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Monday, August 31, 2015

Wealthwatch News / Links & Chat  8-31-15 Part 1 of 2

Post From Chat Room 8-31-15
Wealthwatch Late Night/ Early Morning News / Links & Chat  8-31-15

chattels: ERBIL, Kurdistan Region – Kurdish Peshmerga forces backed by US-led coalition warplanes launched a successful assault on the Islamic State (ISIS) last week, destroying fortifications and recapturing 200 square kilometers of territory. 

“The Peshmerga are launching an important operation in eastern Khurmatu in the north of Iraq,” said Maj. Gen. Kevin Kiley, head of the US Army Medical Command. 

“Together with warplanes, the Peshmerga managed to reclaim hundreds of kilometers of lands from the Islamic State.” Coalition warplanes carried out 12 strategic airstrikes, dealing a major blow to the group’s facilities in areas of southern Kirkuk. 
In a bid to drive out ISIS from Iraq, the collation forces have intensified airstrikes against the militants’ military convoys, armored vehicles, heavy weapons and bases. The video above shows coalition forces supporting Peshmerga operations against ISIS.  chattels:

chattels: Khurmatu in the north of Iraq, or Tuz Khurmatu, about 110 miles north of the capital Baghdad, is east of Tikrit and Baiji in Saladin Province, Iraq, and located 55 miles south of Kirkuk

chattels: Saladin Governorate (Arabic: Salāh ad Dīn‎) (or Salah ad Din Province, Kurdish Parezgay Salah aldin) is a governorate in Iraq, north of Baghdad. The governorate has an area of 24,363 square kilometres (9,407 sq mi). The estimated population in 2003 was 1,042,200 people. The capital is Tikrit; the governorate also contains the significantly larger city of Samarra.

chattels: The province is named after Saladin (written Salah ad-Din in modern Arabic Latin transcription), a Muslim leader who defeated the Crusaders at Hattin, and who hailed from the province. Salah ad Din was the home province of Saddam Hussein; he was born in Al-Awja, a town near Tikrit.


chattels: Saladin was a Muslim of Kurdish origin.

faith: Did any laws pass today?

chattels: ‹@faith› Not that I have seen.

faith: Thanks!

chattels: ‹@faith› Certainly :)

chattels: ERBIL, Kurdistan Region – The Kurdistan Region’s five main parties met behind closed doors for five hours Sunday, emerging to say they are discussing two options to resolve an impasse over an extension to Masoud Barzani’s term as president, his chief of staff said. Fuad Hussein told reporters that the options are a public referendum, or settling the issue in parliament.

“In today’s meeting three options were given by the political parties on how the president should be elected, including through a referendum among the people of Kurdistan, a two-thirds vote in the parliament or the normal mechanism of 50+1,” or majority vote, Hussein told reporters.

He said the issue should be resolved at a September 6 meeting. “In case we do not reach any consensus, we can turn to an early election to resolve the question,” he added.

“Before we decide on the option of the early election, we hope parties agree on a mechanism on Sunday to end meetings,” Hussein told journalists.


chattels: ERBIL, Kurdistan Region — Reports of tension between US forces and the Shiite militias known as the Hashd al-Shaabi, or Popular Mobilization Forces, escalated Saturday with some saying the dispute is stalling the war against the Islamic State.

Karim Nury, Hashd al-Shaabi deputy spokesman, on Saturday denied claims that the US government forced the Shiite fighters to retreat from Anbar province.

 “Retreat from Anbar means a collapse and handing over the province to the ISIS militants,” Nury said.

“American soldiers don't have the ability to control even a hand's width of Iraqi soil without the help of Iraqi tribes. The experience with Al-Qaeda proves this claim.”

