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Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Wealthwatch Member Chat  9-23-15  Part 2 of 2

Post From Chat Room  9-23-15
Wealthwatch Member Chat  9-23-15  Part 2 of 2

chattels: The President of the Republic and the Council of the Ministers collectively, or one-fifth of the Council of Representatives members, may propose to amend the Constitution.

chattels: " ............ the approval of two-thirds of the members of the Council of Representatives, the approval of the people in a general referendum, and the ratification by the President of the Republic within seven days."

chattels: There are 328 members of the Council of Representatives

chattels: So, 218 members must approve the proposed amendment.

chattels: It is not 2/3 of those members present, but 2/3's of the total membership, IMO

chattels: The alternative method is by referendum which is a lengthy process under the best of circumstance and with almost 1/3 of Iraq occupied by DAESH i doubt that a referendum is possible.

chattels: US efforts at helping Iraq’s Kurds win the war against the Islamic State (ISIS) have been half-hearted at best, undermining Washington’s own strategy to defeat the group.

The head of the Kurdistan Regional Government’s (KRG) Security Council, Masrour Barzani, told the BBC earlier this month that the Kurdish Peshmerga forces have received no new weapons for several months.

 “We don’t have the kind of equipment that we wish to have, especially when it comes to heavy weapons,” he said. “The last shipment we had was in May this year.”

The KRG’s ability to independently acquire weapons is denied because Kurdistan is not a sovereign state. Every bullet going to the KRG needs to be sanctioned by the Iraqi central government.

The tensions over the budget and oil that have persisted between the KRG and Baghdad have also affected the manner in which the central government controls the flow of arms to Erbil.  chattels: Read more @

whitelions: ‹@chattels› gm you are correct on the 2/3's total that is why they are fineing the people that are not showing up

chattels: The US Czar leading efforts against the Islamic State is resigning from his position this fall. Gen. John Allen, a retired marine hand-picked by President Barack Obama to lead the US in the ISIS war, will be leaving after one year at the helm, according to multiple media reports.

State Department officials said Allen will be gone by early November, noting that his chief of staff, Karin von Hippel, will also be quitting, according to reports from Bloomberg.

"John Allen has put his heart and soul into trying to make the president's strategy work,” said Derek Harvey, a former senior U.S. military intelligence official, to Bloomberg. Sources have cited Allen’s frustrations with the US’s anti-ISIS strategy as a major reason for his leaving, in addition to personal reasons.  chattels:

chattels: Rasool: Country Kurdish inevitably come 09/22/2015 14:48 Sulaymaniyah / National Iraqi News Agency / nina / First Deputy Secretary General of the Patriotic Union of Kurdistan Rasool confirmed that a Kurdish state to come inevitably.

And the transfer of the Information Office of Rasool him as saying during a meeting of the Political Bureau of the party that a Kurdish state to come inevitably calling (unity and the floor and the unity of forces Peshmerga at the current stage in the face of international changes that are in favor of the people of Kurdistan).chattels:

chattels: BAGHDAD / National Iraqi News Agency / nina / congratulated the President of the Republic Fuad Masum, Iraqis and Muslims all near the Eid al-Adha. He infallible in a speech addressed to the Iraqi people on this occasion, ....................

chattels: " The Secretariat of the Council of Ministers has announced that next Thursday, the first day of Eid al-Adha to resume working next Monday."

chattels: Next Monday is the 28th.

chattels: CBI The CBI The primary objectives of the Central Bank of Iraq (CBI) is to ensure domestic price stability and foster a stable competitive market based financial system.

The CBI shall also promote sustainable growth, employment and prosperity in Iraq. The functions of the CBI in addition to achieving its primary objectives are: Implement the monetary policy and the exchange rate policy of Iraq. Hold gold and manage the state reserves of gold.

