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Monday, August 31, 2015

Wealthwatch Early Evening Chat  8-31-15  Part 2 of 2

Post From Chat Room 8-31-15
Wealthwatch Early Evening Chat  8-31-15  Part 2 of 2

BOBBY: newbieDA.... i have a different take on this so you will have to pardon my non reaction

newbieDA: work on the National Guard, Federal Court, Anti-Money Laundering and Terrorism Financing Law, and Investment laws

newbieDA: share Bobby, please

BOBBY: newbieDA...... i dont think the climate is right to support a rate change

newbieDA: I agree, no need to talk about a rate change, totally agree
newbieDA: no sense at all
newbieDA: no security and mass corruption still

 BOBBY: newbieDA. ...... agreed
newbieDA: why the laws are important
newbieDA: just those 4 laws I mentioned are not enough

BOBBY: they are making progress

newbieDA: totally, agree again
newbieDA: something is a foot

newbieDA: not sure how much of difference though, hope they do it, and looks like they are trying to manifest something

newbieDA: I am looking for the day the people have electricity again, make me happy

chattels: ‹@BOBBY› Which post ?

newbieDA: I did find someone, from another site I found in my 3rd week in my investement 4 years ago, I got lucky

newbieDA: we talk, hes not a guru, but a friend who I talk too

BOBBY: Chattels... check out the goats 3 part

newbieDA: reforms, protest, and a deadline from international organizations came out

chattels: ‹@BOBBY› How does Mtn. Goat know anything about Shabbibi's role as consultant ?

BOBBY: i decided a long time ago to not center my life around this, helps keep the sanity

chattels: Never did she note what was her opinion.

BOBBY: Chattels, ,........ lol lol. please read on

newbieDA: chattels, went looking for articles on Shabbibi, there is nothing happening, its bull

chattels: I read it all.

newbieDA: I dont understand where they think is coming back yet lol

chattels: I do agree with her about the absence of security and stability - I believe I have said as much for some time now.

newbieDA: you have chattels, we agree on that all the time is how I know

BOBBY: Chattels. ....... i think it all boils down to those two

newbieDA: top of my list

chattels: I want, like OOTW, to see what happens with Medhat and the Judiciary.

newbieDA: Security and Corruption
newbieDA: the 3 presidents talk about it, they want the Federal Court Act done asap

chattels: ‹@newbieDA› the recent meeting of the three presidents had no " specifics " that I read

newbieDA: looking for it

chattels: Reidar Visser ‏@reidarvisser 3h3 hours ago Sadly, the official summary of today's meeting of #Iraq's 3 top leaders consists of generalities only, as in the past …LINK

chattels: " ....... the importance of the completion of key legislation, including the National Guard and the Federal Court and national reconciliation laws. "

newbieDA: Looking meeting the three presidents of the security situation and reforms 11:25: 08/31/2015 Masoum-31-8-2015-bb.jpg Khandan - President of the Republic Fuad Masum, the Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi and Parliament Speaker Salim al-Jubouri met at the Peace Palace in Baghdad on Monday evening 31/8/2015.

 The presidency said in a statement, that during the meeting, they discussed the security situation and file reforms and ways to strengthen state-building and issues related to the completion of legislation. and across the participants expressed their support for practical steps that meet the interests of the Iraqi people to accomplish what was voted on government and parliamentary reforms. 

The Prime Minister stressed the need to go all the reforms are carried out in accordance with the Constitution and the law. It was also praise the military operations led by the Iraqi army and security services and the sons of the popular crowd and the Peshmerga and the sons of the tribes in Anbar and Peggy multiple areas of Iraq. 

The meeting felt the importance of the completion of key legislation, including the National Guard and the Federal Court and national reconciliation laws. 

The participants stressed that the economic and financial side is one of the priorities of the executive and legislative bodies that are being highlighted in the reforms file , stressing that the provision of essential services to the Iraqi citizen is located within the basic obligations that state institutions seeking to implement them.

[07:17:45 PM] newbieDA:

newbieDA: note: The meeting felt the importance of the completion of key legislation, including the National Guard and the Federal Court and national reconciliation laws.

chattels: the three Presidents have no power without the support of the Parliament and Judiciary, IMO

newbieDA: they want the Federal Court Act done
newbieDA: and Parliament Speaker Salim al-Jubouri is right there
newbieDA: that how I got the idea

chattels: too many people expect that the Prime Minister and / or President have some far reaching executive power akin to the American form of government, IMO

newbieDA: nope its parliamentary government, I agree chattels, it has to go through parliament

BOBBY: Chattels. ....... Shabibi has it covered. lol

chattels: ‹@newbieDA› I am with you, but the general statement as to importance does not tell us how, when, etc.

newbieDA: I just am just looking forward to some basic info and order, its all good
newbieDA: thats a good article there on some idea of what to look forward too

newbieDA: the national reconciliation law is important, leads to the Amnesty law, along with the passing of the justice and accountability law

newbieDA: I noticed they work together, can have one without the other I believe

chattels: Visser is a former advisor to the U.S. State Department and a constitutional expert on Iraq –

chattels: ‹@newbieDA› all of these laws were promised to the political factions as part of the agreement to install Abadi's government, IMO

chattels: the devil is always in the details

newbieDA: ya I can see that too, its to make certain people happy, especially after the Law of Parties was passed and all

chattels: we are more than six months into the Abadi government and he has not been able " to deliver "

chattels: the reforms are really not so " new "

newbieDA: they have to work this out to prepare for the investment and economic reforms though

BOBBY: an Rv is not the answer to all of Iraq s problems

lonegunman: ‹@BOBBY› sure would help

chattels: the austerity features and non-sectarian / quota aspects are " new "

newbieDA: and he has added pressure too now, he will show hes true colors or powers soon

lonegunman: as long as the rest of em dont steal it all

BOBBY: lol

chattels: there is much work to be done to cure what " ails " Iraq

newbieDA: I am surprised how Abadi is just brushing off Maliki so well, even though he is still causing problems, Ababi is taking it all in stride

newbieDA: oh way too much, they should be like kuwait right now, then dubia after the facts

chattels: ‹@newbieDA› the public / vocal support of the clerics is certainly part of the explanation

BOBBY: i think Abadi is keeping his cards close to the chest so to speak

newbieDA: in my notes, loved the added pressure
newbieDA: more pressure Protest by Sadir a Religious Leader

lonegunman: the iraqi's i talk to have said this would take 20 yrs as long as iran was booted out kept out

newbieDA: thought it was god sent, very happy

chattels: Many of the demonstrators are secularist progressives and there is tension with the Islamists

newbieDA: ya still learning about the sects and parties, but totally understand what your saying
chattels: there is a war to direct / control the demonstrations going on - Iraq is at war with itself on many levels

newbieDA: sorta why I am looking forward to the National Guard act, brings somethings together, not much, but will help with a unity and security issues

newbieDA: chattel, got something else for you, listen to this bobby

BOBBY: Chattels. ......... just imagine if they implode over there

newbieDA: its not in our line of news but...
newbieDA: Russia is going to help Assad, air and land
newbieDA: another game changer

chattels: DAESH, social justice, government accountability, the rule of law, political power, etc.

newbieDA: I am still checking sources, but thats the rumor I got

chattels: ‹@newbieDA› clandestine outside influences add to the difficulty and intrigue

newbieDA: like that chattels, yep, totally agree
newbieDA: very true, Russia will also push IS into Iraq, which is not good either

newbieDA: Iraq is bogged down, refused to retreat though, they are controlling their own troops

newbieDA: but holding

chattels: add to the mix the Kurdish agendas, not only the KRG, but " greater Kurdistan ", Rojava, Turkey and northwest Iran

newbieDA: ya, its a mixed bag, crazy
newbieDA: PPK too
newbieDA: like I said, I am learning the sects and parties lol

newbieDA: southern Iraq is moving along, new Kuwait treaty, very nice
newbieDA: CBI loans in Oman
newbieDA: not a total lose
newbieDA: northwest is screwed, fubar

BOBBY: newbieDA..... someone has been doing there homework lol


newbieDA: current map

newbieDA: trying to keep up, yep

via Dinar Recaps - Our Blog

Wealthwatch Early Evening Chat  8-31-15  Part 1 of 2

Post From Chat Room 8-31-15
Wealthwatch Early Evening Chat  8-31-15  Part 1 of 2

chattels: good afternoon all

BOBBY: Chattels. ...afternoon sir... hope your well today

Doug_W: ‹@chattels›

chattels: BAGHDAD / NINA / A member of the parliamentary committee on oil and energy, Ibrahim Bahr al-Ulum expect drop in oil prices in the coming days to / 30 / dollars per barrel.

BOBBY: Chattels. ..... do you recall the predicted rates that came with the credit rating ?

chattels: BAGHDAD / NINA / The House of Representatives postponed vote on the draft law of the National Guard until the political blocs agree upon, in a meeting that will be held in the home of House Speaker Salim al-Jubouri next week.

chattels: An informed source told the National Iraqi News Agency / NINA / The House of Representatives decided to postpone the vote on the draft law of the National Guard in its meeting today until reaching agreement between the political blocs, in the meeting that would be held at the home of House Speaker Salim al-Jubouri on Monday of next week comprising heads of parliamentary blocs.


chattels: ‹@BOBBY› No sir, I do not.

