Don't WAIT!

Saturday, August 22, 2015

Bits and Pieces in Dinarland Saturday Evening

Emailed To Recaps: 

Pastor Ed:
  A calling out to all in this all, we are all adults here. When we stop complaining and winning about this not happening, and turn all that energy into prayer warfare we get mountains moved in unity.

Let's all daily many times bind any and all enemy assignments principalities of darkness blocking the release and pray it into life in Jesus name.

Speak that which is not has tho it is.

Prayer in unity with authority does move mountains in front of us. All want this so let's join in warfare prayer    Blessings Pastor Ed


Iko Ward:
  Bank Story 08.22.15 1PM EST

Hi guys, been humming Pink Floyd's Brick in the Wall all day.

Went to my Wells Fargo Philadelphia Regional Currency Exchange desk today and asked about Dong. This is the same desk that told me three weeks ago WF is not buying nor selling Dong and got a FRAUD ALERT screen when they tried to dig for more info.

Since it was Saturday, the regular guy wasn't there and the desk was being handled by the head teller. I have seen this woman there many times. I asked if they were buying Dong and she said that she had not heard they WEREN't buying Dong. She tried her screen and told me it wasn't on the list. She then said she would go to a back screen and see if it was there. It was.

The rate was .44 per 10,000 Dong. So that's a selling price of 44.00 per 1M back to WF. I purchased my Dong last year from Sterling for 80.00 per 1M. There was no fraud alert. There was, however, a note to check with the main desk before quoting any rates, that two forms of ID were required (not specific) and the money would not be available for withdrawal for two business days. She offered to call the main desk at 9AM Monday if I came back then.

So the rate is still the same, but the good news is WF is back in business concerning the Dong. The note about checking with the main desk on Monday and exchange instructions to the teller was also encouraging. Just another brick in the wall, yes, but maybe a keystone as well.

You know I'll be back there Monday unless better news comes sooner. Don't start the bus yet, but make sure the water and oil are topped off and the tires checked.

Best    Iko


[subtle]   Global Currency Reset-Revaluation if Currencies – Historical Overveiw

fyi...I'm not the author of that info...just passing it along...thought it was a very good, easy to understand summary...imo...there is much more to the event than that but...easier to pass on to others without boring them or losing their attention


MOT:  The new priest was so nervous at his first mass, he could hardly speak. Before his second appearance in the pulpit he asked the monsignor how he could relax. The Monsignor said, “Next Sunday, it may help if you put some vodka in the water pitcher.After a few sips, everything should go smoothly.”

The next Sunday the new priest put the suggestion into practice and was able to talk up a storm. He felt great, however, upon returning to the rectory, he found a note from the monsignor. It read:

1. Next time, sip rather than gulp.

2. There are 10 commandments, not 12.

3. There are 12 disciples, not 10.

4. We do not refer to the cross as the big “T’

5. The recommended grace before meals is not “rub-a-dub-dub, thanks for the grub, yeah God.”

6. Do not refer to our saviour, Jesus Christ and his apostles as “J.C. and The boys”.

7. David slew Goliath. He did not kick the chit out of him.

8. The Father, Son, and Holy Spirit are never referred to as “Big Daddy, Junior and, The Spook”.

9. It is always the Virgin Mary, never “Mary with the Cherry”.

10. Last, but not least, next Wednesday there will be a taffy pulling contest as St. Peters.There will not be a Peter pulling contest at St. Taffy’s.

11. Jesus was Consecrated, NOT constipated.

12. Jesus said, “Take this and eat it, for it is my body, “he did not say, “Eat me

13. Jacob wagered his donkey, he didn’t “beat his a**.” David was hit by a rock and knocked off his donkey; he wasn’t “stoned off his a**.”
Dinar Updates:

:   Article:  "(Reuters) - Iraq has decided to issue $5 billion in international bonds and is negotiating the terms, Iraqi Finance Minister Hoshyar Zebari said on Wednesday, one of several measures as it seeks to relieve the pressure of low oil prices on its finances." 

Q: [I would think that if the BONDS are being sold internationally their currency would have a rate and also be international at the same time.] 

Firefly:   Can't have one without the other!  No rate change on the CBI website...yet.  As with ANY Central Bank, when there is a rate change it WILL show. Would have to in real time! 

Q: [you think if we ask nicely they will tell us when give us a date and time?] 

Firefly:   Forget Dates, they have one opportunity to get this right. When the time is right it WILL happen. 

Q: [...they will move before end of August or sometime before October, October is the END OF THE ROAD for Iraq according to WB?] 

Firefly:   I am not expecting anything until Sept at the earliest...Still laws...NEED to be IMPLEMENTED. 

Q: [you think they might be waiting for implementing that together with banking going forward to be international compliance?

Firefly:    I do.  Remember...the WB gave them a...HARD DATE fOR implementation. 

Q:  [sounds like a lot of movement trying to happen!] 

Firefly: WILL happpen alright. 


Firefly:    NOBODY AND I MEAN NOBODY HAS A DATE. Does anybody...think that the ones in charge of the plan will tell anybody? ... Especially Dinarland? lol.

via Dinar Recaps - Our Blog

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