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Monday, August 31, 2015

Wealthwatch Early Evening Chat  8-31-15  Part 1 of 2

Post From Chat Room 8-31-15
Wealthwatch Early Evening Chat  8-31-15  Part 1 of 2

chattels: good afternoon all

BOBBY: Chattels. ...afternoon sir... hope your well today

Doug_W: ‹@chattels›

chattels: BAGHDAD / NINA / A member of the parliamentary committee on oil and energy, Ibrahim Bahr al-Ulum expect drop in oil prices in the coming days to / 30 / dollars per barrel.

BOBBY: Chattels. ..... do you recall the predicted rates that came with the credit rating ?

chattels: BAGHDAD / NINA / The House of Representatives postponed vote on the draft law of the National Guard until the political blocs agree upon, in a meeting that will be held in the home of House Speaker Salim al-Jubouri next week.

chattels: An informed source told the National Iraqi News Agency / NINA / The House of Representatives decided to postpone the vote on the draft law of the National Guard in its meeting today until reaching agreement between the political blocs, in the meeting that would be held at the home of House Speaker Salim al-Jubouri on Monday of next week comprising heads of parliamentary blocs.


chattels: ‹@BOBBY› No sir, I do not.

Stash: They sure do know how to postpone something
Stash: why cant they just vote on something

chattels: ‹@Stash› They do not typically vote unless there is a consensus or a foregone outcome to the vote acceptable to whom it matters.

chattels: ‹@Stash› technically / arguably a consensus is required by the constitution
chattels: as opposed to a majority
chattels: it is a form of minority protection

Stash: ok thanks

newbieDA: Iraq concern of its inclusion in the international black list for money laundering 31/8/2015 Roudao - Erbil Stressed the parliamentary finance committee member Masood Haider on Monday that the Iraqi parliament must work to pass a law, and by the solutions the month of October,

for the operations of money laundering, and otherwise Iraq will be included and the province of Kurdistan in the black list of international the "FATF" on the Status of international standards for washing funds.

And Haider network Roudao media, "he added, we follow the central work and especially the dollar amounts raised by the auction, there are certain terms and conditions must be adhered to, and otherwise will fall into big problems, especially with the international banks or at the request of any type of loans of any state,

so We will try and in all seriousness and before the expiry of the deadline pass a law centered on money laundering. "

According to information from parliamentarians, confirmed to the reporter Roudao network media "as in the case of non-approval of the legitimacy of laws limit such abuses in the specified period, you will not be able to any country must be prepared to make any loan, whether for Iraq or for the Kurdistan Region,

and is no doubt that the real source of this Funds are senior officials of the state, they are washed 5 trillion Iraqi daily by a number of banks are converting these amounts into neighboring countries. "

It is worth mentioning that the Central Bank of Iraq has sold 28 billion and 869 000 476 thousand and $ 102, since the beginning of 2015.

TxBrand: who is Jewish in here ? anyone ?

star diamond: Why do u ask that for txbrand???????????

chattels: The last Shmita year began on Rosh Hashanah in September 2014, corresponding to the Hebrew calendar year 5775. The 50th year of the land, which is also a Shabbat of the land, is called "Yovel" in Hebrew, which is the origin of the Latin term "Jubilee", also meaning 50th.

chattels: The sabbath year (shmita Hebrew: literally "release") also called the sabbatical year or sheviit (Hebrew: ‎, literally "seventh") is the seventh year of the seven-year agricultural cycle mandated by the Torah for the Land of Israel,[1] and still observed in contemporary Judaism.

chattels: During shmita, the land is left to lie fallow and all agricultural activity, including plowing, planting, pruning and harvesting, is forbidden by halakha (Jewish law). Other cultivation techniques (such as watering, fertilizing, weeding, spraying, trimming and mowing) may be performed as a preventative measure only, not to improve the growth of trees or other plants.

