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Tuesday, August 25, 2015

Tuesday Night Dinarland Chatter 8-25-15


Already Blessed:

Dale444:  Bruce on The Big Call: Thursday night looks good; did anyone think it odd that the markets collapsed; futures up; dropped, dropped down; interesting sell order that went in at end of day;

Christmas is coming; banks have positive info; very positive for this week.

Bruce said things are still looking very positive for this week, hoping to have a celebration call this week, and there has been some bank information he feels very good about, but he cannot say more.....and he is done with intel for the night

Hi everyone just came in to say I listened to Bruce and we are still fine and I personal feel the market needs one more cycle
MagiGirl: Martha so you believe we need one more bottom out before this pops?

Martha:  yes I do. The Chinese have accomplished what they needed to and they sort of leveled off yesterday but the us market is still sceptical so it maybe one more

Lowkey:  martha when you say cycle do you mean another 7 day peroid

Martha: no just another one day of markets. We are still fine for this week

Rrrr:  The silence is eerie. There’s a stillness in the air. No news around to share. Is this the calm, prelude to the storm? The time when the RV cometh, and turns our dreams into reality? We’ve endured so much already, survived through each delay. We know we must stay ready, for that glorious inevitable day. When what was, is no matter, when all that will be, is here. When it is time. When it is right, our path will then be clear. Stay focused. Stay Calm. Stay Ready!

9 BALL : This is something OKROCKS posted earlier and maybe you just came into ​the chat and haven't seen it. Pay special attention to page 11 & 12, ​it will make your day.


Earlier Tonight:

Peaches1:  CNBC Headline: The Dow climbed 441 points before reversing a day after stocks turned in their worst performance in years. • What market timing can cost you

  Art Cashin on CNBC ------ the close was 95% to the sell side. You couldn't find a buyer if you had a flashlight!

Jimbake:  Cnbc commentator says..."we are in strange and uncharted territory here"!...well, tell us something WE dont already know!!! lol

Chuicy:  maybe the stock market issues are again just media manipulation, in preparation for the Rv

Peaches1:  Every day they delay the RV they run the very real risk of another “Oh MY” day.

Menshie2: Dow -204.91 Nasdaq -19.76 S&P -25.59

K Boom:  The FED is out of ammo- the market has been supported by their quantitative easing.. the party's over

Mangelo:  heck the market is like the roller coaster that we are on .... soon it will come together and we all get to exchange!!!

K Boom:  mangelo- big difference is the market is fiat- the RV is asset-backed and THAT my friend is what this change is fundamentally about. Enjoy watching these markets for, imo, the last time in this form

 SassyD:  Trading was halted 1,200 times Monday -- The selling on Wall Street wa​s so dramatic Monday that it triggered unprecedented emergency freezes​ on stocks. --


Martha:  The number game continues

I decided to wait to post this till close to our market is closing today. From what I can see, China eased back today and although it dropped interest rates, it's losses were minimal. The Neikki was up as well as Singapore and Tiawan and South Korea, Vietnam and Indonesia. With this easing we are aligning the playing field.

The European market showed gains as well and the US markets are showing some gains but , I just saw S&P drop again but the final count is yet to be seen.

Are we ready yet to slip in the RV? Not sure and it maybe one more full market day before they do it.

 Now how does the US fit in this picture?  On 27th-29th the fed meets in Jackson Hole Wyoming to discuss none other than whether to raise interest rates in Sept.

This is the question of the moment and the financial world isn’t really sure which way is or isn’t appropriate…  but which ever, these corrections will be needed to bring all countries into alignment.

I saw today on cnbc more arrests of bankers involved in insider trading…. Big businesses are taking a beating…. whatever gains they have had last quarter are going downward.

There are issues with 401 k accts and major bond sell offs. The financial world was not expecting this yet it was necessary to do as there was a need to re-align the banking world and give all countries an equal footing in world markets.

Of course, the financial people will blame China for setting the fire but for all the wrong reasons. We truly have a front row seat to history in the making.

Well, now you are going to ask me "so when is the RV?"

I don’t do dates or rates but I can try to calculate based on intel, what Tony tells us in his cryptic manner which I luv and the actions of the people of Iraq.

Every date that we have gone thru definitely had something significant happen in relation to our blessing.

ON 8/22/2015, I would say that this was truly a final completion of everything for Iraq …plus it was three weeks extra they were given to straighten out the CBI with a resignation and the people HAVE been paid. Tony told you that yesterday with a range for the dinar in country. Now how will the rest of the week play out? 

Go re-read Tony's notes from yesterday's call. They are very telling. He says they have a date in mind and it is this week. He says we will get the RI first followed shortly by the RV.

the outside world was told that they had until that date - On 8/27 to get their stuff for ISX on board for the train is leaving the station.  We also believe that Iraq wants those bonds out now not the end of September. Everything needs a reality rate!!!.

 On 8/28 there is a lot, announcements at the CBI ,the UN  operational rates come out and parlament gets paid and I had received a piece of intel of release of money, perhaps the full blown deal?

On 8/29 there is a full moon. Go back to 7/29 the last full moon which was a blue moon, then a new moon was 8/14 and now 8/29-this is a sign of completion of a lunar cycle.

Is it finally the completion of our blessing? I hope so cause I quite after this. I told you all that September would be a volatile month and with the Jewish New Year we enter another cycle for me.

Dinar Updates: 

Millionday   Article quote:  "...the fight against administrative corruption and financial, is the cornerstone of achieving the government program goals in the reform, which received strong support from all popular forces loyal to Iraq,  and achieve victory over the forces of darkness and terrorism that have caused destruction to the Iraqi people and the Iraqi economy...


Q: [So Abadi is not going to hold off on the reforms? I think there was an article earlier that said that he was going to.] 




pdids : Yesterday in the previous thread to this one Walkingstick posted in POST 132 an important post regarding bringing the Investment Law to a vote in Parliament this coming Monday that I found to be a perfect tie into what Delta had brought forth yesterday, regarding PM Albadi being directed to take "immediate" action to stimulate the private sector and to reduce unemployment.

Yet there was no one picking up on it's importance. Am I missing something here as I am quite sure that I have heard previously from both Delta and Frank on previous CC as to how important this law is and is almost a "trigger " for the launch of the MR?

Can either Frank or Delta take a moment to answer!

Parliament will vote on the investment law next Monday

08/25/2015 13:27
Tomorrow Press / Baghdad: According to a parliamentary source, Tuesday, that the House of Representatives will be put in its meeting next Monday Investment Law in the revised version to a vote. The source, who preferred not to be named for "tomorrow Press", "The House of Representatives will present the investment law in its version amended on Monday for a vote. " LINK

Zerb:  pdids you are 1000% correct...feeling as though the levees going to burst...something's gotta shift …….Coach Shabibi call the right play....ready....break


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