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Monday, August 24, 2015

BGG News Time Chat  8-23-15  Part 2 of 2

Dinar Updates News Time w/BGG 8-23-15  Part 1 of 2
 Welcome to for News Time with BGG!!

BGG: This report is a BIGGIE - Very big...
BGG: I have pointed out over and over...

BGG: Their own economists say... tariffs without value will be bad for their citizens. If they have this problem with demonstrations now - just wait until tariffs are implemented without value. BIG TROUBLE....

BGG: and for some reason they don't seem to be taking their foot off the tariff "pedal"... FULL BLAST!!
BGG: can I get a _ _ _ _ - _ _ _

Doodle Brain: WHOOPOW!!!

itsaboutjesus (IAJ): BGG, do you have the link for your report of "tariff pedal"? and, does this report say when are they trying to apply the tariff?


ghost: Hi, I'm brand new - this is a bit more theoretical, so maybe not appropriate.. Shia seem to be infighting a lot right now - If it continues, will that make progress more or less likely?

BGG: that is the side we want to see split - this is great news. Very good observation on your part.

BGG: There is a distinct split in the Dawa Party - some withdrawing support from Maliki and backing Abadi - this is good... there are also numerous National Alliance figures supporting direct legal action against Maliki... the SLC seems pretty staunch yet - but that could change.


BGG: anyone - including the dog catcher - is more qualified than Alak.
BGG: Turki??
BGG: there are others as well.

BGG: I thought the timing of the international recognition of Turki was a little odd a while back.


BGG: No word yet.

billionaire: BGG, did you give your opinion on the article that stated Abadi is getting rid of Parliament, placing a temp government and rewriting the constitution. Sorry if you have addressed this, I just got back.

BGG: I have not - I am skeptical of such a move. I saw it but I don't recall the source. In fact, I read it and immediately dismissed it.

BGG: maybe I should go back and reread it
BGG: the source tells the story.

billionaire: I think the source was khabaar

BGG: no - who is talking and why.
BGG: if it was NA, Dawa or SLC - it's jibberish.
BGG: that bunch have much bigger immediate problems.

billionaire:  LINK
billionaire: Syed???? Don't know who that is.

BGG: Mahdi Al-Hafidh is the one calling on Abadi to do this - not Abadi talking about doing it.

BGG: I wish we could disband our House on the grounds they are "uneducated and ignorant"...

billionaire: Who is that? His advisor?

BGG: tough to say where this speaker lands. He was (at one time) with Allawi's "list" but with drew and is listed as "independent"...

BGG: this sounds like a "well-intentioned" - but mostly "ratings geared" by an independent party ??

BGG: comment / interview - that is...
BGG: Ok - Lightning round - I've got a few pieces I want to get in yet tonight...

BGG: Jubouri: the reform process will continue and Parliament is continuing to build the democratic structure of Iraq

BGG: House Speaker Salim al-confirmed "that the reform process taking place in Iraq will continue, and that Parliament is continuing to build the democratic structure of Iraq, either through laws that touches the daily reality of the citizen or through monitoring government performance and hold negligent legislation."

BGG: Interesting comments thrown into an otherwise usual political type meeting...
BGG: (meeting with the Norwegian delegate)...
BGG: We can not interfere with the judiciary completely independent from the executive branch

BGG: Information Office of the Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi stressed can not interfere with the judiciary as an independent authority expected response to calls for reform, along the lines of the executive and legislative branches.

BGG: Which means Maliki is in trouble - Abadi isn't taking his name off the list.

BGG: Falling oil prices widen the budget deficit gap and alarming economic crisis

BGG: The Iraqi Government signed a significant embarrassment as a result of the sudden drop in the world oil market, and are looking either for more pressure unnecessary expenses, and either resort to borrowing which he dropped an adviser to Prime Minister Haidar Al-Abbadi, who attributed the decline to lack of control over the global market, and acknowledged that these variables will appear results negatively on Iraq.

BGG: Which is exactly my point in recent comments. The falling oil prices aren't a bad thing for us - puts more pressure on Iraq's budget.

BGG: might well "flush out" an RV earlier than even they might be looking forward to.

BGG: This is the hummdinger...

BGG: Hakim and Amery stress to accelerate to meet the legitimate demands of the Iraqi people

BGG: The head of the Islamic Supreme Council of Iraq Ammar al-Hakim, and the secretary general of the Badr Organization, Hadi al-Amiri, on Sunday, on the importance of addressing common challenges and the fight against terrorism even eliminate, the parties stressed the need to speed up to meet the legitimate demands of the Iraqi people.

BGG: Hakim being on the Iraq side of the argument - against the Iranian Mullahs doesn't surprise me... Sadr is a little quiet - maybe I'm over thinking it... BUT Ameri - the Sec Gen of the Badr group warning Iran of monkeying around in Iraq business (as he has been all day) is shocking.

BGG: The Badr organization has close ties to Gen Qassem Soleimani... and reportedly Soleimani is in Iraq (reportedly) assuring Maliki's safety. I guess Maliki may need his protection ??

BGG: Very good turn of events.
BGG: End of "Lightning Round"

jd: Was the dinar at 3.22 to the $ when oil was 30$ a barrel during Sadams reign?

BGG: Sounds right.

Doodle Brain: Just saw an announcement on 'All Iraq News' might not be a big deal but, --"Urgent-Abadi to appoint new Secretary General for Council of Ministers." May I please ask what your thoughts are re: this and how it plays in to the current reform fast-track??

Here is the (short) article: "Baghdad (AIN) –The Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi will soon appoint a new secretary general for the Council of Ministers, informed source said.

The source told AIN "PM Abadi will task a new secretary general for the CoM in order to form a committee that would be tasked with making evaluations for the performance of the ministers."

Abadi has already dismissed the secretary general of the CoM on August 12 and his assistants within the phase of reforms to reduce governmental expenditure-end.

BGG: I suspect the previous Sec Gen of his CoM was "tainted". I don't see this as bad thing - it's a good thing...and it sounds like things are in high gear.

BGG: no stalemate.
billionaire: Do you happen to know what the laws are regarding the Maliki situation. From what I gather, his position has been eliminated but he refuses to resign. What could be his next step by law? What would be the next step for Abadi by law? Or do you think the officials are just going to wait for the ICC to pick him up?

BGG: Not sure - but I have been thinking the same thing. Currently - he doesn't have immunity of any kind and if he needed General Qassem Soleimani as a body guard they must be worried about something - if any of that about Soleimani is even true.

jonhenry: would the lower oil prices have an effect on the rate they would come out with....and how much do you think the country will (save) by getting the money laundering taken care of annually.

BGG: I don't see the oil causing a huge problem... main thing - it may get things started quicker.

BGG: and they will save HUGE MONEY DAILY by getting these crooks out of sensitive positions. HUGE MONEY.

cjquade54: Maliki was given 2 days (I think) to get out of the palace a week or 2 ago. Do you know if he's still there?

BGG: Well - he went to Iran (they should have changed the locks ) and it was plainly in question if he would even come back. Read the Iraqi OP ED comments. They didn't think he would come back.

BGG: I doubt he's moved yet - it would be major news.
BGG: OK gang - that's about it for me...
BGG: tune in for Round Table tomorrow at 12:00 - bring some News and join in!!

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