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Monday, August 24, 2015

BGG Roundtable 8/24/15  Part 1 of 2

BGG Roundtable 8/24/15  Part 1 of 2


BGG: Any of our other esteemed News Hounds ?? Got an interesting News piece to start us off with??

MYDINR: A while back BGG had heard that there may be a short term RV at a lower rate to tide Iraq over. Since so much time has gone by do you think that they will still do a short term lower rate or just go for an RV? Since they have made it this far without a short term remedy

BGG: No clue - but with oil prices falling and their budget based on a 58.00 per barrel projection their need for some "big fix" gets more desperate by the day...

BGG: as of today oil is at 38.00 per barrel.
BGG: and falling...
ghost: I have seen the mention variously about Abadi’s PA man discussing the separation of the executive / judicial branches. Last night you mentioned that you read it as the PM saying that he will not interfere with the criminal trials of current / former leaders.

My first thought was about noninterference with the personnel within the judiciary. Any thoughts?

BGG: like I said a while back - they were already pointing out at least a 35-45 Billion shortfall - and I said that was just a starting point - it would be lots worse before it's all over. Here we go!!

BGG: I see Abadi letting himself off the hook by saying the judges will handle it... however, there is HUGE pressure to sack some crooked judges before they rule on Maliki (is the way I read it... the situation - that is).

diane1: i had heard earlier that possibily Alak may have handed in his resignation.? That would be super dooper!

BGG: I have heard the same - and yes, that would be SUPER DUPER!!

paul-o: TY Mrs. BGG THE ECONOMIC REFORMS HAVE BEGUN -- THEY ARE TO SATISFY THE CITIZENS AND ALSO ADDRESS NOT ONLY THE DOMESTIC -- BUT THE GLOBAL SCALE." ...that was supposedly released to the citizens Sunday am with 48 hours to implement.

 Is this news correct and if so if its to satisfy on a global scale could this be pointing to a rate change?] YES THAT'S CORRECT.." BGG, what is your opinion on this?)

BGG: according to news out this AM - didn't happen and I haven't seen why yet.

BGG: Lemme' go get you the article...

BGG : Newspaper: Abadi decide to stop reforms

BGG: Newspaper, "news" of Lebanon, on Monday, Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi suspended "temporarily" the launch of the reform packages because of the objection of some Shiite political blocs, while suggesting to the satisfaction of reference "caution" to those reforms.

The newspaper said in a report on its issue today and seen by / information /, that "at a time of mounting protest demonstrations and mobility popular to demand that Iraqi Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi further reforms that exceed the frames formalism, Abadi decided to cease further decisions and packets reform temporarily to prepare to fight the implementation of those decisions and packages that may collide objections of the political blocs which began mass «Badr» which called on him yesterday, to provide an explanation to exempt a number of ministers. "

BGG: The newspaper quoted a source close to the al-Abadi said, that "there is no reform packages will be launched in the coming period or in a cabinet session scheduled for tomorrow," attributing the cause to "beams reform launched by the government need to implement that and to take the legal course because it includes Diwaniyah orders ".

The source did not deny Abadi subjected to pressure by political parties, as well as the existence of obstacles to «the march of reform», but he stressed that "al-Abadi past in the application of the reform packages announced by, and launch more of them in response to the desire of the street."

aid a source close to the religious authority in Najaf, according to the newspaper, "satisfaction and optimism Top cleric Ali al-Sistani« cautious »of reforms Abadi and decisions to reduce officials privileges in the three authorities,

and the abolition of some ministries and merge the other to each other," noting that "reference has not intervened so far in details but merely draw the outline. "

The source pointed to "receive and reference offices contacts directly and indirectly by the political and international and regional parties, stressing that more than one party and personal Repertory tried to contact him or persons close to him in order to understand the position of the reference, which gets the next steps." Finished / 25

BGG paul-o: Sounds - like just a temporary bump in the road while getting some Shia segments on board, mainly the Badr Bloc - which shouldn't hard since they have clearly broken with Tehran.

BGG: shouldn't be hard...

BGG: especially in light of Hadi Ameri's comments yesterday (and being lined up with Hakim)...

diane1: without having a permanent CBI in place who is qualified will this hold up RV/economic reform or is there another alternative?

BGG: I don't see it as a "hold up" just a step in the process.
BGG: there are a number of more qualified candidates.


BGG: Not sure - Tman had a great post about that on the OBSERVER today.

Holly1: Abadi's office denies the issuance of directives prohibiting the sit-ins 08:13: 08/24/2015 Khandan - denied the office of Iraqi Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi, the issuance of guidance from the latter prohibiting the sit-ins. Ebadi said Office in a brief statement, he denies the issuance of directives by the Prime Minister and Commander in Chief of the Armed Forces prohibiting the sit-ins.

The statement noted that al-Abadi, "with the right peaceful demonstration which is guaranteed by the constitution and the protection of citizens and their property. "

BGG: I have seen this reported several times so far - could just be Abadi encouraging them... kind of like a "political straw man" denying against no one... ??

Holly1: well I do have lots of news but it is very long Articles . so I will go do my dishes until RT is over ... and TY Mr. BGG

BGG: the sit-ins have helped him immensely - why would he issue directives to end them?? Or be harsh with people?? Makes not sense.

BGG: further - the Dawa and SLC are the ones who are known for this tactic... and they are the biggest target of such "demonstrations".

BGG Holly1: thanks so much!!
BGG Holly1: we always appreciate your input.

itsaboutjesus: it's actually 2 things I want to bring up .....

1) CBI today's announcement...

Gentlemen Directors General managers and commissioners for banks (the salaries of employees and retirees)08/24/2015

2)I have been monitoring their CBI's "new pending" site since they went up last Tue, everything seems to stay the same .... UNTIL this morning .... in their "recent update module", it indicated a whole list of new pages added and updated; and I just checked them that, they were not there last weekend

This is just F.Y.I.
BGG: Thanks for the input!! Very curious timing.


BGG: No - it was only an Anti-Money Laundering Law (as I recall)... the addition of an Investment Law would not hurt Abadi's case - however, while this is a quick and simple answer...

diane1: OK but if they are going to implement tariffs again wouldn't they want a rate of some kind.

BGG: the whole complexion of such an ultimatum is essentially directed RIGHT AT MALIKI and his clowns... and elimination of corruption on the financial sector.

mose2911: My first time on this chat - Why do you think Malaki Jr came back to Iraq & was arrested ? Doesn't this put even more pressure for an arrest of Malaki ? Can't believe it is taking so long to get rid of him. He must still have a lot of support

BGG: Welcome Mose - first, he does still have a significant base of support. Second - I haven't heard that Ahmed al-Maliki actually did come back and was arrested. I know the order was given to arrest him IF he came back.

mose2911: Thanks - I saw that somewhere - might not have been correct information -

BGG: I think my characterization is accurate.
BGG: Let's do a "Lightning Round" - I've got a few things to cover and not much time to go...

BGG: Sadr calls for followers to take part in a demonstration next Friday to demand the reform of the judicial institution


Comments may be made at the end of Part 2  Thank You

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