Don't WAIT!

Sunday, August 23, 2015

Tidbits From TNT Sunday Morning


JHargr13:   You looked at Oanda this AM??? Showing froze at 1122.10... In three years it has NEVER frozen that low, always 1165/1166... Something may be up in denmark..

Greenstream:  Will be interesting when Markets open again too.

TBarts:  Jhargr13. It has been that way a week now

JHargr13:   Tbarts: It has been low, but all three numbers have not been that for a week... They were frozen at 1600 hours yesterday afternoon... An did their normal week end freeze at the 1122.10 not the 1165/1166 they have done for the last three years... Look at the graph if you don't believe me...

Oanda weekend freeze since July 28- July 28 - 1165, Aug 1 - 1167, Aug 8 - 1165, Aug 15 - 1166 and Aug 22 - 1122... Something is up or down which ever you want to call it...

Iko Ward:  JHargr, you are correct. Forex ended the week at 1122.1. Tonight around 8PM EST we'll get the latest poll and see what's up.
Greentree:  This shows 1122.

Iko ward:   Greentree …That’s what I use

Iko ward:  BTW, for those of you uncomfortable with FOREX, OANDA is a very good platform and consistently up to the minute.

Greentree:  Iko - is there a typical schedule for polling?

Iko Ward: can count on Sunday evening around 8PM EST, also a little after 7AM EST, and also 11AM EST….. The morning times are Monday through Friday…. And also 8PM EST Monday through Friday


GolferIAm: I’ve come to grips with the roller coaster ride we all have endured from 11 years to less than 2 months.  It hasn't been fun and, in some cases, it has been costly.  

We all want the RV to happen, NOW, because we all realize we can make our personal lives and other lives at least a little bit better than it is not to mention the improvement it means for Iraq.

And, how many times have we heard Tony say, "It isn't about us."?  Too, many.  We've had our hopes raised only to have them dashed.  As hard as it is to endure IT not happening, it may be just as hard not knowing why it hasn't happened.

Every week, hell, every day, we read and/or hear of some speculation it hasn't happened for this or that reason or that it won't happen until this or that event happens. We put some degree of "trust" into those words because of who wrote/said them and feel betrayed when we are disappointed...again and again.  Even Tony keeps saying everything is done except the waiting.

Here's what I think.  Everything is done that is required for it happen.  Everyone is in agreement and singing "Kumbiya"...however that is spelled.  I believe that.  

But what we haven't come to REALLY grasp is how big and complex this event is.  

Think about it.  How many nations are involved and how many agencies within each of those countries are there?  How many agencies are there that represent the common good of all the nations?  

Some countries are bigger and/or richer than others.  Some are more influential than others.  Some have bigger needs than others.  The point remains they all matter.  

At some point during the process they all agree with everything and then at least one player thinks they can change the arrangement to improve their plight and the event is postponed.  Everyone looks at the rationale and agrees and sets a new time...until, someone realizes that change actually changed their plight and the event is postponed again.  

How many times have we seen this happen?  Too many, in our minds for sure.  But, to those players it is a now or never situation for them to improve the conditions in their country.

 In the case were the change may have affected several countries or even the whole world, then the worldwide agencies get involved.  

I agree with Tony when he says, THEY have to make sure they get this right, not only for Iraq's sake, but for everyone's.  Fixing it later might not be an option.

So, could this iteration go on and on?  Yes, but, I trust brighter minds than mine will prevail and determine the effect of the changes called for are too minimal to offset the gain by actually pulling the trigger.  I don't think we, and even Tony, are in a position to determine where that point is.

The bottom line is that worrying about being disappointed or trying to determine when the event will happen is wasted time.  Even constant habituating the chat room doesn't do any good.  I rarely see any new information being discussed on how to improve our lot with our money after the event.

 Being in the room at the magic moment or watching some news show or financial "ticker tape" doesn't help one bit.  It is no better than knowing Tony will advise me very closely after the event happens.  How does knowing up to 15 minutes earlier make you any more money?  I don't think it does.  

The cost of patrolling the chat room and other sites all day is far greater than any gain.  I see anxiety, verbal fights, passing of information that might actually hurt someone else and probably health issues.

So, I am content with sitting (actually doing other things) by until THEY push the button and Tony tells me.  I have my phone with me at all times.  My plans have been checked and rechecked more than I can count.  

Yes,  out of habit, I will sneak into the room from time to time to see what is going on and check the forum to see if there is any new USEFUL information added.  I have come to grips with the real world and discovered that treading water in the room is not healthy...for me.  

