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Monday, August 24, 2015

Wealthwatch  Member Night  Chat  8-24-15  Part 2 of 2

Post From Chat Room 8-24-15
Wealthwatch  Member Night  Chat  8-24-15  Part 2 of 2

lonegunman: these people have been arguing for yrs over the HCL yep its about time to approve it !!

newbieDA: yep, about time, a game changer too, love it
newbieDA: back to watching the parliament agenda lol
newbieDA: hope its good

Donnie: Parliament will reconvene tomorrow to question the Minister of Electricity and vote on the law of parties
Donnie: [Baghdad-where] the House of Representatives resumes, on Tuesday, regular meetings, is due to be questioned and Electricity Minister Qassim Mohammed Fahdawi on corruption charges in his ministry, and not providing electrical power.

And it includes the agenda of the meeting according to a statement of the Council "questioning of the Minister of Electricity, and vote on the draft law on political parties, voting in principle to a bill defining the mandates of the three presidencies."

 It also includes "considering the appeals filed about membership of some lawmakers Health, the first reading of the bill abolishing the law Open educational college, and the first reading of the proposed delegation of authority law.

Donnie: The meeting's agenda number (15) Tuesday 25 August 2015 August 25 0.2015 The third parliamentary session The second legislative year The first legislative term

Donnie: Third: The vote on the draft law on political parties. (Commission civil society institutions,Legal Committee). (Article 69).

Donnie: Fourth: the vote in principle on the draft Qanonthdid the states of the three presidencies. (Legal Committee).


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newbieDA: ty Donnie
newbieDA: went there as soon as I said it lol
newbieDA: and it was posted

BOBBY: newbieDA....... nice article.... thanks

newbieDA: np Bobby
newbieDA: best news all day

BOBBY: NewbieDA........ anything about HCL moving forward is very good news

newbieDA: I agree Bobby, totally
newbieDA: sorry, I am looking at other windows and then coming back

BOBBY: no prob.......

 newbieDA: ya excellent news

BB824: Where is the guarantee that if the tariff does go thru that there will be an RV

newbieDA: tarfiffs help with WTO

BB824: helps but doesn't guarantee

BB824: I think it's time to report zero day to the FBI I thinks wrong and misleading to keep making it sound how it's gonna be earthshattering breath taking read every word news and it gone to far and golf man is to blame also for letting continue

newbieDA: I dont follow gurus

Tootsie: BB824: Where is the guarantee that if the tariff does go thru that there will be an RV / There is NONE

Tootsie: GE all, been absent for a bit, but keeping up w/history/ and articles posted
Tootsie: just not in chat time

newbieDA: its guru talk, I not sure what is going to happen at all, so dont look at me lol

newbieDA: just glad I have dinar just in case

Tootsie: ‹@BB824› and, IMO as others, there is no PROOF that selling bonds will make IQD international - Countries sell bonds in their currency, pay interest in their currency, and when redeemed they do in $$$ - I am not making this up, actually Iraq stated. 

I have searched and searched and searched and find nada (but again, I am just me) stating currency has to be internationally accepted to be able to sell bonds. LOL We are gonna find out quite soon!  :wassat:

Tootsie: ‹@BB824› pretty crafty ~ never state a rate, date, or presumption of such ~ always vague, but since not being sponsored anymore possibly some of the hurrah will decrease? who knows

Tootsie: well, talking to myself, just looked and bb824 not around hahahaha! duh me
Tootsie: :wub:  :wub:  :silly:

BB824: I am just keep getting bumped

Tootsie: ‹@BB824› oh, hi! sorry about that ~

BB824: you should be VERY SORRY the lotto numbers ypu keep giving me haven't hit lol

Tootsie: ‹@BB824› LOL

Tootsie: I actually purchased 1 scratch off from machine, $1 , at HEB last week - 500 week for year. hahaha, fat chance!

Tootsie: so, today is the birthday of Duke Kahanamoku - 1890-1968. Father of surf boarding. Just so happens he is quite a hero also ~ was in Olympics ~ gold medal 1890 ~ but! ~ huge storm hit Newport and downed a 40" fishing vessel with 12 people. He swam out to them, and with the help of his 3 surfer friends, saved all 12 people

Tootsie: think wrong date w/g medal 1890 that was his b.d. oops

BOBBY: Tootsie....... did you mention a date lol

Tootsie: 1912 gold, but others also, gold in 1929 also.
Tootsie: ‹@BOBBY› oh FUNNY !!! SURE, hahahaha,
Tootsie: too funny!!!

BOBBY: Tootsie. ......  lol how are you

Tootsie: ‹@BOBBY› doin ok, ty, ! been otherwise involved, , and you?? I do read history couple x a day, just to keep up

BOBBY: hanging in there

 Imagist: ‹@Tootsie› So you feel the bonds will be sold in USD and paid back the same way?

Tootsie: ‹@BOBBY› gotcha there !! school started today, kiddo cross street catches bus 6:20 a.m. she forgot key, good I have one.

Tootsie: ‹@Imagist› no, they will be sold in their country currency, interest will be paid in their currency, but when redeemed will be in usd

Tootsie: I am sooo glad I don't have anyone in school anymore. she is in the AA courses, her rundown of just one course homework today is OUCH

Imagist: ‹@Tootsie› then until they are finished there can be no RV? won't work that way

BOBBY: Tootsie...... our kids started about 2 weeks ago

Tootsie: ‹@Imagist› well, IMO (and others here) bonds, tariffs, and such are not going to trigger a change in currency status world wide. They have to be in compliance with IMF , which they are not.

