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Thursday, August 27, 2015

BLC Admin Tlm724 News & Comments 8-27-15

Morning News Comments 08/27/2015

Central is preparing to launch bonds in local currency and asserts: We have a surplus of foreign currency

[tlm724] that "Iraq needs funds in local currency and not in hard currency, so the central bank is preparing to launch bonds in local currency for sale in order to strengthen the local currency.

[tlm724] bonds that will be put forward will be available to all citizens and the various classes in order to take advantage of it will be local and national,

[tlm724] there is a surplus in foreign currency in the country and, therefore, he went to the Central Bank to sell bonds in the national local currency away from the dollar selling

[tlm724] *wolfwhistle* 
[tlm724] so now my question is this, are these T-bills or big boy bonds ???

[tlm724] various classes in order to take advantage of it will be local and national

[tlm724] the central bank is preparing to launch bonds in local currency for sale in order to strengthen the local currency

[tlm724] let me find out Shredds' opinion, will let you all know when he responds

Per Shredd : Good to see...thanks for sharing! Bonds will by nature create liquidity and to be in local currency is a timely and needed statement of confidence in the economy's potential.

[tlm724] We will have to wait for further information directly from the CBI as to the nature of the bonds  , thanks Shredders


Abadi: I will not give my sons is in the interest of "one iota

[tlm724] Abadi, "I will not relinquish my sons interest one iota," adding, "We are headed in the right direction to build a state."

[tlm724] thats an awesome line and shows he has backbone ! these reforms are happening come hell or high water


Jubouri consultant: the possibility of the success of the adoption of the oil law depends on two stages

[tlm724] two stages for the HCL

[tlm724] indicating that the law is still at the government

[tlm724] it must pass the first two stages provides for the formation of the Federal Council for Oil and Gas and managed by the Prime Minister and some government-essential members of the participation producing provinces representatives,

[tlm724] independent and specialized elements in this area, to draw the Council's energy policy in general in the country

[tlm724] get them all on the same page and draw up the policy

[tlm724] 'The second phase will focus on the adoption of the Law of the national oil company

[tlm724] this matter commensurate with the aspirations of the founding of this company is the parent company
[tlm724] the achievement of the above phases as possible to succeed in approving the law

[tlm724] especially since the current version does not fit with the current stage

[tlm724] 'the law is still the government has not yet sent to the parliament for discussion or consideration and adoption', pointing out that 'the government has formed a committee to study it.

[tlm724] I like seeing this in the news again,it's a critical step and it is way past time to get this done


Urgent .. Parliament voted unanimously on all the paragraphs of the law of parties

[tlm724] "The parliament voted unanimously on the law of parties, and all of its paragraphs.

[tlm724] thats what I'm talkin about another unanimous vote !


Urgent .. House of Representatives vote on the prevention of Baathists from the establishment parties

[tlm724] House of Representatives voted to prevent the Baathists from the establishment parties

[tlm724] like that one too !

[tlm724] Saddams old party will become a nightmare in the past !


Finance parliamentary query the competent authorities on money-laundering

[tlm724] "The parliamentary Finance Committee discussed by hosting the central bank governor and director of the bank's anti-money laundering and Office of Financial Supervision and the Director of Public Prosecutions and the Director of money laundering intelligence to a money laundering law." Smile


US site: the continued decline of oil and the war in Iraq Daash may be forced to reduce its currency

[tlm724] US site: the continued decline of oil and the war in Iraq Daash may be forced to reduce its currency

[tlm724] while among Iraq's reserves of hard currency fell 20 percent to $ 59 billion , predicted that the value of the dinar weakened by 20 percent over the next year in 2016 unless the government may be forced to reduce its exchange rate against the dollar

[tlm724] reserves are down to 59 billion *slap* they gotta keep their hands outta the cookie jar

[tlm724] unless the government may be forced to reduce its exchange rate against the dollar

[tlm724] and the high cost of living in a country suffering mainly from the protests

[tlm724] yep we been saying that !

[tlm724] "Any currency crisis faced by a country often come the consequences of severe and painful it"

[tlm724] ya think

[tlm724] that "the threat to Iraq shows the extent of the impact that could be caused by the crisis to other aspects outside the scope of the market and the economy.
[tlm724] yeah it's called corruption and mafia's

[tlm724] "the damage to the national reserve of hard currency caused by falling oil prices, could force Iraq to reduce the value of the dinar,

[tlm724] Bloomberg, that "the collapse of the value of the dinar may lead to higher cost of living for Iraqi citizens
[tlm724] "the collapse of the value of the dinar may lead to higher cost of living for Iraqi citizens

[tlm724] "the Iraqi authorities will do their best to maintain the exchange value for as long as possible, but it may have to reduce the value of the national currency, if the pressure continued.
[tlm724] the question remains will Iraq allow their people to plunge deeper into poverty ???

[therealbubbie] tlm724 yesss they will ! they only react to protests !!

[tlm724] well protests they got !

[therealbubbie] and still 1166 !

[tlm724] yes it is bubbies, I think they must adjust the exchange rate prior to tariffs so I say no the people will come out of this with a strong representative dinar and a better life !


Parliamentary Finance: Iraq can not be under international Commandments

[tlm724] "reduce expenses in all institutions and increase oil exports, in addition to activating the other revenues such as taxes and customs fees are important steps to overcome the difficult phase that has plagued Iraq."

[tlm724] activating the other revenues such as taxes and customs fees are important steps to overcome the difficult phase that has plagued Iraq. *wolfwhistle*

[tlm724] give the dinar purchasing power and impose those taxes baby !!!

[tlm724] and all will be well in the old town tonight !


Parliamentary Finance hosts the Governor of the Central Bank and the chief prosecutor to discuss money laundering

[tlm724] simply put, they are getting this done, the AML will pass in time before the blacklist deadline of Oct

[tlm724] to discuss money laundering and the issue of the currency auction and cases of corruption.

[tlm724] they are addressing this from all angles, get the corruption stopped !

[tlm724] and the currency auction too, we talked about this yesterday


Choice of international institutions overseeing the spending 

[tlm724] economic affairs experts have high hopes on the 5 trillion dinars allocated by the Central Bank of Iraq to support development projects, where they demanded that the mechanism is overseeing the implementation of this allocation funded by a specialized international institutions to prevent any case of manipulation projects

[tlm724] RCS1947 said This is very important! It shows that Iraq is getting serious about business! Thanks BondLady!

[tlm724] I couldn't agree more ! Having an instituation like Arernst & Young with coordination through the Prime Minister to oversee their spending and money habits is a great plan !

[tlm724] He pointed out the importance of restoring confidence between Iraq and the international effort evolving, noting the importance of giving the right of every citizen to see and as a contributor to oversee the implementation of the projects.

[tlm724] and we all know how important confidence is in the growth and well being of all Iraq !

[tlm724] well said RCS1947, thank you !


Jubouri: the corrupt must be held accountable and raise the standard of living

[tlm724] Jubouri: the corrupt must be held accountable and raise the standard of living

[tlm724] thats the gist of this whole thing ! Corruption has to go and the people must have a civialized and decent live !

via Dinar Recaps - Our Blog

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