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Saturday, August 22, 2015

Memphis and Friends Saturday Afternoon

Thanks My Ladies for letting us share from your private chatroom

Wcinthai: If we are in an all out currency war which we will win, keep your eyes on Greece, how do you know who the victor is?  I mean going forward what is the look of the US?  A stronger currency, yes, but is that what they wanted?  Ok, I am assuming that they are not trying to collapse the US economy or are they?

MEMPHIS: good morning friend.  as always you ask good questions, tough ones!

my thoughts here briefly are:

"If we are in an all out currency war which we will do you know who the victor is?

Much like in any price war there are no victors in a race to the bottom.  The cycle of deflation is going to go from bad to badder and deflating currencies is simply a contributor to this trend.
I see no winners here including the US.  Our currency is driven higher but the force driving that is beyond the control of central bankers. They too are now reduced to simply watching it happen!  Central planning, like all other attempts to manipulate the business cycle, never succeed and eventually the high places are made low. 

This is one of the points I have spoken to the most as it is a key for our understanding.  Men try to smooth out the NATURAL ups and downs in markets and these manipulations do nothing to actually stop the trend(s) at work.

"...going forward what is the look of the US?"

haha, this one sir cannot be properly answered with brevity NOR do I or anyone else walking the planet have the insight to answer it in any great detail!

I do have many considered opinions tho and in a nutshell the future look of the US (say 5yrs from now?) is vastly different from the days of Mayberry.  People who now look to Washington for their every want and need will be in the most miserable of conditions.  Socialism is dying the slow death that it has always deserved and old time values of family and self sustenance will again become known to us.

 A point of reference to follow here? If the FED does not raise rates this fall I will take this as a clear sign that they will not attempt to normalize the economy and continue their make believe world of money.  This will equate to waving the white flag and the slow death in our pension system will become accelerated.  We can discuss this at length if folks want to ask questions how/why I conclude this. 

"A stronger currency, yes, but is that what they wanted?"

This (and the last part below) get to the heart of manipulation.  Much of the wrong thinking I have seen, in my short journey into all things global, is connected to the thinking that some mysterious man lingers behind the curtain pulling on all the worlds strings when this is simply not true. 

Capital flows are a reflection of the confidences of people and their shiftings GLOBALLY create highs and lows, concentrations within certain sectors. This is presently driving the USD higher and the trend towards this has not come close to running it's course.  Eventually tho it will and at that point the USD will find it's new value. 

Regarding: is this what "they" wanted?  I believe yet again that the answer is meaningless because the driving forces here are the sum total of decades of living beyond our means and running up tremendous debts both domestically, and the entire developed world.  "They" are simply reacting and trying to control/contain and THIS is (in a nutshell) the very reason that a new system of $ and finance is needed.  As Nova said so succinctly a couple of years ago: "What do you do when you have a bank that can no longer lend money?  You start a new bank..."

"...assuming that they are not trying to collapse the US economy or are they?"

The US economy is subject to the same forces as the rest of the developed nations. We don't get a pass here or special treatment.  The economies of the developed world are already collapsing in a death spiral of deflation and in my view unless we return quickly to free market principles the collapse will be deep and longer lasting.

But it is important that we (as informed followers of global trends) appreciate that the decline of the US was a self imposed one, we allowed it to happen, and was not thrust upon us by evil men. 

The debts must be removed from sovereign balance sheets and regardless of how this is done it will be a painful process for everyone.  (handshake)
More News Worldwide:

PrincessDD:  Currency wars: Who’s next to pull the trigger?

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Princess DD: How China's $US600 billion trade surplus will cushion it from collapse   Read more:


Princess DD: Currency Wars Escalate As China’s Move Triggers a Chain Reaction

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Princess DD: Iraq, Iran to Resume Banking Ties

According to a report from AIN, Iran has set up the Islamic Regional Cooperation Bank for Development and Investment in Iraq in a bid to provide services for Iranian clients in Iraq, such as preparing a pricing system to provide guarantee services, issuing letters of guarantee, opening accounts and providing banking services.

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Princess DD: China’s yuan may shed another 8% by end of 2016, says Barclays

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MVL:  Iran and Iraq already had meetings discussing the resumption of economic relations...HAPPY the phrase prioritizing "expansion of ties".: Hmm...

MVL:  : Sounds like Silk Road infrastructure...

MVL:  And....more steel... :-)

via Dinar Recaps - Our Blog

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