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Tuesday, August 25, 2015

More News, Rumors, and Opinions Tuesday Afternoon


Sallypuff : The market can probably hold its own if world conditions don't materially change, and as long as there isn't an interest rate increase. I don't think there can be any more QE. The QE and zero interest have artificially propped up the market.
jimbake :
Sally...yes, no more qe…. imo...the "qe" will come from the liquidity the GCR will provide this time...from the bottom instead of the top...from the demand side versus the supply side etc.
Just my take, but i believe "they" want to test how the markets respond to disruptions...have they got good control to rein in collateral damage which may result from gcr...

So in a way, the market has to be considered

I think we have tested and tested enough my vote is "light this candle"! :)
ChrisTNT52 :  All this stock market speculation and its impact or relevancy to the RV is just that: speculation. Seems we're always looking at "something' to make sense of this nearly impossible to predict GCR.

jimbake : Trying to make sense of something that makes no sense just doesn’t seem to make much sense does it!? lol

KMAN :  The rise in the markets today is otherwise known as a dead cat bounce. The DOW is already well off its highs of the day.

:Re Dow/Market:We have been on a fiat money system. It has pushed the Dow very HIGH. IF we go to a gold based, asset system. that will not bode well for the Dow. Over the next 3 to 6 months, if that is how long the switch takes, turmoil will be the order of the day for all markets, therefore, IMHO, the best place to "park" your liquid assets during that time would NOT be cash, but gold or silver. I am not advising - just my opinion based on trading since 1966.



Thunderhawk:  340 rabbis urge Congress to support Iran nuclear deal

More than three hundred rabbis sent a letter to Congress on Monday declaring their support for the Iran nuclear deal and urging lawmakers to endorse it.

"We encourage the members of the Senate and the House of Representatives to endorse this agreement," read the Aug. 17 letter signed by 340 rabbis.

The letter was distributed by Ameinu, which describes itself as a "national, multi-generational community of progressive Jews in North America."
The group in a statement described the signatories as rabbis "from all streams of Judaism." The letter also sought to dispel the idea that all Jewish American community leaders oppose the deal.

"Most especially, we are deeply concerned with the impression that the leadership of the American Jewish community is united in opposition to the agreement. We, along with many other Jewish leaders, fully support this historic nuclear accord," it said.

Eyes have turned to Jewish lawmakers and their constituents, as Congress prepares to vote on the controversial deal with Iran in September and as the White House seeks to shore up Democratic support.

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is a vocal critic of the deal with Iran, whose leaders have threatened to "wipe Israel off the map."

Groups on each side of the deal have stepped up their lobbying efforts, as lawmakers are back in their home districts.

Sen. Chuck Schumer (D-N.Y.), the third-highest-ranking Democratic senator and staunch supporter of Israel, delivered a blow to the administration's efforts when he came out against the deal two weeks ago.

"Under this agreement, Iran would receive at least $50 billion dollars in the near future and would undoubtedly use some of that money to redouble its efforts to create even more trouble in the Middle East, and, perhaps, beyond," Schumer said in his explanation.

But the rabbis who signed Monday's letter to Congress argued that the consequences of rejecting the deal would be greater.

"We fear that the outcome will be the collapse of the international sanctions regime, an Iranian race for nuclear weapons and an associated arms race in the Middle East and isolation of Israel and the United States from international partners,” said Rabbi Samuel Gordon of Wilmette, Ill., in a statement.


Thunderhawk  » August 25th, 2015,

International Creditors Plan to Forgive 20 Percent of Ukraine's Debt

Kiev has long campaigned for a group of international creditors to write off as much as 40 percent of Ukraine's sovereign debt but investors are reported to have agreed to a 20-percent haircut in a bid to fulfill the conditions of a $40 billion IMF bailout.

The sides are allegedly close to signing a restructuring agreement, although a formal announcement has yet to be made. The deal will mark a breakthrough for the talks that have been deadlocked for months.

The agreement between the Ukrainian government and its private lenders could be inked by the end of this week, Elaine Moore, an expert on global debt, reported, citing a source close to the negotiations.

However, other sources familiar with the situation told the Wall Street Journal that the deal could fall through since it has not been finalized. Ukraine's Finance Ministry maintains that talks are far from being over and "all options remain on the table."

"There is no agreement yet, negotiations are still going on to meet the IMF targets. The government of Ukraine has taken no decision and all options remain on the table," the agency said in a statement.