You do what is best for you, but at least think about what I said and put all of it into perspective and make the best decision for you.

On another matter, I have seen far too often, comments about the dinar not being internationally traded or its extremely low exchange rate.  These two terms are not mutually Inclusive.  A high exchange rate is not required to be traded internationally.  Just look at Vietnam with its extremely low exchange has been traded internationally for a long time.  Being internationally traded is a political act.  

When a currency is not traded internationally it is because the country's political or banking systems are not up to standards or the country has misbehaved.  I know some countries have misbehaved, very badly even, and their currency is, it is a worldwide political decision to allow it into the club or not.

 As for the rate, that is an economical issue.  Just because a country has a low rate, even extremely low, doesn't mean they cannot conduct international business.  All it means is they have to pay a lot in their own currency (even to meet the current cost of the goods/services) or conduct business in another currency.  

In most cases I have seen, when a country trades in a different currency it is not because of its value but because they don't trust the political picture in that country and, therefore, its currency.  

Iraq could be declared an internationally tradable currency without the RV.  In an extremely less likely scenario, the exchange rate can be increased and the currency still not accepted internationally.

However, I DO think both will happen simultaneously...I just don't know when, so see the above discussion.
Martha:  Before you say what happened to yesterday, understand that something very major did happen and somethings will come to light.

8/22/2015 was as I said the mother load of 8"s,7's and 5"s.It will not happen again for another nine years. It is multiples of 1's and 2's. numbers 11,and 22 are called master numbers and 22 being the ultimate. It represents a form of completion, leadership, to be able to control one's own destiny.

If we look back to 4/22 as being the actual RV we go forward to 7/22,the 3 months that Abadi was given to complete the money reform.

Now enter XMAS 7/25. The month of july astrological was quite mystical with the presence of the star of Bethlehem and the position of the planets and moons.

Now we come to 8/1 the NEW YEAR, the birth and rebirth of a nation, Iraq.It too G-d 6 days to create the world and on the seventh day he rested-8/7-8/8. 8/8 was professed as an alignment of the world-? the r/i but Iraq is still not quite ready so we add another week to 8/11,an anniversary for Abadi and the 8/14 a new moon, and 8/15.we are very close but not quite yet.

Now enters 8/21-8/22. Yesterday there is a guess of a pushed out date till 9/8 and you say what????

 As usual know what you know. The headline was that Abadi was given 3 weeks to clean up the money aka cbi-well go backwards to 8/1 and there is your 3 weeks.

8/22 was a true completion of all the reforms, laws, and implementation to start. We still dont know about whether their people were paid yet but info is being kept very tight.

We are hearing rumblings of 8/24.Now timing enters. The resignation of the head of CBI was already done and no waiting period.

I have heard that this will be officially announced on 8/24 and his replacement announced on 8/28. The question now is if the markets will show the ISX changes or not or will it be 9/1.

On 8/28 there are a few more things to note in that the government will be paid at the new rate, this is the UN operational reporting date for 9/1as well.

 I also have heard about another movement of assets on this day but treat as rumor. On 8/29 is the full moon-another completion for the month. Of course are we in this to 9/1?  I HOPE NOT but then we will have to wait and see.

Personally, the month of September will definitely be one of unrest and confusion in the financial world. I think, that we have all learned how to plan for this scenario.

 How far the bottom goes, no one really knows but it is a very necessary thing that needs to happen. It is an awaking to all that we need to change our ways. It is an year of debt forgiveness. Are we about to see some of that Magic? Only time will tell.

I hope I have explained it and you all understand. Now we just wait for our time to receive our blessing.


Grateful2:  GM Martha: In addition to your accounts of September, going back to the 70's; Iraq has changed the values of its currency, in months of April and September.

So with that being said, and in keeping with the theme of the number 8, counting from September to April, there are 8 months.

Biblically, the number 8 represents (new beginnings). The number 9 represents (the fruit of the Spirit, or fruit bearing), also the number 4 represents (the earth or world) or 1. Earth 2. Wind 3. Fire 4.Water these 4 elements, consist with our planet that we live on, that produces and sustains life. See the book of Genesis.

So with that being said: the number 9=September, and the number 4=April.

Now since the people of Iraq are very much connected culturally to numerology, it is safe to say that; September could be our month, if they continue on the path of being consistant with history, and the UN Operational rate date of month changes.

Have a blessed day, and a spiritually prosperous life.

via Dinar Recaps - Our Blog

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