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Thursday, August 27, 2015

Wealthwatch Late Night Chat  8-26-15

Post From Chat Room 8-26-15
Wealthwatch Late Night Chat  8-26-15

Tootsie: chattels ~~~ have you seen anything re: this article. This site freezes my computers (both) so I can't open, but ~ Iraq and a host of economic Brix 8/27/2015 0:00 BAGHDAD –

 morning search for alliances and partnerships economic may be trying to get out of crises, economic failure, and the renewal of dealing with a more flexible markets, and less dominant,

 and out of the dominant circle of the International Monetary Fund and the World Bank and their conditions predatory politics in control and Alakhaddaa.. ohmah recognize the Iraqi government to move toward such 
These spaces will be some sort of disengagement with the turbulent economic policies, and with the soaked crises markets, did not contribute to the development of any episode of the economy mired in centrality, and figured out that the need to approach the government for the pursuit of openness and partnership with the BRICS economic group,

 which Her countries mean faster growth rates global economic, it will be a springboard to engage in new economic system, and an activist, and an economic horizon of the future, and can help you solve a lot of problems, commercial, agricultural, oil and banking economy in Iraq. THERE IS more ~~;

chattels: ‹@Tootsie› " news " to me

Tootsie: This organization has the task of states, strong economies such as China, Russia, Brazil, India and South Africa, and with the active participation of Iran, which is Masada economic trends for these countries more effectively in the face of US and Western domination of world markets,

especially that of human demography of these countries makes it valid to create the world's largest markets environment, and to develop economic growth rings, as it sought to confirm the independence of Iraq and his search for outlets meet its economic needs ..

It is noteworthy that capital «Brix» group of nearly 200 billion dollars, divided into $ 100 billion, as capital «Brix» Bank for International Development, as well as another $ 100 billion to fund the cash reserve.

This will force the financial and banking force will be an element protectionist countries that join the group, or that share its economic policies, and positions in the reduction of political polar hegemony,

banking and domination of the banks run by the major policies in the United States and Gharb..kan Russian President that, Vladimir Putin, announced ahead of summit Ufa in Russia last month, the leaders of the Group countries signed, during the sixth summit held last year in the city of Fortaleza, Brazil,

the founding document of the bank $ 100 billion, the work which starts with a capital estimated at $ 50 billion, to provide every state 10 billion.

Tootsie: just received in an e-mail

whitelions: ‹@Tootsie› that site is nothing but opinion pieces and you what opinion is

Tootsie: I was, sorta, leery that such may happen
Tootsie: back in a bit ~

whitelions: I won't even post anything form tha site on our site

chattels: Iraq and a host of economic Brix : - COURTESY OF TOOTSIE

whitelions: ‹@chattels› good luck with that article lol

Tootsie: ‹@whitelions› they have seemed reliable in the past, as opposed to 8th day and a few others , Beats me !

Tootsie: I have been fussin re: BRICS for years, no one believe me 5 years ago or maybe more?

lonegunman: ‹@Tootsie› hey lady dont you worry bout it you the queen of news and info in my book

lonegunman: ‹@Tootsie› top notch have been for years nuff said

whitelions: ‹@lonegunman› I'm not putting her down this is not a competition I'm letting her know that ,that paper only put out opinion pieces and that people in dinar land take them for the real thing and when it dose not happen they come back and blame you for posting it in the first place .

Tootsie: I started bringing in BRICS articles, and so nuff , they are going to be a force ~~
Tootsie: ‹@lonegunman› fella next door came over, just for a few.

Tootsie: That was just horrid this a.m. 24 yr old and 27 yr old just giving a bit of news, and shot . Gunman killed himself. I can't imagine such, but ~

lonegunman: its all anyone can do but bring in what is available at the time , st least reputable

lonegunman: ‹@Tootsie› ah tootsie ! what a world

Tootsie: ‹@lonegunman› yep - makes me wonder ~ glad not raising children now , personal feeling guys,

Tootsie: ‹@lonegunman› what is your date of "legal tender" hahaha, get your magic 8 ball out and tell us, OK?

