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Monday, August 24, 2015

Monday News Summaries by Aggiedad77 at KTFA

aggiedad77 » August 24th, 2015, 2:23 pm  

Monday News Summaries and Commentaries news almost all weekend.....WS comes back on Sunday evening/Monday morning and it explodes.....oh so interesting it is too.....sometimes the surf is up....sometimes it isn't......we are riding some wild and maddening waves at the moment.....ride the wave and don't lose sight of the end.

And economic reforms

Well there you have it....economic reform on the heels of the demands of the people....on the heels of a shake up by the government....economic reforms that will improve the lives of the citizens....economic reforms that are destined to eradicate the evilness associated with corruption at all for it....coming to an Iraq near you.
IMF: growth prospects remain positive in Iraq

Iraq is not dead and the IMF continues to be optimistically supportive with regard to their prospects of growth this year....even at 0.5% which is the result of continued work in the oil and gas arena as well as revived efforts in non-oil sectors.

Keywords: budget inaccurate tab

The first of a number of "keywords"....aka....acting governor of the CBI....aka Dr. S.....that we will see today....yes indeed there is great activity in the news today from the CBI......the greatest focal point from this article and several others is the attention being given to the idea of it being a "ripe time" for "financial reform" in Iraq as preparations are being made on the 2016 budget.....the key with this budget as with any budget....get the right numbers in the right slots so that it makes sense in the end and is a stretch budget for sure....but it is attainable as for the reform to evolve and bring this budget alive.

Economic reform path and banks

Economic reform....what path is desirable.....certainly not the path that is overflowing with corruption....let's focus on a pathway that provides guarantees to the state as well as to the citizens....yes a much more difficult path to follow but in the end more profitable for everyone.....there must be rules that are required to be followed....

When those rules are broken and people attempt to go their own way, things fail and trouble mounts as illegal operations are identified and the troublemakers are brought to justice.....learn from the mistakes of the past and move towards a brighter future....for those banks who choose to work by the numbers and follow the rules, investors will soon learn of their higher degree of integrity and business will naturally flow their way.....there is no room for corruption at any level and that is being proven day after day in Iraq now.

Punishment of offenders should be lengthened

I say that I have to agree, if you are going to punish those for being corrupt or being involved in money laundering or graft type operations....then make the time fit the short sentences to put the hook in the intent to clean up the act....being caught in this business should provide some lengthy jail time for those guilty individuals to mull over their wrong-doing....and the same should be said for business entities that are caught with their hand in the wrong till.

3 pass laws and other 17 for reading

Through the first year of this new Parliament....17 laws saw a first reading.....12 saw their second reading.....but only three have been voted upon......ONLY 3....what is up with pat on the back here....there needs to be greater parity in what is brought to Parliament and what ends up being made a law....get it right and get more slack time and by the way...where's the priority on the laws that truly are meaningful for the citizens of Iraq....get them out of the bag and onto the table.....plain sight and let's get some action working on them.

Keywords: SME loans will reduce dependence on budget

Second keywords article....this time focusing on the small to medium enterprise loans creating a sense of independence away from the national the governor believes.....enhancing the ability to put the unemployed back to work....and at the same time doing good things for the private sector.....all in favor of the economic reform.

Urgent source for [where]: Abadi will cost the new Secretary of the Council of Ministers

PM Abadi is expected to release the name of his candidate for Secretary of the COM....and he is also expected to name a committee that will be charged with closely monitoring the work of the COM ministers and reporting twice a year to him.....this I believe is called a performance appraisal.....sounds like he means serious business.....meaningful productivity will help you keep your job.

Keywords «acknowledge» difficult economic and financial situation in Iraq

Article number 3 by keywords.....promoting the idea that the economic and financial situation that Iraq finds itself in today is a direct result of the failure of the 2014 budget process....

For sure the oil price plunge didn't help....but the Iraqi woes started with everyone being obstinate over the 2014 approval work.....this left the country in shreds, then DAASH waltzed in....yes Maliki you are to blame for that......the budget was never approved......yes Maliki the finger points in your direction yet again.....then add to that the unfettered corruption....yes strike three Maliki that one is on you too......

Then on top of all this....the Finance Committee trying to flex muscles in January of this year and hamstring the CBI's abilities to do its job.....maintain stability of the exchange rate fell flat on its face.....the deck has indeed been stacked against the new government......but thanks to their eye opening reforms....things are slowly turning around.

