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Friday, August 28, 2015

Wealthwatch Early Morning Chat  8-28-15 Part 1 of 2

Post From Chat Room 8-28-15
Wealthwatch Early Morning Chat  8-28-15  Part 1 of 2

Doug_W: GM Gang

chattels: ERBIL, Kurdistan Region— International oil companies exporting from the Kurdistan region will receive the first installment of regular payments in September the Ministry of Natural Resources said Thursday as the government announced plans to boost exports next year.


chattels: More than 20 companies have contracts with the KRG to explore for oil in the region, including America’s Chevron, Russian Gazprom and British Sterling Energy.
chattels: Global oil prices rose more than $1 dollar a barrel up to $44.64 on Thursday despite concerns that the drop in price would continue throughout 2015.

chattels: Reidar Visser ‏@reidarvisser 3h3 hours ago The ultimate #Iraq reform? PM Abadi has ordered that preparations be made for opening the Green Zone to the public …

chattels: " Prime Minister Dr. Haider Al-Abadi issues orders to the Special Operations forces and the Baghdad Operations Command to carry out the necessary arrangements to open the Green Zone to citizens. Aug 28 2015 "

chattels: contracts crude oil futures rose on Friday, to continue to rise yesterday after it posted the biggest daily gains in six years, supported by recovery in stock markets and news of the decline in the supply of crude supply. And Brent crude futures October delivery 69 cents to $ 48.25 a barrel at 0615 GMT.

Crude of $ 4.42 at the settlement of up to $ 47.56 a barrel in the previous session. US crude 65 cents to $ 43.21 a barrel after ending the previous session It was up $ 3.96 to $ 42.56 for Brmel.


Doug_W: ‹@chattels› GM

chattels: [Karbala-where] the religious authority said that "the phenomenon of migration of young people abroad to threaten the country a big risk," pointing out that "those responsible should realize the seriousness of this size migration, and work to repair the situation and start a comprehensive development plan"  chattels:

chattels: ‹@Doug_W› gm

chattels: MP for the Civic Democratic Alliance Sunrise Alabegi reported that there was no serious disagreement between the political blocs itself lead to the postponement of the National Guard Law. The Alabegi, told all of Iraq [where]

"There is no serious controversy between the same political blocs lead to the postponement of the National Guard Law, and she knows we are in a race stage with time in order to complete the laws and legislation that took a long time without decisively."

 She added that " National Guard Law of important laws which must be voted and approved in a short period to resolve many problematic between the blocs, "

chattels: " ............. we are in a race stage with time in order to complete the laws and legislation that took a long time without decisively."

chattels: " a race stage with time in order to complete the laws and legislation "

Doug_W: ther are in a hurry alright what is left of those 60 days 31 I think?

chattels: favored the Kurdistan Alliance MP Jamal Panthers, reached the Kurdish parties at its meeting next Sunday, a final agreement on the presidency of the province.

The Panthers told all of Iraq [where], "can be done to reach a final agreement in the Sunday session, as it was agreed on 13 points task among all parties, and the remaining two points are essential if that sealed will be in full agreement and concerned a mechanism election Is it parliamentary inside Parliament or by the people, and that's where otherwise second point belonged to a private powers with regard to the Peshmerga.  chattels:

chattels: ‹@Doug_W› I agree that the rhetoric often does not match the action, but I must concede that the foregoing is the clearest statement of " urgency " that I have read.

Doug_W: finally some "Candor"

chattels: The Civil Democratic Alliance (list 232) is an Iraqi political coalition formed for the 2014 Iraqi parliamentary election by various liberal and civil figures.

chattels: In the Iraqi 2014 parliamentary election the Civil Democratic Alliance is composed of several political blocs: Iraqi Communist Party[5] National Democratic Party Iraqi Ummah Party Iraqi Liberal Party[7] People's Party Arab Socialist Movement National Democratic Action Party Democratic Action Movement[8] Sons of Civilizations Bloc[8]

chattels: Seats in the Council of Representatives of Iraq:   3 / 328
chattels: Obviously it is a small faction within the Iraqi Parliament.
chattels: Ideology            Communism[3] Socialism Liberalism[4] Secularism[5] Nonsectarianism[6] Anti-corruption[6]

chattels: Secularist underdogs fight to be heard in Iraq election BAGHDAD | BY ISRA' AL RUBEI'I AND NED PARKER    chattels:

chattels: Allawi is a well know secularist and not a member of this coalition.
chattels: Council of Representatives of Iraq

chattels: The Civil Democratic Alliance ( CDA ) is the smallest coalition in Parliament.

tourman: how small
tourman: 2 Iraqi's and a camel?

