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Friday, August 28, 2015

Wealthwatch Afternoon Chat  8-28-15 Part 2 of 2

Post From Chat Room 8-28-15
Wealthwatch Afternoon Chat  8-28-15 Part 2 of 2

Tootsie: protesters demanding Abadi submit his resignation from the "call" and the achievement of social justice 08/28/2015 17:48 : Long-Presse / Wasit Thousands of Wasit province, on Friday, in front of the governorate building, demanding to fight corruption and redress social groups, as called for Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi to resign from the Dawa Party, confirmed that they continue their demonstration that there were not reforms fact "concrete"To be continued ... / / 

THE REST OF THE STORY Thousands of Wasit province, on Friday, in front of the governorate building, demanding to fight corruption and redress social groups, as called for Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi to resign from the Dawa Party, confirmed that they continue their demonstration that there were not real reforms "concrete". 
A correspondent (range Press), that thousands of demonstrators Wasit province, come out, this evening, in front of the governorate building to demand the fight against corruption and the corrupt, raising slogans calling for the achievement of social justice and the achievement of job o

For his part, said civil rights activist, Khaled Mahot, one of the participants in the demonstration, in an interview with the (long-Presse),

"The demonstrations continuing to raise its demands, which called forth across the subsequent combination," noting that "the demonstrators will not step back from their right to demonstrate and distracting squares unless we see a serious and realistic reforms to the reforms launched by Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi, especially including means to fight corruption and prosecute those responsible wanted to eliminate the issues of corruption package ".

He said Mahot, that "one of the important demands brought by today's protesters, demanding Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi submit his resignation from the Islamic Dawa Party and the disposal of the partisan pressures that may contribute to the confusion and the implementation of reforms that the paper had been launched a few days ago   Tootsie: CONT

Tootsie: they desire him to leave the DAWA party, as Nuri Al-Maliki's influence

lonegunman: ‹@Tootsie› sure am glad i invested in the dinar !! how exciting !!!!!!

Tootsie: ‹@lonegunman› me also! - lastest predictions, drop of 20% eeekkkkk
Tootsie: hang in there!
Tootsie: but oil went up today ~

lonegunman: ‹@Tootsie› well good for the oil companies !! my bank account has'nt gone up

Tootsie: Provincial Reconstruction Fund: World Bank loan was allocated to emergency operations, and we need to trillion dinars 08/27/2015 18:17 Baghdad Announced the reconstruction of the affected provinces Fund, on Thursday, for the allocation of the World Bank loan for operations reconstruction of emergency included four areas in Salah al-Din and three in Diyala,

he confirmed his need for more than a trillion dinars for the reconstruction of all the liberated areas, and as pointed out that it will begin building a shelter camps in the liberated areas ,

revealed the formation of a committee for the selection of personalities and organizations that will participate in the conference to support the fund.

This came during a press conference after the enlarged meeting of the Board of Trustees of the Fund for the reconstruction of the affected provinces of terrorism which was held building the Baghdad Provincial Council in the presence of a number of Governors and the heads of provincial councils and representatives from the provinces (Anbar, Salahuddin, Diyala and Nineveh),

as well as the presence of agents and representatives of ministries service as well as a representative of the Kurdistan region, and attended (range Press). CONT

Tootsie: snip from ^^ Dentex, that "the Fund has formed a committee to choose the figures and international organizations that will participate in the International Conference which will be held in the month of December next in the Kurdistan region to support the Fund."

whitelions: Hot Hot Hot National Guard Law Could Be Passed August 29 2015 .........Through Debbie’s constant work in finding the up to date news she found that National Guard Law has already been read two times in parliament

And if they read it tomorrow it will be the 3rd time and done Thank You Debbie for all your hard work !!!!!

disciple7: ‹@whitelions› wow great news thanks

whitelions: I have everything crossed thay will cross and I'm looking for more lol

 disciple7: agreed me also.. maybe national guard law then the parties law?? maybe just maybe?

whitelions: yes yes yes

Donnie: ‹@disciple7› parties law is passed already
Donnie: please try to keep up - Abadi is in fast mode now :)

Tootsie: ‹@Donnie›  :ninja:

disciple7: ‹@Donnie› got a link?

Donnie: of course

Donnie: voted on yesterday!!!

disciple7: I only see chicken scratch...

Donnie: i posted a bunch of articles and images of the Parties Law being passed yesterday
Donnie: turn on auto translate

Tootsie: ‹@Donnie› yes, you did ~ thank you!

disciple7: ‹@Donnie› ok ok I trust you.. kinda..  :laughing: good hopefully M will finally be outta the picture.

Donnie: ‹@disciple7› do i have to draw you a picture ?

disciple7: ‹@Donnie› I mean sure if u have the time..

Donnie: there's ur picture lol

 disciple7: :laughing:  :laughing:  :laughing: ok I believe u
disciple7: moving right along then..