MzDiva: ‹@Tootsie› that was a heart breaking video
MzDiva: i would post it but its horrible to watch

lonegunman: ‹@Tootsie› 8 ball ?? //////////////////// side pocket so says minnasota fats

MichelleL: which fella from next door? I miss all the fun ;)

Tootsie: ‹@lonegunman› hahaha

MichelleL: I was on 8ball this morning, it said "yes" to our rv and "yes" to my losing 20 pounds in 20 minutes - next?

Tootsie: ‹@MichelleL› haha, my neighbor ~ sorry Charlie, not exciting
Tootsie: ‹@MichelleL› omg I need your 8 ball   hahahaha

 MichelleL: ‹@Tootsie› and here I was believing it was one of the infidels next door ROFLMAO~

lonegunman: i always get try again !!

MichelleL: ‹@Tootsie our brains get younger when senility sets in ;) ask me about it when I remember what we're talking about

lonegunman: ‹@MichelleL› we can be friends today ... and 3 month's we can be brand new friends when we are senility sets in

Tootsie: sounds good , new friends all the time , may have advantage, as don't remember the ups and downs????

Donnie: was at daughters new house building "fancy" shelves in the living room for past 2 days. I'm beat. But i hurried in to see if Parliament voted on those 2 laws....

Donnie: then I remembered the vote is Thursday - tomorrow - not today :(

 Tootsie: reL BRICS ~ snip from ITTS tv Iraq

Tootsie: DinarAlert Iraqi Television Transcript Service (ITTS) International Monetary Fund and the World Bank and their conditions. A possible partnership with the BRICS economic system which may expedite and solve problems much faster in Iraq.
Tootsie: beats me ~~ will wait and see what happens, as we all do

 Donnie: Iran to sell bonds for key energy plans

Donnie: Iran’s media reported on Tuesday that the country plans to sell bonds worth a total of about $1.7 billion next year in a campaign meant to provide funds for the development of key energy sector projects.

The campaign – which received a go-ahead in a meeting of Iran’s High Economy Council (HEC) – will involve selling bonds in rials and euros in domestic and foreign banks. It will start from the next Iranian calendar year (21 March 2016-2017).


Donnie: ‘Kuwait summons Iran envoy over gas field’

Donnie: Kuwait has summoned Iran’s charge d’affaires over Tehran’s alleged plans to tender development of an offshore gas field in the Persian Gulf, media reports say. Kuwait’s Foreign Ministry summoned Hassan Zarnegar-Abarqu’ee to submit a protest letter after allegations that Iran had put the Arash field among a number of oil and gas projects up for development after the removal of sanctions.

Iran’s Fars news agency, citing Al Jarida newspaper, said the field which Kuwait calls Dorra is the subject of ongoing negotiations among Iran, Kuwait and Saudi Arabia. The shared field is estimated to hold one trillion cubic feet of gas along with 310 million barrels of oil.


Donnie: Shell to pay $2 billion debt to Iran after lifting of sanctions

Donnie: Royal Dutch Shell PLC will pay an outstanding debt of $2 billion to the National Iranian Oil Company (NIOC) when sanctions on Iran are lifted, and will consider investing in the country’s vast energy sector, a senior company official said.

“Much would depend on the terms offered by the Islamic Republic once sanctions were lifted,” said Edward Daniels, Executive Vice-President for Shell’s commercial and new business‎ development. “We are very pleased to have been part of this historic delegation.

Clearly Iran remains under sanctions with time before sanctions will be unwound and clearly we will be absolutely adhering to all sanctions,” Daniels said during a visit with a British government delegation to reopen the country’s embassy in Tehran.

“Having said that, when sanctions are removed we will look to examine possible options to work in Iran,” he added. “Iran is and will be an important potential business area, but of course it will have to rank with other projects that we have across the world – so yes, it is a very large player in oil and gas reserves but projects need to make economic sense for our company,” Daniels said.

 Shell owes Iran nearly $2 billion in outstanding debt as a result of Iranian oil deliveries for which the company had been unable to pay due to sanctions.

Donnie: European companies beat US to Iran business after nuclear deal reached US firms await outcome of Congress deliberations over Iran agreement, leaving them at the back of the queue for a market due to reopen after years of sanctions

Donnie: The ink was barely dry on the agreement with Iran to limit its nuclear programme before a German government plane packed with the nation’s economic elite touched down in Tehran. 

