Don't WAIT!

Sunday, August 30, 2015

Mnt Goat Sunday Update - “Onward to Reform Phase III”  Part 2 of 2

Reforms II

The second phase of reforms was revealed to us the later part of August and is geared towards cleaning house on the banking and finance corruption such money laundering and the justice and courts system.  I have to tell you Abadi is moving fast and furious on this one too. 

We also know about the needed Justice and Accountability Law and the Parties Law. We witnessed last week the passing of the Parties Law and political groups have 60 days to read it, study it and conform going forward.

We witnessed the resignation of the   Iraq's Supreme Court chief judge Midhat al-Mahmoud then only to be rejected by the council due to lack of means to accept the resignation. Since judges are appointed in their office until death with no means to resign he must stay in his position (for now). We know that when the Justice and Accountability Law, when finally passed, will provide this means to resign.
This will also take out many other corrupt judges and apply much needed reforms such as incarceration limits, due process, hearing and trial law proceedings, etc. The Justice and Accountability Law basically fine tunes the entire judicial system for Iraq and ends corruption as they know it today. I believe this law will parallel the Amnesty law and we may see the final conclusion to both of these at once. The last item on corruption (not the last to be fixed) is the Maliki and Iranian situation

We witnessed the investigation into money laundering and the past and future efforts by the CBI. W learned why they need to stop money laundering and what it has done to prevent the currency reforms from going forward. Out of this came three political figures named as the main culprits in laundering billions out of Iraq. They will be charged with money laundering and dismissed from their government positions. I have included an article on the latest news about the money laundering I talked about in my last news letter.

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rother – Baghdad

Rafidain Bank announced the recovery of tens of billions of dinars were leaked to the public market and are operated by some quarters and crooked ways.

The general director of the bank on behalf of Kamal al-Hassani in a press statement that many of the financial manipulations and abuses have been exposed. He is adding that he has control over misappropriation of funds between attempts through the instruments or through the operation of such amounts in violation of legal contexts.

He said al-Hassani said there are some actors pushing cheap ways to get the gains of banking facilities outside the framework of legal controls, indicating that not get this side or that the loans paid each Ahina to defame the work of the bank.

Article Ends

I have told everyone that the Iranian influence must be gone or drastically tempered going forward with any currency reform. We have seen the final report of the Mosul situation and so have the millions of protestors now demonstrating in the streets of Badhdad and elsewhere. What do they want?

They are marching in solidarity for Abadi’s program of reforms. They want an end to government corruption meaning political and monetary. They want their country back from Iran.

So I included a recent article for you to read. This is just one of dozens of articles telling us about the recent demonstrations throughout Iraq that began in mass yesterday. Their list of major demands are nothing more than the same demands of the USA and the UN on Iraq. They need stability in Iraq meaning:

Economic and Financial Stability (pay for the budget to provide services to the people)
Security Stability (end to ISIS and Iranian led terrorism)
Political and Governmental Stability (End to the corruption and be able to bring those responsible to justice)

Article Begins:


Along with a demonstration of Hilla on Friday, August 28, 2015
Hilla protesters are demanding the resignation of the local government and judicial reform

Author: AB, **, IM
Editor: AB, ** 2015/08/28 18:13 Number of Views: 273

Long-Presse / Babylon
Thousands of residents of the province of Babylon, on Friday, demanding the resignation of the government, both local and disclosure of the files of corruption and judicial reform and the application of law (Where did you get this), as called for disclosure of who ordered dispersed the sit-ins.

One demonstrator, just Yasiri in an interview (range Press), said that "thousands of people demonstrated in the province, this afternoon, in Freedom Square the center of the city of Hilla."

The Yasiri, "The demonstrators demanded the dismissal of the governor being a Shi did not provide resolution of the provincial council and find out who ordered the protesters to disperse and the disclosure of the files of corruption, reform the judiciary and the application of the law (Where did you get this) and pay the salaries of the popular crowd."

The province of Babylon witnessing for more than a month of large demonstrations demanding the resignation of the governor of Babylon and resolve of the provincial council and the disclosure of corruption and to bring to justice the corrupt files, and turned the protests over the past week to sit-ins in front of the governorate building.