Donnie: did u click on the image to expand it?

disciple7: yes
disciple7: date of vote 8/27/15

Donnie: not everyone knows about clicking the images

disciple7: I didn't think it was passed yet...
disciple7: guess I was wrong
disciple7: which is fine with me  :smile:
disciple7: ‹@Donnie› thanks for letting me know by the way

Donnie: National Guard Law was supposed to be passed yesterday but those slacks didn't do it.

Donnie: Hopefully tomorrow
Donnie: Third: The vote on the draft law of the National Guard. (Security and Defense Committee, the Legal Committee), (Article 22).

Donnie: The meeting's agenda number (17) Saturday 29 August 2015
Donnie: complete agenda for tomorrow:

disciple7: ‹@Donnie› how bout the RVVVVV law?
disciple7: no sale eh? well I tried..
disciple7: ‹@Donnie› where do I find "auto translate"?
disciple7: prolly in the setting somewhere.. ehh ill do later..

Tootsie: ‹@disciple7› go to the top l/hand side, click english

disciple7: ‹@Tootsie› thanks toots  :smile:

Tootsie: then click on sessions
Tootsie: you will see a calendar on r/h side lower , click on the blue item and it will pull up the agenda for you.


disciple7: ‹@Tootsie› thank you

Tootsie: Basic Parliament website ~ mine comes in in english

Tootsie: Gotta run,. see ya all later ~ poof!

BOBBY: Baghdad (AFP) - Iraqi Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi has ordered security forces to prepare to open Baghdad's heavily fortified Green Zone government and embassy area to the public, his office said Friday. The order comes in the third week of a reform drive by Abadi aimed at combatting rampant corruption and streamlining the bloated government,

 in response to weeks of protests and calls from top Shiite cleric Grand Ayatollah Ali al-Sistani. Abadi directed security forces to make "the necessary arrangements to open the Green Zone to the citizens," a statement from his office said. If the move actually goes ahead,

it is likely to face significant opposition from embassies in the Green Zone -- including those of the United States and Britain -- due to security concerns.

While attacks have dropped in Baghdad compared with the first half of last year, bombings that are sometimes claimed by the Islamic State jihadist group are still a frequent occurrence in the capital.

The Green Zone is surrounded by high concrete walls, guarded by labyrinths of successive checkpoints and protected by Abrams tanks, armoured personnel carriers and elite members of the security forces.

It held lavish palaces occupied by former president Saddam Hussein and other senior figures and supporters of his regime before his overthrow in 2003, but was much more accessible then than it is now.

After his fall, those same palaces served as the headquarters for the US-led occupation, and later for Iraq's new political elite, whose corruption has aroused widespread popular ire.

Easy entry requires going through a byzantine process to obtain necessary badges that has itself been said to be a source of graft, with large payments reportedly expediting the procedures.

Abadi also ordered that streets shut by political parties and influential figures be opened in Baghdad and other provinces. Top politicians have closed off roads leading to their homes and even those of their relatives in Baghdad, while pro-government militiamen have also shut stre

TxBrand: ‹@Doug_W› I get motion sick... so I would have to look outside all the time....

Doug_W: that is different then

TxBrand: Texas Supreme Court Smacks Houston Mayor Annise Parker; Repeal Bathroom Ordinance! Read more at

MichelleL: more of the same :(
 MichelleL: ‹@TxBrand› lol how's the house hunting going?

TxBrand: not good..  stopping for a while

MichelleL: :( i think it will loosen up in another month or so  --  market that tight?
TxBrand: actually houses are not appraising for what people are wanting.... they are going to have to come to the realization that Exon people are done buying... I huge amounts anyway

MichelleL: the exxon people will be selling out themselves soon

TxBrand: you think ?
TxBrand: that bad ?

MichelleL: so all their homes should go on the market at reasonable rates
MichelleL: exxon isn't doing that well - but i'm not sure if there have been any layoffs, will ask my husband

TxBrand: is it that bad ? is Exon laying off ?
TxBrand: ok
TxBrand: I know our son-in-law is having to lay off and cut hours... big time

MichelleL: he says some, but not many, not that he knows of - says the refinery and chemical plants are doing well and buying cheap now, so no layoffs that he knows of

MichelleL: where does he work?

TxBrand: its an oil piping company
TxBrand: I think he is afraid for his job

MichelleL: where is he working out of?
MichelleL: not surprising

TxBrand: its in Tomball I think..or close to it

MichelleL: gotcha - how far north are you looking?

TxBrand: i wouldn't think exon is hiring.... but who knows

MichelleL: i know of one kid who went to work for exxon recently, and as far as my husband knows, that plant is still hiring

MichelleL: in baytown

TxBrand: all the way to willis and the lake
TxBrand: hummm
TxBrand: Lake Conroe

MichelleL: I hope you find what you need soon :( so sorry the other one fell through

TxBrand: im going to cool it for now

MichelleL: gotcha - where do you and your husband work? lake conroe isn't a hop skip and jump from houston either

MichelleL: ok

chattels: Reidar Visser ‏@reidarvisser 3h3 hours ago #Iraq parliament sets an ambitious agenda for Sat: Questioning of electricity minister, vote on national guard bill …

 Wocardtexas: Will we see RV next week

via Dinar Recaps - Our Blog

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