Stash: They sure do know how to postpone something
Stash: why cant they just vote on something

chattels: ‹@Stash› They do not typically vote unless there is a consensus or a foregone outcome to the vote acceptable to whom it matters.

chattels: ‹@Stash› technically / arguably a consensus is required by the constitution
chattels: as opposed to a majority
chattels: it is a form of minority protection

Stash: ok thanks

newbieDA: Iraq concern of its inclusion in the international black list for money laundering 31/8/2015 Roudao - Erbil Stressed the parliamentary finance committee member Masood Haider on Monday that the Iraqi parliament must work to pass a law, and by the solutions the month of October,

for the operations of money laundering, and otherwise Iraq will be included and the province of Kurdistan in the black list of international the "FATF" on the Status of international standards for washing funds.

And Haider network Roudao media, "he added, we follow the central work and especially the dollar amounts raised by the auction, there are certain terms and conditions must be adhered to, and otherwise will fall into big problems, especially with the international banks or at the request of any type of loans of any state,

so We will try and in all seriousness and before the expiry of the deadline pass a law centered on money laundering. "

According to information from parliamentarians, confirmed to the reporter Roudao network media "as in the case of non-approval of the legitimacy of laws limit such abuses in the specified period, you will not be able to any country must be prepared to make any loan, whether for Iraq or for the Kurdistan Region,

and is no doubt that the real source of this Funds are senior officials of the state, they are washed 5 trillion Iraqi daily by a number of banks are converting these amounts into neighboring countries. "

It is worth mentioning that the Central Bank of Iraq has sold 28 billion and 869 000 476 thousand and $ 102, since the beginning of 2015.

TxBrand: who is Jewish in here ? anyone ?

star diamond: Why do u ask that for txbrand???????????

chattels: The last Shmita year began on Rosh Hashanah in September 2014, corresponding to the Hebrew calendar year 5775. The 50th year of the land, which is also a Shabbat of the land, is called "Yovel" in Hebrew, which is the origin of the Latin term "Jubilee", also meaning 50th.

chattels: The sabbath year (shmita Hebrew: literally "release") also called the sabbatical year or sheviit (Hebrew: ‎, literally "seventh") is the seventh year of the seven-year agricultural cycle mandated by the Torah for the Land of Israel,[1] and still observed in contemporary Judaism.

chattels: During shmita, the land is left to lie fallow and all agricultural activity, including plowing, planting, pruning and harvesting, is forbidden by halakha (Jewish law). Other cultivation techniques (such as watering, fertilizing, weeding, spraying, trimming and mowing) may be performed as a preventative measure only, not to improve the growth of trees or other plants.

Additionally, any fruits which grow of their own accord are deemed hefker (ownerless) and may be picked by anyone. A variety of laws also apply to the sale, consumption and disposal of shmita produce. All debts, except those of foreigners, were to be remitted.

chattels: Chapter 25 of the Book of Leviticus promises bountiful harvests to those who observe the shmita, and describes its observance as a test of religious faith. There is little notice of the observance of this year in Biblical history and it appears to have been much neglected.  chattels:

chattels: FOR WHAT IT IS WORTH : SHEMITAH EXPOSED: Financial Crisis Planned For September 2015


chattels: Reidar Visser ‏@reidarvisser 1h1 hour ago In spirit of reform, for 1st time #Iraq's "3 presidents" (PM, speaker, president proper) met today without deputies

chattels: Reidar Visser ‏@reidarvisser 1h1 hour ago Sadly, the official summary of today's meeting of #Iraq's 3 top leaders consists of generalities only, as in the past …  LINK

chattels: " The Prime Minister stressed the need to go all the reforms are carried out in accordance with the Constitution and the law. "

chattels: " .......... the importance of the completion of key legislation, including the National Guard and the Federal Court and national reconciliation laws. "

OOTW: oh boy....constitution shmonstitution
OOTW: which reforms in alignment with the constitution?
OOTW: there are too many to list
OOTW: and to discern if the constitution addresses them all

chattels: ‹@OOTW› We may have to await judicial action on any appeal(s) - there is at least one now filed by the Minister of Human Affairs

OOTW: yes and many announcements today from the SJC site - all indicating "cool your jets, we're working on the issues"

TxBrand: ‹@star diamond› im watching Jonathan Cahn ... but he answered my question

TxBrand: this is the last one ..there are 2 more youtubes before this one

chattels: ‹@OOTW› The ultimate question may be whether the reforms can be accomplished timely / efficiently before the populace loses patience of the demonstrations are subverted by more nefarious interests, eh ?

chattels: of = or

OOTW: subverted - in what way were you thinking pertaining to "nefarious"?
OOTW: Iraq = Nefarious
OOTW: lol
OOTW: lol

chattels: ‹@OOTW› thinking more third party agendas, e.g., Iran / Maliki :)

OOTW: ah ok, well i do think Iran definitely still has a strong grasp on Iraq

TxBrand: what is wicked?

chattels: Both the GOI and the Kurds use Iran and in turn are used by Iran - at the end of the day who will prevail and to what end ?

chattels: ‹@OOTW› the term " realpolitik " comes to mind - " Realpolitik " (from German: real "realistic", "practical", or "actual"; and Politik "politics", German pronunciation: [ʁeˈaːlpoliˌtɪk]) is politics or diplomacy based primarily on power and on practical and material factors and considerations, rather than explicit ideological notions or moral or ethical premises.

OOTW: lol..well, I think there's no such thing as either of those states, in one form or another, right now....i expect the three presidencies to soon be pulling rank in some fashion, and may well fall outside either of those definitions

OOTW: we shall see....eventually

chattels: ‹@OOTW› " no such thing as either of those states "????

chattels: head of the Islamic Supreme Council of Iraq Ammar al-Hakim renewed his support for the reform process carried out by the executive, legislative and judicial authorities.

A statement by the presidency of the Supreme Council for the Agency has received all of Iraq [where] a copy of the al-Hakim called presided over the Shura meeting extended to stream martyr Mehrab his office in Baghdad Monday to be "serious, comprehensive and radical reforms and compatible with the law and the Constitution," noting that "demonstrations constitutional right and will contribute in support of the reform process.

chattels: Hakim pointed to "the importance of meeting the demands of the demonstrators and the preparation of an efficient and effective plans to end the crises that whines the Iraqi people,"

stressing "the importance of the return of investment of moral support to the security forces and popular crowd and be telling them a top priority because the battle with Daash battle existence."

chattels: warned "of attempts to drag the chaos of central and southern areas, indicating the depth of the religious authority in the reform and call it patience and relevance with the Constitution and law and legislation of laws of the steps that has to close the door to a future challenge. "


chattels: " Hakim pointed to "the importance of meeting the demands of the demonstrators and the preparation of an efficient and effective plans to end the crises ............. "



Sam: with so many people going on with their life in regards to this event i am ever so grateful to chattels, ootw and all for their continued search for news

Stash: Amen Sam

Sam: too many years in waiting

chattels: We are all tired and tired of it, but what else are we going to do, but wait and hope for good fortune or divine intervention. Such as it is.

Sam: yes sir

newbieDA: Sam, we will have a good idea by Decemeber I am guessing, be patient
newbieDA: alot of movement right now though
newbieDA: Nothing we can do chattels, just wait

BOBBY: newbieDa. ...... what will December bring?

newbieDA: better idea, thats all
newbieDA: see if they get blacklisted or not, see what laws they pass
newbieDA: seems like they are lining up, see if they deliver now

BOBBY: how are they gonna be blacklisted?

newbieDA: Iraq concern of its inclusion in the international black list for money laundering 31/8/2015 Roudao - Erbil Stressed the parliamentary finance committee member Masood Haider on Monday that the Iraqi parliament must work to pass a law, and by the solutions the month of October,

or the operations of money laundering, and otherwise Iraq will be included and the province of Kurdistan in the black list of international the "FATF" on the Status of international standards for washing funds.

And Haider network Roudao media, "he added, we follow the central work and especially the dollar amounts raised by the auction, there are certain terms and conditions must be adhered to, and otherwise will fall into big problems, especially with the international banks or at the request of any type of loans of any state, so We will try and in all seriousness and before the expiry of the deadline pass a law centered on money laundering. "

 According to information from parliamentarians, confirmed to the reporter Roudao network media "as in the case of non-approval of the legitimacy of laws limit such abuses in the specified period,

you will not be able to any country must be prepared to make any loan, whether for Iraq or for the Kurdistan Region, and is no doubt that the real source of this Funds are senior officials of the state,

they are washed 5 trillion Iraqi daily by a number of banks are converting these amounts into neighboring countries. " It is worth mentioning that the Central Bank of Iraq has sold 28 billion and 869 000 476 thousand and $ 102, since the beginning of 2015.   PAGE NOT FOUND  Broken Link
newbieDA: lucky for me, there ya go on the blacklist thingie lol

newbieDA: good article, explains alot

newbieDA: I was just going my notes, so I am getting caught up too, almost done too

chattels: ‹@newbieDA› thanks for posting

BOBBY: so i am curious........ how does this apply to a change in rate like the guru s are saying?

newbieDA: I am not there yet Bobby, not sure, doing a 1,2,3, thing here

newbieDA: they need other things I see

newbieDA: the blacklist is not good, we would be dead in the water

newbieDA: they need the 2nd read and vote on the Anti-Money Laundering and Terrorism Financing Law

newbieDA: that would just take care of that

newbieDA: I imagine it would

chattels: ‹@BOBBY› every " new " occassion seems to create the opportunity for a guru to opine that such will trigger our event - reactionary" intel " I call it

newbieDA: then you still have other things that need to be done

BOBBY: the blacklist is a great tv show lol

newbieDA: I agree with chattels, the best intel in researching with a good group of smart friends, and share

BOBBY: newbieDa.... agreed.....

newbieDA: I wont talk about rate, nothing much to say, it always leads to something needing to passed (law)

BOBBY: Chattels. ..... have you seen recaps today?

chattels: ‹@BOBBY› no sir, why do you ask ?