Additionally, any fruits which grow of their own accord are deemed hefker (ownerless) and may be picked by anyone. A variety of laws also apply to the sale, consumption and disposal of shmita produce. All debts, except those of foreigners, were to be remitted.

chattels: Chapter 25 of the Book of Leviticus promises bountiful harvests to those who observe the shmita, and describes its observance as a test of religious faith. There is little notice of the observance of this year in Biblical history and it appears to have been much neglected.  chattels:

chattels: FOR WHAT IT IS WORTH : SHEMITAH EXPOSED: Financial Crisis Planned For September 2015


chattels: Reidar Visser ‏@reidarvisser 1h1 hour ago In spirit of reform, for 1st time #Iraq's "3 presidents" (PM, speaker, president proper) met today without deputies

chattels: Reidar Visser ‏@reidarvisser 1h1 hour ago Sadly, the official summary of today's meeting of #Iraq's 3 top leaders consists of generalities only, as in the past …  LINK

chattels: " The Prime Minister stressed the need to go all the reforms are carried out in accordance with the Constitution and the law. "

chattels: " .......... the importance of the completion of key legislation, including the National Guard and the Federal Court and national reconciliation laws. "

OOTW: oh boy....constitution shmonstitution
OOTW: which reforms in alignment with the constitution?
OOTW: there are too many to list
OOTW: and to discern if the constitution addresses them all

chattels: ‹@OOTW› We may have to await judicial action on any appeal(s) - there is at least one now filed by the Minister of Human Affairs

OOTW: yes and many announcements today from the SJC site - all indicating "cool your jets, we're working on the issues"

TxBrand: ‹@star diamond› im watching Jonathan Cahn ... but he answered my question

TxBrand: this is the last one ..there are 2 more youtubes before this one

chattels: ‹@OOTW› The ultimate question may be whether the reforms can be accomplished timely / efficiently before the populace loses patience of the demonstrations are subverted by more nefarious interests, eh ?

chattels: of = or

OOTW: subverted - in what way were you thinking pertaining to "nefarious"?
OOTW: Iraq = Nefarious
OOTW: lol
OOTW: lol

chattels: ‹@OOTW› thinking more third party agendas, e.g., Iran / Maliki :)

OOTW: ah ok, well i do think Iran definitely still has a strong grasp on Iraq

TxBrand: what is wicked?

chattels: Both the GOI and the Kurds use Iran and in turn are used by Iran - at the end of the day who will prevail and to what end ?

chattels: ‹@OOTW› the term " realpolitik " comes to mind - " Realpolitik " (from German: real "realistic", "practical", or "actual"; and Politik "politics", German pronunciation: [ʁeˈaːlpoliˌtɪk]) is politics or diplomacy based primarily on power and on practical and material factors and considerations, rather than explicit ideological notions or moral or ethical premises.

OOTW: lol..well, I think there's no such thing as either of those states, in one form or another, right now....i expect the three presidencies to soon be pulling rank in some fashion, and may well fall outside either of those definitions

OOTW: we shall see....eventually

chattels: ‹@OOTW› " no such thing as either of those states "????

chattels: head of the Islamic Supreme Council of Iraq Ammar al-Hakim renewed his support for the reform process carried out by the executive, legislative and judicial authorities.

A statement by the presidency of the Supreme Council for the Agency has received all of Iraq [where] a copy of the al-Hakim called presided over the Shura meeting extended to stream martyr Mehrab his office in Baghdad Monday to be "serious, comprehensive and radical reforms and compatible with the law and the Constitution," noting that "demonstrations constitutional right and will contribute in support of the reform process.

chattels: Hakim pointed to "the importance of meeting the demands of the demonstrators and the preparation of an efficient and effective plans to end the crises that whines the Iraqi people,"

stressing "the importance of the return of investment of moral support to the security forces and popular crowd and be telling them a top priority because the battle with Daash battle existence."

chattels: warned "of attempts to drag the chaos of central and southern areas, indicating the depth of the religious authority in the reform and call it patience and relevance with the Constitution and law and legislation of laws of the steps that has to close the door to a future challenge. "


chattels: " Hakim pointed to "the importance of meeting the demands of the demonstrators and the preparation of an efficient and effective plans to end the crises ............. "



Sam: with so many people going on with their life in regards to this event i am ever so grateful to chattels, ootw and all for their continued search for news

Stash: Amen Sam

Sam: too many years in waiting

chattels: We are all tired and tired of it, but what else are we going to do, but wait and hope for good fortune or divine intervention. Such as it is.

