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Monday, August 31, 2015

Wealthwatch News / Links & Chat  8-31-15 Part 2 of 2

Post From Chat Room 8-31-15
Wealthwatch Late Night/ Early Morning News / Links & Chat  8-31-15
Wealthwatch News / Links & Chat  8-31-15 Part 2 of 2

Tootsie: National Business sends four paragraphs of the Parliament to be included in the investment law prepared for the vote08/31/2015 16:18Long-Presse / Baghdad It suggested the Iraqi National Business Council, on Monday, four paragraphs to be included in the Investment Law No. 13,

which was prepared to vote in the House of Representatives, and confirmed that he had sent those proposals to the Parliament, while noting that the proposals included an exemption investor of all taxes, fees and customs on raw materials and supplies production,

She said those paragraphs that the success of the application of the law on the ground.
The head of the Council Daoud Abdel-Zayer, in a statement received (range Press), a copy of it, that "due to the importance of investing in the development of the Iraqi economy and to create an environment and laws attractive for national and foreign investors and the most important of the Investment Law No. 13 of 2006, as amended,

for the purpose of the amendment is that the House of Representatives in the process passed through these days in very perfect, we believe it is necessary and makes sense to add some paragraphs that would support the law. " CONT ~

Tootsie: Good Morning Monday, BANGLES - MANIC MONDAY(LIVE 1986)
Tootsie: the proposals included an exemption investor of all taxes, fees and customs on raw materials and supplies production /// to create an environment and laws attractive for national and foreign investors  :grin:

Stash: Monday again

Tootsie: ‹@Stash› sigh ~ Sept tomorrow, man, no clue where the days have gone

Stash: I know

Tootsie: Clarification 2015-08-31 08/31/2015 Iraqi Observer newspaper in number 1285 issued on Monday 31/8/2015 ran a story on its front page under the title "al-Jubouri, an adviser appointed a salary of nine million dinars," and when you read the news we discover that what is meant is an economic advisor to the House of Representatives.

 At a time in which we show that Mr. Nawzad Ahmed Zarzis was appointed economic adviser to the House of Representatives a benefit for the parliamentary bloc after vacuum office for nine months as a result Committed former adviser to retire, which means not to develop for the post.

We would like to express our Astgrabna of the re-publication of news that the Council has already revealed the truth earlier and which referred to the news, it has been published to clarify on 04/07/2015 at stake and appeared in the media.

We also emphasize that what you go to him some of the media repeating the publication of news and reports of inaccurate and which carry a great deal of counterfeiting and slander, can not be included only in a deliberate campaign of miscarriage, which aimed at undermining the constitutional institutions, particularly the Iraqi Council of Representatives, and we wish all the media show objective and professional in their coverage of news.

The information department Iraqi Council of Representatives 08/31/2015

Tootsie: ADDITIONAL ~~ From Parlliament Site re: changes in investment law to be presented ~ Chairman of the Economics Committee meets with the Investment Authority 31, 2015 August 31 0.2015 Met MP [font]Jawad al-Chairman[/font] of the Committee of Economy and Investment on Monday 08/31/2015 the President National Investment Commission, Dr. Sami Raouf al-Araji, in the presence of a number of the members of the Committee.

The meeting discussed the text of the second amendment to the Investment Law No. (13) of 2006 before it is submitted to a vote in the House of Representatives. And the Chairman of the Committee of Economy and Investment during the meeting that the committee hosted on Sunday, representatives of ministries and agencies of the Iraqi concerned the property of third-party,

after being diagnosed Commission of Economy and Alastosmarugod legal texts going by most of the ministries, to prevent the exploitation of land and real estate in the investment side. ADDITIONAL ~~

 From Parlliament Site RE: Investment Chairman of the Economics Committee meets with the Investment Authority 31 آ, 2015 August 31 0.2015 Met MP [font]Jawad al-Chairman[/font] of the Committee of Economy and Investment on Monday 08/31/2015 the President National Investment Commission, Dr. Sami Raouf al-Araji, in the presence of a number of the members of the Committee.

 The meeting discussed the text of the second amendment to the Investment Law No. (13) of 2006 before it is submitted to a vote in the House of Representatives. And the Chairman of the Committee of Economy and Investment during the meeting that the committee hosted on Sunday,

representatives of ministries and agencies of the Iraqi concerned the property of third-party, after being diagnosed Commission of Economy and Alastosmarugod legal texts going by most of the ministries, to prevent the exploitation of land and real estate in the investment side CONT ~

Tootsie: Oh, Good Lord ~ video out of DAASH burning to death 4 men from 'the popular crowd' hog tied and hung on line , face tummy down above the fire ~ sickening

Doug_W: I woldn't do that ot an animal

Stash: they are animals

Doug_W: ‹@Stash› worse than
chattels: BAGHDAD, Iraq — Hundreds of Iraqis took to the streets in Baghdad on Monday to call for the country's chief justice to resign and the names of corrupt politicians and officials be made public. 
The demonstrators called on Medhat al-Mahmoud, head of the Iraqi Supreme Judicial Council, to step down because he was appointed in by a political decision rather than elected.

Protesters chanted in support of Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi’s reform agenda, which includes a plan to cut down the size of the government and rein in excessive spending.

 It was the fourth demonstration since reforms were announced by Abadi this month According to a statement by Abadi earlier this month, a committees to observe and monitor salaries for Iraqi officials are being formed. The proposal also includes reforms in taxation and the government revenue system.

 The upper limits of retired officials’ pensions are to be lowered and customs tariffs will be imposed at all border crossings, including into the Kurdistan region, the proposal states. Another initiative is to set up an Anti-Corruption Council and a campaign to tackle official graft. Transparency International ranked Iraq the fifth-most corrupt county in the world. chattels:

chattels: BAGHDAD, Iraq – Fighting is still underway between Iraqi forces and ISIS for control of the critical refinery town of Baiji, with the the city's mayor describing the process as slow. “The military operation had been temporarily slowed for two weeks as army forces, the Hashd al-Shaabi [Popular Mobilization Units] and local police reorganized in order to restart their attacks,” Mayor Mohamad Mahmud, told Rudaw Arabic on Sunday. Baiji, located in Salahadin province roughly 210km from Baghdad, fell to ISIS in 2014. The city’s oil refinery is said to be the largest in Iraq and vital for the economy.

“A military operation is going on in Tal Jirad against Daesh elements, south of Baiji,” the mayor added, using the Arabic acronym for ISIS.

The government has claimed victory in Baiji several times in the past months, but the reports have been unfounded. ISIS suicide attacks have halted the advances of Iraqi forces, according to reports. ISIS radicals attacked Hashd al-Shaabi forces in recent days, rigging 18 military vehicles with explosives, killing and wounding dozens of Iraqi forces.

 Reports that the Shiite militias, known as Hashd al-Shaabi, had withdrawn from Baiji and Anbar last week have been denied by the group’s commanders. Local media reported that Shiite militias’ alleged withdrawal from Iraq’s Anbar and Baiji was caused by the presence of US advisers in the area.

The pro-Iranian Shiite group, however, claimed that US forces have no role on the ground and that their forces will not withdraw from the battle.   chattels:

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