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Saturday, August 29, 2015

Wealthwatch Afternoon OOTW News & Chat  8-29-15

Post From Chat Room 8-29-15
Wealthwatch Afternoon OOTW News & Chat  8-29-15


OOTW: By Roudao one hour ago [Image: 154829Image1.jpg] Iraqi dinar Roudao - Erbil contains two new categories of the Iraqi currency on the Kurdish language, which will print the end of this year, as reported by the parliamentary finance committee. 

The deputy said Masood Haider, the network Roudao media, "we were informed at the last meeting with the Iraqi Central Bank on the plan and program for the printing of two new categories 50 000 dinars and 100 thousand dinars and pumped into the Iraqi market.

 "added Haidar said the central bank pointed out that" implementation of the project end of this year if the economic situation of Iraq's appropriate, and delete the three zeroes from the Iraqi currency in the coming years, 

"explaining that he did not announce a date implement the latest project in order to avoid destabilization of the country's economy. 
The deputy said Masood Haider, "informed the Governor of the Central Bank that the Kurdish language is the second official language in the country, according to the Iraqi constitution, must be the Iraqi currency has on the Kurdish language as it is for the Arab language",

 pointing out that Governor expressed agreement with the opinion and stressed that the two new categories Sthtoyan on the Kurdish language, noting that the Committee pending the models for them.

chattels: Kurdistan Parliament Speaker to replace Barzani in case of political stalemate Posted on August 9, 2015 by Editorial Staff in Politics Kurdistan Parliament Speaker Yousif Muhammed Sadiq Iraqi Kurdistan Parliament’s Speaker Yousif Muhammed Sadiq.

Photo: Perleman ERBIL-Hewler, Kurdistan region ‘Iraq’,— Iraqi Kurdistan Parliament’s Speaker will take over the Kurdish region’s presidency after Masoud Barzani’s current term ends on August 20, a Kurdish MP said on Friday.     chattels:


Tootsie: ‹@OOTW› TY, !

chattels: Deputy likely to approve the law on the National Guard and explains the main points of contention 2015/8/29 18:42 • Deputy likely to approve the law on the National Guard and explains the main points of contention [Baghdad-where]

MP for the coalition of Kurdish blocs Abdul Bari Zebari likely on Saturday, the adoption of the Law of the National Guard in tomorrow's meeting, where he explained the main points of contention in the law.

Zebari said told all of Iraq [where] that "the main points of contention in the law is the formation of the National Guard of the provinces sons and be subordinate to the General Commander of the Armed Forces, noting that" the National Coalition wants from all sons of the homeland either the Kurds and the Union of Forces Aradoh of the people of the province itself ".

 He added that he" must have the general commander of the armed forces authority to move it to any province hot and after editing is keeping the land by the sons of guards belonging to the same province, adding that "there is not problematic in arming the National Guard because it would be less than the army and more than police ".

He said Zebari that" there is an agreement with the Peshmerga forces in the disputed areas by the National Guard, noting that "there is an agreement between the heads of blocs and the parliament speaker to put up all the points of contention."

It was scheduled that the House will vote in its day Law Project of the National Guard, but was delayed until tomorrow because he needs to further discussion. chattels:

 chattels: if the Kurds are on board then we may likely have some progress, Imo.


chattels: "there is an agreement between the heads of blocs and the parliament speaker to put up all the points of contention."

chattels: most importantly to / for the Kurds, " .......... there is an agreement with the Peshmerga forces in the disputed areas by the National Guard, .............. "



OOTW: Article -8 - used in both Arabic and Kurdish as follows: First, the issuance of currency.

Tootsie: ‹@chattels› so true,

chattels: Kurdish lawmaker Hafiz calls to withdraw from parliament and out of the political process 2015/8/29 17:33 •

chattels: Political analyst Mehdi al-Hafez to resign sabotage of his remarks against the parliament and the constitution 2015/8/29 17:40 • update:: 2015/8/29 17:37          •

chattels: Deputy: Keeper's remarks against the parliament failing to guide and advocate for Daash [audio] 2015/8/29 18:20 • update:: 2015/8/29 18:19      •

chattels: al - Hafez was the caretaker speaker of Parliament during the formation of the Abadi government. His " sin " was that he recently questioned the ability / will of Parliament to accomplish the Abadi reforms.

Tootsie: K kiddos ~ must get rolling along - have a stellar Saturday ~ this fits the translations we get ~~ “I am so clever that sometimes I don't understand a single word of what I am saying.” ― Oscar Wilde

Tootsie: hahaha, later all! Poof!

chattels: MP for the coalition of Iraq's Mehdi al-Hafez said today that" the Constitution and Parliament obstacles in front of the reform process, "noting that" the parliament in terms of its shape and the role he can not do the task of reform ".

chattels: Now he is being accused of being an advocate for DAESH.