Article Ends

Reforms III
So later last week Abadi announced his third package of reforms to us. I have included articles showing us this is what they fully intend to do in the coming weeks.

We also anticipated the National Guard law vote in parliament yesterday but still no word of it’s success or failure. If passed this would be a HUGE milestone for Iraq and gets them that much closer to an RV.

We are also still waiting for the Federation Council law, the Justice & Accountability law, Reconciliation completion and for Oil Royalties to be finally paid out to the citizens such as they promised would happen in June/July timeframe. Of course I am thinking that maybe because of the drop in oil prices, the may have to wait a while to get any oil royalties which are surplus revenue from the sales. So this one I understand and it may no longer effect our RV.

I believe fully the reforms in phase III will bring us the currency reform we have been waiting on. Recently there have been many articles once again on this topic. They are definitely considering it seriously but need many of these reforms completed (i.e money laundering). I will also say this would not be possible without the ongoing phase I and II reforms we have already witnessed and are now in play. 

Article Follows:


Publishing Date: 28.08.2015 | 06:51 GMT

The Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi, on Friday, the leaders of all operations and security leaders in Baghdad and the provinces to open the main streets closed by the figures and parties and influential and subsidiary.
The prime minister's office said in a statement that the 'al-Abadi is also taking into account the development of protection plans to cover citizens and visitors to the state departments to targeting terrorism', while issued his orders to the security leaders necessary arrangements to make the necessary arrangements to open the Green Zone in front of the citizens.
Abadi also ordered the formation of  legal committees to review the sale, rental real estate ownership of state property in Baghdad and other provinces in the previous stage of any side 'as well as the return of the funds seized outside legal contexts to restoration of State funds, the injustice in the evaluation'.
And Prime Minister Haidar Al-Abbadi, the customizations needed for children with cancer in Basra Province

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Article Follows:


Finance Committee Alnielyh confirmed, it has a package of laws exceeded ten to support monetary policy, is preparing to be passed soon to parliament.

He warned the parliamentary finance committee member Abdul Qader Mohammed earlier, of “economic difficulties” the government may face in the event of continued decline in global oil prices, noting that the Commission is working in coordination with the government to find solutions to the provision of staff salaries solutions during 2016.
The committee member said Massoud Rostam’s (IMN) said that “the committee more than a dozen laws are being discussed for the legislation in the coming sessions of the House of Representatives to support the monetary policy process in the country.”

Rustam said that “the most prominent of those laws is the money laundering law, which will pass close to the parliament and be included on the agenda to read it a second reading.”

He said, “Among those laws is the Federal service, which completed the discussion and enacted the law, and the government needs to send him his salary for inclusion as a supplement to the law and then vote on it.”

Iraq has suffered from the financial crisis and the weakness in monetary policy that caused squandering of public money, and therefore, the government and parliament serious attempts to reform and promoting a framework law the work of the country’s economy.

Article Ends

So there should no longer be ANY question is anyone’s mind that the REFORMS ARE NEEDED and we will not see any significant increase in the value of the Iraqi currency until they are sufficiently implemented, at least enough to clean up the corruption, money laundering, banking practices, investment laws, justice system, CBI, etc…

Yes – there is a lot to do, but they also have done much already (glass is half full).

We do know they must increase the value of the IQD significantly since they are way out of whack with the other neighboring countries. We also know that the reason we (as international citizens) are even allowed to own the currency in the first place is because they negotiated future oil credits on our dinars when we exchange it. The USA needs these oil credits to ensure cheap oil for the next 30 years. The big picture too is for the USA to broker this oil at the low negotiated price and sell to other countries too at a higher market price. This is part of a plan for paying off on the USA national debt.

So there is a plan and it includes  the international citizen exchanging their holdings as they complete the second phase of the “deletion of the zeros” project in the near future. They must collect the notes in our hands and they are not going to get them unless they significantly increase its value.

Let’s sit back and all relax. These coming weeks are going to be a very interesting ! 

Peace and Luv To Ya All, 
Mnt Goat

via Dinar Recaps - Our Blog

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