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Wednesday, August 26, 2015

Wealthwatch Late Night Chat  8-25-15

Post From Chat Room 8-25-15
Wealthwatch Late Night Chat  8-25-15

sczin11: CAN ANYONE TRANSLATE THIS PLEASE AND BRING IT INTO CHAT... translate.googleuserconte...    LINK

newbieDA: I need the original link

sczin11: That is

newbieDA: hmm k, let me see what I can do

newbieDA: Parliamentary Integrity: the judiciary will move many files include al-Maliki and former ministers Parliamentary Integrity: the judiciary will move many files include al-Maliki and former ministers Parliamentary Integrity: the judiciary will move many files include al-Maliki and former ministers Section: News August 25, 2015 21:42 Readers Number: 4 
The chairman of the Parliamentary Integrity Committee, Talal Zobaie, the determination of the judiciary to investigate files relating to squandering of public money, by officials in the previous government, including former Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki. Committee Chairman Talal Zobaie

"We have a high coordination with the Supreme Judicial Council to speed up the resolution of files on the fight against corruption, which was placed on the drawers, but as a result of popular pressure there to pay to move it," adding that "in the coming days will be announced on many of them."

He said "these files belong to the previous government and the beginning of former Prime Minister [Nuri al-Maliki] and down for most of the former ministers about the waste of money", adding that "the committee will host committees energy services and economy officials in the previous government in addition to these committees officials in the current government."

 Zobaie He pointed out that his committee also will host the former prime minister [Maliki] and the current [Haider al-Abadi] and all this within the Integrity Committee for the diagnosis of the imbalance in the waste of the Iraqi capital plan. "

 He added that "the Parliamentary Integrity Committee has today orientations on the fight against corruption dramatically, and there are high-level coordination between the Integrity Commission and field committees in our committee, and we have visited a number of many ministries with investigators and auditors from the Integrity Commission for the ground on what is going on in the ministries and bugs found by because of rampant corruption. " The Integrity Commission, announced last Thursday,

 newbieDA: it was tricky

chattels: ERBIL, Kurdistan Region — Iraqi security forces have repelled multiple Islamic State offensives in Baiji and gained control over 90 percent of the city, an Iraqi security official claimed Tuesday.

Faleh al-Khazali, a Shiite militia commander in the Hashd al-Shaabi movement, in a press statement claimed that Hashd al-Shaabi in all fronts have been successful in fighting ISIS.

He added that the Shiite militants in the last three days destroyed some 60 ISIS vehicles in Baiji rigged with explosives. He also claimed that the Baiji oil refinery is totally controlled by Iraqi forces. Iraqi forces frequently claim success in Baiji, but the exact situation on the ground is unclear, as ISIS offensives and seizures in the important refinery city are also frequently reported.  chattels:

newbieDA: good article on security, nice

chattels: ‹@newbieDA› likely just Shiite bragging

 chattels: separating fact from fiction is a challenge for us

newbieDA: true

goanddo: hi's been a while!

nobody: should i sell yet or wait another week?  lol

Stash: Wait it out

sndlyn: ‹@OOTW› It opened in Arabic for me.

sndlyn: Gosh, I forgot to scroll down. I'm way behind on the PDF that OOTW wanted opened. Please excuse my interruption.

BB824: MY wife's sisters husband is a pipe technician for she'll and just got iraq and said the threat and scare the put out internationally and local are so so over exaggerating it's almost funny cause we was all over the country to locations and there's no fear of anything alot of poor people but of isis or such you could never tell

Oldwazhisname: BB824, thanks for that "boots on the ground" intel. Nice to hear some grounded intel about what the in-country situation is like. Does that individual hold IQD? Does he (or did he get some opinions from the locals) about what we hope will transpire with CR? Does he think the country will make it through all of the corruption issues anytime soon?

chattels: [Baghdad-where] the Chairman of the Parliamentary Integrity, Talal Zobaie, the determination of the judiciary to investigate files relating to squandering of public money, by officials in the previous government, including former Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki revealed.

Committee Chairman Talal Zobaie told all of Iraq [where] "We have a high coordination with the Supreme Judicial Council to speed up the resolution of files on the fight against corruption, which was placed on the drawers, but as a result of popular pressure there to pay to move it," adding that "in the coming days will be announced many of them. "

And that" these files the previous government concerning the Beginning of former Prime Minister [Nuri al-Maliki] and down for most of the former ministers about the waste of money ", adding that" the committee will host committees energy services and economy officials in the previous government in addition to these committees officials in the government current.

"Zobaie He pointed out that his committee will host also a former prime minister [Maliki] and the current [Haider al-Abadi] and all this within the Integrity Commission plan to diagnose the imbalance in the waste of Iraqi money."    chattels:

chattels: [Baghdad-where] hold the House of Representatives, on Thursday for its regular reading of the vote and a number of laws and discuss important topics. It includes the agenda, according to a statement of the Council received by all of Iraq [where] a copy of it, "vote on the draft law on political parties, and vote on the draft National Guard law."   chattels:

Sassy: ‹@chattels› Sounds like the y are moving right along

chattels: ‹@Sassy› everything is executory, future tense, to be done

Sassy: ‹@chattels› i am keeping the faith right now. Hopefu,lly moving towards the goal line

Sassy: I believe Abadi is giving it his best

Sassy: ‹@chattels› Just wish parliment had some work ethics

chattels: ‹@Sassy› i might settle for any ethic(s)

Sassy: ‹@chattels› Yeah me oo

Sassy: Too

Sassy: ‹@chattels› Things sometimes get worse before for better

chattels: Baghdad - where] the Supreme Judicial Council has directed that, on Tuesday, the presidencies of the Federal Courts of Appeal in Iraq quickly to deal with citizens' complaints against judges and public prosecutors for investigation.