 Also Saturday, Khalid Fahdawi, an Iraqi federal police officer in Anbar, told Rudaw that tensions between US forces and Hashd al-Shaabi east of the ISIS-held city of Ramadi had resulted in an exchange of hostile gestures.   chattels:

chattels: Currency Auctions Announcement No. (3025) The opening offers the sale and purchase of foreign currency in the window of the Central Bank of Iraq on 31/8/2015 and the results were as follows: DETAILS              NOTES Number of banks               23 Number of remittance companies        7 Auction price selling dinar / US$  1166 Auction price buying dinar / US$       ----- Amount sold at auction price (US$) 193,641,326 Amount purchased at Auction price (US$) ----- Total offers for buying (US$)               193,641,326 Total offers for selling (US$)               ----- Currency rates from the date of (6/4/2015)


chattels: [Baghdad-where] human rights minister, Mohammed Mahdi al-Bayati, who included his ministry's decision to Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi government Baltrchiq for submitting an appeal to the Federal Court this decision revealed.

 He said al-Bayati told all of Iraq [where], "made a week ago, an appeal to the Federal Court to cancel the ministry" followed ..   chattels:

chattels: He explained, "We are with the reforms and the fight against corruption and social justice will not stand her face and the Iraqi institutions need to fight corruption and the fight against sagging administrative in all joints of the Iraqi state, but Cancel Ministry of Human Rights was a serious blow to the reforms.

"al-Bayati," We are with a call to the religious authority and the President guarantor of the Constitution that the reforms must be in accordance with the law and the Constitution and on this basis we have appealed the decision to the Federal Court and wait for its view our universe doubt that these reforms be legal, constitutional and on This foundation will be Ray Court important for us ".


chattels: " .............. the reforms must be in accordance with the law and the Constitution and on this basis we have appealed the decision to the Federal Court ............... "

chattels: "al-Shahristani committed a crime against the Iraqi people in the case of licensing rounds and we demanded repeatedly that there will be accountability and interrogation of those who work on these tours," adding that "In the coming days will witness the interrogation to know the people of parliamentary sessions Iraqi stop him,   chattels:

chattels: [Baghdad - where] the Commission on Security and Defense parliamentary member of the National Guard said the law will work on silencing claim not to enter the sons of the popular crowd to the provinces of Anbar and Nineveh.   chattels:

chattels: Neither that Anbar Sunni or the Kurds appear to desire the presence of National Guard troops

chattels: While religious authorities in Najaf, including Grand Ayatollah Ali al-Sistani, have backed the demonstrations, Mamouri observes, “It was striking that Iranian official authorities and Iraqi parties known for their loyalty to Iran strongly opposed the popular protests,

 leveling numerous accusations against them and trying to stop them. It is noteworthy that pro-Iran Islamic parties dominating government were targeted by protesters because of their poor governing performance.

chattels: Mamouri adds, “The ongoing protests in Iraq have brought together religious, civilian, secularist, communist and other communities. They all seek to reform the system and eradicate corruption within the Iraqi government.

It seems that religious slogans and figures, especially Sistani, are exploited to attack the protests in order to create a rift between the protesters. …

The situation on the ground indicates that the Iranian or pro-Iran movements’ attacks and assaults on protesters by accusing them of being anti-religion, breaching religion or being affiliated to IS [Islamic State] aim to defend specific Islamist parties with regional alliances with Iran.

In light of the Iranian authorities’ explicit attack on the protests and Sistani’s support for them, conflict between the two camps on the way to deal with Iraqi affairs seems to loom in the horizon.

While Iran wants Iraq to be a key element in its regional camp against Saudi Arabia, Sistani wants to distance Iraq from the ongoing regional conflicts, as much as possible, to allow it to make independent decisions within the framework of an efficient and stable civil state.”

 chattels: Mustafa al-Kadhimi writes that despite the Iraqi parliament’s endorsement of Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi’s reform package,

“The difficulty of this task lies not only in the lack of required professional and scientific experts to deal with the situation — especially in light of the major brain drain in all domains during the past decade — but also in the will of Iraqi politicians to adopt the philosophy of reform in the interest of unity and society.”

chattels: Kadhimi adds that implementation of Abadi’s reforms requires “serious and fair working groups” among parliamentarians and “shortcuts to bring about change on the ground.”

chattels: “Abadi can accelerate the implementation of the reforms by winning further support of the religious authorities, which have so far supported the reforms he decided on, and by obtaining the approval of the political blocs.

