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Saturday, August 29, 2015

Wealthwatch Evening  Chat  8-29-15

Post From Chat Room 8-29-15
Wealthwatch Evening  Chat  8-29-15

BOBBY: Chattels. ...... i think we need a good bank story. lol

chattels: ‹@BOBBY› more like a " real bank story " :)

BOBBY: Chattels. ...... agreed on that sir

Wocardtexas: Hello guys

BOBBY: Wocardtexas.... how are you

Wocardtexas: Good and you

BOBBY: all good on my end

Wocardtexas: Do we feel good on Tuesday on a rate

BOBBY: Wocardtexas..... what is Tuesday supposed to bring?

Wocardtexas: If their going to do it it's got to before end of the month
Wocardtexas: Is that true bobby
BOBBY: Wocardtexas..... i do not believe that...... this is my opinion

Wocardtexas: What's your opinion

Wocardtexas: :cool:

BOBBY: Wocardtexas...... i believe there are issues to address before they assign value, i believe they are making progress

Wocardtexas: How soon do you think we will see it

BOBBY: Wocardtexas. ......... thats the million dollar question.......
BOBBY: all anyone can do is watch and wait

Wocardtexas: I'm saying with all your contacts and reading you do will it be past November you think

BOBBY: Wocardtexas. ....... my opinion...... i believe so

Wocardtexas: Wow I wish these people would quit suffering

BOBBY: Wocardtexas. ..... agreed..... its tragic

Wocardtexas: I feel like he's another sadam
Wocardtexas: These people have no water or A/C or Electric

BOBBY: Wocardtexas. ....... Chattels said it best... Abadi is a honorable man surrounded by corruption, i believe he is trying to do whats best

BOBBY: There basically starting from the ground up

Wocardtexas: Yes but he may be good man. He needs to help his people

BOBBY: thats were the corruption comes in, fighting through the old ways
BOBBY: he has his work cut out for him

Wocardtexas: You would think he would know who crooks were when he took office

BOBBY: i believe he does,, dealing with them is another issue on a different level

Wocardtexas: Guess not America Lol

BOBBY: He has his work cut out ,but he seems to want whats best for his people

Wocardtexas: I think reforms will help them just need to be instated

TxBrand: Iraq Live Update ‏@IraqLiveUpdate · 10m10 minutes ago Iraq #AirForce target Daesh meeting in Qaim which killed Algerian Abu Obaida & 4 'key' Daesh terrorists @ 13:00 today

TxBrand: anyone know who that is ------> Algerian Abu Obaida

Wocardtexas: No

dose: I think they have to before Oct 1st or their currency gets blacklisted and if that happens who knows if it ever will from what I've heard

BOBBY: does.. can i ask where you heard this info please?

 Doug_W: yes..when is that 60 days up?
Doug_W: oh well time will answer that question

plowboy: hello chat

BOBBY: plowboy..... evening

plowboy: Bobby  :grin:

plowboy: is there anything planned in here tonightz?

BOBBY: what do you mean by planned?

plowboy: I mean like a news time type thing or guest

BOBBY: plowboy.... news is posted on here all the time, no set time

plowboy: ok

BOBBY: there was alot posted today, may want to check the posts on the home page

plowboy: ok

BOBBY: no guest or anything like that on here, it an open fourm
BOBBY: all news based info on here
BOBBY: with links to research if you wish to

whitelions: Tootsie Abu Obaida (C), the spokesman for the Ezzedine Al-Qassam Brigades, the armed wing of Hamas, attends a news conference in Gaza City on September 30, 2009. Israel will free 20 Palestinian women prisoners in exchange for a video of a soldier held in Gaza, officials said, in a major breakthrough in nearly three years of indirect talks with Hamas.

Photo by Mohammed Asad Copyrig Abu Obaida (C), the spokesman for the Ezzedine Al-Qassam Brigades, the armed wing of Hamas, attends a news conference in Gaza City on September 30, 2009.

 Israel will free 20 Palestinian women prisoners in exchange for a video of a soldier held in Gaza, officials said, in a major breakthrough in nearly three years of indirect talks with Hamas. Photo by Mohammed Asad Copyrig

BOBBY: Whitelions...... was he killed today?

whitelions: yes hes was a very bad one

BOBBY: Whitelions. ......... another one bites the dust

whitelions: they'er like cock roaches I don't understand this day in age people can be like that

 BOBBY: whitelions..... sad to say it seems the atrocities have no limits

whitelions: I know even the god they believe in (even though he is the same as ours just known by a different name ) dose not codone the way they are but they twist things so they can kill                                                                              

TxBrand: Iraq Live Update ‏@IraqLiveUpdate · 3h3 hours ago Abadi appointed new deputy commander of Anbar Ops, new 10th division and 8th division commanders

chattels: MP for the Bloc Mohammed Ali al-Masoudi that the political and economic reforms launched by the federal government and approved by parliament need some time to show results on the Iraqi economy. He said to the correspondent of National Iraqi News Agency / NINA /

"The integration of the ministries and the abolition of the number of process positions and reducing the protections and retrenchment will have significant effects on the provision of liquidity to the Iraqi government, especially during the end of this year and the beginning of 2016, which is hoped to be his plan more realistic and useful than previous years. chattels:

chattels: " ............... the political and economic reforms launched by the federal government and approved by parliament need some time to show results on the Iraqi economy."

chattels: " ........... will have significant effects on the provision of liquidity to the Iraqi government, especially during the end of this year and the beginning of 2016, ......... "

chattels: MP confirmed for the citizen Bloc Layla al-Khafaji, said that "the vote on the law of parties is an achievement of the parliament because it represents a package of reforms."

