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Saturday, August 22, 2015

Bits and Pieces in Dinarland Saturday AM

Dinar Updates

tman23   I have "heard" that today... the 21st "they" were given 3 weeks to complete the laws... (I don't know what laws, and I do not know who is delegating the directives) AND...Moshen Ismail [The gov. of CBI] has submitted his resignation...

The resignation by law requires a 30 day notice...And expect Sept 8th a new CBI governor to be appointed...

There is no "ink" on this and I don't expect to see it in the press until the announcement...

Q: [do you really feel Iraq can pull off a increase in value before the end of Sept or do you feel it may take longer?]   
BGG:    I think - as soon as Maliki is fully "dealt with" and some resolution comes to the Gov of the CBI - the door is wide open to monetary reform.

THAT IS EXACTLY what I think... and all of that can happen very, very quickly.



Ivantulafitov: plug in USD on eft and IQD on right

 ****5 days in a row it has not gone back to 1166***** going on 6 days

Not 1166 is good if you look at the chart it consistently goes back to 1166 and usually every other day sometimes after 2 days but 5 now going on 6 days so that's something above my paygrade to say what …but it is definitely a break in the pattern


Martha:  The RV has already happened, the button has been pushed so to speak. China started the party……..just sit back and watch all their actions

8/1,8/8,8/15 and now 8/22 ….on 4/22 actually is the official rv ….then was given 3 months to get its act together to 7/22 .now all is done and they only need to pay their people and release a rate to the world

Realize that everything is done-we get our blessing when the people of Iraq get theirs as in the people on the street

The banks were open on Friday and Sat in Iraq,  so we wait for certain intel and ISX opens on the 24th and needs a reality also the forex is back up and markets worldwide

June1:  martha good morning- so happy to read your post this morning! You are answering all my questions I had wanted to ask you! Was still hoping we might have RV this weekend but like you said the people in Iraq 1st than maybe??  A few more days for us after? do you think it will be that long for us here? Did the market go down enough friday or do we still have to wait for more??

Martha: No June…….. Today may be the day, the 22nd if the people got paid. Banks have been opened for 2 days and as Tony said the timing is right for this weekend

I think that if it had been released yesterday during market time that would have been an issue and we dont know yet what may have happened overnight

June1:  martha - it looks like you have a crystal ball in front of you and you are seeing all that is to come forth!! Loving it all and hoping that the powers are with you to do so!! Bless you -for all of this {{{HUGS}}}

Martha:  it is intel and I brought it out to 9/1…. but hopefully we don’t get that far since we are the privates and I see the public going then

June1:  This is all Bruce said the other night - all the call was on product -Bruce on The Big Call - China devalued again; dow plumets; Kazakhstan depegs from the dollar; other nations will follow; right before RV; sounds like a GCR; all lining up; it's Christmas eve and I am excited; all I going to say.

Tishwash: World’s Richest People Lose $182 Billion in Market Rout

The world’s 400 richest people lost $182 billion this week from their collective fortunes as weak manufacturing data from China and a rout in commodities sent global markets plunging.

The weekly drop for the Bloomberg Billionaires Index, a group that includes Warren Buffett and Glencore Plc’s Ivan Glasenberg, was the biggest since tracking of the expanded list began in September 2014.

The combined net worth of the index members fell by $76 billion on Friday alone, when the Standard & Poor’s 500 Index of U.S. stocks ended its worst week since 2011.

“For them that’s a fractional percentage, even though $182 billion is a big number,” said John Collins, director of investment advisory at Aspiriant, which oversees more than $8 billion for high net worth clients. “A week like this feels really bad, but when you take a step back, in a big picture view it’s not a disaster by any means.”

  Friday’s losses put the world’s richest 400 into the red for the year to date. They’re now down $74 billion in 2015, with a collective net worth of $3.98 trillion.

The week’s largest setback in dollar terms was experienced by Buffett, who saw his fortune drop by $3.6 billion as Berkshire Hathaway Inc. slipped more than 5 percent. The investor is the world’s third-wealthiest person, with a fortune of $63.4 billion, according to data compiled by Bloomberg.

The slump in oil, which had its longest weekly losing streak since 1986 amid signs of an extended supply glut, contributed to $15.2 billion in losses for the world’s wealthiest energy billionaires. Continental Resources Inc. Chairman Harold Hamm saw $895 million, or 9 percent of his net worth, vanish this week.

Glencore’s Glasenberg

Glasenberg, chief executive officer of mining company Glencore Plc, lost $237 million during the week as commodity prices slid to their lowest levels in 13 years. Glencore reached a record low in London on Friday, down more than 8 percent from a week earlier, after the trading house reported its profit sank 56 percent in the first half of the year. Glasenberg’s fortune has decreased more than 40 percent in 2015, to $3.1 billion.

China’s 26 wealthiest people, pummeled by Hong Kong’s bear market and a weaker yen, lost $18.8 billion during the week. Wang Jianlin of Dalian Wanda Commercial Properties Co. was hit hardest, losing $3.5 billion.

Eleven billionaires added to their fortunes in spite of the market turmoil. The week’s biggest dollar gainer was Sun Pharmaceuticals’ Dilip Shanghvi. The world’s 39th-richest person became $467 million wealthier, elevating his net worth to $18.9 billion.

The Bloomberg Billionaires Index takes measure of the world’s wealthiest people based on market and economic changes and Bloomberg News reporting. Each net-worth figure is updated every business day at 5:30 p.m. in New York and listed in U.S. dollars.


Kue911:   I have a great idea. Why don't we RV today and ride off into the sunset.

Iko Ward:  Maybe monday. Have to let the ptb have their meetings

LH:   if I had a dime for every ptb meeting ;)

Ivantulafitov:  last post for the morning check this out on YT and also the suggested ​videos on the right... there's a bootleg gold mine here: 

Why We Want Yo​u to be Rich (audiobook) - Kiyosaki & Trump

Backdoc » August 22nd, 2015, 10:50 am 



Alan:  Are we comparing vietnam to Iraq?

Didn't vietnam devalue at the end of WW2? Here 70 years later their value is still at no value.

Vietnam sold bonds in 2012 and now 2015 their value is still awful.

Iraq is due to sell bonds in 2015 will their value still be awful in 2018.

The first set of bonds for Vietnam mature in 2016 from what I've read. Will we wait till then to see a revalue of the dong?

Will we have to wait for the Iraq bonds to mature to see a revalue?

Vietnam Hasent been under sanctions and when they got their credit rating they didn't revalue, when they sold bonds they didn't revalue. Vietnam has gotten buy for 70 years with worthless exchange rate, why do we feel so strongly that Iraq can't do the same?

Just thinking out loud to promote thoughts.

If the HCL is in the 2015 budget well see the revalue within nanoseconds of the HCL being implemented then it should be in 2015 we see a revalue.

But the question is... how many years in advance can they still use the 2015 budget.

Can they still use the 2015 budget in 2016/2017?

Have all the 2015 budget funds been used? If so then the budget is complete right?

So in March of 2016 when the budget is completed (based on past years) the HCL 5hats was in the 2015 budget should be activated right? If not then the HCL was never in the 2015 budget?

Like to hear anyone's thoughts on these questions.

via Dinar Recaps - Our Blog

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