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Monday, August 31, 2015

Wealthwatch Early Evening Chat  8-31-15  Part 2 of 2

Post From Chat Room 8-31-15
Wealthwatch Early Evening Chat  8-31-15  Part 2 of 2

BOBBY: newbieDA.... i have a different take on this so you will have to pardon my non reaction

newbieDA: work on the National Guard, Federal Court, Anti-Money Laundering and Terrorism Financing Law, and Investment laws

newbieDA: share Bobby, please

BOBBY: newbieDA...... i dont think the climate is right to support a rate change

newbieDA: I agree, no need to talk about a rate change, totally agree
newbieDA: no sense at all
newbieDA: no security and mass corruption still

 BOBBY: newbieDA. ...... agreed
newbieDA: why the laws are important
newbieDA: just those 4 laws I mentioned are not enough

BOBBY: they are making progress

newbieDA: totally, agree again
newbieDA: something is a foot

newbieDA: not sure how much of difference though, hope they do it, and looks like they are trying to manifest something

newbieDA: I am looking for the day the people have electricity again, make me happy

chattels: ‹@BOBBY› Which post ?

newbieDA: I did find someone, from another site I found in my 3rd week in my investement 4 years ago, I got lucky

newbieDA: we talk, hes not a guru, but a friend who I talk too

BOBBY: Chattels... check out the goats 3 part

newbieDA: reforms, protest, and a deadline from international organizations came out

chattels: ‹@BOBBY› How does Mtn. Goat know anything about Shabbibi's role as consultant ?

BOBBY: i decided a long time ago to not center my life around this, helps keep the sanity

chattels: Never did she note what was her opinion.

BOBBY: Chattels, ,........ lol lol. please read on

newbieDA: chattels, went looking for articles on Shabbibi, there is nothing happening, its bull

chattels: I read it all.

newbieDA: I dont understand where they think is coming back yet lol

chattels: I do agree with her about the absence of security and stability - I believe I have said as much for some time now.

newbieDA: you have chattels, we agree on that all the time is how I know

BOBBY: Chattels. ....... i think it all boils down to those two

newbieDA: top of my list

chattels: I want, like OOTW, to see what happens with Medhat and the Judiciary.

newbieDA: Security and Corruption
newbieDA: the 3 presidents talk about it, they want the Federal Court Act done asap

chattels: ‹@newbieDA› the recent meeting of the three presidents had no " specifics " that I read

newbieDA: looking for it

chattels: Reidar Visser ‏@reidarvisser 3h3 hours ago Sadly, the official summary of today's meeting of #Iraq's 3 top leaders consists of generalities only, as in the past …LINK

chattels: " ....... the importance of the completion of key legislation, including the National Guard and the Federal Court and national reconciliation laws. "

newbieDA: Looking meeting the three presidents of the security situation and reforms 11:25: 08/31/2015 Masoum-31-8-2015-bb.jpg Khandan - President of the Republic Fuad Masum, the Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi and Parliament Speaker Salim al-Jubouri met at the Peace Palace in Baghdad on Monday evening 31/8/2015.

 The presidency said in a statement, that during the meeting, they discussed the security situation and file reforms and ways to strengthen state-building and issues related to the completion of legislation. and across the participants expressed their support for practical steps that meet the interests of the Iraqi people to accomplish what was voted on government and parliamentary reforms. 

The Prime Minister stressed the need to go all the reforms are carried out in accordance with the Constitution and the law. It was also praise the military operations led by the Iraqi army and security services and the sons of the popular crowd and the Peshmerga and the sons of the tribes in Anbar and Peggy multiple areas of Iraq. 

The meeting felt the importance of the completion of key legislation, including the National Guard and the Federal Court and national reconciliation laws. 

The participants stressed that the economic and financial side is one of the priorities of the executive and legislative bodies that are being highlighted in the reforms file , stressing that the provision of essential services to the Iraqi citizen is located within the basic obligations that state institutions seeking to implement them.

