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Monday, August 24, 2015

Frank26 and KTFA Members: "More CC Notes and Todays News"


Dinaridori had lost connection when transcribing last Monday nights CC notes… are the “lost parts”

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5 Trillion dinars @ 1166 – there is no math for that. Then if the CBI says 85 cents is a good rate to start off with the RI with the 50’s -- .85 – 1.00 USD – THAT IS EXACTLY TRUE!!

All these HINTS! They don’t have to give the 2 state banks the $5 trillion dollars…they only have to give the 5 billion dinars and it comes a lot higher.

So the 50 notes, Delta said, are ready – the guy squealed ---that they’re ready. We said get in line! They have the money now and they had the money at the Sheritan meeting. They told the international world. They didn’t even have articles about that meeting, did they?

Do you know how important that meeting was? Do you know how much projection there is? If you were one of the 12 wouldn’t you want that building surrounded until they were in and out and with the international world?
It’s not going to be 5 trillion dinars but remember they’ll have to collect these 000’s back again again so why do it with the ones you’ve been trying to collect ….no. So, we believe that the 1:1 or 85 cents of the reinstatement will allow the 5 billion dinars to be at that 1:1. Not the 5 trillion dinars at 1166.

It doesn’t work and the math is always impossible.

Aleck even put out a note that he wasn’t going to put them out until 2016. I bet they’ll come out as soon as Dr. Shabibi comes out. They even said Maliki and Shabibi would be around the same time. Why buy 5 trillion dinars if they’re not going to reform this year.

This MONETARY REFORM is one of the final indicators of the CBI SPREADSHEET.

They took the exchange rate out again. They did! They really did! Remember when Top Shelf gave us information about the CBI spreadsheet and he did it good! But the problem was that we found out that the spreadsheet was being manipulated. By who? Don’t worry about that. YOU could have done that. All you had to do was actually put numbers in the spreadsheet and the numbers stay in there while somebody else puts in other numbers!

They weren’t showing you any of the math…we told him to stop on the spreadsheet information and let me take over on this. Go to the CBI spreadsheet and you WILL NOT SEE THE EXCHANGE RATE OF THE IRAQI DINAR. (I’m sure you knew this. LOL)

By the way – demonstrators…every Friday, on a holy day, and they could be seen for the last 3 weeks, and bring out in writing NEW PETITIONS….it’s Abadi who walks with them because he’s a citizen and he knows what they want. Every Friday they do a 30 minute demonstration and last week it was get rid of the electric guy! We saw what he did….they’ve got all kinds of demands.

Supreme Court against Maliki – Corruption reforms – Hey, Sistani….he botched us up.

Authorities are backing them up and giving the citizens a voice every Friday with their petitions and on top of that you have the money laundering ending on Oct. 1st. THERE’S GOING TO BE A NEW RATE when they lift the 000’s and all these high-ranking officials are stealing money and gold and go to customs and ALL of them are being caught.

By the way…they exchanged the IQD historically in the month of April and September.

Dr. Shabibi kept a close relationship with the IMF and the USA ….and Abadi. They are now one. The proxy they put in to be like Hussein and Maliki …these were wrong decisions and a lack of brain.

The American dollar will be pegged to the IQD. Our USD will decrease 20-40% -- it will drop like a rock in the ocean after the federal hike that’s about to occur next month. And all of this is about the same time of the culmination and the oil to drop at under $2 a gallon.

All of this is the lava flow – a credit rating and the American dollar and the Iraqi dinar and many other currencies are in Yogi’s picnic basket.

A domino credit report always says that you will give up some to gain, but some will go down in order to gain. That may not make sense, but I’ve told you, told you, told you,

WHEN THE BLESSING OCCURS, some currencies will be happy because they went up and some values will go down.

Ladies and gentlemen, we are of the latter and Iraq is the first. Role reversal and we will pay for that and what the US has done with my currency. I depeg my currency and I peg to the IQD…I call it my privilege, my investment, my Executive Order 13303. Sir, MISSION ACCOMPLISHED.

Check this out – CBI is now selling gold! (What??) Because they have lowered their dependence on foreign currency –


The lava flow is at it’s magna core and is at the surface. The GOI’S GOT MONEY, HONEY. Even the Iraqi union is recognizing this capital increase in their country because they’re in control of jobs of the private sector. They know who’s coming to dinner. Get out of my way DECAY …Get out of my way DELAY. Maliki can’t cause these delays any longer.

Abadi turned the tables to a round table for ALL of Iraqi. Abadi threw a coup against Maliki and his goonies….and overthrew them with accountability. HOORAH, Abadi! You ARE a citizen. All this has been done by Iraq for the international world.

I encourage you to read post #185 – these are Randy (aggiedad) notes re: money laundering in Iraq. They gave us Maliki and Aleck and that’s why my team said: HERE WE GO…or HERE THEY WENT!

Tomorrow we begin to see the brutalness of the sterilization of the GOI – when the troops got their money back. It’s no longer needed to use their money to buy bonds.

The reports given about Mosul are VERY OLD….I’m sorry – I made a mistake, those articles about Mosul weren’t 2 years old, they were 2 weeks old. I’m so sorry.