The investors were initially strongly opposed to the deal saying the Ukraine government could repair the country's depressed economy without a major debt relief.

Ukraine has been edging economic collapse since the US-sponsored coup brought the current Kiev authorities to power. The country relies heavily on external financial assistance to breathe life into its stagnant economy, plagued by an ongoing civil war, mismanagement and corruption.

The Bank of America named Ukraine the world's third riskiest sovereign borrower, meaning the country could default on its debt.
KTFA Cont....

DNaari131:  » August 25th, 2015, 1:09 pm  Definitely not standard operating protocol

Angry investors capture head of China metals exchange 

ucy Hornby   Sunday, 23 Aug 2015 | 8:23 PM ET    Financial Times   Reuters

The head of a Chinese exchange that trades minor metals was captured by angry investors in a dawn raid and turned over to Shanghai police, as the investors attempted to force the authorities to investigate why their funds have been frozen.

Investors have been protesting for weeks after the Fanya Metals Exchange in July ceased making payments on financial investment products. The exchange, based in the southwestern city of Kunming, bought and stockpiled minor metals such as indium and bismuth, while also offering high interest, highly-liquid investment products from its offices in Shanghai and its financing branch in Kunming.

Troubles at the exchange are one of many factors contributing to turbulence in China's financial markets, as a slowing economy exposes the weaknesses of the country's debt-driven growth.

Some investors flew in from faraway cities to join hundreds more surrounding a luxury hotel in Shanghai before dawn on Saturday. When Fanya founder Shan Jiuliang attempted to check out, they manhandled him into a car before delivering him to the nearest police station. Shanghai police took Mr Shan into custody and promised to work with local authorities in Yunnan province to investigate what has happened to investors' money. They later released him without charge.

The demonstrations in Shanghai and Kunming and the exchange's unusual accumulation of several years' supply of some metals have so far failed to attract much public attention from regulators. A report by the local regulator identifying the exchange as one of the bigger investment risks in Yunnan was redacted to remove reference to Fanya late last year.

The exchange began to experience liquidity problems this spring. Fanya is estimated to hold several years' supply of minor metals used in some high-tech and military applications, which it purchased at above-market prices. The exchange's travails are pressuring prices for some of these metals, as traders anticipate it will have to sell its stockpile.

The exchange, which has acknowledged it has problems, is backed by several of China's minor metals miners. It has said it has found a buyer but won't identify the company. Mr Shan "was deceiving us. He admitted to us that there is no buyout group," said one disgruntled investor surnamed Gu, who participated in the rainy early morning raid.

Mr Shan has been holding regular meetings with exchange backers since problems first surfaced this spring and was on the way to Guangzhou for a business trip when captured. Among other businesses he heads the Hong Kong-listed animation studio Imagi International Holdings. He formerly led the Bohai Commodity Exchange, which traded iron ore among other products.

Fanya denounced the weekend's raid. "Violent acts against president Shan and our employees or the disturbance of our work are destructive of our work around solving the crisis. This will only allow forces behind the scenes to profit and will greatly harm interests of all members," it said on its website after Mr Shan's capture.

Mr Shan has not responded to FT attempts to contact him. Many investors told the FT they were attracted to Fanya financial products because it advertised on CCTV, the national broadcaster. Despite its current problems its financial products are still promoted on the high-speed train from coastal city Tianjin to Beijing.


jdtolle » August 25th, 2015, Feeling better

If you’re not feeling so good, you don’t have to feel bad about feeling bad. You have it in you to feel better.

It’s not your fault when unfortunate things have happened. It is your option, however, to see the positive possibilities going forward.

Your life is a lot of work and it’s completely understandable when some of what you work on doesn’t work out. Take it as an opportunity to reconnect with your dreams, and to feel better.

There are all kinds of things to be concerned about, and you are wise to be wary. Yet you’ve made it through a whole lot of challenges before, and grown stronger, so now you can allow the fears to softly subside.

There are many things that affect your feelings. The overriding factor is the way you choose to see life in this moment.

So give yourself a decided advantage, and choose to see more of the positive side. Feel better, because you can, and because it empowers you to live the life you desire.

 Ralph Marston   Wishing All a safe and blessed day JDT

P.S. Enthusiasm is the greatest asset in the world. It beats money, power, and influence.
-- Henry Chestor

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