Doug_W: ‹@tourman› this small {____}

tourman: :w00t:

chattels: ‹@tourman› You are not a well man :)

tourman: ‹@chattels› That was true back on the 8th.... lol...

chattels: authorized the supreme religious authority, the government, parliament and judiciary reforms to achieve the details to make decisions "bold and convincing" to the Iraqi people.

The representative of reference in Karbala, Sheikh Abdel Mahdi al-Karbalai in his Friday sermon from inside the courtyard Husseini Aharifn that "success in the battle of reform is the requirement understand the politicians who have their hands over the reins of the country that awarded the people's demands in the provision of services and the fight against corruption and the achievement of social justice and their basic steps to check confidence and confidence among citizens that they react with these demands and believe in them.   chattels:

chattels: No matter the " pace " of reform, it is of paramount importance that the people of Iraq believe that real reform is " at hand ".

tourman: nother religious leader convinced that reforms are coming

chattels: BAGHDAD / Nina / counting MP Mohammad al-Karbouli approval of the political parties law, a triumph of popular will and correction of deviations political process.

The MP for the coalition of Iraqi forces in a press release that the adoption of party laws and defining the mandates of the three presidencies and the National Guard is a mature intellectually to all political forces,

saying thanks back to the peaceful demonstrations taking place in the country, noting that the stage near future will witness the launch by the parliamentary reforms approved by the House of Representatives map and to enhance the supervisory role and legislative representatives of the people and reduce the gap between the people and the parliament and restore the people's trust him.

dose: Bishop Larson I think

tourman: desperate people...

chattels: ‹@dose› Your information is correct from what I have " heard ".

tourman: some people still think that they can get ahead of this "event".. Ain't gonna happen.

dose: And they are telling everyone that the rv is never going public

tourman: never say never
tourman: how can certain people put a gag on a whole country?

dose: I don't understand why people believe that lol I believe that the only way it will happen is publicly

chattels: Again, your information is accurate, but whether what is being said is true remains to be seen.

dose: Too bad people are stupid sometimes lol

Doug_W: ‹@dose› sometimes???

tourman: ‹@dose› "stupid" might be a little strong. Gullible and naive maybe.

Doug_W: the jury will disregard the last statement

chattels: ‹@dose› There are some stupid things out there, but the ultimate truth is not known by anyone that I know.

tourman: ‹@Doug_W›  :w00t:

dose: Thank you again for all of your work, time to get the kids ready for school! I think you're right, not stupid more like blind faith maybe
chattels: Most of my friends think that I am foolish to have purchased dinar in the first place. We shall see, eh ?

dose: I stopped telling people I bought it lol

tourman: ‹@chattels› That we will counselor, that we will... :cool:

chattels: ‹@dose› Have a fine day and welcome to this community.

Doug_W: ‹@dose› WELCOME

chattels: All things are possible.
 chattels: The impending Shiite leadership crisis Baghdad doesn't see coming

chattels: One of the effects of the rise of the Islamic State (IS) has been the emergence of Qasem Soleimani, head of Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps’ (IRGC) Quds Force, as the foremost military commander in Iraq. This has been particularly evident in the absence of the US military and with the establishment of the Popular Mobilization Units.

chattels: However, while his military clout has expanded, Soleimani’s political influence appears to be increasingly checked. Indeed, today, the most powerful Iranian in Iraq is arguably Grand Ayatollah Ali al-Sistani. 

While in the making for years, this trajectory has accelerated following IS’ blitz in northern Iraq last summer. The fall of Mosul and increasing tensions with the Kurdistan Regional Government and Sunni leaders did not singlehandedly end former Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki’s rule. 

Rather, it was the disapproval of the grand ayatollah. Neither Soleimani’s personal backing nor the highest number of votes for his bloc and for his person could shield Maliki from Najaf.

chattels: An excellent article.

Comments may be made at the end of Part 2  Thank You

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