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Monday, August 31, 2015

Wealthwatch Early Afternoon Chat  8-31-15 Part 1 of 2

Post From Chat Room 8-31-15
Wealthwatch Early AfternoonChat  8-31-15 Part 1 of 2

Donnie: ‹@chattels› I read the news posted here when I got up - wow - a lot of news today.

newbieDA: National Business sends four paragraphs of the Parliament to be included in the investment law prepared for the vote08/31/2015 16:18Long-Presse / Baghdad It suggested the Iraqi National Business Council, on Monday, four paragraphs to be included in the Investment Law No. 13, which was prepared to vote in the House of Representatives, 

and confirmed that he had sent those proposals to the Parliament, while noting that the proposals included an exemption investor of all taxes, fees and customs on raw materials and supplies production, She said those paragraphs that the success of the application of the law on the ground.
The head of the Council Daoud Abdel-Zayer, in a statement received (range Press), a copy of it, that "due to the importance of investing in the development of the Iraqi economy and to create an environment and laws attractive for national and foreign investors and the most important of the Investment Law No. 13 of 2006, as amended, for the purpose of the amendment is that the House of Representatives in the process passed through these days in very perfect, we believe it is necessary and makes sense to add some paragraphs that would support the law. "

newbieDA: for the purpose of the amendment is that the House of Representatives in the process passed through these days in very perfect,

newbieDA: love that

Tootsie: Economist calls for the development of an emergency plan to stabilize the Iraqi dinar Date: 08/31/2015 13:41 Information / special / .. 

Called economic expert, Mohammed Abdul-Zahra, on Monday, the central government for an urgent financial plan to control the stability of the Iraqi dinar against the dollar.

He said Venus told / information / that "the survival of the financial situation for what it is, especially since the country live a severe financial crisis represented delay staff salaries and delays in the implementation of projects and the lack of financial liquidity,"

noting that "those things have contributed and contribute to the instability of the Iraqi dinar against the the dollar. " Abdul-Zahra and stressed the need for "urgent government put a financial plan in order to avoid falling into a major crisis in the Iraqi economic." Finished

Tootsie: out

Donnie: the proposals included an exemption investor of all taxes, fees and customs on raw materials and supplies production, She said those paragraphs that the success of the application of the law on the ground

Donnie: seems they are serious about getting investors to come and build in Iraq.
Donnie: tax, fee and customs free
Donnie: sweet!

Donnie: now "IF" parliament would just vote it through....

newbieDA: ‹@Donnie› ya awesome

newbieDA: its coming, too much talk and it being on the agenda already for vote, its a go soon

Doug_W: ‹@newbieDA› how longt is a SOON

disciple7: ‹@Doug_W› somewhere between "shortly" and "in the coming days"
disciple7: GA all

newbieDA: SOON LOL
newbieDA: in arabic? lmao

newbieDA: I want you to remember something, was going through my notes and dont forget this! Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act - by September 15, 2015

newbieDA: there is no time with Iraq, its always soon

disciple7: ‹@newbieDA› cant complain. just waiting and praying for our "event"
disciple7: ‹@newbieDA› iwill be so ecstatic if we something in Sept...
disciple7: Heres hoping

newbieDA: no need to pray, just read, do your research, you'll see what is what
newbieDA: dont do that, never give yourself a date, taboo ok

disciple7: ‹@newbieDA› I do read and im praying for acceleration

newbieDA: what you want to say is your looking forward to the agenda for parliament lol
newbieDA: its been a very exciting year, I agree, it accelerated already to me
newbieDA: no doubt

disciple7: ‹@newbieDA› been around for almost 8 yrs.. not looking for dates BUT IF we see something in Sept I will be ecstatic

newbieDA: still along way though
newbieDA: oh 8 years, nice

disciple7: ‹@newbieDA› yes still a long way

newbieDA: going on 4 years, but first 3 years I would check and didnt like the news, so put in shoebox

newbieDA: this year I dug in and really learned

disciple7: yea im so busy now I haven't been able to read as much just poke in and out

newbieDA: I have a list, small note I use
newbieDA: its is hard to keep up

disciple7: exciting times for sure but im gonna stand by my 2017-2020 in order to see the rate im hoping for.. praying im wrong but...

newbieDA: naa, your got a good head on your shoulders, nice out look

disciple7: we'll see

newbieDA: remember they said March 3rd, they are implementing the project, and now the deadline of being blacklisted, something is up now

newbieDA: take awhile to implement, its ok, we wait

disciple7: this whole situation has been blacklisted several times.. I don't even pay attention to it anymore cause imo something has to be happening in the backroom

newbieDA: hey if you get lost in the news, and need a break, let me know, message me and I will tell you what I know

disciple7: ‹@newbieDA› thanks I appreciate it

newbieDA: well the blacklisted thing is a list that global this time
newbieDA: not a good list to be on at all
newbieDA: first time I heard of it being brought up, was there another time?