BOBBY: Chattels. ...... take a glance when you get a chance. lol

newbieDA: so I watch the laws, the agenda and results

chattels: i keep waiting for someone to predict that " a " and " b " will occur and yield our event and if " a " and " b " occur then there may be some credibility to their conclusion

newbieDA: we are dead in the water til the 8th for a read or vote, but still there are things going on

newbieDA: chattels, I know this, facts

chattels: thus far no one has predicted " a " and / or " b "

newbieDA: you will see this k lol

chattels: ‹@newbieDA› :)

Comments may be made at the end of Part 2  Thank You

via Dinar Recaps - Our Blog

BGG Roundtable News & Chat 8-31-15 Round Table Chat (mid-day) 8-31-15
 Welcome to for Round Table with BGG!!


Loop: Demonstrators in front of the Supreme Judicial demanding the resignation of Mahmoud

08/31/2015 12:31 Dozens of people demonstrated on Monday in front of the Supreme Judicial Council building in Baghdad to demand the resignation of President of the Council Medhat al-Mahmoud and make real reforms in the judiciary. BAGHDAD / Obelisk: Dozens of people demonstrated on Monday in front of the Supreme Judicial Council building in Baghdad to demand the resignation of President of the Council Medhat al-Mahmoud and make real reforms in the judiciary.
 A source said in a statement "the Obelisk," Dozens of people demonstrated today in front of the Supreme Judicial Council building in the capital Baghdad. A source said in a statement "the Obelisk," Dozens of people demonstrated today in front of the Supreme Judicial Council building in the capital Baghdad.

The source added that the demonstrators demanded the resignation of Chief Justice Medhat al-Mahmoud and make real reforms in the judiciary.

The Federal Judicial Authority announced on Monday (17 August 2015), the refusal of the members of the Supreme Judicial Council unanimously asked President Judge Medhat al-Mahmoud transmits it to retire.

He called on Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi, Friday (14 August 2015), the judiciary to carry out a series of "drastic measures" to confirm the prestige of the judiciary and its independence, pointing out that the broad reforms called for by requiring fair and firm spend. The religious reference was considered, Friday (14 August 2015), he did not repair without reform the judiciary.   -- FILE OR DIRECTORY NOT FOUND – BAD LINK

BGG: That is for sure a "biggie"

Loop: Lot's a articles in this today. The People want Mahmoud gone.

BGG: For anyone not understanding - once Medhat al-Mahmoud is gone - Maliki has ZERO fall back position. It's really, really bad news for the Shia/thug/hardliners...

BGG: these protests asking for Medhat's removal are a big deal - I guess maybe the biggest deal of the day.

BGG: I have a neat article in a minute - but this is NEWS (for sure).

mydinar100: Why is just a dozen protesters a big deal. Why not more?

BGG mydinar100: "Dozens"...
BGG mydinar100: 36 is plenty..
BGG mydinar100: and - I am not sure this isn't "cover" for Abadi to remove Medat all on his own.
BGG mydinar100: He has a lot of "organic" support - it wouldn't be hard to "gin some up" as well...

BGG mydinar100: and quite honestly - as long as it goes against Maliki - I care very little if it is "authentic" or "manufactured"...

BGG mydinar100: like they used to say - it's so close to the real thing - it might as well be a good shot.

BGG Loop: Thanks so much for that - and all your contributions to the News Forum.

Loop: Welcome. It is my pleasure to help where I can.

BGG: from Reuters

_firefly_: According to the 1st set of reforms that was passed, it gives Abadi the power to remove ANYBODY he chooses

BGG _firefly_: As I understand it - yes...

BGG _firefly_: Meet the man trying to bring Iraq back from the brink

BGG: On August 16, an Iraqi parliamentary report named Iraq’s former prime minister, Nouri al-Maliki, among dozens of officials responsible for the collapse of security forces and the fall of Mosul to Islamic State militants last summer.

 In his eight years as premier, corruption thrived and Maliki repeatedly purged the Iraqi security forces of those he suspected of disloyalty.

 Iraqis now hope that Maliki and other officials will stand trial and be held to account for why militants were able to capture the northern city with so little resistance. (Maliki dismissed the parliamentary investigation as “worthless,” and he blamed Mosul’s fall on a conspiracy by Turkish and Kurdish leaders.)

BGG: This is MAINSTREAM - Iraqis now hope that Maliki and other officials will stand trial and be held to account for why militants were able to capture the northern city with so little resistance. (Maliki dismissed the parliamentary investigation as “worthless,” and he blamed Mosul’s fall on a conspiracy by Turkish and Kurdish leaders.)

BGG: they (many Iraqi's) are hopeful (we should be too...) he will stand trial...

BGG: Maliki blaming ISIS and the fall of Mosul on Erbil and Turkey is a "crack head, racially incendiary commentary" almost everyone doesn't like it - even the Shias it worked on for a while...

BGG: At the same time, Maliki is poised to lose his ceremonial post as one of Iraq’s three vice presidents under a series of reforms that the current prime minister, Haider al-Abadi, is trying to enact.

After weeks of popular protests in Baghdad and other cities against corruption and the government’s failure to provide basic services, Abadi sought to reform Iraq’s political system by eliminating several high-level positions, reigning in government spending and removing sectarian quotas in political appointments.

Most prominently, Abadi s****ped the posts of the three vice presidents and three deputy prime ministers. The positions were largely symbolic but included large budgets that allowed these officials to reward their supporters with patronage jobs.

While several other politicians lost their positions, Abadi’s measures were intended to detach his rival Maliki from the power structure in Iraq.

BGG: Or probably already has "lost his position"...
BGG: obvious what Abadi's point to the whole thing is...

BGG: further - there is NO WAY the WB/IMF will let this get overturned - Abadi will get worldwide support for this...

BGG: it shows the very character of the struggle going on in Iraq RIGHT NOW.

BGG: But Maliki is a survivor, and it’s a mistake to count him out of Iraq’s intricate politics because he is losing his post as vice president and he faces a potential trial. Maliki still has a base of support among some Shi’ite factions and militias that view Abadi as weak and too eager to offer concessions to Iraq’s Sunni minority.

Since he was forced out of office last year, Maliki has become a champion of the mainly Shi’ite volunteers and militias that are leading the fight against Islamic State under the banner of “popular mobilization units.”

Many of these volunteers answered a call to arms by Iraq’s top Shi’ite cleric, Grand Ayatollah Ali al-Sistani, urging all able-bodied Iraqi men to join the security forces and stop Islamic State’s advance after Mosul’s fall. Tens of thousands of Shi’ite volunteers showed up at recruiting centers to sign up for the Iraq security forces, or the militias.

BGG: Here's where I deviate from the author (though I like the backdrop for this piece)...
BGG: I don't think Maliki will survive this onslaught...
BGG: I think if anyone can "dethrone" Maliki from in front of the PMU - IT'S SISTANI!!

BGG: Who has proven recently he's not on Iran's side - OR MALIKI'S... he wants things better for the people. He's the driving force behind the support Abadi has and is the catalyst for these reforms!!

BGG: Abadi has tried to overhaul the Iraqi military and security forces, which are under his control. Last year, he announced that an initial investigation had uncovered 55,000 “ghost soldiers” in the army — nonexistent troops who were on the government’s payroll and whose salaries were collected by corrupt officers.

Abadi is now expanding his anti-corruption drive to eliminating patronage jobs and other perks provided to many government officials, including large security details.

 But Abadi risks a backlash from other power centers in Iraq, including some of the Shi’ite parties connected to militias and within the ranks of his own Dawa Party, a Shi’ite Islamist group where Maliki still has strong support.

BGG: Again - another point I take some issue with is...

BGG: Abadi is getting more support from the "interior" of the Dawa Party than this writer gives credit for - there is a genuine split there and this is good. Further –

I suspect as things get "dicier" there will be more Dawa defectors to the Abadi side... (than there already have been)...

BGG: Even as Maliki tries to undermine him, Abadi needs to assure Iraq’s Sunnis that he will be able to reverse the legacy of his divisive and sectarian predecessor.

Since Abadi took office last September, Sunni political leaders have made several demands: amnesty for tens of thousands of Sunnis imprisoned — in many cases without judicial review — by Maliki’s regime in the name of fighting terrorism; greater power in the new government;

an end to aerial bombardment of Sunni towns; and a more significant role in the Iraqi security forces, which Maliki cleansed of many senior Sunni officers.

Abadi has responded to some of these demands, releasing prisoners and ordering an end to the Iraqi air force bombings of Sunni areas. But for the most part, the Shi’ite militias are outside his control.

 Many Sunnis cringe at the memories evoked by the reestablishment of Shi’ite militias. These groups carried out widespread kidnappings, torture and killing of Sunnis during the sectarian war that raged in

BGG: Iraq from 2005 through 2008.

BGG: Here is where the National Guard Law comes into play - both allowing for more integration of "National forces" and bringing these militias under the control and authority of Baghdad. Not reporting directly to Maliki or some other "pseudo War Lord"...

