Don't WAIT!

Sunday, August 30, 2015

DebTarHeelGirl Sunday Afternoon: " A Tale of 2 Friends"

On a personal level – this is a bit of a different kind of email from me today... I would read this if I were you asking what can I learn from this...  I can say that I am writing this so YOU can be informed and MAKE CHANGES WHILE YOU CAN. 

I want to share something with you that truly relates to each of us in Dinarland.  


I have two friends that were so excited about the foreign currency endeavor and what the hopes were that it will bring, not only to each of us, but to the responsibility of what we are to do with the exchange monies.

Both my friends rejoiced in the fact that their family would be debt free at the time of exchange, both my friends rejoiced that the monies would help their kids and grandchildren solve their financial debts, so with my introduction the both purchased some currency.
As the weeks and months and years have gone by, both my friends started finding every chat sites in Dinarland and became online friends to LOTS of people.  Both lived and breathed dinar updates, news, conference calls, and 98% of their waking hours, the activities and all conversation surrounded the RV and its status.  

Their family members began to back off of wanting to be around my friends, both suffered loss of high school chums, shopping and restaurant get together buddies, skipping church, making no time for phone calls to see how some that were hospitalized were doing, both missed opportunities to be there fully in mind and deed when tragedy struck in both of the families I am referring to, as “they had to be home to get intel”.  

Friend #1 - This lady was dating a real nice man, he loves the Lord and fell head over heels for her and at the same time she bought dinar, he did too.  So they grew in knowledge about the RV.  That relationship is dead, she ruined it by living on chat sites, calling those in Dinarland she made friends with night and day, even stopped taking care of her home, even stopped putting make up on and taking care of her everyday life giving affairs.  

She has lost her family, she is now without her "future mate" as he begged her for months to not let this RV quest take over her life.  She chose the hype and the temporary stimulus of listening to conference calls and seeing "news" posted and allowed Dinarland be her daily food and reason to exist.

Both of my friends are what you can say "wrapped up" in Dinarland and now think they have become experts on who, what, when, where, why and how the RV/GCR will manifest, in all facets mind you, all the while they can't even remember their own children's birthday functions and are missing family milestones.

One of the two has decided to go with what she calls an "early exchange group" and has turned in her currency to the "Christian Leader" of this group, being told they will get $2 for the Dinar & maybe a few cents for the Dong. She signed this group's "legal" documents stating that they will NOT divulge to anyone any details at all.  

She was told this private group will be the ONLY people exchanging and they were told all who joined will get their money "next week".  It’s been 7 months now and "next week" has not come. I tried to tell her that we are told NO ONE cashes out until this currency is legal to exchange PERIOD.  BONAFIDE SCAMMERS!

My friend is devastated and she can't get ANY of her Dinar back as she gave ALL she had purchased.  She was so emotionally driven over an "early exchange" she could not wait to get "bank rate" that she was hearing from these calls that is alleged to be $3+ or more, she forgo the chance at more return and gave it to these folks WHO SHE NEVER MET IN PERSON, nor did she ask to see their SEC License to trade = buy & sell foreign currency, nor did she ask to see their registered US Treasury agent assigned to the group leader to prove this was legit!  

Months later, which was just last week, she and others began to ask the "leader" to prove they were legit and the reply was "NO, you signed your rights away to inquire or to even ask for your currency back and you are not to even share anything about this group".   


Friend # 2 = OH such a leader she is!  She has so many that call her daily to ask her "what's new".  This friend has a group that after the RV, they will continue to be a resource for everyone.  Goals and plans for after are already made. She has legal counsel lined up, she has recreation places in other countries picked out. Oh she has a goal to help ministries too. 

The people that call my friend daily for info and to yak about "did you hear what the Conf Call guy just said" and "why this blessing has not manifest" and "who could be holding this up" etc. OR she gets a call to “go right now” to such and such Chat site to see what is being argued over...

These people, they do not realize that beyond that phone receiver is a house that is ridden with roach dung on the counter tops and all the bowls, cups, pots and pans that are not in cabinets, all over the kitchen is unwashed dishes, stacked up food bags and wrappers from delivered food and take outs.  

The rooms are in disarray to the point garbage has built up that the rooms can't be used.  Dust, ha that's an understatement, it looks like sand with hair in it.  The bedroom she sleeps in has odors that should be classified as toxic.  

The bathroom has not been cloroxed as the shower floor and sinks have turned brown.  Clothes piled up in the bedroom that now she kicks them aside just to walk around to get to her bed. She keeps saying, I am going to hire someone to come in after the RV to completely gut my house and redo and clean everything.

She keeps putting off today what her life responsibilities are in order to FEED that RV ADDICTION.  OH but she states she has so many counting on her she has to pick up that phone to "guide them" as there is "no one else out there they can trust" but her... I believe this is a classified addiction and she has been deceived into "caring for her group" to the point her family doesn't contact her FOR NOTHING!

Well my call late last night came with the news, Friend #2 she died yesterday.

My precious friends, I am not knocking wanting to know where we are in relation to the possibility of going to the bank.  We have all learned more about foreign affairs and about our own government than we did in school, from reading the various articles on Dinar Recaps and other research that we have done or others send to us.  

There is nothing wrong with a study of this endeavor.  The wrong is when you let it take over your life to the point you can't even hear GOD's leading anymore, to where you shut out the wisdom given by the Holy Spirit to NOT LOSE YOUR LIFE in this.  

Both friends have put off what their real life priorities are today and now look at all the loss, now a life even!  

Folks when you make an investment, you don't call your financial advisor daily to see how it’s doing, you wait for the reports to come out and rest knowing OVER TIME your investment will grow and bring you profit!
Now Friend #1 has started as had Friend # 2 just 3 weeks ago, calling and writing to me stating my weekly encouragement emails have been their saving grace, they were just realizing what a nightmare they are living in, all due to letting what this RV and the chase has done to them...

NO I do not share Intel, I do share the source of LIFE and that's the wisdom from the word of God to assist folks on putting priorities in order in your life NOW before it’s too late.  

Each day is another chance to make things right, turn from letting Dinarland be your source and allow faith and hope in the fact our wealth transfer blessing is coming!

If you remember anything of DebTarHeelGirl's words of encouragement remember this:

 Delay is not denial and your efforts to seek out the who what when where why and how’s will destroy all that is in your life.  Its NOT meant to be for us to know it all PERIOD.  This wealth transfer will come, TRUST, it will be a blessing in all our lives, God did not bring us this far to drop us, TRUST.  There is too much proof out there the RV/GCR will happen.  

Until then, please revert back to taking care of what is most important in your life NOW, do not put it off.  

Friend #1 needs to realize that this GOOD MAN that cared so much for her was her current gift, her family is a gift and now Friend #2 has nothing, she could not take her dinar with her to heaven and I believe she is there from the talks we had, I made sure she confess where her salvation comes from.

Today make the choice, I will stop, re-evaluate my daily priorities, I will ask for forgiveness where its needed, I will now move forward in my life giving affairs with faith and hope knowing this RV/GCR will come, I accept delay is not denial, until it shows up I am going to do what I need to in my home, my family life, friend life and not let this roller coaster ride hold me captive anymore.



via Dinar Recaps - Our Blog

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