disciple7: I just mean in general.. 2 steps forward 2 steps back but I only listen to the news now every so often.. ignore it most of the time

disciple7: just waiting for the timing

newbieDA: ya I agree, its hard to watch
newbieDA: its a touchy situation, there is way too much to do, big ticket things too

newbieDA: Security and Cooruption need to addressed, which they have been, but not completed

newbieDA: so ya, it'll be awhile
newbieDA: they are lining up so much though

newbieDA: amazing how many laws they have ready to vote

disciple7: for the first 6 yrs I was "die hard" in every article then realized itll get u nowhere.. so im not focused on what there doing so much day to day..

newbieDA: and they are working on the most important laws as speak

newbieDA: ya I dont get into it all, its a balance
newbieDA: my system is watching the agenda on parliament
newbieDA: its all in the laws

disciple7: imo right now I wanna see Maliki locked up and corruption will fall alot
disciple7: people say he isn't a problem.. I disagree

Doug_W: I have a hollow point 4 him 7

newbieDA: never liked they man, why I put all it aside for years

disciple7: whether hes in Iraq or iran or whatever if hes free hes a problem

newbieDA: hes on his way out, I dont care what they do with him, just get him outta the picture, and they are doing that

disciple7: ‹@Doug_W› dougy surprised he hasn't been lined up already

Doug_W: me too

disciple7: ‹@newbieDA› agreed slower than I would of done though

newbieDA: ya buts its Iraq, at least its soon lol soon lmao
newbieDA: but I am content, hes out or on his way

disciple7: when M is completely out then my eyes and ears will be open

Doug_W: soon_LY

newbieDA: all I care about
newbieDA: but that March 3rd announcement was when I got into really following

disciple7: ‹@newbieDA› been hearing soon since my first week on this journey..

newbieDA: then the new notes, which I thought were going to be tricky
newbieDA: ya, these stories go way back

disciple7: ‹@newbieDA› announcement in Iraq are like billboards.. they are there for awhile then they get taken down.. im hopeful

newbieDA: but Maliki was in office, so I had to see what the difference was
newbieDA: nice example, like a billboard

newbieDA: I feel its too tricky, they need to have alot lined up
newbieDA: its not one thing, but alot of things
 newbieDA: Security and Corruption mainly

newbieDA: no investment til then
newbieDA: work in progress now
newbieDA: Ramadi pissed me off

disciple7: ‹@newbieDA› cut the head off a snake the body dies.. Maliki out corruption will fall

disciple7: at least enough to have things move more smoothly

newbieDA: I hope so, I hate hearing about the man

disciple7: agreed
newbieDA: I feel about Dec 1st I will know if I am going to break from this again or not
newbieDA: but this is an amazing time
 newbieDA: to me

disciple7: agreed I said if we don't see something by end of year im taking a break

newbieDA: nice, ya we are thinking the same
newbieDA: now I wont be surprised if nothing happens too
newbieDA: I am ok with that

disciple7: but the holiday rumors will fly  :laughing:

newbieDA: but things are sure lining up

disciple7: apsolutely

newbieDA: lol rumors, rumors are too funny
newbieDA: I do like opinions though

disciple7: yea every thanksgiving, xmas, new years.. for the last 7 yrs.. too funny and annoying

newbieDA: I am looking for minor things too, like them having electricity

disciple7: I do like opinions also to a certain degree

newbieDA: they grilled that Minister of Electric sunday
newbieDA: took up alot of the parliament session

disciple7: its moving along and the citizens are doing a nice job staying on them imo so we'll see

newbieDA: that will be a good sign to me, the people having electric

disciple7: yea any progress at this point is fine with me

newbieDA: yep the people lead by the religious leader Sadir is very helpful
newbieDA: look for the things they accomplish, pray for the small things to be done first
newbieDA: no reason for them to be suffering like that, poor people

newbieDA: they should be like kuwait or dubia
newbieDA: .0008 currency, what a joke

disciple7: im praying for acceleration.. 8 yrs is a long time bud and im nowhere near the longest in this.. I want to see the end now  :laughing:

newbieDA: we wait til Dec 1st

Sam: taking a peek in anything good to report

newbieDA: be prepared to break still, sucks I know
newbieDA: not much Sam

Sam: dec 1
Sam: no tell me no

disciple7: ‹@newbieDA: always prepared

Sam: but then i have seen so many "years" come and go

newbieDA: ya, we are just preparing ourselves to see when the best time to break is

Comments may be made at the end of Part 2  Thank You

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