BGG: Many of the Shi’ite militias depend on Iran for weapons, funding and training. Since Islamic State militants swept through northern Iraq last year, Tehran has mobilized to protect the Shi’ite-led Iraqi government from the jihadist threat.

General Qassim Suleimani, commander of the Quds Force of the Iranian Revolutionary Guard Corps, traveled to Baghdad at the start of the crisis to coordinate the defense of the capital with Iraqi politicians and military officials.

Suleimani also directed Iranian-trained Shi’ite militias — including the Badr Brigade and the League of the Righteous, two notorious militias responsible for atrocities against Sunnis — in the fight against Islamic State.

When the United States invaded in 2003, Shi’ites made up nearly two-thirds of Iraq’s population of 25 million. But members of the Sunni minority had ruled Iraq since its independence in 1932. The Shi’ites had waited seven decades for their chance to rule, and it’s not surprising that they would...

BGG: ....consolidate power after the American invasion. But Maliki and other leaders manipulated a dysfunctional political system, put in place by the United States and the United Nations after 2003, to concentrate power and exclude Sunnis.

BGG: and when that didn't work Maliki just started shelling Sunni neighborhoods in Anbar... he caused a whole "electorate migration" which nearly swung the elections in his favor...

BGG: however, even such brutal tactics didn't work. He still didn't win - but he was close...

BGG: As Maliki struggled to remain in power, he became more dependent on Iran, which is the dominant external power in Iraq. Maliki was a reliable ally who allowed Iranian flights over Iraqi territory to transport weapons and manpower to Bashar Assad’s regime in Syria. Maliki also paved the way for thousands of Iraqi Shi’ites to cross the border and fight alongside the Syrian regime.

Abadi inherited this sectarian and dysfunctional political system. He must unify a fractured Iraq, by assuring Sunnis that the central government will protect their interests, while keeping rivals like Maliki in check. Abadi must also ensure that his predecessor stands trial for his corruption and the failures that helped empower Sunni extremists — and led to the catastrophe that has unfolded in Iraq.

BGG: In summation - "Abadi must also ensure that his predecessor stands trial for his corruption and the failures that helped empower Sunni extremists — and led to the catastrophe that has unfolded in Iraq".

BGG: That is the way to end it...
BGG: How does this help us??

BGG: first - with Maliki, Mahmoud and Alak gone - the true obstruction is gone and the door for Monetary and Economic reform (both critical to Iraq's very survival) is wide open!!

_firefly_: Ewwwww ........... Abadi constitute special committees to open the Central Bank of files .. and the issue of the dismissal of the former province Shabibi! 08/31/2015 14:1

BGG: just that they are looking into the "Kangaroo Court" proceedings... maybe not that they are looking into him...

diane1: IF alak is gone who now will take over the CBI, but glad to see Alak is gone

BGG: almost ANYONE is better than him... numerous OP ED pieces out about his lack of qualifications...

BGG: if accurate, what purpose does he serve there??

dale: Where does the International Court play into this picture trying Maliki instead of being tried in the Iraqi courts?

BGG: Once his non-immunity is established, then I suspect they will be handling his "crimes against humanity" issues - for instance - the Halabja massacre, the Camp Liberty massacre and maybe even some liability for the Speicher camp massacre... there are numerous things they will have to deal with...

BGG: but I am unsure whether they will allow Iraq a shot at him over the corruption and malfeasance in government.

rcookie: Abbadi formed special committees to open files of the Central Bank. The issue of the dismissal of the former county of Sinan Al-Shabibi! Date: Monday, 31-08-15 02:19 pm Worth Iraqi Prime Minister Haidar Al-Abbadi, a heavy legacy of corruption and corrupt people piled up during the reign of his predecessor, Nouri al-Maliki, making way for reforms is filled with obstacles and mines.

And observers to Iraq shows concern about the seriousness of the files you accept Abadi to open, which is linked to very serious mafia seized workshops during the eight years ago during the reign of Al-Maliki, and its predecessors, called for Al-Abbadi to handle it with caution.

Ministers said that "Al-Abadi said during the last meeting of the Council of Ministers was proceeding with reform and confront the spoilers at all costs", stating that "very serious and files linked to Mafia leaders of militias."

He said the Minister, who did not publish his name, "Al-Ibadi form special committees to open files of the Central Bank, Sinan Al-Shabibi sacked former County, and marred by charges of him by mafia corruption that dominated in that period.

 He added that "the commissions also opened a file property of the State and sold and acquired by the forces of political and partisan force in previous Governments, and open the file of oil licenses and marred by charges of corruption and deal with international oil companies."

 He stressed that "these files are the most dangerous in the country, and the file is dangerous to the draft reform, Abbadi had personally confronted Al-Abbadi, unexpected reactions by those files wemaviathm"


BGG: WOW - that's some good stuff there!!
BGG: That seems - while mentioning the CBI - that it is more about a "broad based" corruption probe. Nice that it points out "looking into the Shabibi accusations"... GREAT!!

rcookie: and the oil licenses

BGG: slightly different translation of an excerpt of the same article -

BGG: "explained the minister, who preferred not to be named, said:" Abadi form special committees to open the Central Bank of files, and the issue of the dismissal of the former province Shabibi, and the like of the charges brought against him by the mafias of corruption that seized power in that period.

BGG: Which is a "DOUBLE WOW"...
BGG: the reason being - it is the very CORE of why we are still here.

rcookie: and committee to reassure that the entire Shabibi charges ...investigation and outcome has the same review standards applied to it that all the other corruption cases do

BGG: fix that - this thing is over.

rcookie: I totally agree...and think Abadi wants to assure that the standard of review and outcome toward Shabibibi case is beyond reproach

BGG: Great point.



BGG: I highly doubt Shabibi comes back. JMHO - It would appear (especially since Alak is also an appointee) based on the context of these reforms, Abadi could replace Alak very quickly, potentially with only an agreement from the CoM.

Pablo: How long after M is gone will it be before an RV will take place?

BGG: Iraq needs value BAD!!
BGG: it can be quick...
BGG: Hey gang - Holly1 has an article - I just got a call, I have to run out immediately...

Baxter1243: Is the main problem with getting the Natl Guard law passed that the Kurds don't want baghdad controlling the Peshmarga

BGG: No - it's the Shias... (hardliners)

Holly1: Economist calls for the development of an emergency plan to stabilize the Iraqi dinar 

08/31/2015 Information / special / .. Called economic expert, Mohammed Abdul-Zahra, on Monday, the central government for an urgent financial plan to control the stability of the Iraqi dinar against the dollar. 

He said Venus told / information / that "the survival of the financial situation for what it is, especially since the country live a severe financial crisis represented delay staff salaries and delays in the implementation of projects and the lack of financial liquidity," 

noting that "those things have contributed and contribute to the instability of the Iraqi dinar against the the dollar. "Abdul-Zahra and stressed the need for "urgent government put a financial plan in order to avoid falling into a major crisis in the Iraqi economic." Finished /


Mrs BGG: Okay, thank you everyone for tuning in to Roundtable today!!

Mrs BGG: Thank you Holly1, Loop, and rcookie for bringing in News Articles and for your News research!! We appreciate you'all!!

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My Ladies Chatroom Monday Night: "Bank and Financial News Worldwide!" 

My Ladies Chatroom:

Princess DD:  Looks like the Iran sanctions are coming off soon!

Salehi: 5+1 accepts single-stage sanctions relief    By staff and agencies

Chief of the Atomic Energy Organization of Iran says world powers have agreed to immediately lift all sanctions on Iran as part of the deal on the country’s nuclear program.

Sager:  Chief of the Atomic Energy Organization of Iran says world powers have agreed to immediately lift all sanctions on Iran as part of the deal on the country’s nuclear program.

Princess DD: Former Pentagon Official: Iran Boosting Military Spending Ahead of Sanctions Relief

by Staff | 08.31.15 4:14 pm

Iran has begun a weapons-buying spree shortly before it is due to receive over $100 billion in unfrozen funds as a result of the nuclear deal. Michael Rubin, a former Defense Department official who is now a scholar at the American Enterprise Institute, noted these developments in an article published today in Newsweek.

Princess DD: AEOI Spokesman: Process to Lift Anti-Iran Sanctions to Start in October

August 31, 2015 - 14:53TEHRAN (Tasnim) – Spokesman for the Atomic Energy Organization of Iran (AEOI) Behrouz Kamalvandi announced that the process to terminate Western sanctions against the Islamic Republic over its peaceful nuclear energy program will start in late October.


   On 2015-08-31, at 9:41 PM, Princess DD wrote:

> Europe Shows Interest In Trade As Economic Sanctions In Iran Have Been Lifted

> As the Western economic sanctions on Iran have been officially revoked, Europe has seen a great potential for trade in technology and other goods in the country.


  “As the Western economic sanctions on Iran have been officially revoked, Europe has seen a great potential for trade in technology and other goods in the country.”   HEY-OH!!!!  

PrincessDD: Very interesting Sager. Hope it is what they say it is!

Sager:  Sure seems like it! This will fuel pressure for the US to lift their economic sanctions on Iran

PrincessDD;  I thought the US is part of the west?

Sager:  Yes, but since  they’re talking about Europe, it seems it’s relating to them… “seems” is keyword here

Princess DD: Obama already told congress they cant vote it down. So guess we can expect them to not get left behind. All other countries are doing all kinds of business with Iran and the US is not on board yet.  They need to get their rear in gear!