Issue and manage the Iraqi currency. Establish, oversee, promote a sound and efficient payment system. Issue licenses or permits in addition to regulating and supervising the banking sector as specified by the Banking Law. Carry out any ancillary tasks or transactions within the framework of Iraqi law.

Organizational Structure Members of the Board of Directors and General Managers Governor Agency (Mr.Ali Mohsen Ismail ) Governor Agency : Mr. Ali Mohsen Ismail Deputy Governor (Mr. Zuhair Ali Akbar) Deputy Governor :Mr. Zuhair Ali Akbar Holidays in (2015) in addition to Friday and Saturday : Sep. *25               Id Al-Adha (4Days) - Dates noted with asterisk (*) are approximate

chattels: OOPS ! :)

chattels: CBI Holidays in (2015) in addition to Friday and Saturday : Sep.      *25        Id Al-Adha (4Days) - Dates noted with asterisk (*) are approximate

Doug_W: * = Anything they need to look like on paper

chattels: BAGHDAD / National Iraqi News Agency / nina / stressed competent Alaguetsada- Harvard Ali Furaiji University, that the price of $ 45 a barrel does not reflect the full picture of global economic realities and the surrounding Iraq in particular and the face of crises, internal and regional.

Said Furaiji in a statement to the Iraqi National Agency News / nina / "The draft 2016 budget depends on the price of $ 45 a barrel and production rate up to 3.6 which is a very optimistic figures, the barrel does not reflect the full picture of global economic realities and the surrounding Iraq in particular and the face of internal and regional crises.  chattels: Read more @;

chattels: "The Ministry of Finance has announced that submitted the draft 2016 budget law to the Council of Ministers, on the basis of export 3.6 million barrels of oil per day at a price of / 45 / dollars per barrel, noting that the budget revenues will amount to more than 84 Trliuna and 73 billion dinars .

The Ministry of Finance confirmed that the drafting of the budget was based on slash public spending and combat extravagance and waste in state revenues and diversify sources of national income in the country."

[09/23/2015 08:14:52 AM] chattels: Accord Movement, calling on the government and security leaders to hold negligent indiscriminate bombardment on the people of Baiji 09/22/2015 15:50 BAGHDAD / National Iraqi News Agency / nina / called the National Accord Movement, led by Iyad Allawi, the government and security leaders to hold transparent and impartial investigation and hold negligent in indiscriminate shelling of the people of Baiji in Salahuddin province.

The group said in a statement today: "We condemn what he suffered our brothers and our cousins ​​in Baiji of random shelling devastating fell hardiness many citizens among the dead and wounded, after the long-sons clan Albonmr valiant fell, including more than 50 martyrs.


chattels: I have noted on several occasions that Baiji continues to be a " hotspot " in the war with DAESH

chattels: ISIS fighters and pro-goverment forces battled for a year over control of the oil refinery at Baiji, Iraq's largest. The plant was crippled but intact, and would have been a key asset for whomever came to control all of the refinery and the pipelines in and out of it.

This weekend, ISIS forces, which had controlled much of the facility since April, suddenly retreated. And torched the place on their way out.

chattels: "Many of the ISIS forces seem to have withdrawn," says Ben van Heuvelen of Iraq Oil Report. "But they've left behind a crew that appears to be on a suicide mission to cause as much damage and death as possible while the Iraqi forces try to clear the place."

chattels: When the Baiji refinery was operational, it processed more than 200,000 barrels per day of crude, "which," says van Heuvelen, "amounted to more than one-third of Iraq's total domestic fuel production."

chattels: "Now," says van Heuvelen, "the refinery is probably unusable for several years, if ever again."


newbieDA: ‹@chattels› morning ty for the news!
newbieDA: I look forwad to your articles and comments on the security issues

newbieDA: so IS is withdrawing from the Baiji Refinery now
newbieDA: did you see the article on southern Mosul also?
newbieDA: I just woke up, sorry I dont have the link

chattels: ‹@newbieDA› " ............ they've left behind a crew that appears to be on a suicide mission to cause as much damage and death as possible while the Iraqi forces try to clear the place."