The trip was the first in a rush of European ministers and business people flocking to a market poised to reopen after years of grinding sanctions. Upscale Tehran hotels are packed and tables at trendy restaurants are scarce as foreigners jostle for bargains, even amid uncertainty over whether President Obama can overcome US congressional opposition to the deal.

Donnie: Zebari Kubiš discuss government reforms and cooperation in the face of financial crisis

Donnie: [Baghdad-where] Search and Finance Minister Hoshyar Zebari on Thursday evening, with Jan Kubiš Special Representative of the UN Secretary and Chief of Mission in Iraq, UNAMI cooperation between Iraq and the United Nations in light of the developments experienced by Iraq in the current phase.

According to a ministry statement received by the agency all of Iraq [where] a copy of it, the two sides also discussed "reform steps undertaken by the government and the importance processed in accordance with the constitutional frameworks with an emphasis on the importance of continuing cooperation and coordination between Iraq and the United Nations, to serve the reform steps undertaken by the government, particularly the the fight against corruption.

"On the other hand accept Finance Minister Envoy internationalist procedures to overcome the financial crisis, including the development of cooperation with international financial institutions and in particular with the International Monetary Fund and the World Bank Group and openness to capital markets Alaalmih.anthy

Donnie: Parliament: Showing parties agree on the law to vote tomorrow

Donnie: [Baghdad-where] the Legal Committee of Parliament announced agreement on a draft political parties law in the parliament session scheduled for tomorrow, Thursday and vote on it.

The Commission announced that according to a statement to the House of Representatives received by all of Iraq [where] a copy of it, that "the Commission and civil society organizations was held with the participation of the Legal Committee meeting attended by the heads of political blocs and the number of members of the House of Representatives today, During the meeting finished and complete the discussion of the political parties law."

He added The statement that "it was agreed to display the law to vote at the meeting on Thursday."

It is scheduled that the House of Representatives held on Thursday its regular and includes his schedule vote on the draft political parties law. The differences in the law focused on the financing of political parties and a link to the authority supervising the organization of work parties and activities of the party and his regime Aldakhali.anthy

Donnie: "Parliament: Showing parties agree on the law to vote tomorrow" I'll believe it after I see it voted, passed and in the Gazette!!

whitelions: Iranian Foreign Ministry: outline the division of Iraq will not succeed at all.......Iran's foreign ministry confirmed the country's support for the Iraqi people and the positions of religious authority in upholding the unity of Iraq's land and people, "rejecting calls for the partition of Iraq."

The spokesman said Iranian Foreign satisfactory as the most luxurious on Wednesday at a press conference in response to a question about a scheme to divide Iraq and how measures to tackle its crisis that "command and the Iraqi religious authority and all those responsible politicians in the government and Kurdish Iraqi political follow the conditions of their sensitivity and vigilance and that this issue may experience reactions serious, fast and firm in Iraq itself.

We look forward to calm and stability and save the unity and territorial integrity of all countries, especially the countries and neighboring countries, the region, "saying," We are confident that such schemes will not succeed in the light of wisdom and consciousness of the Iraqi people and leadership and political influencers special reference religious.

She said the most luxurious" The Iraqi people have shown that the fate of his country is very important for him and all references religious seek to provide a unified Iraq forward, "she said," We as a state neighbor support these clear positions and the frank and firm to the Iraqis and we believe that this scheme reflects the immaturity politician who raises by people and different countries will not succeed at all, ".anthy ......

whitelions: or in other words if you don't run your country like I tell you to you will fail

quicktolegit96: YO   (From Bondladys Corner):

quicktolegit96: [tlm724] yesterday we had this

[tlm724] Urgent .. House of Representatives end the first reading of a law to combat money laundering and terrorist financing History of edits:: 2015/8/25 13:32 A reporter and Euphrates News Agency {} "The parliament ended the first reading of the law against money laundering and the financing of terrorism,"

 [tlm724] which is awesome and today we have this

[tlm724] Also it hosted the meeting after that gentlemen's central bank governor and directors of money laundering offices in the Central Bank and the Financial Inspection Office and the intelligence service to discuss the money-laundering operations

[tlm724] yesterday the first read today the to follow up for the anti-money laundering law, real quick like a bunny ! I love how this is shaping up

[tlm724] throw in the Islamic Banking Act discussed in order to submit it to a vote and the investment law too !