PrincessDD:  Rothschild’s IMF May Be Erased

PrincessDD:  IMF and St Kitts-Nevis organise regional Caribbean forum on 'financing growth''financing-growth'-27432.html

PrincessDD:  BRICS bank is 'coming of age of developing countries': KV Kamath

PrincessDD:  As international banks shrink in China, a new breed of banker emerges

Princess DD:
Central Banks Have Begun to Lose Control

Princess DD:
Central Banks Step In to Prop Up Global Financial Bubble

PrincessDD:   Indian banks adopt Basel-III norms in a phased manner’

PrincessDD:  Central banks can’t save the markets from a crash. They shouldn’t even try


Princess DD: Low Eurozone Inflation Proves How Helpless Central Banks Are

Princess DD:
France's Macron for 'EU, eurozone rebirth'  French Economy Minister Emmanuel Macron has said the EU and the eurozone have no future without a currency union coupled with a fiscal transfer system. He also called for a strong euro commissione
Princess DD: China Markets Live - China official PMI slides to 49.7; yuan fi....

Princess DD: China Displacing Monopoly of US Dollar, Bretton Wood System   Read more:

Washington’s Financial Currency War on China: The Eclipsing of the US Dollar by the Yuan

PrincessDD: Euro, Yen Rise as Jackson Hole Outcome Sends Markets Scrambling


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Wealthwatch Early Afternoon Chat  8-31-15 Part 1 of 2

Post From Chat Room 8-31-15
Wealthwatch Early AfternoonChat  8-31-15 Part 1 of 2

Donnie: ‹@chattels› I read the news posted here when I got up - wow - a lot of news today.

newbieDA: National Business sends four paragraphs of the Parliament to be included in the investment law prepared for the vote08/31/2015 16:18Long-Presse / Baghdad It suggested the Iraqi National Business Council, on Monday, four paragraphs to be included in the Investment Law No. 13, which was prepared to vote in the House of Representatives, 

and confirmed that he had sent those proposals to the Parliament, while noting that the proposals included an exemption investor of all taxes, fees and customs on raw materials and supplies production, She said those paragraphs that the success of the application of the law on the ground.
The head of the Council Daoud Abdel-Zayer, in a statement received (range Press), a copy of it, that "due to the importance of investing in the development of the Iraqi economy and to create an environment and laws attractive for national and foreign investors and the most important of the Investment Law No. 13 of 2006, as amended, for the purpose of the amendment is that the House of Representatives in the process passed through these days in very perfect, we believe it is necessary and makes sense to add some paragraphs that would support the law. "

newbieDA: for the purpose of the amendment is that the House of Representatives in the process passed through these days in very perfect,

newbieDA: love that

Tootsie: Economist calls for the development of an emergency plan to stabilize the Iraqi dinar Date: 08/31/2015 13:41 Information / special / .. 

Called economic expert, Mohammed Abdul-Zahra, on Monday, the central government for an urgent financial plan to control the stability of the Iraqi dinar against the dollar.

He said Venus told / information / that "the survival of the financial situation for what it is, especially since the country live a severe financial crisis represented delay staff salaries and delays in the implementation of projects and the lack of financial liquidity,"

noting that "those things have contributed and contribute to the instability of the Iraqi dinar against the the dollar. " Abdul-Zahra and stressed the need for "urgent government put a financial plan in order to avoid falling into a major crisis in the Iraqi economic." Finished

Tootsie: out

Donnie: the proposals included an exemption investor of all taxes, fees and customs on raw materials and supplies production, She said those paragraphs that the success of the application of the law on the ground

Donnie: seems they are serious about getting investors to come and build in Iraq.
Donnie: tax, fee and customs free
Donnie: sweet!

Donnie: now "IF" parliament would just vote it through....

newbieDA: ‹@Donnie› ya awesome

newbieDA: its coming, too much talk and it being on the agenda already for vote, its a go soon

Doug_W: ‹@newbieDA› how longt is a SOON

disciple7: ‹@Doug_W› somewhere between "shortly" and "in the coming days"
disciple7: GA all

newbieDA: SOON LOL
newbieDA: in arabic? lmao

newbieDA: I want you to remember something, was going through my notes and dont forget this! Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act - by September 15, 2015

newbieDA: there is no time with Iraq, its always soon

disciple7: ‹@newbieDA› cant complain. just waiting and praying for our "event"
disciple7: ‹@newbieDA› iwill be so ecstatic if we something in Sept...
disciple7: Heres hoping

newbieDA: no need to pray, just read, do your research, you'll see what is what
newbieDA: dont do that, never give yourself a date, taboo ok

disciple7: ‹@newbieDA› I do read and im praying for acceleration

newbieDA: what you want to say is your looking forward to the agenda for parliament lol
newbieDA: its been a very exciting year, I agree, it accelerated already to me
newbieDA: no doubt

disciple7: ‹@newbieDA› been around for almost 8 yrs.. not looking for dates BUT IF we see something in Sept I will be ecstatic

newbieDA: still along way though
newbieDA: oh 8 years, nice

disciple7: ‹@newbieDA› yes still a long way

newbieDA: going on 4 years, but first 3 years I would check and didnt like the news, so put in shoebox

newbieDA: this year I dug in and really learned

disciple7: yea im so busy now I haven't been able to read as much just poke in and out

newbieDA: I have a list, small note I use
newbieDA: its is hard to keep up

disciple7: exciting times for sure but im gonna stand by my 2017-2020 in order to see the rate im hoping for.. praying im wrong but...

newbieDA: naa, your got a good head on your shoulders, nice out look

disciple7: we'll see

newbieDA: remember they said March 3rd, they are implementing the project, and now the deadline of being blacklisted, something is up now

newbieDA: take awhile to implement, its ok, we wait

disciple7: this whole situation has been blacklisted several times.. I don't even pay attention to it anymore cause imo something has to be happening in the backroom

newbieDA: hey if you get lost in the news, and need a break, let me know, message me and I will tell you what I know

disciple7: ‹@newbieDA› thanks I appreciate it

newbieDA: well the blacklisted thing is a list that global this time
newbieDA: not a good list to be on at all
newbieDA: first time I heard of it being brought up, was there another time?

disciple7: I just mean in general.. 2 steps forward 2 steps back but I only listen to the news now every so often.. ignore it most of the time

disciple7: just waiting for the timing

newbieDA: ya I agree, its hard to watch
newbieDA: its a touchy situation, there is way too much to do, big ticket things too

newbieDA: Security and Cooruption need to addressed, which they have been, but not completed

newbieDA: so ya, it'll be awhile
newbieDA: they are lining up so much though

newbieDA: amazing how many laws they have ready to vote

disciple7: for the first 6 yrs I was "die hard" in every article then realized itll get u nowhere.. so im not focused on what there doing so much day to day..

newbieDA: and they are working on the most important laws as speak

newbieDA: ya I dont get into it all, its a balance
newbieDA: my system is watching the agenda on parliament
newbieDA: its all in the laws

disciple7: imo right now I wanna see Maliki locked up and corruption will fall alot
disciple7: people say he isn't a problem.. I disagree

Doug_W: I have a hollow point 4 him 7

newbieDA: never liked they man, why I put all it aside for years

disciple7: whether hes in Iraq or iran or whatever if hes free hes a problem

newbieDA: hes on his way out, I dont care what they do with him, just get him outta the picture, and they are doing that

disciple7: ‹@Doug_W› dougy surprised he hasn't been lined up already

Doug_W: me too

disciple7: ‹@newbieDA› agreed slower than I would of done though

newbieDA: ya buts its Iraq, at least its soon lol soon lmao
newbieDA: but I am content, hes out or on his way

disciple7: when M is completely out then my eyes and ears will be open

Doug_W: soon_LY

newbieDA: all I care about
newbieDA: but that March 3rd announcement was when I got into really following

disciple7: ‹@newbieDA› been hearing soon since my first week on this journey..

newbieDA: then the new notes, which I thought were going to be tricky
newbieDA: ya, these stories go way back

disciple7: ‹@newbieDA› announcement in Iraq are like billboards.. they are there for awhile then they get taken down.. im hopeful

newbieDA: but Maliki was in office, so I had to see what the difference was
newbieDA: nice example, like a billboard

newbieDA: I feel its too tricky, they need to have alot lined up
newbieDA: its not one thing, but alot of things
 newbieDA: Security and Corruption mainly

newbieDA: no investment til then
newbieDA: work in progress now
newbieDA: Ramadi pissed me off

disciple7: ‹@newbieDA› cut the head off a snake the body dies.. Maliki out corruption will fall

disciple7: at least enough to have things move more smoothly

newbieDA: I hope so, I hate hearing about the man

disciple7: agreed
newbieDA: I feel about Dec 1st I will know if I am going to break from this again or not
newbieDA: but this is an amazing time
 newbieDA: to me

disciple7: agreed I said if we don't see something by end of year im taking a break

newbieDA: nice, ya we are thinking the same
newbieDA: now I wont be surprised if nothing happens too
newbieDA: I am ok with that

disciple7: but the holiday rumors will fly  :laughing:

newbieDA: but things are sure lining up

disciple7: apsolutely

newbieDA: lol rumors, rumors are too funny
newbieDA: I do like opinions though

disciple7: yea every thanksgiving, xmas, new years.. for the last 7 yrs.. too funny and annoying

newbieDA: I am looking for minor things too, like them having electricity

disciple7: I do like opinions also to a certain degree

newbieDA: they grilled that Minister of Electric sunday
newbieDA: took up alot of the parliament session

disciple7: its moving along and the citizens are doing a nice job staying on them imo so we'll see

newbieDA: that will be a good sign to me, the people having electric

disciple7: yea any progress at this point is fine with me

newbieDA: yep the people lead by the religious leader Sadir is very helpful
newbieDA: look for the things they accomplish, pray for the small things to be done first
newbieDA: no reason for them to be suffering like that, poor people

newbieDA: they should be like kuwait or dubia
newbieDA: .0008 currency, what a joke

disciple7: im praying for acceleration.. 8 yrs is a long time bud and im nowhere near the longest in this.. I want to see the end now  :laughing:

newbieDA: we wait til Dec 1st

Sam: taking a peek in anything good to report

newbieDA: be prepared to break still, sucks I know
newbieDA: not much Sam

Sam: dec 1
Sam: no tell me no

disciple7: ‹@newbieDA: always prepared

Sam: but then i have seen so many "years" come and go

newbieDA: ya, we are just preparing ourselves to see when the best time to break is