Analysts: al-Maliki at war again after being convicted of the report of Mosul

Oh good grief, the source of this information appears to be coming from the US.....Maliki hasn't been convicted of anything....yet.....well in the public's eye he has been....but leave the trial up to the Judicial he wanted to stay in he wanted to come back to power....the deal today is that he is NOT in power.....but like any venomous snake....he is still a lethal wary of where he lies poised to strike when you least expect it from him......

I totally disagree that many in government and in the military remain loyal to Maliki......they know who pays their check....and they had better find an allegiance to PM Abadi or they run the risk of finding themselves in the back of the unemployment line.....just ask Maliki about that....and the head of COM....among others who have recently been booted.

Prime Minister's Office a target for those who reject reform

Sure thing not everyone is in favor of PM Abadi's reforms.....especially those who claim to be on the side of Maliki.....but try as they might.....they only bring forth fabricated articles that slander the truth of what is going on....more evidence of Maliki's control over a portion of the careful of what you choose to believe.

Iraq is moving towards the diversification of its financial resources through activation of levies

The actions being taken by the CBI in releasing 5 trillion dinar to a number of banks for loans to small and medium business enterprises is seen as a stimulation to the economic growth within Iraq....this will be especially so in a number of private sectors like agriculture and real estate where these efforts will remove some pressure from the heavily weighted oil and gas sector.

Dawa Party: Abadi not and will not resign from the party

Rumors.....rumors....rumors.....PM Abadi has not and is not resigning from the Dawa Party.....more work of those activists that do not approve of PM Abadi and his current reform efforts.

The judiciary included reforms package

"Congress"......really....."Congress" yes that is the word they used......was it a slip of the tongue.....or are the winds blowing in the direction of a democracy for Iraq.....remember PM Abadi says that no one is above the law and he will not defend anyone accused of corruption.....this would have to include those in the Judiciary System as well......get the judges established who you know to be above reproach....and use those to try the ones who have dirty hands.

Detection of new reforms goes on senior officials

How do you tell when a politician is lying.....their mouth moves......How do you tell when a government official is guilty of corruption.....they are the first to complain about reform of any type.....and if you think you've seen reform.....just wait on what PM Abadi will be rolling out to you in the near could knock your socks off.

Fingered Abadi moving towards "late" in implementing reforms

You can't please everyone all the time......there will forever be naysayers about anything that is ever made public from any source....that is a with it....those complaining the loudest are likely the ones who have the most to some things haven't met the deadline...this is Iraq....don't forget where you live.

IMF: Iraq is facing economic problems

Ok IMF tell me something we don't forget about us peons also facing economic problems....get the lead out....all this data was hashed over last week and there are no changes to it....on with the program.

Keywords: conditions are ripe to reconsider the Iraqi financial system

This is like article 5 where Keywords has jumped in with something to oh it Dr. S or is it memorex.....again we hear that conditions are ripe to reconsider the financial system....well one wholesale change could be in the rate....that would definitely have an impact on the the right thing for Iraq and all its

Economist: 6080 projects need to be comprehensive reassessment

Everyone today has a number....this guy says that over 6,000 projects need a reassessment.....I say it all needs a reassessment, based off a new rate.....if you want to change have to change things....remember.....if you do what you've always get what you always have make it change.....indeed money has been spent on many of these projects...but little to no work has been even started.....let's go get that money back and put it in the hands of some honest hardworking people for a change.

Chalabi reveals the "strangest" the process of corruption in the world in a bank Rafidain and Rasheed

Well it seems you have the goods on a bunch of put them in handcuffs and throw the book at them as an example of it is not wise to break the law....even within Iraq.....who cares if what they did was "strange" or's all about guilt and accountability today.

Justice will hold an emergency session to discuss the preparatory budget for next year, according to the requirements of fiscal austerity

This Justice Zamili must be a high ranking individual, I believe he was the one who presided over the investigation into the fall of after the submittal of that report now they trust him with the 2016 budget to look over and see how it meets with austerity thing that must be found is consistency in how the budget is applied.

Abadi office attracts 70 international experts joint workshop to solve the problem of electricity

Recognizing that outside help is necessary to tackle the electricity issues of Iraq....PM Abadi has reached out to 70 experts outside the country to help resolve the issues.....they met in a workshop format to brainstorm the problems and work towards suggested solutions that would match with the reforms that Abadi has proposed.

