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Monday, August 24, 2015

BGG News Time Chat  8-23-15  Part 1 of 2

Dinar Updates News Time w/BGG 8-23-15  Part 1 of 2
 Welcome to for News Time with BGG!!

BGG There is - quite literally, so much news I don't know where to start...
BGG I wrote a dissertation on "where we are" earlier...
BGG here it is...

BGG Analysts: al-Maliki at war again after being convicted of the report of Mosul


BGG Notes:Maliki came back from Iran where he met with most of his most ardent Shia supporters (not all Shias support him – as before).
BGG (or has been the case for the last few years)
BGG The Dawa party (and Maliki) “facially supports” these recent reforms called for by the Iraqi Clerics and the demonstrators (the people)… However, it’s a political tactic. He needs to look like..  “HE’S THE REFORMER”, or at least line himself up with the reforms…

Then there’s these rants blaming Erbil and Turkey for the fall of Mosul. Maliki must think no one remembers Barzani going to the press when Maliki wouldn’t listen about ISIS on the move.

BGG There are articles out that affirm they put the SLC at Abadi’s disposal… again a weak showing of being “on the side of reforms” – not the “focus of the reforms”…

On the other hand Maliki is secretly attempting to subvert Abadi everything he does.

It is worth noting – there are numerous OP ED’s out recently pointing out that if Maliki really wanted reforms he would have done so long ago.

BGG Maliki is in now in FULL DAMAGE control…

The Friday before the Mosul Report was coming out – he went to Iran to gather support. This move seems to have (temporarily) worked. This caught me a little off-guard. I didn’t think he had that kind of support from Iran once they pulled their support from his bid for a 3rd term.

He did not come back until he had some assurance of some kind – though no guarantee, he must feel he has some potential for survival.

BGG This just goes to show you. I was told some time ago he had deep support from some very unlikely sources. It appears both Sunni leadership was “on the take” as well as some level of support from the Iranian Mullahs.

Though they don’t seem to support another Maliki term – they don’t appear ready to throw him overboard just yet either. There is no guarantee they won’t though.

They have even sent Gen Qassem Soleimani into Iraq south of Baghdad to orchestrate a “quelling” of the demonstrations and supposedly to secure Maliki’s safety. However, I am not convinced his ultimate safety is Soleimani’s underlying mission.

BGG This report of Gen. Soleimani being there is limited in it’s scope (how many times/and how it is reported) – so I view this with a healthy dose of skepticism. Also – this frantic move to maintain control over Iraq may well backfire on them. It is becoming clearer and clearer they have some agenda.

This is surely not lost on the Iraqi people. Overall, they are typically not happy about external influence – US or Iranian. They don’t like it. One good thing – all of this has forced the Iranians to play their hand in a more public fashion. Now they all know…

Abadi was quoted just recently as saying…

…”the prime minister does not think now in dissent nor undo the reforms, and will not seek to raise Maliki’s name from the list of defendants fall of Mosul.”…

BGG: Meaning – he won’t take Maliki’s name out of this report… it will play out.

I don’t see – with the mounting charges, how Maliki survives this barrage. Mosul, Halabja, embezzlement from the CBI, the Speicher massacre, the prison break, it goes on and on and on…

Further – my comments regarding “Maliki as gone” – are clearly “forward looking statements” and ARE IN PROGRESS. Visible progress has been made – for now, Maliki is NOT A VP and is NOT WELCOME in official GOI meetings. Party meetings are one thing. GOI is another thing entirely.

BGG: Rather than get caught up in who’s right and who’s wrong and what the details are – what about the WHY?? WHY did Abadi move now?? Was it demonstrators?? No – I doubt it very much.

Maliki can think he has everyone right where he wants them – but keep in mind this whole campaign of reform was kicked off by the WB/IMF telling Iraq to get their AML (Anti-Money Laundering) and corruption under control (both issues pointed DIRECTLY AT MALIKI).

They were given until Oct 1st to get an AML law put in place. It would probably help Abadi to have an Investment Law in place as well.

Thus far Abadi has responded. Judiciary is next. He needs to keep up the pressure...

BGG: So my final point is this...
BGG: (current comments)

BGG: in spite of all the "stock market turmoil" around the world - Iraq is responding (purely) to the WB/IMF unction over AML policies. Period.

BGG: so no matter what "current circumstances" look like - the WB and IMF have an agenda. Maliki isn't part of that equation.

larrykn: malki might not be part of the equation but couldn' t he and his gang still throw wrenches in the works and slow things down

larrykn: I just don't understand why they just don't take him out

BGG: anything is possible - but I fall back on the foundation that the WB and IMF were the ones (ultimately) behind these reforms and whatever those crooked idiots are up to - this is bigger than them. I doubt they are allowed to stand in the way (long term).