Comments may be made at the end of Part 2  Thank You

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Wealthwatch Early Afternoon Chat  8-31-15  Part 2 of 2

Post From Chat Room 8-31-15
Wealthwatch Early Afternoon Chat  8-31-15  Part 2 of 2

newbieDA: Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act - by September 15, 2015
newbieDA: Avoid being Blacklisted - by December 2015

disciple7: its possible to see something by end of year but we wait and see

newbieDA: and see what laws passed
newbieDA: well National Guard will bring the security we need, its on the table
newbieDA: Anti-Money Laundering and Terrorism Financing Law for corruption

disciple7: ‹@newbieDA› we wait... its been on then off, on then off but it could all pass soon

newbieDA: then Investment Law is here and now for vote this month, but I feel they need more

newbieDA: they are in the news, in Parliament most ready to Vote
newbieDA: so its all good
disciple7: yep its coming imo

newbieDA: these CBI loans launched on the 26th in Oman should be in the news I feel
newbieDA: would like an update on them
newbieDA: grow that economy, ya know

disciple7: all in time

newbieDA: agree

newbieDA: looking good, we can take the week off, parliament in session again on the tuesday, the 8th

newbieDA: no agenda yet

disciple7: nice thanks for letting me know

newbieDA: ya message me anytime too

disciple7: cool thanks

newbieDA: I feel they will have the Anti-Money Laundering and Terrorism Financing Law on the agenda again

newbieDA: 2nd reading
newbieDA: the Investment Law vote, I am not sure about

newbieDA: they were already posted within the session at one time, which is amazing in itself

disciple7: I just want progress to get us to our event.. their doing good.

newbieDA: they never did it lol, grilled that Minister of Electric
newbieDA: yes they are, agree
newbieDA: we wait
newbieDA: nice chat, ty

disciple7: ‹@newbieDA› agreed and likewise

disciple7: ‹@newbieDA› talk to u again soon, ttyl
disciple7: bbl

newbieDA: hey
newbieDA: real quick
newbieDA: not sure what this means

disciple7: what?

newbieDA: but CBI posted

newbieDA: To /mediation companies buy and sell foreign currency "under construction" ( uncles ) 2015/8/31

newbieDA: thats it cya
newbieDA: ‹@disciple7› ttyl

disciple7: that's a question for OOTW imo
disciple7: ttyl


newbieDA: just a note, I agree, cya


disciple7: ‹@OOTW› haha

newbieDA: lol how
newbieDA: To /mediation companies buy and sell foreign currency "under construction" ( uncles ) 2015/8/31

newbieDA: CBI site
newbieDA: thought it was interesting
newbieDA: unless you can translate it


newbieDA: ya, I just wait


newbieDA: they do that hand written and we can use it, hate it


newbieDA: cant*

Doug_W: ♥♥♥ Stupid RV Anyhow ♥♥♥© ™® Pat pend.

OOTW: While the other table shows the number of drafts of the contracts that were audited by the Office and committees related to investment and operational projects of the ministry, as well as audit and regulatory bodies carried out and the total is to express an opinion where drafts of the ministry for decades. Normal 0 false false false EN-US X-NONE AR-SAMicrosoftInternetExplorer4

Content originally from

[Image: Print_small.png][Image: mail_small.png][Image: tweeter_small.png][url=]

Finance Minister receives US Ambassador delegation and the United States Agency for International Development Monday, 31 August 2015 [Image: 1110.JPG]

 Finance Minister Hoshyar Zebari received on August 31, 2015, Mr. Stuart Jones Ambassador of the United States in Iraq and advisor for economic Embassy. [Image: 2220.JPG] During the meeting, they discussed developments in the political and economic situation in the country and plans of support and capacity building provided by the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) The Ministry of Finance.

[Image: 3330.JPG]It was a technical meeting between the Ministry of Finance officials from the departments of public debt officials and the Department of Accounting and Budget Department and experts from the United States Agency for the development of the capacity of the ministry in the implementation of the state budget, public debt management and internal and external.


OOTW: Finance Minister receives US Ambassador delegation and the United States Agency for International Development Monday, 31 August 2015 [Image: 1110.JPG] Finance Minister Hoshyar Zebari received on August 31, 2015, Mr. Stuart Jones Ambassador of the United States in Iraq and advisor for economic Embassy.

 [Image: 2220.JPG] During the meeting, they discussed developments in the political and economic situation in the country and plans of support and capacity building provided by the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) The Ministry of Finance.

 [Image: 3330.JPG]It was a technical meeting between the Ministry of Finance officials from the departments of public debt officials and the Department of Accounting and Budget Department and experts from the United States Agency for the development of the capacity of the ministry in the implementation of the state budget, public debt management and internal and external.



newbieDA: Federal Court Act needs to be done, its a good thing

newbieDA: 08/31/2015 16:23 GMT Parliamentary Economic confirms that the investment law will pass next week Follow-up - and babysit - confirmed a member of the economic and investment commission parliamentary Najiba Najib, Monday, that the investment law will pass through the parliament sessions next week.

She said Najib "The investment law does not have any political dispute it and there is a will by the House of Representatives to pass this law next week," indicating that "some members of the economy want to have investment, however, the federal government and is not, however, investment authorities in the provinces and that otherwise the constitution."

 It showed that "in the event of insistence pass the investment law and that the investment is, however, the federal government, we will stand against this law, everyone is calling for there to be broad powers, however, the provincial administration," adding that "the law will represent a real breakthrough in the way of fact, investment in the development of Iraq."

 Still the Investment Law No. 13 of 2006 when the economic and investment commission is discussed, study after it was read a first reading and is expected to be voted on during the next parliamentary session.


Donnie: The central bank announced the extension of the bond sale for the benefit of the Ministry of Finance one month -:

Donnie: The central bank announced on Sunday, to extend the period for the bond sale for the benefit of the Ministry of Finance and one month, while explained that it will sell bonds in Iraqi dinars at a price of 1095 dinars per dollar.

The bank said in a statement briefed "Iraq law," a copy of it, "will be extended sales in nominal bond futures delivery in the currency of the US dollar on behalf of the Ministry of Finance to be one of the first of next September and up to 30 of the same month,"

noting that "Asdarih will be four categories ( 2,500 to 10,000 and 50,000 and 100,000) US dollars, and the total amount of two billion dollars. "

 The bank said it "will sell the bonds at a price of Iraqi dinars 1095 dinars per dollar and payable by the Ministry of Finance on February 28, 2017 to be paid in dollars maturity."

The Central Bank of Iraq became independent under the law issued on the sixth of March 2004, as an independent body, which is responsible for maintaining price stability and the implementation of monetary policy, including exchange rate policies are being daily for the sale and purchase of foreign currencies sessions except public holidays which stops the Bank for these auctions.
Donnie: Parliamentary Integrity: Mankron to auction the central bank flee to foreign countries, a regional currency

Donnie: BAGHDAD / JD / .. revealed the Integrity Commission for a group of monopolists to auction the central bank to sell foreign currency smuggled to the regional countries, while suggesting that the ministries uncooperative. A member of the Integrity Committee MP Adel Nouri told / JD /: that there are billions of dollars being manipulated by a group of agents monopolists to auction the central bank to sell foreign currency are smuggled in favor of the regional countries. 

He added that the ministries not cooperating with the Integrity Committee, explained: When we direct an official letter to the Minister or to the prime minister does not come to answer after six months or more and if the answer is inadequate because there was misrepresentation. 

He noted that the Executive Nuri marginalized institution supervisory institution, stressing does not have a deputy inside the Integrity Committee is moving on its own, but within a committee representing all the ingredients until there is no bias of any of the parties. 

The parliamentary Finance Committee, has revealed that nearly about $ 312 billion out of Iraq by the central bank's daily auction for the sale of hard currency, noting that there are suspicions that went mostly to money laundering. 