Babylon protesters and police exchange filing complaints before the courts

They did "they" did it......both sides are pointing fingers at the other side and filing complaints with the courts....who assaulted who is the big question.

Lifting of the curfew in Babylon under the guidance of al-Abadi

PM Abadi says to lift the curfew that exists in Babylon....this includes the city of Hilla.....protestors are asked to cooperate with security forces as this curfew is removed.

Financial Times: 77 percent of Israel's oil comes from Iraqi Kurdistan

I am sure this is one report the Kurds really didn't want to make public.....providing 75% or more of the oil that Israel needs....wonder how they do that.....take the oil directly to Israel....we know that was attempted last year with a great deal of heat from Baghdad over the issue.....have they been allowed to send oil in a similar fashion or are they taking it to another port where it is off loaded then reloaded on another ship bound for Israel....I doubt that because of extra costs involved in such a transfer.

Iraq seeks to produce two billion cubic feet of gas per day

Two billion cubic feet of gas a day.....that is a lot of beans.....oops....ok a lot of cows....oh still wrong gas source.....natural gas....that stuff that Iraq has been wasting through wellhead flares for years.....I know it isn't as simple as turning off the is good to see that Iraq will be putting this gas to much better use in the years to come.

Le Figaro: Abu Barns "Invisible Man" who stands behind Haider al-Abadi

So the question to be answered....does this invisible man really exist.....has he been around for a number of years awaiting this opportunity to get closer to the Iraqi government a CIA operative.....not sure who can truthfully provide the answer.....I'm sure that PM Abadi will deny any connection to the alphabet soup group if the person does exist.....Barns...Barns come out from where ever you are.

Vice chest: Sadr's call for protests Friday came after an attempt by some parties to block the implementation of reforms

Friday's demonstrations were blessed with the presence of an Iraqi cleric who noted that others were attempting to block the implementation of reforms....he jumped in to support the demonstrations knowing the demonstrators were there in favor of and support of PM Abadi and his proposed reforms.
House of Representatives are up for reforms Abadi session Tuesday

Will the Parliament be busy tomorrow when the reconvene....let's hope thing they will be reviewing is the reforms that have been put forward by PM Abadi and looking at progress made with them....let's hope they continue to be supportive towards Abadi's reform efforts.

Alliance forces: there are secret agreements between the blocs states not to hold accountable those responsible

Ok I'm reading this as sort of a follow on to PM Abadi's statement denying any defense for those accused of other words you are on your own....go find your own attorney.....I see this as saying the same get caught with you hands in the till....your political party is not having anything to do with you either.....I think the statement at the end of no one behind bars for corruption since 2003 is not least recently there have been a large number who have been both accused and prosecuted for corruption....get your story straight.

Jaafari: Abadi, will present a new package of proposals

So is this round 2 or round 3 of reforms from PM Abadi......more to come it sounds like though for sure.....bring them on.

Global confusion in the classification of Iraqi bonds worth $ 6 billion

So there is global confusion with regard to the bonds that Iraq wants to sell.....really....why would that be....seems some think of the bonds as "junk".....largely due to the recent rating by Fitch....the "B-" rating they got....well be that as it may....JP Morgan, Citibank, and Deutsche Bank have all agreed to handle the sales of these bonds for the Iraqis....and I bet they won't sit on the sales block long before they are scarfed up....we shall see.

Fahdawi: we need to 19 trillion dinars for the Strategic Plan to address the problems of electricity

So my first this the minister that is getting the boot....if so who will believe what he says....second much money has he already pocketed that should have gone to fixing the problem.....go get that money and then see how much needs to be added to fix the problems.....either way though no doubt that a fix must be brought forward and they must be prepared for the cost.....all this in a time of great austerity.

Crisis cell "recognize the loan program," a $ 5 trillion dinars for the sectors of industry, agriculture, housing

PM Abadi's crisis cell met again today and approved the $5 trillion dinars for loans to various sectors outside of oil and gas....these loans are earmarked for small to medium business enterprises as an aid to stimulate the economy and halt unemployment.....announced less than a month ago....this is the Iraqi version of fast tracking I presume.

Well this only took half a day to catch up......great news articles though, enjoy and be ready for more as the day progresses.   Aloha   Randy

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