 It is worth mentioning that some reservations on these reforms were expressed by Vice President Ayad Allawi and Vice President Osama al-Nujaifi, who considered the reforms a violation of the constitution.

The government has major challenges to face in its implementation of reform measures, given the size of the problems in the state’s structure, disintegrating institutions, the confusion and inconsistency of laws and management’s instructions, and the deep-rooted corruption even in state regulatory systems,” Kadhimi writes.

chattels: Mohammed Salih writes that the Iraqi parliament’s ratification on Aug. 17, 2015, of a report that holds former Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki and more than 30 senior Iraqi officials responsible for the fall of Mosul may be a “litmus test” for Abadi’s reform initiative.

chattels: “In a country crippled by conflict, corruption and personal rivalries at the highest levels, if Abadi is serious about introducing a new approach to governance, the Mosul report could be used to his advantage to implement the desired reforms,” adds Salih.

chattels: “For now, it appears that Tehran is avoiding direct and overt involvement in the Shiite leadership dispute in Baghdad. Iran will likely maintain this posture until and unless the situation is seen as spiraling out of control, at which point it may choose to intervene to help forge a consensus.

Indeed, this has been the playbook in recent years. This, in turn, may cause the Shiite leadership in Baghdad to pre-emptively reach out to the grand ayatollah, who also seeks to avoid becoming too embroiled in factional politics.

In this waiting game, which could potentially turn explosive, the main victim may once again be ordinary Iraqis, who are mired not only in a war against IS in the trenches, but also corruption and factionalism at home.” Read more:

chattels: The government has major challenges to face in its implementation of reform measures, given the size of the problems in the state’s structure, disintegrating institutions, the confusion and inconsistency of laws and management’s instructions, and the deep-rooted corruption even in state regulatory systems,” supra ^^^^^^
chattels: In this waiting game, which could potentially turn explosive, the main victim may once again be ordinary Iraqis, who are mired not only in a war against IS in the trenches, but also corruption and factionalism at home.” supra ^^^^

chattels: dozens of people, on Monday, in front of the Supreme Judicial Council building in the Iraqi capital Baghdad to demand the resignation of President of the Council Medhat al-Mahmoud, and reforms in the judiciary in general. 

A network reporter Roudao media that dozens of people demonstrated in front of the Supreme Judicial Council building in Baghdad, to demand the resignation of Chief Justice Medhat al-Mahmoud and reforms in the judiciary. accuse political activists and civilians Judge Medhat al-Mahmoud favoring the leader of a coalition of state law, Nuri al-Maliki during his presidency of the Iraqi government for two consecutive terms, The politicization of the judiciary at the time. 

This prompted Mahmood to submit an application by reference to retire, but the federal judiciary announced (08/17/2015), the refusal of the members of the Supreme Judicial Council unanimously request. 

The Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi, a series of reforms in the country, and called in (08.14.2015) the judiciary to do a "drastic measures" to confirm the prestige of the judiciary and its independence, as the religious authority in Najaf stressed that it can not implement meaningful reform without reform the judiciary. Read more:

captl1: “He spoke of war for the network Roudao media, said that "the return of Nuri al-Maliki's deputy in the Iraqi parliament ordered carries no legal violation, while does not mean therefore acquitted of the charges against him. 

"He explained that the court can demand of the Iraqi parliament lift the immunity of al-Maliki and submit it to eliminate about the charges against him. and provided the commission of inquiry in the fall of Mosul, the final results to the Iraqi Council of Representatives, where the report Nuri al-Maliki name of the accused caused the fall Mosul, under the control of Daash., 

who controlled the "Islamic state" Daash the city of Mosul (Nineveh province) in June 2014 after a large withdrawal of Iraqi forces. The report stated that the former prime minister Nuri al-Maliki face his orders to Iraqi Army to withdraw from the city of Mosul (400 km north of the capital Baghdad).... (captl1)

captl1: They better start building the gallows.

Doug_W: what a thug he is

captl1: He will get his in due time. Can't cheat the hangman!

Doug_W: soooo

captl1: Yes?

captl1: Baghdad Press has some good articles today

Comments may be made at the end of Part 2  Thank You

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