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Friday, August 28, 2015

Wealthwatch Late Night Chat  8-27-15

Post From Chat Room 8-27-15
Wealthwatch Late Night Chat  8-27-15

chattels: House of Representatives vote on the law of parties and finish reading the freedom of expression law 08/27/2015 Voice of the House of Representatives Sixteen Minutes normal, which was held under the chairmanship of Dr. Salim al-Jubouri, President of the Council and in the presence of 269 deputies on Thursday 27/8/2015, the political parties law, in addition to the termination of the reading of the two bills, notably the second reading of the draft freedom of expression and assembly and peaceful protest law.


chattels: ‹@Donnie› What about the graph you sent to me makes sense to you ?
chattels: the amounts in circulation seems ridiculously low, eh ?
chattels: am i reading it wrong ?
chattels: Reidar Visser ‏@reidarvisser 7h7 hours ago New #Iraq political parties law passed today bans organisational & financial ties to non-Iraqi entities and taking orders from abroad...

chattels: Reidar Visser ‏@reidarvisser 7h7 hours ago New #Iraq political parties law imposes extra layer of de-Baathification: Even ex members at fairly low level (amil) cannot establish party.

chattels: adjourn the meeting to next Saturday 29/8/2015


OOTW: ;)

OOTW: "chattels: Reidar Visser ‏@reidarvisser 7h7 hours ago New #Iraq political parties law passed today bans organisational & financial ties to non-Iraqi entities and taking orders from abroad..."

nobody: Should i sell yet? lmao

Donnie: ‹@chattels› I don't remember what graph I sent you... sorry

chattels: ‹@Donnie›

Donnie: ‹@nobody› technically speaking - you can "cash in/exchange" on ebay for ~$900/million lol

BOBBY: Chattels. ..... evening...... take it you saw the american contractor post

chattels: BELGRADE, Serbia — Serbian officials called on world powers Wednesday to deal with the immigration crisis and urged aid to war-torn countries rather than building fences to keep migrants from crossing borders.

Aleksandar Vulin, Serbian Minister of Labor, Employment and Social Issues, told Rudaw that to solve the crisis the global community needs a unique approach to the war and conflicts that have destabilized North Africa and Syria.

 “These people are not born to live in Germany or Serbia, they are born to live where they are born, as I am, but they cannot live there,” Vulin said. He said there is no solution to the immigration crisis, but a peace and stability in such restive places could solve the issue of people wanting to leave.

“We absolutely have no hope that these problems will be resolved and that flow of these people will ever stop,” he said   chattels:

chattels: ‹@BOBBY› yes sir
chattels: ‹@BOBBY› your thoughts ?

whitelions: Parliamentary Finance: Iraq can not be under international Commandments.....Tomorrow Press / Baghdad confirmed the decision of the Finance Committee parliamentary Ahmed flesh, Wednesday, that Iraq can not be under international Commandments, because he has international reserves.

He said his flesh in a statement for "tomorrow Press," that "Iraq has a reserve of the dollar and gold, which ranks 36 of the world's reserves and fifth of the Arab states of gold," noting that "Iraq has $ 60 billion in the Central Bank and this amount Iraq prevents that It is under international Commandments. "

 He noted that "reduce expenses in all institutions and increase oil exports, in addition to activating the other revenues such as taxes and customs fees are important steps to overcome the difficult phase that has plagued Iraq."

BOBBY: Chattels. ...... Lj and Mike spoke about this about 8 months ago

Donnie: My thoughts based on the video - Iraq is going to delete/drop all notes smaller than 1000 - then when drop delete the zeroes the 1000 will become 1, 10000 will become 10, 25000 will become 25, 50000 will become 50, 100000 will become 100 - IMO

Donnie: giving them almost what the dollar has - no 5

chattels: ‹@BOBBY› and ?

whitelions: ‹@Donnie› thank god it's just your opinion lol

Donnie: but that's in-country

chattels: You guys wake me when this is over :)

Donnie: international it will be whatever the exchange rate is
Donnie: ‹@chattels› lol you and me

BOBBY: Chattels. .... from what i remember it would be the start to reduce the note count

whitelions: ‹@Donnie› then if that is what you believe why even bring it up b/c until you clarafide yourself it looked like you believe in the lop and that gets people nuts so tell me why even bring it up

chattels: the american contractor graph has total circulation at 28 million from what i see and that cannot be correct

BOBBY: going through there downloads seeing if i can find the call to listen to it again

Donnie: ‹@whitelions› someone asked about the video - that's my take on the video explanation - end of conversation

chattels: the more i read the less i think that i know

BOBBY: Chattels. ....... probably just what your reading. lol

Donnie: that's why i only post the news without any comments

whitelions: ‹@Donnie› I know you do thats why I could not figour out why you were aying those things

Donnie: i have no idea what , if anything, will happen. to me it was a very high risk investment.

BOBBY: Whitelions..... is mr iqd s site still going?

tourman: Any human endeavor carries some risk, but some are much riskier than others

Donnie: right now - i could sell all mine for a 15-20% net profit on ebay. not a bad investment for 11 mos

tourman: ‹@Donnie› But will you?

whitelions: ‹@BOBBY› yes it's very quiet like most places now

tourman: or will you continue the "risk" of this speculation?

