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Monday, August 24, 2015

BLC Admin Tlm724 News & Comments 8-24-15

Morning News Comments 08/24/2015

The meeting's agenda number (15) Tuesday 25 August 2015

August 25 0.2015

The third parliamentary session

The second legislative year

The first legislative term

First, read verses from the Alqranalkarim.

Second, questioning Mr. Ziralkahraba.

Third: The vote on the draft law on political parties. (Commission civil society institutions ,Legal Committee ). (Article 69).
Fourth: the vote in principle on the draft Qanonthdid the states of the three presidencies. (Legal Committee ).

Fifth, consider the appeals Almekdmhhol membership some of Representatives health.

Sixth: The first reading of the draft law to cancel the open Alklahalterbuah (Education Committee ). (Article 6).

Seventh: The first reading of the proposed delegation of authority law. (Committee of the Regions and governorates not organized in a region). (Article 6).

Eighth: the first reading of the draft law to the law Altadelalool ownership documents bearing the nicknames for the displaced and the number of migrants (79) for the year 2012. (Commission deportees and immigrants and expatriates). (Article 2).

Ninth: The first reading of the draft law to accept Ofradalqguat armed and internal security forces and apparatus of the Iraqi National Intelligence and Security Service Aloutnevi university study. (Commission on Security and Defense, Commission on Higher Education). (Article 3).

Tenth: the first reading of the draft law Tdrebottaiwir transport hub. (Services Committee and ages). (Article 15).

Eleventh: The first reading of the draft law and Ardatalbldiat (Commission services and reconstruction ,Finance Committee ). (13 articles).

Session starts time: ten in the morning.

Monday, August 24, 2015 1:34:40 PM
Samurai stresses the need to give a timetable for achieving reforms

[tlm724] many times in the past the people protested becasue they were PAID to do so, it was the way some political figures could cause unrest to meet their personal agenda's !

 However, this is not the case today. These people are truly pissed off and they have a right to be so ! It is way past time and the corruption and theft of state funds MUST stop now.

If the GOI had spent the money earmarked for infrastructue then the people would have been all set.

BUT as we all know the money lined the pockets of the GOI so this is the real deal this time and we are witnessing drastic changes in Iraq !
Deputy for the Union of Forces: Abadi reforms represent a part of the response to the demands of the demonstrators

[tlm724] the reform " derives its strength in implementation, stressing the need that these reforms include all Iraqis without discrimination."

[cstacy] weeeeee

[tlm724] And called upper reference, Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi to be "bolder" in his steps and beaten with an iron fist at the hands of corrupt, indicating that the recent steps Abadi "secondary" and not President, while asking him to go beyond partisan quotas and reform the judiciary.

[tlm724] PM Abadi has taken the reins and that is huge, he was teetering on fence of getting support from the MP's but most are on-board now because their azzes are on the line !

Bondlady and I discussed this in dept today about how he has taken the responsibility to FINALLY make Iraq what it should have been all along, there was little if NO support from the outside and this is uncharted terrority for Iraq. A new way, no corruption !

[cstacy] Amen

[poopsie] amen

[tlm724] of course we aren't so naive to think there won't be anymore theft etc... however there are safeguards being put in place,it really is a new day for Iraq !

[shunshine] *hallelujah*

[tlm724] we talked about how many years ago BondLady had said that it didn't make logical sense for the GOI to impose tariffs (taxes) on the people as they are already taxed to death so to speak and I do agree with her on that.

[tlm724] As soon as they implemented the tariffs there were instant protest's and of course they almost immediatley rescind that decision too, in a matter of days they said ok ok maybe we need to beef up the borders well why do you think the people where upset ?

Theydon't want to pay taxes BECAUSE they are already broke !  If you recall I had mentioned before when the CBI stopped the auctions I felt they had done that out of sequence .

[glory8516] because they didn't raise the value of the dinar before the taxes (at least I was !)

[tlm724] glory you are right ! The tariffs were going forward BEFORE the rest of the plan was ready and in place just like stopping the auctions !

So if they give their people more money and strong purchasing power before or in conjunction with implementing the tariffs then they will see the justice in it, they will be willing to pay their far share for the betterment of all ! It won't hurt as much !

[tlm724] I believe they stopped the tariffs going forward for this reason but that is my opinion, of course they need to get rid of the corrupt employee's at the borders etc... Things were being done out of order and lets face it Iraq has NEVER had to do these things before. They have help but we all know how stubborn Iraq can be

[glory8516] just need the momentum of changes to keep going. I keep reminding myself that Iraq is getting a lot help of behind the scenes help, IMF, UN ,

[tlm724] glory, yes and the US Treasury as well . The great thing about this all is that they FINALLY realized the error of their ways ! There is corrective action being taken and that is a win for us no matter how you slice it ! *hallelujah* Lets really keep our eyes open and look for any news about the tariffs because we really believe that is the key , the catalyst if you will, to what we seek Wink
Iraqi dinar exchange rate against the dollar in Iraqi banks and markets

Direction Press
US $ 1 = 1,134.3700 Iraqi dinars
1 Iraqi dinars = US $ 0.0009
Last update: Monday, August 24, 2015, 9:49 GMT Baghdad
The price in the market.
$ 100 = 121.200 Iraqi Dinars

[emmaduke] One of my forex feeds shows 1108.5

this is a screen capture from the Minister of Finance site, very interesting   USD 1,146.5000

[therealbubbie] just think it's because the dollar is strong ! imo !

[tlm724] therealbubbie could be ! just interesting, we will have to investigate this. The CBI still shows 1166 .

tlm724    Keywords: budget inaccurate tab

[tlm724] Keywords and a group of economists, finance, government officials and a large number of businessmen and interested in economic affairs to discuss the economic and financial aspects under the circumstances taking place in Iraq and to coincide with the campaign Aslahat.osthilt

Hafiz stressed the need to develop a clear vision and explicit reconsider the foundations of the financial and monetary construction in the country through the creation of a project to determine income.

via Dinar Recaps - Our Blog

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