As for Iran: CAN YOU SAY DEAL? Can you say INVISIBLE DEAL?

That’s what most of it was. You see Iran has evidence of a shadow of it now. Maliki’s needs a parachute because he was pushed out of Iraq’s future…right into the international world. Let him go…I don’t care where he goes or what he does. Maliki and Iran – they belong to each other.

Security is here and tomorrow is the 18th so pay attention to post #277 – we have thousands of soldiers in Iraq. So, IMO, it’s time to tell you about a monetary reform to lift up the 000’s to the exchange rate…I cannot give it to you or tell it to you except for Dr. Shabibi.

IRAN SENT 2 WARNING SIGNALS TO IRAQ WITH MALIKI…so M runs to Iran, cuts a deal, Abadi does not feel about Iran the way M feels about Iran. Thousands of troops have been landing because Iran dared to fire a WARNING SHOT and break the agreement across Iraq. We have flooded the place with security – and YOU THOUGHT THE IRAN DEAL WASN’T GOING TO HELP THE IRAQ REFORM. It’s complicated, but simple.

We have the best trained military – we have the best soldiers!! And Iran knows that we’re back in Iraq and they’ll never sell their reserves because the liquidity has poured in. This is the carrot in front of the stick because tomorrow will be brutal.

Frank ended the call with a prayer.


Frank26:  (Late Sunday Night 8-23-15)

Have given it much thought for tomorrows MONDAY CC.

Wish to run an experiment.

SAID last MONDAY .......... The CC was laced with many NEW seeds ......... NEW FILES. Asked all to LISTEN and find them.

For example.............. A REFORM within Parliament is occurring .......... SAID ........ DEMOCRACY is a goal.

Or ........ Note that since we shared with You on Your last CC that IOO ....... DRS is coming BACK ........... All sites are now saying ... Expressing the same thing. KTFA sets the ....... Trend.

ALL ............. ALL !!! types of REFORMS are happing right now. The KEY is ............. One of them is The MR.

So ............ Please join DELTA and i tomorrow and this time ............. Bring YOUR questions.

i believe as a Study we need to see where YOU are at .......... At the moment before we consider SHARING any NEW FILES.

Please ....... Take Notes then .......... Take them to God in Prayer...... TY Kindly.

KTFA   Frank
Per Frank26 last week: “Replace the word “Keywords” with “Shabibi” and it makes sense.

Walkingstick  » August 24th, 2015, 5:10 am 

Keywords: conditions are ripe to reconsider the Iraqi financial system
Monday 24 August 2015

He stressed Governor of the Central Bank of Iraq on the Keywords, Monday, that the current conditions are in place so that there is a reconsideration of the Iraqi financial system.

Keywords and said in a statement the "Ply News" that "the crises facing Iraq today, including the financial crisis, which reflected negatively on the economic imperative that there be efforts to confront and address them in accordance with the fast and accurate mechanisms and methods."

Keywords and added that "the conditions are ripe to reconsider the financial system in Iraq through the state budget preparation," pointing out that "classified on the basis of operational and investment expenses is inaccurate tab punctuated by a lot of observations that give impressions and analysis is incorrect."

Keywords predicted that "the financial system contributes to the amendment to the financial correction process and put them on the right path, which develops the economy and makes it the most powerful arm in Iraq to create a live well for his children."  LINK


Walkingstick  » August 23rd, 2015,

Keywords: budget inaccurate tab  8/24/2015 0:00

BAGHDAD Shokran Fatlawi

Collect experts on the need to reconsider the foundations of the financial and monetary construction in the country through reforms continue and expand in all directions and to ensure that the fight against corruption and waste of public money.

This came during an extended seminar held by the progress of policy development attended by Iraqi Central Bank Governor D Institute. On the Keywords and a group of economists, finance, government officials and a large number of businessmen and interested in economic affairs to discuss the economic and financial aspects under the circumstances taking place in Iraq and to coincide with the campaign Aslahat.osthilt seminar, which was attended by the »morning» the word to the director of the institute Dr. Mahdi Al-Hafiz called which announced reforms to continue and expand in all areas and to ensure that the fight against corruption and waste of public money and providing services and solving the problem of the housing crisis, which has become a dilemma as a result of the latest displacement because of the terrorist gangs Daash. Hafiz stressed the need to develop a clear vision and explicit reconsider the foundations of the financial and monetary construction in the country through the creation of a project to determine income.

Iraqi Central Bank Governor Dr. Ali relationships between in his speech that the conditions are ripe to reconsider the financial system in Iraq through the preparation of the state budget, pointing out that classified on the basis of operational and investment expenses is tab inaccurate punctuated by a lot of observations that give impressions and analysis is

For his part, noted expert Ahmed Alabreha to decline tremendously to base production of non-oil because 99 percent of Iraq's exports are oil stressing that the Ayazdad annual spending rate to the government about 6 per cent in order to maintain the sustainability limit Colh.wachar Alabreha to what he called a dilemma government spending This spending increase by a large but always salary increase faster than government spending as it is very difficult to reduce the salaries and the growth of government spending faster than revenue growth   economic.

Zerb:  Dr Keywords has an awful lot to say tonight...

Franks26:  YES......... You take good CC NOTES!

via Dinar Recaps - Our Blog

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