Said al-Khafaji, in a press statement that "the law of parties representing the reforms package and regulates the functioning of political parties in terms of its activities and its relationship with other countries and the issue of its founding and linking them to the Department of party affairs.

chattels: "She added that" the law also identified the issue of subsidies from the state where you must rely on the participation of two sessions constituencies The law also banned on the parties to exercise their activities and interference in other countries.

chattels: "She continued that" the law impose penalties on parties that are contrary to the provisions of this law, and gave notice a year to adapt to the law to determine its activities, "asserting that" the law will encourage political pluralism in the country and served by a lot.  chattels:

chattels: " .......... gave notice a year to adapt to the law to determine its activities, ......... "

chattels: The notion that reforms, even if enacted and implemented, will immediately impact upon the Iraqi economy or the political process seems fanciful to me.

chattels: All reforms taken together do not remove or cure a culture of corruption, the presence of DAESH nor do they increase the price of oil which is still essential to close the extraordinary budget shortfall.

chattels: There is reason to be hopeful for a new era in Iraq, but patience is required, IMO.

chattels: I read today a good description of the reforms as " nascent " which is defined as " just coming into existence and beginning to display signs of future potential ' and synonymous with " just beginning, budding, developing, growing, embryonic, incipient, young, fledgling, evolving, emergent, dawning, burgeoning ".

chattels: Rafidain Bank announced the recovery of tens of billions of dinars were leaked to the public market and are operated by some quarters and crooked ways. The general director of the bank on behalf of Kamal al-Hassani in a press statement that many of the financial manipulations and abuses have been exposed.    chattels:

chattels: Central Commission for compensation for those affected by the military operations and military mistakes and terrorist operations in the General Secretariat of the Council of Ministers announced that the Subcommittee in the province of Kirkuk and distributed more than / 3 / billion dinars between those affected by the terror victims citizens.  chattels:

chattels: The Iraqi constitution requires that victims of terrorism be compensated by the GOI thus the costs of the war with DAESH is not limited to the military, but includes reparation to civilians. None of the foregoing is budgeted that I am aware of therefore adding to the deficit and draining reserves.
chattels: To veil or not to veil: Iraqi women face scrutiny over their choices BAGHDAD — The Najaf Nationality Directorate, south of Baghdad, refused to grant a travel permit to civil activist and Iraqi citizen Intisar Alyawi al-Mayali July 5 because she appeared unveiled in the photo attached to her passport. 

This incident sparked outrage and highlighted once again the conflict between secularists and the conservative current typified by Islamist groups. 

Civil activist Intisar Yassin commented on the incident to Al-Monitor, “Not granting an unveiled woman a passport is a violation of human rights by a staff member who ignores the law and constitution when processing the citizens’ files.” 

One of the main conflicts between secularists and Islamists revolves around the civil and intellectual identity of Iraqi women. 

There is an enormous contrast in stances on women’s rights in Iraq. Although secularists point out that the Iraqi Constitution guarantees the civil rights of all citizens, Islamists have no trouble finding religious, social and moral pretexts to justify their viewpoint and actions. 

This conflict clearly reveals the political balance of power tipping to the Islamists’ side. Read more:

BOBBY: Chattels. ..... good to see you sir :smile:

chattels: ‹@BOBBY› good evening friend :)
chattels: Iraq is a nation at war with itself and DAESH.

BOBBY: Chattels. ....... sums it up in one sentence

chattels: " A house divided against itself cannot stand." - A. Lincoln

BOBBY: at least there making some progress

chattels: ‹@BOBBY› Yes.
chattels: But reform can be a dangerous dynamic.
chattels: Arguably reform is a " controlled revolution ".

BOBBY: Chattels. ...... that is true..... Abadi is pushing the rock up the proverbial hill

chattels: There is always the possibility that the impetus for reform exceeds the governments ability to control it.

chattels: Which is why adherence to the constitution and / or amendment of the constitution under the rule of law is paramount and on the minds of Barzani, Nujaify, Allawi, etc., IMO

 chattels: ‹@BOBBY› I hope that the rock does not roll back upon Abadi.

BOBBY: Chattels. .......... i believe they are covering there a $$es in laymens terms lol

chattels: The pundits that speak of reform as a foregone conclusion and as a mercurial and linear event are mistaken, IMO.

chattels: ‹@BOBBY› Perhaps :)

BOBBY: Chattels. ...... every inch of improvement come at a price over there

chattels: ‹@BOBBY› The human costs has been and will continue to be terrible.

via Dinar Recaps - Our Blog

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