Don't WAIT!

Saturday, August 1, 2015

News, Rumors, and Humor Late Saturday Night


Greatly Blessed:  we probably won't hear anything before Monday morning as CBI will be closed Sunday because of the heat index. They are closed for four days.

RED:  In the last 8 years I have found out that Iraq can do anything they want with their holy days, holidays, parliamentary work days, Law, currency or anything else that you nothing is Orthodox everything is subject to modification and change according to their need

  It’s late at night in the east… there is so much love in the air…. Sooo many feelings abound… sooo many feelings to share. There’s an eerie feeling around…. Can’t you feel an energy of silence? Something’ about to explode… an epic moment is upon us… it’s unprecedented for sure. Have a Good night fellow dinarians… our moments is about to occur.

Sabickford:  Believe in yourself. You are Braver than you believe, Stronger than you seem, and smarter than you think

I don't want buns of steel, I want buns of Cinnamon

I make Wine Disappear. What's your Superpower?

When you love and laugh abundantly you live a beautiful life.

A quiet man is a thinking man. A quite woman is usually MAD.

If you Love Someone you should set them free, If they come back it means nobody else liked them. Set them free again.

Common Sense is a flower that doesn't grow in everyone's garden,

All you need is love and wine. Maybe some chocolate and a nap. But mostly the wine.

I think I have the urge to get up and clean the house - wait no false alarm

Marry the one who gives you the same feeling you get when you see food coming in a restaurant

A negative person sees the glass of water half empty. A positive person sees it half full. A realistic person adds two shots of whisky, two cubes of ice , and says "cheers"

I don 't know karate, but I do know crazy and I'm not afraid to use it.

Just Remember - Never under any circumstances take a sleeping pill and a laxative on the same night.

The best revenge is massive success.

When I read about the evils of drinking, I gave up reading.

Even Duct Tape Can't Fix Stupid - But it Can Muffle the Sound

Ladies, if a man says he will fix it he will. There is no need to pester him about it every 6 months

If there was a way to read a woman's mind I'm not sure I'd want to. I hate shoes, shopping, gossip and I already know that I am Annoying.

I tried exercise but I was allergic to it. My skin flushed, my heart raced. I got sweaty and short of breath. Very Dangerous.

THE SENILITY PRAYER: Grant me the senility to forget the people I never liked anyway, The good fortune to run into the ones I do, and the eyesight to tell the difference.

A man and his wife were sitting on a pier. Wife was drinking a glass of wine. All of a sudden she said, I love you so much. He said is that you talking or the wine. She said that is me talking to the wine.

No I am Not a Smart-ass - I'm a Skilled, Trained professional in pointing out the obvious and I speak fluent sarcasm!

I Once won a argument with a woman --- in this dream I had.

Diet rule #1: If nobody sees you eating it, it doesn't contain any calories.

If you think nothing is impossible, try slamming a revolving door.

Tell your boss what you really think about him, and the truth shall set you free, from your job. - Go RV





dnari131» August 1st, 2015,

Hayder Al-Shakeرi @HayderSH 3h3 hours ago Iraq
Due to the excessive heat. Tomorrow is a day off for all #Iraqi ministries and banks including the ones in Kuridstan.


islandg1211:  Frank, I appreciate that you and team can not give a date. But DrS/A/GOI/CBI do need deadlines that they consistently meet in order to give their citizens, investors, international business partners, and creditors confidence.

That's security. Iraq is responsible for their own security which includes implemented their Monetary Reform on time. The U.S. has provided so much military aid, lives, money and resources, yet still no date for the RI?

Does DrS expect his protection paid for by U.S. Taxpayers to just go on and on without a date and implementation of the RI?

Does Abadi and the GOI expect to tax their people and give them no reliable electricity without a protest? Which comes first, the RI or taxes/bonds/credit rating?

Abadi, Shabibi, and the Dinar investors are no different in their roles than then a CEO, CFO, and stockholders. Each has their purpose and responsibilities.