OOTW: Representatives of foreign countries renew their countries' support and their institutions to the Kurdistan Region


OOTW: peaceinkurdistancampaign....

chattels: ‹@OOTW› No ma'm.

chattels: Baghdad demonstration backs Abadi’s reforms, calls for action against graft By RUDAW

chattels: BAGHDAD, Iraq – Thousands of Iraqis converged on Baghdad’s Tahrir Square on Friday, calling for the country’s judiciary to be replaced and the names of corrupt politicians and officials to be published.

Demonstrators also chanted in support of Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi’s comprehensive plan to cut down the size of the government and rein in excessive spending.

Chants for better basic services, including water and more electricity, were among the demands of those in the crowds. It was the third demonstration since reforms announced by Abadi this month, which include a comprehensive reduction in the number of state officials, from the offices of the president and prime minister down to the provincial councils.

chattels: In addition, some ministries have been combined. According to a statement by Abadi on Sunday, committees to observe and monitor salaries for Iraqi officials are being formed

 The proposal also includes fiscal reforms in taxation and the government revenue system.

 The upper limits of retired officials’ pensions are to be lowered, as are customs tariffs imposed at all border crossing points, including in the Kurdistan region.

Another initiative is to set up an Anti-Corruption Council and a “where did you get this” campaign to tackle runaway official graft.   chattels:

chattels: Thousands turn out for fresh anti-corruption protests in Baghdad #InsideIraq The protests have been taking place for weeks,

but supporters of Muqtada al-Sadr participated for the first time on Friday MEE and agenciesFriday 28 August 2015 19:23 UTC Thousands of Iraqis once again took to the streets Baghdad's Tahrir Square on Friday to protest rampant corruption in the country.

The crowds included supporters of the powerful Shia cleric and political leader Muqtada al-Sadr for the first time since the protests began earlier this summer.

chattels: At Friday's demonstration, hundreds waved Iraqi flags and chanted anti-corruption slogans in previous weeks, but this time the crowd also included supporters of Sadr, responding to his call to take part.

Sadrists, many of them dressed in black, chanted slogans including "Bye bye Nouri al-Maliki" and called for the ex-prime minister, whose eight years in office were marked by widespread corruption, to be executed.

chattels: However, not all welcome the involvement of Sadr and his supporters. Sadr's party had ministers in Maliki's governments and it still wields significant influence despite the 43-year-old cleric seeking to officially distance himself from politics as he pursues religious studies.

"It is hypocritical and misleading [to say the Sadrists] are with the people," said Iraqi Communist party member Siham al-Zubaidi, noting their strong presence in parliament and the fact that a since-resigned Sadrist deputy premier faces corruption allegations.

chattels: Parliament signed off on Abadi's proposed reforms as well as additional measures, and the prime minister has begun ordered changes, including the scrapping of 11 cabinet posts and for the bloated number of guards for officials to be slashed.

But even with popular support and backing from Sistani, the fact that parties across the political spectrum benefit from corruption is seen as a major obstacle to the nascent reform effort.


chattels: " ............. the fact that parties across the political spectrum benefit from corruption is seen as a major obstacle to the nascent reform effort. "

chattels: nas·cent ˈnāsənt,ˈnasənt adjective (especially of a process or organization) just coming into existence and beginning to display signs of future potential.

chattels: " .......... beginning to display signs of future potential."

chattels: "Bye bye Nouri al-Maliki" , going, going, .................... not gone yet.

chattels: " ............ called for the ex-prime minister, whose eight years in office were marked by widespread corruption, to be executed."

chattels: Allkash: give confidence to the Minister of Electricity negative message to the Iraqi street 2015/8/29 20:03 • Allkash: give confidence to the Minister of Electricity negative message to the Iraqi street [Baghdad-where] the National Alliance MP Mohammed Allkash said on Saturday that what happened today in the House of Representatives of the renewed confidence of the Minister of Electricity Qassim Fahdawi and keep it in office is a negative message to the Iraqi street.

Said Allkash in a statement received by the agency all of Iraq [where] a copy of "the Iraqi street now demanding the implementation of reforms, which confirmed by the Supreme religious authority, particularly in the electricity sector."

 He stressed that "the electricity sector was bad in all Iraqi provinces, and each ministry files marred by corruption , and did not witness any progress in the service of the Iraqi citizen electricity sector type, especially these circumstances, how is give him confidence again.

