Don't WAIT!

Monday, August 24, 2015

Pastors Ed & Kat International Prayer Call Mon. Night 7pm ET

International Prayer Call Monday Night 7pm ET

1 715 3660    406878#
641 715 3659    406878#   recorded version

The one main thing the enemy in all this hates is for us all to be in unity praying against his moves. Praying to bind and dispute and cut loose his strong hold he knows better then all in this he loses we win.
So joining together in agreement and we bind dispute all enemy assignments and cut loose the hands holding this back in Jesus name, moves mountains out of the way. Some here needs prayer for sickness join us and surrender to Gods touch. Join us for more Shalom Shalom Jesus is still in the healing business and here Miracles are the norm

God Bless
Pastors Ed & Kat

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