have bashed me for my investment in Iraq when I tell them I hold the currency and have criticized me for it. They say and I quote -  “ Iraq is just a bunch of violent people and will never be peaceful”. I of course say really? I could not disagree more. These kind of statements really bother me and shows lack of COMPASSION and HOPE for the Iraqi people. Do you think the overall general citizens of Iraq enjoy living in fear of their lives everyday with little hope it will ever end? Absolutely not! They will end this violence, they will have electiricty 24 hours a day and they will be able to walk the streets once again in freedom and it is coming soon.

Since with my intelligence experience in the Army, I know better and I knew where the violence and corruption has been coming from. I stated this many times in the past. I stated part of the culprit was the USA in supplying a continued support for Nori al-Maliki when in 2012, on the verge of a no-confidence vote, the leaders of Iraq urged and pleaded with the USA to withdraw any support from the Maliki administration. Instead you see what happened as Maliki progressed further down the road of dictatorship. This was just an example of the horrific leadership by this currency administration when it comes to policies in the middle east.

Yes- I am blaming the USA because I know for a fact that this Iranian influence could all have ended long before DAASH and ISIS were allowed to infiltrate by Maliki in June 2014. So now, like many issues, the mess left behind by the USA must be cleaned up. They are leaving Iraq holding the bag. Don’t you think that the Iraqi politicians know this too and carry resentment towards the USA in what the USA has done to them? If you do not understand this point then you are missing so much in truly understanding what has happened in the last 4 years under Maliki.

You see Nori al-Maliki was the ring leader in Iraq of all the terrorism and constant bombings. The international community was so very naive in not seeing this man for who he really is and responding to him. Maliki had his own private security forces acting on his behalf. Now WE MUST SEE MALIKI AND HIS GOONS GONE AND PROSECUTED BEFORE WE CAN HAVE ANY REAL SENSE OF PEACE IN IRAQ and thus any RV. This peace  is coming and this article below I really like since finally it tells the story honestly and truthfully. They are now speaking out and are no longer afraid to do so
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Sunday, August 30, 2015

Ayad Jamal al-Din says that the movement now in Iraq is not a sectarian It is considered that the Iranian corruption and corruption in the Iraq war disappears under the slogan Daash.

Political and said the Shiite and former deputy in the Iraqi parliament, the cleric Ayad Jamal al-Din, that the elimination of the militias is the beginning of the end of Iranian influence in Iraq and the beginning of the end to corruption and the corrupt.

He stressed that "the movement now in Iraq is not a sectarian," adding that Iran's corruption and corruption in the Iraq war disappears under the slogan Daash.

Said Jamal al-Din in his Tweets on the social networking "Twitter" site, that "the militarization of Shiite militias and making Iranian industry is designed to protect the interests of Tehran," adding that "what matters is the interests of Iran and that demolished homelands Shiites and threatened their stability.

He said Shiite cleric exhibitions of Iranian influence in Iraq, that "the Iranian corruption and corruption in Iraq disappears under the war on Daash slogan," noting that "corruption in Iraq disappears under the protection of" Wali al-Faqih, "a reference Iranian Leader Ali Khamenei.

He Ayad Jamal al-Din, which calls for a civilian government, that corruption in Iraq, a great tree leaves and roots in Baghdad in Tehran, adding that "the uprooting of corruption in Iraq means cursed Iran and symbols in Iraq."

Shiite cleric said that "Iran has established militias in Iraq before entering the organization Daash many years," and urged Iraq's Sunnis and Kurds in the Kurdistan region of uprising against the corrupt and Daash in order to rebuild Iraq after Iran and output Daash.

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Till next time…. Auf Wiedersehen!

Peace and Luv To Ya All, 
Mnt Goat

via Dinar Recaps - Our Blog

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