Don't WAIT!

Tuesday, August 25, 2015

DebTarHeelGirl 8-25-15: "Weather The Storm"

Calamity! Uncertainty! Gale force winds!  Surely you've been through these types of seas before, right? 

Folks, remain vigilant with a watchful eye and ears to hear with clarity and a true knowledge of what is really happening right now all around us.  Can we be shaken by fear amidst high waves? 

We must stay the course and unshaken lest we, of our own doing, capsize our own boat.  No!  We shall not be shaken.  We shall not be moved.  We shall not be afraid.

Ask yourself right now the following two questions.  I am sure that after you answer these two questions you will undoubtedly see those waves around you still but within your vessel...your own personal vessel...peace will dwell.
1. WHO rows your boat?

2.  Does UNFAILINGLY HOPE Guide your rudder?

By now, you should know me and you can surely guess who rows my boat!  Also, for me, I declare that my unfailing hope steers my rudder!

In these days of what seems like uncertainty, we need to look beyond. That's right, way beyond our current circumstances in the current global markets.

The stock market appears to be extremely unstable. Yet, our hope dictates that beyond these rough seas, calm waters lie ahead.

These are indeed times of great testing. We can wring our hands and chew our nails to nubs but in the end, we will be able to testify that we have weathered the gale force winds and our hope has steered us to calmer seas.

Now imagine if you will, after all is said and done, YOUR ABILITY, YOUR OPPORTUNITY to effectively calm those who may be riding rough seas in their lives. Due to your effectively passing through your own storm with YOUR extreme hope steering your own rudder, you will be able to strengthen another fellow human being. Why? Because you have effectively weathered the storm.

This journey is not just about you. It's also about the lives you will touch in the very near future. You'll strengthen and encourage others in need with love and deep conviction.

Take a good look at yourself.  Wow, how you shine!  You are a seasoned navigator and the high winds and thrashing waves shall not harm you. YOU SHALL NOT BE SHAKEN!!!

Look ahead through the rain right now.  You're on steady course toward your blessing and when you finally row into port, your goal will be worth the journey, no matter what transpired along the way. You already know this in your knower!

So...maintain a steady course though all around you seems chaotic and those waves are rocking your boat to and fro. Keep the faith with nerves of steel.

Look ahead and Know in your Knower that our Suddenly is approaching!

via Dinar Recaps - Our Blog

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