 Even the best of CEO's, CFO's need accountability by the stockholders who only look at dates and rates for their return.


Frank26:  No.

In the last 7 years i have learned that emotions tend to over rule our standards........Our Strength.

i use to give TIME FRAMES .......... But human nature would always redefine them when reached. Maybe i can call them MILESTONES of importance.

Media has you looking one way right now ........... MONDAY'S CC will help You look the other way.

C U then.

As for those that feel a Milestone on T and T's has not been met today ......... C U MONDAY.

KTFA   Frank


walkongstick The impact of applying the new tariff law .. standstill for the movement of goods in the port Shalamjah east of Basra

Saturday August 1, 2015 - 17:07

Supply trucks and cargo traffic stop in the port Shalamjah

Saw Shalamcheh border port adjacent to the east of Basra, Iran today standstill for the movement of goods and foodstuffs in conjunction with the application of the new tariff Alkmarki law.

He said radio reporter who tow presence in the port that the movement of trucks stopped completely and limited port work on the entry of tourists to and from Iran.

Among a number of suppliers and buyers of goods and commodities in the port complained of this law being and up, which they said was cause severe rise of imported materials in general, demanding at the same time, the local government to intervene and speed up the solution to repeal this law or amendment to it.


General Administration of Customs proceed with the application of tariff

08/01/2015 15:38
Tomorrow Press / Baghdad: The General Authority for Customs revealed that she began Saturday, the application of the tariff in ports, airports and border crossings land according to the law enacted by the House of Representatives. The Director General of the Commission Hakim Jassim for "tomorrow Press," that "the body is an executive receives FAQ from the Ministry of Almalaht, noting that "the Commission directed the application of tariff law in the first of the current August."

He added that "the Commission directed its outlets in ports, airports, ports, land border, including those in Kurdistan that the province apply the law," noting that "the Commission has completed all the administrative preparations and computational amendment fee rates in accordance with the pricing of the tariff law in all customs centers on ".

He said Jassim said "the Commission directed its staff to computational commitment that have occurred on goods entering the country under the new law, as well as ensuring the smooth flow of the completion of customs formalities as soon as possible," stressing that " application of the law would encourage the private sector to run small and medium-sized laboratories. "

He noted that "fee rate starts from exempt to 20 percent." The Ministry of Finance has decided last March, begin applying the customs end of next June tariff after last year futures more than once because of the demand by some countries, traders and activate the new tariff law is canceled the old law subject by the civil governor of Iraq after 2003, Paul Bremer, who is serving to pay 5% tax on all goods imported from outside the country.


Customs Authority proceed with the application of customs tariffs in ports, airports and land border ports
01/08/2015 07:58 |

Press direction / follow-up

General Administration of Customs revealed that she began Saturday, the application of the tariff in ports, airports and land border ports according to the law enacted by the House of Representatives.

The Director General of the Commission Hakim Jassim that the body is an executive receive instructions from the Ministry of Finance, indicating that the Authority directed the application of tariff law in the first of August now.

He added that the Authority directed its outlets in ports, airports and land border crossings, including those in Iraqi Kurdistan that the law be applied, noting that the Commission has completed all preparations for the administrative and accounting fees related to the amendment ratios according to the pricing of the tariff law in all customs centers.

Jassim said that the Authority directed its members to adhere calculations that have occurred on goods entering the country under the new law, as well as to ensure the smooth completion of customs formalities as soon as possible, stressing that the application of the law would encourage the private sector to run small and medium-sized laboratories.

He noted that the fee rate starts from exempt to 20 percent. ss


DLR:  “The truth is that finding happiness in what you do every day is so imperative.” – Gary Vaynerchuk

“Time – the one asset none of us are ever gonna get more of.” – Gary Vaynerchuk

“Effort is grossly underrated.” – Gary Vaynerchuk

Legacy is greater than currency.” – Gary Vaynerchuk

“We only get to play this game one time…one life.” – Gary Vaynerchuk

via Dinar Recaps - Our Blog

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