 A spokesman for the judiciary Judge Abdul Sattar Bayrakdar in a statement received by the agency all of Iraq [where] a copy of it, "the Supreme Judicial Council has directed that the presidency of the courts of appeal to receive any complaint or news provided by the citizen respect to one of the judges or members of the public prosecutor, without delay."

He added that "it is for the purpose of completing the preliminary investigation and referral of the complaint directly about with all the information to the body of the judicial supervision of the investigation as soon as possible."

 He said Bayrakdar that "the decision was made ​​to implement when I departed with him exceptional Judicial Council meeting held last week." declared the judiciary Last week, on the transfer of 121 judges and a member of the claim in the Disciplinary Committee during the past five years, with eight of them ended services to inconsistency of their actions with the judicial conduct.     chattels:

Donnie: [Where] published for the Integrity Committees and the Parliamentary Energy report about the power crisis and recommended to export an Abadi file

Donnie: [Baghdad-where] publishes agency all of Iraq [where] the report of the committees of the oil, energy and the Parliamentary Integrity about the power crisis.

According to a statement to the House of Representatives, received by all of Iraq [where] a copy of it, that "the implementation of the duty of the regulatory response to the directives of the Presidency and the attempt to end the suffering of the people in the electricity crisis, which successive governments have failed since the change and so far in the treatment of paying citizens,

 especially the slides with a limited income that bears juniors in miserable conditions and tragic, despite the allocation of tens of billions of dollars have but lost without contributing to resolve the crisis but on the contrary it has failed to provide the minimum amount required for the production and distribution as fair.

"The Committees recommended that the need to combat corruption and address the prime minister Haider al-Abadi file Energy Alkahraba.anthy for the report .. Click here


chattels: BAGHDAD / NINA / MP, of the state of law coalition, Haider Mutlaq al-Kaabi called on Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi to appoint a temporary president for the Kurdistan region until a new president for the region elected.      chattels:

chattels: these guys from the SLC are a piece of work

chattels: Arbil / NINA / A source familiar with the Kurdish parties expected agreement to extend the mandate of the President of the Kurdistan region, Massoud Barzani, two extra years. The source told the National Iraqi News Agency / NINA /: "The Kurdish parties are close to agree on the extension of the mandate of the Barzani to get out of the current crisis."    chattels:

chattels: BAGHDAD / NINA / The Kurdish leading figure, former MP, Mahmoud Othman said that raising the issue of changing the head of the Kurdistan region by the Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi will face stiff opposition by Kurdish parties and all politicians and citizens in the Kurdistan region.

He told the National Iraqi News Agency / NINA /: "legally, can take the opinion of the Federal Court in this issue if it was actually taken by the Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi, but it will face stiff opposition by Kurdish parties and all politicians and citizens in the Kurdistan region."      chattels:

Lauren305: Agenda Session 16 ~ Thursday August 27 The agenda of the session number (16) Thursday 27 August 2015 27 August 0.2015 The third parliamentary session The second legislative year The first legislative term First, read verses from the Koran.

Second: The vote on the draft law on political parties. (Commission of civil society institutions, the Legal Committee). (Article 69).

Third: The vote on the draft law of the National Guard. (Security and Defense Committee, the Legal Committee), (Article 22).

 Fourth: discuss the subject areas controlled by Daash who fled to areas under the control of the Iraqi state and exercising their business in alternative circles in all parts of Iraq salaries exchange.

Fifth: discuss the subject of suspicious activities in support of the Daash.

Sixth: To discuss the issue of displaced balances in banks.

Seventh: The first reading of the draft law of the First Amendment to the Medico-Legal Law No. (37) for the year 2013 (to the Committee on Health and the Environment). (Article 2).

Eighth: the completion of the debate for the second reading of the draft freedom of expression and assembly and peaceful protest law.

 (Legal Committee, the Commission on Human Rights, the security and defense committee, the Committee on Culture and Information, the Committee of Religious Endowments and Religious Affairs). (17 articles).

Ninth: The second reading of the draft reform law reviews and depositors. (Of the Committee on Labor and Social Affairs, the Legal Committee, the Committee on Security and Defense, the Commission on Human Rights). (54 articles). Session starts at: ten in the morning.

Lauren305: First, read verses from the Koran.

 Second: The vote on the draft law on political parties. (Commission of civil society institutions, the Legal Committee). (Article 69). 

Third: The vote on the draft law of the National Guard. (Security and Defense Committee, the Legal Committee), (Article 22).

Donnie: Second: The vote on the draft law on political parties. (Commission of civil society institutions, the Legal Committee). (Article 69).

Donnie: Third: The vote on the draft law of the National Guard. (Security and Defense Committee, the Legal Committee), (Article 22).

Donnie: 2 for voting

Lauren305: ‹@Donnie› The TWO most important on there. Hope it's voted through and we can tick those from the TO DO list

Donnie: 5 first readings completed yesterday



Donnie: errrr.... completed today. i got a little ahead of myself there.

Lauren305: ‹@Donnie› so it's moving along and we are looking good. Hope Thursday sees those 2 very impt laws PASSED and IMPLEMENTED. then that leaves just what? 4 more vital laws to VOTE on?

Lauren305: still need the Anti Money Laundering

Lauren305: whatever happened with the Islamic Banking Laws?

Lauren305: hmm. bueller? bueller? anyone?

Donnie: ‹@Lauren305› lol

Donnie: i love that movie

newbieDA: donnie you here? its late

newbieDA: Vote on National Guard and Law of Parties on Thursday, and Investment Law vote on Monday

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