A government source had said in an earlier statement to the Agency / JD / that 90% of dollar sales by the Central Bank of Iraq is of remittances and 10% cash sales only. / End / Sarah Aljcami


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Wealthwatch Late Night/ Early Morning News / Links & Chat  8-31-15
Wealthwatch News / Links & Chat  8-31-15 Part 2 of 2

Tootsie: National Business sends four paragraphs of the Parliament to be included in the investment law prepared for the vote08/31/2015 16:18Long-Presse / Baghdad It suggested the Iraqi National Business Council, on Monday, four paragraphs to be included in the Investment Law No. 13,

which was prepared to vote in the House of Representatives, and confirmed that he had sent those proposals to the Parliament, while noting that the proposals included an exemption investor of all taxes, fees and customs on raw materials and supplies production,

She said those paragraphs that the success of the application of the law on the ground.
The head of the Council Daoud Abdel-Zayer, in a statement received (range Press), a copy of it, that "due to the importance of investing in the development of the Iraqi economy and to create an environment and laws attractive for national and foreign investors and the most important of the Investment Law No. 13 of 2006, as amended,

for the purpose of the amendment is that the House of Representatives in the process passed through these days in very perfect, we believe it is necessary and makes sense to add some paragraphs that would support the law. " CONT ~

Tootsie: Good Morning Monday, BANGLES - MANIC MONDAY(LIVE 1986)
Tootsie: the proposals included an exemption investor of all taxes, fees and customs on raw materials and supplies production /// to create an environment and laws attractive for national and foreign investors  :grin:

Stash: Monday again

Tootsie: ‹@Stash› sigh ~ Sept tomorrow, man, no clue where the days have gone

Stash: I know

Tootsie: Clarification 2015-08-31 08/31/2015 Iraqi Observer newspaper in number 1285 issued on Monday 31/8/2015 ran a story on its front page under the title "al-Jubouri, an adviser appointed a salary of nine million dinars," and when you read the news we discover that what is meant is an economic advisor to the House of Representatives.

 At a time in which we show that Mr. Nawzad Ahmed Zarzis was appointed economic adviser to the House of Representatives a benefit for the parliamentary bloc after vacuum office for nine months as a result Committed former adviser to retire, which means not to develop for the post.

We would like to express our Astgrabna of the re-publication of news that the Council has already revealed the truth earlier and which referred to the news, it has been published to clarify on 04/07/2015 at stake and appeared in the media.

We also emphasize that what you go to him some of the media repeating the publication of news and reports of inaccurate and which carry a great deal of counterfeiting and slander, can not be included only in a deliberate campaign of miscarriage, which aimed at undermining the constitutional institutions, particularly the Iraqi Council of Representatives, and we wish all the media show objective and professional in their coverage of news.

The information department Iraqi Council of Representatives 08/31/2015

Tootsie: ADDITIONAL ~~ From Parlliament Site re: changes in investment law to be presented ~ Chairman of the Economics Committee meets with the Investment Authority 31, 2015 August 31 0.2015 Met MP [font]Jawad al-Chairman[/font] of the Committee of Economy and Investment on Monday 08/31/2015 the President National Investment Commission, Dr. Sami Raouf al-Araji, in the presence of a number of the members of the Committee.

The meeting discussed the text of the second amendment to the Investment Law No. (13) of 2006 before it is submitted to a vote in the House of Representatives. And the Chairman of the Committee of Economy and Investment during the meeting that the committee hosted on Sunday, representatives of ministries and agencies of the Iraqi concerned the property of third-party,

after being diagnosed Commission of Economy and Alastosmarugod legal texts going by most of the ministries, to prevent the exploitation of land and real estate in the investment side. ADDITIONAL ~~

 From Parlliament Site RE: Investment Chairman of the Economics Committee meets with the Investment Authority 31 آ, 2015 August 31 0.2015 Met MP [font]Jawad al-Chairman[/font] of the Committee of Economy and Investment on Monday 08/31/2015 the President National Investment Commission, Dr. Sami Raouf al-Araji, in the presence of a number of the members of the Committee.

 The meeting discussed the text of the second amendment to the Investment Law No. (13) of 2006 before it is submitted to a vote in the House of Representatives. And the Chairman of the Committee of Economy and Investment during the meeting that the committee hosted on Sunday,

representatives of ministries and agencies of the Iraqi concerned the property of third-party, after being diagnosed Commission of Economy and Alastosmarugod legal texts going by most of the ministries, to prevent the exploitation of land and real estate in the investment side CONT ~

Tootsie: Oh, Good Lord ~ video out of DAASH burning to death 4 men from 'the popular crowd' hog tied and hung on line , face tummy down above the fire ~ sickening

Doug_W: I woldn't do that ot an animal

Stash: they are animals

Doug_W: ‹@Stash› worse than
chattels: BAGHDAD, Iraq — Hundreds of Iraqis took to the streets in Baghdad on Monday to call for the country's chief justice to resign and the names of corrupt politicians and officials be made public. 
The demonstrators called on Medhat al-Mahmoud, head of the Iraqi Supreme Judicial Council, to step down because he was appointed in by a political decision rather than elected.

Protesters chanted in support of Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi’s reform agenda, which includes a plan to cut down the size of the government and rein in excessive spending.

 It was the fourth demonstration since reforms were announced by Abadi this month According to a statement by Abadi earlier this month, a committees to observe and monitor salaries for Iraqi officials are being formed. The proposal also includes reforms in taxation and the government revenue system.

 The upper limits of retired officials’ pensions are to be lowered and customs tariffs will be imposed at all border crossings, including into the Kurdistan region, the proposal states. Another initiative is to set up an Anti-Corruption Council and a campaign to tackle official graft. Transparency International ranked Iraq the fifth-most corrupt county in the world. chattels:

chattels: BAGHDAD, Iraq – Fighting is still underway between Iraqi forces and ISIS for control of the critical refinery town of Baiji, with the the city's mayor describing the process as slow. “The military operation had been temporarily slowed for two weeks as army forces, the Hashd al-Shaabi [Popular Mobilization Units] and local police reorganized in order to restart their attacks,” Mayor Mohamad Mahmud, told Rudaw Arabic on Sunday. Baiji, located in Salahadin province roughly 210km from Baghdad, fell to ISIS in 2014. The city’s oil refinery is said to be the largest in Iraq and vital for the economy.

“A military operation is going on in Tal Jirad against Daesh elements, south of Baiji,” the mayor added, using the Arabic acronym for ISIS.

The government has claimed victory in Baiji several times in the past months, but the reports have been unfounded. ISIS suicide attacks have halted the advances of Iraqi forces, according to reports. ISIS radicals attacked Hashd al-Shaabi forces in recent days, rigging 18 military vehicles with explosives, killing and wounding dozens of Iraqi forces.

 Reports that the Shiite militias, known as Hashd al-Shaabi, had withdrawn from Baiji and Anbar last week have been denied by the group’s commanders. Local media reported that Shiite militias’ alleged withdrawal from Iraq’s Anbar and Baiji was caused by the presence of US advisers in the area.

The pro-Iranian Shiite group, however, claimed that US forces have no role on the ground and that their forces will not withdraw from the battle.   chattels:

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Wealthwatch News / Links & Chat  8-31-15 Part 1 of 2

Post From Chat Room 8-31-15
Wealthwatch Late Night/ Early Morning News / Links & Chat  8-31-15

chattels: ERBIL, Kurdistan Region – Kurdish Peshmerga forces backed by US-led coalition warplanes launched a successful assault on the Islamic State (ISIS) last week, destroying fortifications and recapturing 200 square kilometers of territory. 

“The Peshmerga are launching an important operation in eastern Khurmatu in the north of Iraq,” said Maj. Gen. Kevin Kiley, head of the US Army Medical Command. 

“Together with warplanes, the Peshmerga managed to reclaim hundreds of kilometers of lands from the Islamic State.” Coalition warplanes carried out 12 strategic airstrikes, dealing a major blow to the group’s facilities in areas of southern Kirkuk. 
In a bid to drive out ISIS from Iraq, the collation forces have intensified airstrikes against the militants’ military convoys, armored vehicles, heavy weapons and bases. The video above shows coalition forces supporting Peshmerga operations against ISIS.  chattels:

chattels: Khurmatu in the north of Iraq, or Tuz Khurmatu, about 110 miles north of the capital Baghdad, is east of Tikrit and Baiji in Saladin Province, Iraq, and located 55 miles south of Kirkuk

chattels: Saladin Governorate (Arabic: Salāh ad Dīn‎) (or Salah ad Din Province, Kurdish Parezgay Salah aldin) is a governorate in Iraq, north of Baghdad. The governorate has an area of 24,363 square kilometres (9,407 sq mi). The estimated population in 2003 was 1,042,200 people. The capital is Tikrit; the governorate also contains the significantly larger city of Samarra.

chattels: The province is named after Saladin (written Salah ad-Din in modern Arabic Latin transcription), a Muslim leader who defeated the Crusaders at Hattin, and who hailed from the province. Salah ad Din was the home province of Saddam Hussein; he was born in Al-Awja, a town near Tikrit.


chattels: Saladin was a Muslim of Kurdish origin.

faith: Did any laws pass today?

chattels: ‹@faith› Not that I have seen.

faith: Thanks!

chattels: ‹@faith› Certainly :)

chattels: ERBIL, Kurdistan Region – The Kurdistan Region’s five main parties met behind closed doors for five hours Sunday, emerging to say they are discussing two options to resolve an impasse over an extension to Masoud Barzani’s term as president, his chief of staff said. Fuad Hussein told reporters that the options are a public referendum, or settling the issue in parliament.

“In today’s meeting three options were given by the political parties on how the president should be elected, including through a referendum among the people of Kurdistan, a two-thirds vote in the parliament or the normal mechanism of 50+1,” or majority vote, Hussein told reporters.

