Don't WAIT!

Monday, August 31, 2015

Pastors Ed & Kat International Prayer Call Mon. Night 7pm ET

International Prayer Call Monday Night 7pm ET

641 715 3660    406878#
641 715 3659    406878#    recorded version

Some are so dug into this all emotions are directed to it, families are falling down lives are being ruined. You can lead them to the water but you cant make them drink it. If this is all your life and all your hope is on this nothing else you are in trouble. If you are saying this is all I have it don't happen I don't know what I will do. You are in trouble. Deferred hope is very dangerous.
Get up out of that ditch and come into overflow of blessings, when you get it, has some have, living in overflow of blessings daily is wild awesome and very exciting. Some scholars get it some don't, But it is the best, its so simple most miss it. Some think its too simple, but it works. Join us wont you Shalom Shalom Its being connected to the Giver anointed flow.
God Bless
Pastors Ed & Kat

Thanks Dinar Recaps for all your help

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