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Tuesday, August 25, 2015

Wealthwatch Early Morning Chat  8-25-15

Post From Chat Room 8-25-15
Wealthwatch Morning Chat  8-25-15

nobody: the dinar is pegged to the dollar, it moves only when the dollar moves. any forex chart watching is a waste of time.

nobody: we need the CBI to toss the peg and let the market decide the correct rate for exchange

Doug_W: GM Gang

 chattels: Baghdad (AIN) –The Minister of Electricity, Qasim al-Fahdawi rejected to attend the session of parliament on Tuesday, which is intended to question him about the problem of the electricity.   chattels:

chattels: Baghdad (AIN) –The parliament session of Tuesday has started, the session is headed by the Speaker, Saleem al-Jobouri, and attended by 271 MPs. Parliament will vote on Parties Law and question Electricity Minister, a parliamentray source said to AIN.  chattels:

chattels: Allawi:Cancelling Government Positions Is Not Reform, But Austerity Policy 19/08/2015 23:01 BAGHDAD / NINA / Head of the National Coalition (Watania List), Iyad Allawi said the government's action to cancel positions is austerity measures and not reforms.

He said in a televised interview tonight, "the government austerity measures and not a reform, warning at the same time to circumvent the demands of the demonstrations or the political agreement document, stressing that the real reform is the agreement that produced the three presidencies (the Republic, the government and parliament)."

He added that the Iraqi Constitution has been shredded by the lack of implementation of the agreed political agreement before the formation of the government, " chattels:

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chattels: agreements with baghdad mean very little - ask the Kurds

chattels: ERBIL, Kurdistan Region - Airstrikes launched by the US-led coalition to fight the Islamic State, or ISIS, killed 30 extremist fighters on Monday in villages near the town of Daquq, a local police official told Rudaw. Brigadier Sarhad Qadir, chief of Kirkuk province suburban police,

told Rudaw the warplanes targeted ISIS positions in Tal Rabaa and Tal Abu Raseen villages, destroying a military bases inside a local home and killing the ISIS fighters on the premises. Kurdish Peshmerga forces have been able to drive ISIS out of at least 40 villages in Kirkuk province since the jihadists pushed into the area last summer.    chattels:

chattels: Peshmerga — which literally means "those who confront death" : struggle to pay bills Read more:

TxBrand: something is going on... wish we knew what it is -->

TxBrand: IIER Iraqi Institute for Economic Reform ----that's what it about

Doug_W: NO clue Tx

TxBrand: I never get tweets from them... I got about 20 lol  TxBrand: 20 youtubes

TxBrand: Capital law proposal 10

TxBrand: each you tube has a different number of law ----> Capital law proposal 7

TxBrand: there are about 20 of them... so my GUESS is they are passing a lot of laws lol

Doug_W: Git er dun Iraq

MichelleL: any money inside? lol good luck on your doc appt Doug! TxBrand you're up pretty early

Doug_W: ‹@MichelleL› did I show U what we are looking at?


MichelleL: ‹@Doug_W› you showed me yesterday :) the willie nelson mobile!

MichelleL: I assume thats a "post rv" vehicle

Doug_W: yes 4 sure

Tex: Gotta big day planned , better see if I can get a couple eggs ,, have a good day.

chattels: ERBIL, Kurdistan Region – The government of Iraq will work with the Kurdish officials at the international airports in Erbil and Sulaimani in a bid to prevent citizens charged with corruption or wanted by the law from leaving the county.

“The Iraqi Commission of Integrity has planned to create coordination through the board of Erbil-Baghdad relations to prevent corrupt Iraqi leaders who are wanted by the court and with arrest warrants from traveling abroad,” Hassan Yasiri, head of the Iraqi Commission of Integrity, said on Monday in a statement.

The commission has sent a list of wanted Iraqi officials to representatives of the Kurdistan Regional Government (KRG) in Baghdad, according to the statement. “Names that were given to the KRG representative board in Baghdad include 2,171 administrative officials that are charged with corruption and they must be arrested before they flee," Yasiri said   --  chattels:

tourman: escape routes are getting few and far between

chattels: Sinead submit his resignation as a prelude to the return of al-Maliki to his parliamentary seat History of edits:: 2015/8/25 14:31 • 91 visits readable Sinead submit his resignation as a prelude to the return of al-Maliki to his parliamentary seat

chattels: Sinead submit his resignation as a prelude to the return of al-Maliki to his parliamentary seat

chattels: the return of al-Maliki to his parliamentary seat  -- chattels:

chattels: that Sinead, who has not won in the last parliamentary elections in 2014 has held the seat parliament as a substitute for former Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki, who was named vice president Republic in the current government.