He said the issue should be resolved at a September 6 meeting. “In case we do not reach any consensus, we can turn to an early election to resolve the question,” he added.

“Before we decide on the option of the early election, we hope parties agree on a mechanism on Sunday to end meetings,” Hussein told journalists.


chattels: ERBIL, Kurdistan Region — Reports of tension between US forces and the Shiite militias known as the Hashd al-Shaabi, or Popular Mobilization Forces, escalated Saturday with some saying the dispute is stalling the war against the Islamic State.

Karim Nury, Hashd al-Shaabi deputy spokesman, on Saturday denied claims that the US government forced the Shiite fighters to retreat from Anbar province.

 “Retreat from Anbar means a collapse and handing over the province to the ISIS militants,” Nury said.

“American soldiers don't have the ability to control even a hand's width of Iraqi soil without the help of Iraqi tribes. The experience with Al-Qaeda proves this claim.”

 Also Saturday, Khalid Fahdawi, an Iraqi federal police officer in Anbar, told Rudaw that tensions between US forces and Hashd al-Shaabi east of the ISIS-held city of Ramadi had resulted in an exchange of hostile gestures.   chattels:

chattels: Currency Auctions Announcement No. (3025) The opening offers the sale and purchase of foreign currency in the window of the Central Bank of Iraq on 31/8/2015 and the results were as follows: DETAILS              NOTES Number of banks               23 Number of remittance companies        7 Auction price selling dinar / US$  1166 Auction price buying dinar / US$       ----- Amount sold at auction price (US$) 193,641,326 Amount purchased at Auction price (US$) ----- Total offers for buying (US$)               193,641,326 Total offers for selling (US$)               ----- Currency rates from the date of (6/4/2015)


chattels: [Baghdad-where] human rights minister, Mohammed Mahdi al-Bayati, who included his ministry's decision to Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi government Baltrchiq for submitting an appeal to the Federal Court this decision revealed.

 He said al-Bayati told all of Iraq [where], "made a week ago, an appeal to the Federal Court to cancel the ministry" followed ..   chattels:

chattels: He explained, "We are with the reforms and the fight against corruption and social justice will not stand her face and the Iraqi institutions need to fight corruption and the fight against sagging administrative in all joints of the Iraqi state, but Cancel Ministry of Human Rights was a serious blow to the reforms.

"al-Bayati," We are with a call to the religious authority and the President guarantor of the Constitution that the reforms must be in accordance with the law and the Constitution and on this basis we have appealed the decision to the Federal Court and wait for its view our universe doubt that these reforms be legal, constitutional and on This foundation will be Ray Court important for us ".


chattels: " .............. the reforms must be in accordance with the law and the Constitution and on this basis we have appealed the decision to the Federal Court ............... "

chattels: "al-Shahristani committed a crime against the Iraqi people in the case of licensing rounds and we demanded repeatedly that there will be accountability and interrogation of those who work on these tours," adding that "In the coming days will witness the interrogation to know the people of parliamentary sessions Iraqi stop him,   chattels:

chattels: [Baghdad - where] the Commission on Security and Defense parliamentary member of the National Guard said the law will work on silencing claim not to enter the sons of the popular crowd to the provinces of Anbar and Nineveh.   chattels:

chattels: Neither that Anbar Sunni or the Kurds appear to desire the presence of National Guard troops

chattels: While religious authorities in Najaf, including Grand Ayatollah Ali al-Sistani, have backed the demonstrations, Mamouri observes, “It was striking that Iranian official authorities and Iraqi parties known for their loyalty to Iran strongly opposed the popular protests,

 leveling numerous accusations against them and trying to stop them. It is noteworthy that pro-Iran Islamic parties dominating government were targeted by protesters because of their poor governing performance.

chattels: Mamouri adds, “The ongoing protests in Iraq have brought together religious, civilian, secularist, communist and other communities. They all seek to reform the system and eradicate corruption within the Iraqi government.

It seems that religious slogans and figures, especially Sistani, are exploited to attack the protests in order to create a rift between the protesters. …

The situation on the ground indicates that the Iranian or pro-Iran movements’ attacks and assaults on protesters by accusing them of being anti-religion, breaching religion or being affiliated to IS [Islamic State] aim to defend specific Islamist parties with regional alliances with Iran.

In light of the Iranian authorities’ explicit attack on the protests and Sistani’s support for them, conflict between the two camps on the way to deal with Iraqi affairs seems to loom in the horizon.

While Iran wants Iraq to be a key element in its regional camp against Saudi Arabia, Sistani wants to distance Iraq from the ongoing regional conflicts, as much as possible, to allow it to make independent decisions within the framework of an efficient and stable civil state.”

 chattels: Mustafa al-Kadhimi writes that despite the Iraqi parliament’s endorsement of Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi’s reform package,

“The difficulty of this task lies not only in the lack of required professional and scientific experts to deal with the situation — especially in light of the major brain drain in all domains during the past decade — but also in the will of Iraqi politicians to adopt the philosophy of reform in the interest of unity and society.”

chattels: Kadhimi adds that implementation of Abadi’s reforms requires “serious and fair working groups” among parliamentarians and “shortcuts to bring about change on the ground.”

chattels: “Abadi can accelerate the implementation of the reforms by winning further support of the religious authorities, which have so far supported the reforms he decided on, and by obtaining the approval of the political blocs.

 It is worth mentioning that some reservations on these reforms were expressed by Vice President Ayad Allawi and Vice President Osama al-Nujaifi, who considered the reforms a violation of the constitution.

The government has major challenges to face in its implementation of reform measures, given the size of the problems in the state’s structure, disintegrating institutions, the confusion and inconsistency of laws and management’s instructions, and the deep-rooted corruption even in state regulatory systems,” Kadhimi writes.

chattels: Mohammed Salih writes that the Iraqi parliament’s ratification on Aug. 17, 2015, of a report that holds former Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki and more than 30 senior Iraqi officials responsible for the fall of Mosul may be a “litmus test” for Abadi’s reform initiative.

chattels: “In a country crippled by conflict, corruption and personal rivalries at the highest levels, if Abadi is serious about introducing a new approach to governance, the Mosul report could be used to his advantage to implement the desired reforms,” adds Salih.

chattels: “For now, it appears that Tehran is avoiding direct and overt involvement in the Shiite leadership dispute in Baghdad. Iran will likely maintain this posture until and unless the situation is seen as spiraling out of control, at which point it may choose to intervene to help forge a consensus.

Indeed, this has been the playbook in recent years. This, in turn, may cause the Shiite leadership in Baghdad to pre-emptively reach out to the grand ayatollah, who also seeks to avoid becoming too embroiled in factional politics.

In this waiting game, which could potentially turn explosive, the main victim may once again be ordinary Iraqis, who are mired not only in a war against IS in the trenches, but also corruption and factionalism at home.” Read more:

chattels: The government has major challenges to face in its implementation of reform measures, given the size of the problems in the state’s structure, disintegrating institutions, the confusion and inconsistency of laws and management’s instructions, and the deep-rooted corruption even in state regulatory systems,” supra ^^^^^^
chattels: In this waiting game, which could potentially turn explosive, the main victim may once again be ordinary Iraqis, who are mired not only in a war against IS in the trenches, but also corruption and factionalism at home.” supra ^^^^

chattels: dozens of people, on Monday, in front of the Supreme Judicial Council building in the Iraqi capital Baghdad to demand the resignation of President of the Council Medhat al-Mahmoud, and reforms in the judiciary in general. 

A network reporter Roudao media that dozens of people demonstrated in front of the Supreme Judicial Council building in Baghdad, to demand the resignation of Chief Justice Medhat al-Mahmoud and reforms in the judiciary. accuse political activists and civilians Judge Medhat al-Mahmoud favoring the leader of a coalition of state law, Nuri al-Maliki during his presidency of the Iraqi government for two consecutive terms, The politicization of the judiciary at the time. 

This prompted Mahmood to submit an application by reference to retire, but the federal judiciary announced (08/17/2015), the refusal of the members of the Supreme Judicial Council unanimously request. 

The Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi, a series of reforms in the country, and called in (08.14.2015) the judiciary to do a "drastic measures" to confirm the prestige of the judiciary and its independence, as the religious authority in Najaf stressed that it can not implement meaningful reform without reform the judiciary. Read more:

captl1: “He spoke of war for the network Roudao media, said that "the return of Nuri al-Maliki's deputy in the Iraqi parliament ordered carries no legal violation, while does not mean therefore acquitted of the charges against him. 

"He explained that the court can demand of the Iraqi parliament lift the immunity of al-Maliki and submit it to eliminate about the charges against him. and provided the commission of inquiry in the fall of Mosul, the final results to the Iraqi Council of Representatives, where the report Nuri al-Maliki name of the accused caused the fall Mosul, under the control of Daash., 

who controlled the "Islamic state" Daash the city of Mosul (Nineveh province) in June 2014 after a large withdrawal of Iraqi forces. The report stated that the former prime minister Nuri al-Maliki face his orders to Iraqi Army to withdraw from the city of Mosul (400 km north of the capital Baghdad).... (captl1)

captl1: They better start building the gallows.

Doug_W: what a thug he is

captl1: He will get his in due time. Can't cheat the hangman!

Doug_W: soooo

captl1: Yes?

captl1: Baghdad Press has some good articles today

Comments may be made at the end of Part 2  Thank You

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