Tootsie: ‹@BOBBY› goodness that is early. I wonder what happened that all are starting so much earlier - used to be after Labor Day, which was terrific - gave family a bit of extra vaca time

 Imagist: ‹@Tootsie› not talking trigger - talking payout. Payout stays static so value of currency cannot change during the term of the bond?

Tootsie: ‹@Imagist› yes, bond purchased xxx $ fixed rate of interest, fixed total redemption - remember street rate and cbi rate 2 diff items. Forex currencies change every few seconds daily all of them, even quotes on iqd

Tootsie: if you purchased a muni bond here in USA, you pay xxxx, will earn xxx and the payout will be xxx . but our $ goes up and down daily

Imagist: ‹@Tootsie› sorry I cannot articulate point better. If amounts stay static the value of the currency cannot change drastically. It would make our holdings look small.

Tootsie: The value of the currency, per CBI, will stay the same,
Tootsie: sniff sniff, not much help I am thinking

Imagist: so length of bond is five years? Currency to stay static that long? If they pay CBI rate, the pay back would be huge when exchanged here for a street or forex rate if currency value changes.

Imagist: ‹@Tootsie› No argument just trying to understand                                                           

Tootsie: some of the bonds were redeemable 12/31/2016 - I am not sure if they are doing 5 year bonds, I do see your point, if valuation changes very possible. I know not arguing, ~ I am not that touchy haha ~~

Honestly, I do not have any answer at this moment for future redemption. Bonds are fixed at time of purchase and return is fixed. What would happen with valuation change I honestly do not know.

The bonds sold during WWII to raise funds had a xxx payout, ---- that amount did not change over the 20 or so years (I think, 20, may have been 10) they still were paid out at stated rate upon original purchase, and we know our $ changed lots. Wish I was better versed. ~!!!

Imagist: ‹@Tootsie› If returns (interest, balance) are paid in USD, I see no problem. If not, difficult to see reval of currency until bonds are paid in full.

Tootsie: ‹@Imagist› hmm, interesting ~ I just do not feel, or as others also that bonds or such are going to have any bearing on the IQD becoming a legal tender worldwide ~ I know people keep looking for triggers , but, in truth, I sincerely doubt that there are any

Imagist: ‹@Tootsie› I agree with that, but am thinking just the opposite - an anti trigger... a temporary stall

Tootsie: this has been going on for like 14 years or so, and so many have 'sold' the fact that this or that will be what will make an RV - it is a sad thing that such has been perpetuated for the mighty $ that many received to keep that alive. There is soo darned much misinfo out there it is really sorry

Tootsie: ‹@Imagist› ehh, when they get into compliance with IMF we will have a different story ~~

Imagist: ‹@Tootsie› quite possible, but may also be a non trigger

Tootsie: they are dropping the street rate in the last week, down to 1213 today, ;-} will see what transpires, They certainly have a rough road ahead -

Imagist: ‹@Tootsie› 1113?

Tootsie: ‹@Imagist› possibly, with Iraq , as we have found out, anything can happen ~ sheesh

BOBBY: Remember the price of oil quoted in the credit rating report?                                     
Tootsie: ‹@Imagist› market rate today was 1213 , lowest I have seen in a bit - IMF wants 2% compliance, so @ 1166 x .02 = market rate of 1189. Now ~ really, I do not know if they bring the commission in to bear on that figure. but basic 1166 + 2% is 1189 for market ratwe

Tootsie: ‹@BOBBY› hayhhaa, yeh!!! I sure do
Tootsie: oops hahaha

Tootsie: I honestly do not know how they can begin to start a 2016 budget with the oil standing at the price it is now. Sure would be fantastical if they could recover some of the monies absconded with ~ or gain title to the properties purchased overseas so could sell

BOBBY: Tootsie...... how far have they gotten on the 2015 budget?

Tootsie: ‹@BOBBY› ohhh ! goodness
Tootsie: hahahahaha
Tootsie: best laugh of my day


Tootsie: ‹@Donnie› yes, dropped like a rock! Dow Jones Indices: .DJI - Aug 24 4:30 PM ET 15,871.35 down 588.40 (3.57%)

Tootsie: ‹@Donnie› nice IQD chart! thanks!

BOBBY: Tootsie....... that must be a "forward looking statement" lol

Donnie: The IQD/USD dropped last week on 8/19. I couldn't find any news to support it.

Donnie: the rate has been this low before but never stayed there for so many days in a row.

Tootsie: ‹@Donnie› right, keeping fingers crossed .

Donnie: GN people - thanks for the news!

Tootsie: ‹@Donnie› ty, you do much.

chattels: My recollection is that one adds the commission to 1166 which is about 14 dinar so the market rate variance of 2 % is applied to 1180

chattels: or approx 1203

Tootsie: I am going to sign off also - take care all - keep the faith ~~

Tootsie: ‹@chattels› yes, but not sure if IMF considers the commission or?? would be nice if they did!!!

Tootsie: Always remember that you are absolutely unique. Just like everyone else. ~~ sleep well all  

via Dinar Recaps - Our Blog

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