It is likely to be the resignation of Sinead as a prelude to re-seat parliament to al-Maliki after reunification Limbering government office in addition to the pursuit of obtaining the legal immunity as deputy after charges against him in the fall of the city of Mosul, ..............

chattels: Maliki is GONE ? ................................ gone back to Parliament it appears.

tourman: Maliki trying to weasel in to save his ars?

tourman: thought Abadi vacated that seat and part of the reforms?

tourman: as^^

chattels: The source told all of Iraq [where] that "the Council rejected its session today the integration of the ministries of electricity and oil ministry one."   chattels:

 chattels: ‹@tourman› every higher office holder is first of all an elected member of Parliament it appears to me

lonegunman: ‹@chattels› GM ! well it seem's business as usual and Maliki back to Parliament ??  lol

chattels: Mr.Maliki , if he is to be relieved of his VP position, intends to take his place in Parliament

 chattels: " in addition to the pursuit of obtaining the legal immunity as deputy after charges against him in the fall of the city of Mosul "

lonegunman: ‹@chattels› is'nt that great !

chattels: ‹@lonegunman› Maliki is a master of survival, eh ?

lonegunman: to say the least !

tourman: Just dont see him obtaining any immunity with all the has been brought to the view of the public. IMO it's still just a matter of time.

lonegunman: he is very smart apparently and resourceful or has a lot of help

tourman: he is a scared man, smart or not, it is catching up to him. He is feeling the burn of that rope and he is squirming.

lonegunman: he does not look that smart !

lonegunman: ‹@tourman› I agree just hope he goes down

chattels: State law meets tomorrow to discuss the return of al-Maliki to parliament 2015/8/25 15:25 [Baghdad - where] MP for the coalition of state law declared Abdul Salam al-Maliki, that his coalition will be discussed tomorrow at a meeting to elect a governing body return of former Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki to the House of Representatives.

He said al-Maliki, told all of Iraq [where], that "al-Maliki has so far not made ​​a final decision whether the subject of his return to the House of Representatives or not," pointing out that "there is a meeting of the state of law tomorrow to elect a governing body, and will be sure of it."


tourman: Thought we had read "ink" on some of the most important supporters of Maliki have defected?

lonegunman: ‹@tourman› ink or opinion ??  lol

tourman: ink  :w00t:

chattels: ‹@tourman› Maliki is. for the time being, still President of the SLC and Secretary - General of the Dawa Shura Council according to recent news

chattels: Oil Minister: we paid off $ 9 billion late for foreign companies [Baghdad-where] Oil Minister Adel Abdul Mahdi said on Tuesday that the race hit the foreign oil companies to nine billion dollars for the last remaining 2014 and 2015 Ana will pay the arrears in stages until the beginning of 2016.

 Said Abdul-Mahdi, in a press statement, that "the ministry has with the help of the Ministry of Finance and the Central Bank and the support of Prime Minister to pay $ 9 billion for the rest of the dues in 2014 to oil companies,   chattels:

Fit2beFit: But doesn't Maliki own and CONTROL many of the news sources from over there

tourman: With all that has come to life from the "file" his gravitas has got to be null and void even with some the other members of the SLC...

chattels: ‹@Fit2beFit› to my knowledge not the news sites that i post from

Fit2beFit: Sorry to say after watching so much stated and yet nothing really happening, I kinda take Iraq news with a grain of Iraq

lonegunman: ‹@Fit2beFit› so it has been reported before , I am sure he does

Fit2beFit: ‹@chattels› how do you really know what he owns and controls

lonegunman: ‹@Fit2beFit› a shaker of salt

chattels: Rudaw, al Monitor, AIN, NINA are the four that i use

whitelions: ‹@Fit2beFi gm and he owns 2 papers and we don't post any news that they put out mostly because they have so much male ware on them they bog down our computers

tourman: prosecution of the roundup of corrupt boneheads surely includes this man. How could it not??

Fit2beFit: If he owns only 2 you know he has inside and powers in more, im sure

whitelions: and 2nd because as you said he owns them and everything they print on Maliki is a lies
chattels: ‹@Fit2beFit› i can't KNOW, but I do belief based upon what I read from many sources and angles

whitelions: ‹@Fit2beFit› if he did most have gone because they can see the writeing on the wall even if he can't

chattels: believe *

Fit2beFit: Maliki maybe rolling problems, BUT it seems along side of him, Iraq has side stepped him and are making many more steps now besides him and behing him then they did when he was in control

whitelions: I have been posting the news for 3 years now and been reading only the news for 8 years I have watched as the papers have creeped away from Maliki and the weeker he gets the more they report againsted him

Fit2beFit: He seems to be no longer a stop sign like he was before

whitelions: ‹@Fit2beFit› so true

tourman: ‹@Fit2beFit› I agree that this man is just a minor snafu in the face of full blown reforms that are taking place as we speak. I think placing any importance to this man and his influence is a moot point. We will see what we seek in due time, sooner rather than later IMO.. This is sooo much bigger than M.

Fit2beFit: The until Malik is gone we will not see an RV talk is just that..TALK

Fit2beFit: A while back,

whitelions: and he hates it for some reason once your a dictator you can't see past that and when the end is coming so when you fall it's like being jack slaped out of the blue thats where Maliki is now it happens to all dictator that get over thrown and this is a over throw in the best possable way

Fit2beFit: Maliki cant fight anymore, he either goes with the full or they will just push him aside like they have started to do

 tourman: Iraq's survival and success will steamroll anything that the SLC has in mind for Maliki. It is written as we speak. The world is moving forward with Iraq and as we see in the news, Iran. Why would U.K. open a fricken embassy in Iran? $$$$$$$$$$$$$$ to be had. 

Why are countries spending billions in Iraq? $$$$$$$ for them. Maliki is a speck of a nuisance and that is all. Of course IMO..  :w00t:  :dizzy:  :smile:

whitelions: I would not call that an opinion I'd call that a fact lol but thats me lol

tourman: ‹@whitelions›  :grin:

tourman: off for some waffles.... later peeps :cheerful:

whitelions: doing Loundry cya later

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