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Saturday, August 29, 2015

Reposted Per Request: "Some Post-RV Tips Gathered By DebTarHeelGirl"

Reposted:  Some Post RV Tips Gathered by DebTarHeelGirl: 

Take what fits your individual situation and leave the rest.


_____ Install a security system in your house.

_____ Install a backup generator in case the electricity is cutoff in your house.

_____ Install high security Medco bolt locks.

_____ Consider installing a heavy-duty safe in your home or building a "safe room". I plan on having a hidden safe like what is available through this company:

_____ Install reflective film on your home windows.
____ 1. INSURANCE:

_____ Upgrade your personal, home, auto and umbrella insurance to the highest amount they are willing to sell to you immediately following the RV.

_____ For example: if they offer $1 million on your vehicle, get it. It can be a first line of defense in the event someone tries to sue you from an accident (even a "planned accident").

_____ Consider ransom insurance, too!


_____ Get training in self-defense / firearms.

_____ Don't flaunt your newly obtained wealth. Be very low-key.

_____ Be careful of your conversation in public areas where others can overhear you.

_____ Don’t trust anyone.

_____ Pick your friends wisely. Keep your friends close and your enemies closer.

_____ Close all of your social networking accounts. If anyone asks you why you closed your Facebook, just tell them for security reasons. (my husband and I have already done this).

_____ Completely erase all personal information on the internet.

_____ Do not have your home in your personal name (you can use a trust, for example). Remember, property tax records and other records associated with your home are easily available to the public.


____ There are many companies available to assist you with protecting yourself from identity theft, such as Lifelock


How to work a bank deal post RV

_____ First of all, relax. You do not have to cash out the very first day. You will have plenty of time. Make sure you are getting the best deal you can.

_____ Money talks and has considerable power. You need to walk into a bank and tell them what you expect if you choose to exchange your dinar there.

_____ You expect no fees, the highest rate possible (make sure you tell them the rates you can get elsewhere)

_____ Immediate access to your money

_____ An appointment with a private banker and

_____ An appointment with a wealth mgmt. consultant.

_____ A private or personal banker is your personal banker and they are there for you.

_____ This is your go to person for normal banking issues and transactions. They should be the only one to handle your account and you should keep their number on speed dial.

_____ Your private banker is always there for you and defers to your decisions.

_____ Make sure and feel comfortable with whom your private banker and wealth mgmt. advisor is and feel

_____ Free to ask for a new one if needed.

_____ Always ask for referrals, successful bankers do not mind providing this information.

_____ Then check on those referrals and ask questions such as…is the banker available when needed,

_____ Do they return calls in a timely manner,

_____ What is your track record with them.

_____ Do they follow your agenda or push their own?

_____ Since you are going to become very close to these people….

_____ You need to assure you have like personalities and are comfortable dealing with them.

_____ The bank we are dealing with makes additional resources available depending on your net worth.

_____ Worth (for lack of a better word) start at $250,000 in investable assets and go up from there.

_____ Obviously the more you are worth, the greater your accesses and privileges.

_____ Privileges include such things as …..

_____ Investment management,

_____ Concentrated stock management

_____ Intergenerational wealth transfer strategies.
_____ Make sure they are professional and not just someone you hear about on the internet. You've waited to long for this money to lose it via some internet scheme. Other things you need to ask for and expect includes…

_____ NO fees ever…. 

_____ NO cashier check fees,

_____ NO bank fees,

_____ NO credit card fees or

_____ Annual membership fees,

_____ Free use of a safety deposit box.

_____ You need to ask for a privileged ATM card. I am not sure what other banks call this so make sure and ask. It’s a debit card with higher daily limits or even unlimited depending on your situation and NO FEES, even when out of network.

_____ Be sure to determine both your ATM cash withdrawal daily limit (or no limit) and your debit card spending limit (or no limit). They’re different.

_____ Banks are well aware of how to verify and deposit foreign currency as they do this every day. Your dinar will be sight verified in front of you and deposited into your account.

via Dinar Recaps - Our Blog

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