 "He called Allkash" of the Presidium of the House of Representatives publish the names of deputies who voted in favor of keeping the electricity minister, and renew confidence in its survival in office ".   chattels:


chattels: As I understand it, the Minister of Electricity Qassim Fahdawi , was retained due to the belief that the current and problems were a result of previous administrations and the " fault " not his. Arguably, the question becomes whether ministers will be " scapegoated " in the cause of a visible response / changes to satisfy the demands of the populace ?

chattels: The threat of " scapegoating " threatens all in government, even Abadi.

chattels: Thousands of Wasit province, on Friday, in front of the governorate building, demanding to fight corruption and redress social groups, as called for Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi to resign from the Dawa Party, confirmed that they continue their demonstration that there were not real reforms "concrete".

chattels: "the demonstrators will not step back from their right to demonstrate and distracting squares unless we see a serious and realistic reforms to the reforms launched by Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi, especially including means to fight corruption and prosecute those responsible wanted to eliminate the issues of corruption package ".

chattels: He said Mahot, that "one of the important demands brought by today's protesters, demanding Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi submit his resignation from the Islamic Dawa Party and the disposal of the partisan pressures that may contribute to the confusion and the implementation of reforms that the paper had been launched a few days ago."  chattels:;LINK

chattels: Should Abadi resign from the Dawa Party and if he does then what " play " is given to Maliki and Company in his absence ?

BOBBY: Chattels. ...... afternoon sir.... i see you have been busy lol

 chattels: ‹@BOBBY› " addiction " is a terrible disease ! :)

BOBBY: Chattels. ...... and rehab is for quitters. lol

Tootsie: chattels: Should Abadi resign from the Dawa Party and if he does then what " play " is given to Maliki and Company in his absence ? ~~ Very insightful comment

 chattels: Mezni demanding Abadi project to send oil and gas law and otherwise will be presented a new draft BAGHDAD / ... A member of the Commission on oil and energy Attorney Mazen Mezni Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi, Saturday, to send a draft oil and gas law to the parliament for legislation and approval. Said Mezni in a statement received "eye Iraq News,"

The adoption of the oil and gas law will give a strong message to international companies of oil to enter the Iraqi market and investment in the field of oil to develop the economy and ease the financial crisis plaguing the country due to the fall in world oil prices.

 He said, "The Prime Minister promised under reforms announced on their implementation within a period not exceeding one month the completion of oil and gas law within actually deteriorating reform in all fields and stressed measures that the adoption of this law package will have a significant positive results for the country economically, politically and investment, people,

and will contribute to providing opportunities work for hundreds of thousands of unemployed graduates and achieve economic growth and reduce the rate of serious poverty-ridden segments of Iraqi society. "

Mezni pointed out that "in the absence of the government's response to this demand, the Commission on oil and energy parliamentary will prepare a new draft of the bill to legislation in accordance with the right granted by the Federal Court for the House of Representatives recently," .

Tootsie: toodles again



chattels: "The Prime Minister promised under reforms announced on their implementation within a period not exceeding one month the completion of oil and gas law ................ "

chattels: ??????????????

chattels: "in the absence of the government's response to this demand, the Commission on oil and energy parliamentary will prepare a new draft of the bill to legislation in accordance with the right granted by the Federal Court for the House of Representatives recently," .

chattels: ??????????????

dose: HCL in a month!?!?!?
chattels: [Baghdad-where] hold the House of Representatives, its usual Sunday's vote and the reading of a number of draft laws, notably the National Guard Law

 It includes the agenda, according to a statement of the Council "vote on the draft National Guard Law, and discuss the subject of suspicious activities in support of the Daash, and discuss the issue of balances displaced people in banks, 

and the second reading of the draft law on ratification of the Republic of Iraq on the Statute of the Council of the Arab Peace and Security Act."  chattels:

chattels: " It includes the agenda, according to a statement of the Council "vote on the draft National Guard Law, ........."

BOBBY: Chattels. ... are you seeing any of the predictions for oil in the next year?

chattels: It was scheduled that the House will vote in its session today on the draft of the National Guard law but It has been delayed until tomorrow because he needs to further discussion.

chattels: ‹@BOBBY› $ 55 by end of this year

chattels: guessed Kurdish lawmaker Kawa Mohamed Saturday, the adoption of the National Guard Law in tomorrow's meeting, noting's [where], that "the most controversial points in the law is the formation of the National Guard of the provinces sons and be subordinate to the General Commander of the Armed Forces, 

noting that "the National Alliance wants from all sons of the homeland either the Kurds and the Union of Forces Aradoh of the people of the province itself."

chattels: Mohammed said that "there is an agreement with the Peshmerga forces in the disputed areas by the National Guard."

BOBBY: if the Kurds are happy then thats a good thing

chattels: ‹@BOBBY› I think so

via Dinar Recaps - Our Blog

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