Sam: yes sir

newbieDA: Sam, we will have a good idea by Decemeber I am guessing, be patient
newbieDA: alot of movement right now though
newbieDA: Nothing we can do chattels, just wait

BOBBY: newbieDa. ...... what will December bring?

newbieDA: better idea, thats all
newbieDA: see if they get blacklisted or not, see what laws they pass
newbieDA: seems like they are lining up, see if they deliver now

BOBBY: how are they gonna be blacklisted?

newbieDA: Iraq concern of its inclusion in the international black list for money laundering 31/8/2015 Roudao - Erbil Stressed the parliamentary finance committee member Masood Haider on Monday that the Iraqi parliament must work to pass a law, and by the solutions the month of October,

or the operations of money laundering, and otherwise Iraq will be included and the province of Kurdistan in the black list of international the "FATF" on the Status of international standards for washing funds.

And Haider network Roudao media, "he added, we follow the central work and especially the dollar amounts raised by the auction, there are certain terms and conditions must be adhered to, and otherwise will fall into big problems, especially with the international banks or at the request of any type of loans of any state, so We will try and in all seriousness and before the expiry of the deadline pass a law centered on money laundering. "

 According to information from parliamentarians, confirmed to the reporter Roudao network media "as in the case of non-approval of the legitimacy of laws limit such abuses in the specified period,

you will not be able to any country must be prepared to make any loan, whether for Iraq or for the Kurdistan Region, and is no doubt that the real source of this Funds are senior officials of the state,

they are washed 5 trillion Iraqi daily by a number of banks are converting these amounts into neighboring countries. " It is worth mentioning that the Central Bank of Iraq has sold 28 billion and 869 000 476 thousand and $ 102, since the beginning of 2015.   PAGE NOT FOUND  Broken Link
newbieDA: lucky for me, there ya go on the blacklist thingie lol

newbieDA: good article, explains alot

newbieDA: I was just going my notes, so I am getting caught up too, almost done too

chattels: ‹@newbieDA› thanks for posting

BOBBY: so i am curious........ how does this apply to a change in rate like the guru s are saying?

newbieDA: I am not there yet Bobby, not sure, doing a 1,2,3, thing here

newbieDA: they need other things I see

newbieDA: the blacklist is not good, we would be dead in the water

newbieDA: they need the 2nd read and vote on the Anti-Money Laundering and Terrorism Financing Law

newbieDA: that would just take care of that

newbieDA: I imagine it would

chattels: ‹@BOBBY› every " new " occassion seems to create the opportunity for a guru to opine that such will trigger our event - reactionary" intel " I call it

newbieDA: then you still have other things that need to be done

BOBBY: the blacklist is a great tv show lol

newbieDA: I agree with chattels, the best intel in researching with a good group of smart friends, and share

BOBBY: newbieDa.... agreed.....

newbieDA: I wont talk about rate, nothing much to say, it always leads to something needing to passed (law)

BOBBY: Chattels. ..... have you seen recaps today?

chattels: ‹@BOBBY› no sir, why do you ask ?

BOBBY: Chattels. ...... take a glance when you get a chance. lol

newbieDA: so I watch the laws, the agenda and results

chattels: i keep waiting for someone to predict that " a " and " b " will occur and yield our event and if " a " and " b " occur then there may be some credibility to their conclusion

newbieDA: we are dead in the water til the 8th for a read or vote, but still there are things going on

newbieDA: chattels, I know this, facts

chattels: thus far no one has predicted " a " and / or " b "

newbieDA: you will see this k lol

chattels: ‹@newbieDA› :)

Comments may be made at the end of Part 2  Thank You

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