BGG: OK - on to some more news...
BGG: Dawa Party: Abadi not and will not resign from the party

BGG: The leader of the Islamic Dawa Party on the Keywords, Sunday, Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi did not resign from the party, noting that al-Abbadi of the party leaders and will remain in office.

Keywords, that "some calls to make Abadi his resignation from the Dawa Party is completely logical and said we are against these calls," stressing that "the Dawa Party, the government does not interfere with the work at all, which reforms the announcement by al-Abadi."

And that "some try to show that the Dawa party controls some decisions Abadi, and this is not true the party does not interfere with the work of al-Abadi, either closely or from afar," stressing that "al-Abadi rest of the Islamic Dawa Party did not submit his resignation is not now nor in the future."

Some politicians from different political blocks and demonstrators called on Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi to resign from the Islamic Dawa Party and a full-time management of the Iraqi state.

BGG: I commented on this earlier - it's almost comical how these characters act.

BGG: This stems from some knuckled head in the Dawa party putting up the weak suggestion that Abadi resign his post in the Dawa party so he can focus "solely on his reforms" - which really means they are looking for a way to minimize his influence internally and give Maliki some minor base of power...

BGG: tells me Maliki is "under the gun" almost everywhere...
BGG: internally - externally, internationally - etc, etc, etc....

BGG: and this article is saying Abadi won't resign - OF COURSE HE WON'T - WHY WOULD HE??

BGG: He's got Maliki on the ropes. Time for more pressure - NOT A RESIGNATION... Dawa party dreamers

 rcookie: I think its about M looking for ROI on the massive payouts to leaders in Dawa

BGG: that much could be true.
BGG: he has sown some seed. Don't be shocked when these crazy maneuvers keep coming... whomever it was - is moving for the "piper"...

Royal: as to news from million last night on ALL THE ECONOMIC REFORM she stated it would be done in 72 hours would that be like monday night

BGG: I think there must be some misunderstanding - that doesn't sound like something MD would say - but I could be mistaken.

Royal: sorry 48 hrs
Royal: It was in her news

BGG: I don't seee anyway possible for all economic reforms to be completed in 48 hours.

BGG Royal: I will go look that up for you.
BGG Royal: Millionday [...this 48 hour implementation for the economic reforms, would that include an RV?] GOOD QUESTION.

BGG: Millionday Article quote: "Today launched the (economic morning) new shape with the start of the morning 48 as usual to call since the idea of expansion, three pages devoted to the economy out of its importance at the local and global scales...



THIS WILL BE RELEASED TO THE CITIZENS IN THE MORNING [SUNDAY] (MEANING THE REPORT) [this goes out to citizens in am? and the reference to 48? 48 hr activation?] YES IT DOES.

BGG Royal: She was referring to an article...
BGG Royal: I think in the best case the "reforms could begin" as portrayed in this article
BGG Royal: and the only thing she said was a report of such would be "due" or coming in 48 hours.

larrykn: I thought it was awful funny that they would put out a date when they were going to do this

BGG: because they didn't - nor would they.
BGG: or will they - I should say.

faith1: It was my question to MD,,, may I comment ?
BGG: while I immediately disagree - especially based on what is published. Go ahead.

faith1: MD answered... YES IT DOES to the first part of my q,,, she did not really respond to the 48 or what 48 meant in the article... just how i understand her to have answered me.... hope this helps..

faith1: YES it does.... will ... or info will go out to citizens in am

BGG: It does not - help us out - how am I wrong??

faith1: I DON'T KNOW if anyone is wrong... 

BGG: the article and her answer only refer to some report going out as to some initiation of Economic reforms.

faith1: ok thanks

BGG: not the completion - that is a virtual impossibility. While I will be as happy as anyone with a report of an RV in the morning... I don't read it that way.

BGG: the good news - we only have to wait until about noon to see what's what... 
BGG: Deputy: we refuse to stop the work of customs tariff

BGG: Baghdad It refused to economic and investment commission in Parliament, to stop the work of customs tariff, as pointed out that activated Cedar money and stimulating the economy. " 

A member of the committee MP Ali Mohammed told JD: "There are demands by some quarters to postpone the work of customs tariff," noting that "the law has been postponed since 2010 has been activated with the beginning of the month of the current year." 

"We categorically reject and postpone work this time for the Law of the customs tariff because it is one of the important economic laws of the country, because he Seder big money of the state and stimulating the economy."

 He noted that "activating the investment law will attract investors and will have a significant role in supporting the Iraqi private sector."

Comments may be made at the end of Part 2  Thank You

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