[tlm724] I am very pleased with how things are progressing


quicktolegit96: DONNIE SHUP

Donnie: Iranian Foreign Ministry: outline the division of Iraq will not succeed at all

Donnie: [Follow-where] Iran's foreign ministry confirmed the country's support for the Iraqi people and the positions of religious authority in upholding the unity of Iraq's land and people, "rejecting calls for the partition of Iraq."

The spokesman said Iranian Foreign satisfactory as the most luxurious on Wednesday at a press conference in response to a question about a scheme to divide Iraq and how measures to tackle its crisis that "command and the Iraqi religious authority and all those responsible politicians in the government and Kurdish Iraqi political follow the conditions of their sensitivity and vigilance and that this issue may experience reactions serious, fast and firm in Iraq itself. ""

We look forward to calm and stability and save the unity and territorial integrity of all countries, especially the countries and neighboring countries, the region, "saying,"

 We are confident that such schemes will not succeed in the light of wisdom and consciousness of the Iraqi people and leadership and political influencers special reference religious.

"She said the most luxurious" The Iraqi people have shown that the fate of his country is very important for him and all references religious seek to provide a unified Iraq forward, "she said,"

We as a state neighbor support these clear positions and the frank and firm to the Iraqis and we believe that this scheme reflects the immaturity politician who raises by people and different countries will not succeed at all, ".anthy

Donnie: Kubi assure the United Nations Ebadi's strong support for reforms

Donnie: [Baghdad-where] head of the UN mission in Iraq, Jan Kubis Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi stressed his organization's support for a strong UN reforms. 

A statement by the prime minister received by all of Iraq [where] a copy of it, said Abadi, received in his office on Wednesday, UN envoy and his accompanying delegation, and during the meeting touched on the reforms taken by Abadi political and security situation and the return of displaced persons to the liberated areas and reconstruction of that. 

"Welcomed Kubi reforms and expressed United Nations support and its readiness to provide all that would contribute to its support. 

The prime minister Haider al-Abadi fired since 11 August this several reform packages approved by the House of Representatives in response to the directives of the Supreme religious authority and the demands of the demonstrators. Ebadi said today that the reforms voted on by the Council of Ministers and the House of Representatives "unconstitutional and illegal and will not retract it."

 stressing that "no return for reforms and that the political system was a need public pressure to improve performance and accelerate the process of reforms." 

The prime minister noted that the first step in the strategy of reform represented Baltrchiq in the ministries and a blow to the very core of the system of quotas. " 

He pointed out, "I will not relinquish my sons interest one iota and that we are heading in the right direction to build a state," .anthy

Donnie: Complete the discussion of the law of parties and a vote in Thursday's session August 26.2015

Donnie: Complete discussion of the law of parties and a vote in Thursday's meeting was held of the Commission of civil society institutions with the participation of the Legal Committee meeting Bhoudoralsadh heads of political blocs and a number of the ladies and the ladies gentlemen members of the House of Representatives on Wednesday 26/8/2015. 

During the meeting finished and complete the discussion of the political parties law. It was agreed for his introduction to a vote at a meeting on Thursday 27/8/2015.

Donnie: Second: The vote on the draft law on political parties. (Commission of civil society institutions, the Legal Committee). (Article 69).

Donnie: Third: The vote on the draft law of the National Guard. (Security and Defense Committee, the Legal Committee), (Article 22).

Donnie: Sixth: To discuss the issue of displaced balances in banks.

Donnie: Ninth: The second reading of the draft reform law reviews and depositors. (Of the Committee on Labor and Social Affairs, the Legal Committee, the Committee on Security and Defense, the Commission on Human Rights). (54 articles).

Donnie: The agenda of the session number (16) Thursday 27 August 2015


 Donnie: Session starts at: ten in the morning..... 3hrs and 20 mins from now!!!!

Donnie: GN people

BOBBY: Donnie.... thanks for the info

Donnie: just pray they actually do it tomorrow!!

BOBBY: Donnie....... i just roll with the results ar this point.... good or bad

Dianne777: r we possibly there?

BOBBY: Dianne777. ... where ?

via Dinar Recaps - Our Blog

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