Don't WAIT!

Monday, August 24, 2015

Bits and Pieces in Dinarland Late Monday Afternoon


:  Dow closes down 588 according to MSNBC

Imperium:  When a tornato shows up in town, it does the only thing it's compelled to do... twist. And that it does, tearing and ripping its way forward. Yet it's not personal. It knows nothing of houses and people. It only does what it's compelled to do... twist. The market now is doing what it needs to do based on recent influences that modify its compulsions in the direction of change.

Ivantulafitov:  ok so simple terms.... stock market down is good because - it had to go down because of the bubble eventually, if it went down AFTER the RV... all ok not all a lot of that money would have gone down the tubes,

so now the markets will hopefully at least level out if not tomorrow this week anyway BAM the RV hits and it sneaks into the economy as the market going back up... people not paying attention wont even know about it
Harambe:  The world is entering a “new era” of low oil prices that will sweep away currency pegs in crude-producing nations, according to the prime minister of Kazakhstan, which roiled markets this week with a surprise decision to abandon control of its exchange rate.

Peaches1 :  The S&P 500 was at the opening 2/3 the way down to the Level 1 Circuit Breaker shutting down the market for 15 minutes. Instead the seldom used Rule 48 was invoked. This is a very big deal to the market people.

Peaches1:  Tony said this was not a brush fire one can hope will burn itself out. Nobody, he said, wants to run the gauntlet tomorrow, not after it took the invocation of Rule 48 by the NYSE to stem the opening tide.

K-Boom:  watch what the Asian markets do tonight- it's a snowball- which they started and imo will continue

  Today showed a "dead cat bounce" in the market imho. Down we go again tomorrow!!!!!

  isa I have been expecting this market flush for some time. I'm amazed it took this long to get here, but very encouraged it finally arrived!

  K Boom...Me too! it has been way overdue because of the overvaluation. But, what a GREAT cover for the Non-Dinarians worldwide!

K-Boom: isa- the 'printing' of billions is coming home to roost. Game OVER- new game ON! woooooooooooo hooooooooooooooo

Iko Ward:
  In the words of one of my favorite historical figures, "Everybody relax! Nothing is under control!" (Gandhi)

: Perfect Storm quoted from Fox news

Dldieter:  what does rule 48 say?



  Fox news just said that China may try to intervene to help the market to stabilize tonight or tomorrow. Look for a response from China between 9-10 tonight.

Iko Ward : The China move produced unexpected results. We were looking for a 12% correction and instead got 20%. China has to again step up, now that they have proved their power, and help even things out. The markets still needs to have further corrections, but more controlled.

Iko Ward:  Shanghai opening tonight will be fun. Get yer popcorn and preferred beverage now. Seating is limited.


Greatly Blessed: You know its bad when the NYSE invokes

The little-used NYSE rule that can tame a wild market

Krysia Lenzo

In a historic move, the New York Stock Exchange invoked the little-used Rule 48 to pre-empt panic selling at the stock market open on Monday. This followed a dramatic drop in pre-market open futures, with the Dow Jones Industrial Average futures falling more than 700 points.

The goal of Rule 48 is to ensure orderly trading amid financial market turbulence. It's only used in the event that extremely high market volatility is likely to have a floor-wide impact on the ability of designated market makers (DMMs) to disseminate price indications before the bell.

Unlike a circuit breaker that stops stock trading, Rule 48 speeds up the opening by suspending the requirement that stock prices be announced at the market open. Those prices have to be approved by stock market floor managers before trading actually begins. Without that approval, stock trading can begin sooner.

To invoke Rule 48, an exchange would have to determine that certain conditions exist that would cause market disruptions. Those conditions include:

volatility during the previous day's trading session

trading in foreign markets before the open

substantial activity in the futures market before the open

the volume of pre-opening indications of interest

government announcements

Rule 48 was approved by the Securities and Exchange Commission on Dec. 6, 2007 and has been rarely used. 

Rule 48 was invoked a few times in recent years, including on Tuesday, January 22, 2008 and on Thursday, May 20, 2010. In 2008, the stock markets were subject to great volatility over fears of a global recession and in 2010, the European debt crisis caused panic buying and selling. The rule was also invoked during the August-September 2011 time frame, when European debt crisis fears again roiled the markets, and in early 2015, when massive snowstorms swept across the U.S.


Dinar Updates: 

BGG  Their own economists say... tariffs without value will be bad for their citizens. If they have this problem with demonstrations now - just wait until tariffs are implemented without value.

BIG TROUBLE...and for some reason they don't seem to be taking their foot off the tariff  "pedal"... FULL BLAST!

JDTolle:  » August 24th, 2015,
For the first time

See the world for the first time today, fresh and new and full of hope. Marvel at the power of your own living spirit, as if you’ve never encountered it before.

Open yourself to the miracle that is your own existence in this moment. Let the truth that springs from every reality sink warmly into your soul.

Wake from the slumber of your past and feel the crisp breeze of awareness, as it heightens your senses and stirs your curiosity. Drink in the wonder of now as it flows through every step you take.

Delight in uncovering new ways to love what you’ve always loved. Realize that it is all good, and that you can make it more so.

Time is your friend and is coming to you now. This is your chance to show each moment your appreciation by filling it with your own special beauty.

Life is all in this moment, and really is as new and fresh and inspiring as you think it is. See the world for the first time today, and give all the joy you’ve been so eager to give.

Ralph Marston   Wishing All a safe and blessed day   JDT

P.S. Flying off the handle sometimes causes hammers and humans to lose their heads, as well as their effectiveness.-- William Arthur Ward


Emailed to Recaps:

The Navy can SING!!   Here are the Jersy Boys!!

The Navy goes Jersey Boy style.

via Dinar Recaps - Our Blog

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