[07:17:45 PM] newbieDA:

newbieDA: note: The meeting felt the importance of the completion of key legislation, including the National Guard and the Federal Court and national reconciliation laws.

chattels: the three Presidents have no power without the support of the Parliament and Judiciary, IMO

newbieDA: they want the Federal Court Act done
newbieDA: and Parliament Speaker Salim al-Jubouri is right there
newbieDA: that how I got the idea

chattels: too many people expect that the Prime Minister and / or President have some far reaching executive power akin to the American form of government, IMO

newbieDA: nope its parliamentary government, I agree chattels, it has to go through parliament

BOBBY: Chattels. ....... Shabibi has it covered. lol

chattels: ‹@newbieDA› I am with you, but the general statement as to importance does not tell us how, when, etc.

newbieDA: I just am just looking forward to some basic info and order, its all good
newbieDA: thats a good article there on some idea of what to look forward too

newbieDA: the national reconciliation law is important, leads to the Amnesty law, along with the passing of the justice and accountability law

newbieDA: I noticed they work together, can have one without the other I believe

chattels: Visser is a former advisor to the U.S. State Department and a constitutional expert on Iraq –

chattels: ‹@newbieDA› all of these laws were promised to the political factions as part of the agreement to install Abadi's government, IMO

chattels: the devil is always in the details

newbieDA: ya I can see that too, its to make certain people happy, especially after the Law of Parties was passed and all

chattels: we are more than six months into the Abadi government and he has not been able " to deliver "

chattels: the reforms are really not so " new "

newbieDA: they have to work this out to prepare for the investment and economic reforms though

BOBBY: an Rv is not the answer to all of Iraq s problems

lonegunman: ‹@BOBBY› sure would help

chattels: the austerity features and non-sectarian / quota aspects are " new "

newbieDA: and he has added pressure too now, he will show hes true colors or powers soon

lonegunman: as long as the rest of em dont steal it all

BOBBY: lol

chattels: there is much work to be done to cure what " ails " Iraq

newbieDA: I am surprised how Abadi is just brushing off Maliki so well, even though he is still causing problems, Ababi is taking it all in stride

newbieDA: oh way too much, they should be like kuwait right now, then dubia after the facts

chattels: ‹@newbieDA› the public / vocal support of the clerics is certainly part of the explanation

BOBBY: i think Abadi is keeping his cards close to the chest so to speak

newbieDA: in my notes, loved the added pressure
newbieDA: more pressure Protest by Sadir a Religious Leader

lonegunman: the iraqi's i talk to have said this would take 20 yrs as long as iran was booted out kept out

newbieDA: thought it was god sent, very happy

chattels: Many of the demonstrators are secularist progressives and there is tension with the Islamists

newbieDA: ya still learning about the sects and parties, but totally understand what your saying
chattels: there is a war to direct / control the demonstrations going on - Iraq is at war with itself on many levels

newbieDA: sorta why I am looking forward to the National Guard act, brings somethings together, not much, but will help with a unity and security issues

newbieDA: chattel, got something else for you, listen to this bobby

BOBBY: Chattels. ......... just imagine if they implode over there

newbieDA: its not in our line of news but...
newbieDA: Russia is going to help Assad, air and land
newbieDA: another game changer

chattels: DAESH, social justice, government accountability, the rule of law, political power, etc.

newbieDA: I am still checking sources, but thats the rumor I got

chattels: ‹@newbieDA› clandestine outside influences add to the difficulty and intrigue

newbieDA: like that chattels, yep, totally agree
newbieDA: very true, Russia will also push IS into Iraq, which is not good either

newbieDA: Iraq is bogged down, refused to retreat though, they are controlling their own troops

newbieDA: but holding

chattels: add to the mix the Kurdish agendas, not only the KRG, but " greater Kurdistan ", Rojava, Turkey and northwest Iran

newbieDA: ya, its a mixed bag, crazy
newbieDA: PPK too
newbieDA: like I said, I am learning the sects and parties lol

newbieDA: southern Iraq is moving along, new Kuwait treaty, very nice
newbieDA: CBI loans in Oman
newbieDA: not a total lose
newbieDA: northwest is screwed, fubar

BOBBY: newbieDA..... someone has been doing there homework lol


newbieDA: current map

newbieDA: trying to keep up, yep

via Dinar Recaps - Our Blog

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