BOBBY: whitelions.... i miss mr iqd. lol

Donnie: ‹@tourman› i'm still waiting for the IMF 2 months deadline that was given to Iraq. If nothing has happened nor looks like it will soon then it's a big possibility.

tourman: this deadline too can be extended by the IMF. Would you wait another extended deadline?

whitelions: ‹@Donnie› I've been in since 06 and thats probably why people drive me nuts I don't mean to be so hard on people but I know I do come across as harsh I just can't help it  :unsure:

tourman: ‹@whitelions› ur such a bully  :w00t:  :grin:  :laughing:  :dizzy:

BOBBY: lol

Donnie: i didn't get into this for the long haul....

whitelions: ‹@tourman›  :blush:

Donnie: my hat is off to anyone that has held Dinar they bought for more then 2 years

tourman: 6 years and counting
tourman: that horse head water mark on my dinar is fading fast lol

disciple7: Yea I'm at 7 going on 8 yrs I think?

BOBBY: there are no guarantee s to this

chattels: ‹@BOBBY› You mean I am not going to be rich for sure ?

chattels: :)
chattels: BU, bu, but ...................

BOBBY: Chattels. .... only if you get the contract rates lol

chattels: I want to be rich :)

BOBBY: Chattels. ..... thank God for the dong and zim lol lol

whitelions: lol
whitelions: lol

chattels: ‹@BOBBY› I wishes were reality then bullfrogs would have wings and they would not bust their " arses " when they jumped

chattels: :)

whitelions: bbl I have to finish posting or i'll be there all night

chattels: or so we opine in the South :)

 BOBBY: Chattels. ... lol oh how true

KiwiDoc: I saw of the Monitor site that there are still issues with the women wearing the veils some things don't hange

chattels: ‹@KiwiDoc› always good articles at al Monitor, I think
chattels: award winning news site

KiwiDoc: agreed

chattels: Al-Monitor wins Free Media Pioneer Award

chattels: IPI’s World Press Freedom Hero Award honours individuals who have made a significant contribution to press freedom, often at significant risk of attack or imprisonment Read more:

KiwiDoc: I wonder if a true free press still exists

chattels: ‹@KiwiDoc› everything is relative they say, eh ?

KiwiDoc: Seems like everything is filtered by someone
KiwiDoc: true

chattels: ‹@KiwiDoc› i have come to value very much the research and hope of an informative press

KiwiDoc: One can always wish for, hope for, pray for, and sometimes they do come true!!

BOBBY: peepingtom.... welcome

chattels: At the end of the day perhaps it is as Marcus Aurelius said 2,000 years ago

BOBBY: KiwiDoc... hope your well

KiwiDoc: What's for dinner?
KiwiDoc: ‹@BOBBY› quite well thanks, likewise

chattels: " Everything we hear is an opinion, not a fact. Everything we see is a perspective, not the truth. " - Marcus Aurelius

KiwiDoc: ‹@chattels› I thought that was funny, What's for dinner at the end of the day....
KiwiDoc: Wow....again I am humbled,

chattels: ‹@KiwiDoc› Must be that " Kiwi humor " that has set upon you :)

KiwiDoc: something sat upon me, I just wasn't sure what it was.....

BOBBY: Chattels. ....... still waiting for you to say whats up doc one of these days. lol

KiwiDoc: ‹@BOBBY› me too!!

BOBBY: lol

KiwiDoc: So is it true the Abadi Sh*tcanned the govt and wants elections?
KiwiDoc: This is a tough group.....not for the meek of heart.....ay councelor?

chattels: [2015-08-27 19:53:53] chattels: ‹@KiwiDoc› Whaaaaaaaaaaaaassssssssssssssuuuuuuuuup [2015-08-27 19:54:07] chattels: " Doc " ?
chattels: ‹@KiwiDoc› Not that I have read

BOBBY: KiwiDoc...... starting to wonder if you can get fired over there lol

KiwiDoc: I thought I wasss having a stroke.....or double triple vision

chattels: Some others have intimated such

KiwiDoc: or something
KiwiDoc: fame is ever fleeting, as a non-resident I take nothing for granted....anything is possible here

BOBBY: Chattels. ..... easy with that forward thinking.....

KiwiDoc: some anti-americanism here, but not as much as in other places

chattels: i believe that I have been vindicated with the news of need for constitutional and legislative action to accomplish the Abadi reforms

BOBBY: Chattels. .... your being to kind

chattels: the notion that reforms are moving at some lightning pace is rather absurd, IMO
chattels: we did get a " parties law " today after 8 - 11 years, eh ?

KiwiDoc: BTW any news of Mosul? or are they still planning?

chattels: ‹@KiwiDoc› Mosul is after Baiji, Ramadi and Fallujah, IMO

KiwiDoc: So it will be a while....

chattels: ‹@KiwiDoc› Fallujah will be very ugly

KiwiDoc: That's because many there are sympathizers right?

chattels: ‹@KiwiDoc› certainly part of it, but Fallujah was tough for us

via Dinar Recaps - Our Blog

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