newbieDA: ‹@chattels›

newbieDA: ‹@chattels› I can see that now, I didnt think of that
newbieDA: ‹@chattels› you have the best mind when it comes to the security issues, I just love the insight

newbieDA: 2016 budget looks fair, the $45 a barrel of oil budget and the agreement with the kurds renewed, same HCL

chattels: ‹@newbieDA› just regurgitating the news

Donnie: that ISIS group that is just destroying everything as they run away are like poor sports that cause havoc when they lose. destroy just so no one else can use it. I'd love to know what country/organization is so against Iraq from rising up that they would resort to this type of action. Someone or some country doesn't want Iraq to prosperous any time soon.... Who or what country is so afraid of Iraq becoming prosperous? obviously a country that feel Iraq threatens their well being.

Donnie: "amounted to more than one-third of Iraq's total domestic fuel production." Looks like Iraq will have to add domestic fuel to their list imported goods until they get a refinery built.

newbieDA: ‹@Donnie› good point
newbieDA: ‹@Donnie› thanks for helping me yesterday with my notes

chattels: Qayyarah distance from Mosul is about 73 km and one hour 15 minutes South

chattels: Hamam al-Alil is closer to Mosul, but both along Highway 1

newbieDA: ‹@chattels› some distance there

chattels: " ........... preparations secret for the start of the military for the Liberation of the process of Mosul after the control of Iraqi security forces, most of Baiji, south of Mosul areas."

chattels: " official security source in Nineveh police also reported that elements of the "Daash "proceeded to blow up runway fully Mosul airport in anticipation of any nearby military operation in the south of Mosul aviation area."

chattels: the infrastructure damage being done as DAESH retreats will be significant

chattels: the Baiji refinery, Mosul airport are just the beginning

Doug_W: The spoils of war are being spoiled

newbieDA: what a mess

chattels: the costs of rebuilding infrastructure and resettlement of the displaced is being mentioned increasingly in the budget news and economic crisis out of Iraq

chattels: add the cost of martyrdom to families / compensation / social services required by the Iraqi constitution

chattels: BAGHDAD / National Iraqi News Agency / nina / called on the president of a coalition of state law, Nuri al-Maliki, formations of the popular crowd to support the political process and protection of the schemes of what he called "the conspirators and predators."

He said in his speech today through the sons of the martyrs of the popular crowd and factions of the Islamic Resistance honoring ceremony "The formations crowd the popular resistance foiled the conspiracies and plots woven against Iraq to topple the political process,"

chattels: autocrats like Maliki, Mussolini and Hitler thrive in an atmosphere of crisis and ineffective government, which they help create for their own nefarious purposes so that they can be ushered in as the " saviour " granted extreme powers

chattels: au·to·crat ˈôdəˌkrat/ noun plural noun: autocrats a ruler who has absolute power. synonyms:               absolute ruler, dictator, despot, tyrant

Lauren305: 20 ISIS militants killed by food poisoning in western Mosul

By Abdelhak Mamoun - Sep 20, 2015 1 ( Dohuk – Media official of the Kurdistan Democratic Party in Mosul Saeed Mamouzini said on Sunday, that 20 militants belonging to ISIS were killed, including a “leader” by food poisoning west of Mosul. Mamouzini said in an interview for,

“20 gunmen from ISIS were killed in the district of Baaj west of Mosul, because of their exposure to food poisoning, including a leader called Abu Zeidan.” Mamouzini added that “unidentified had put toxic substances in the food of the militants.”
Lauren305: U.S. Air Strike Killed Islamic State 'Sex Slave Facilitator" In Iraq   The resource cannot be found.  BAD LINK

September 23, 2015 Coalition forces killed a senior leader of the Islamic State group in an air strike in Iraq, the Pentagon said September 22. Abu Bakr al-Turkmani, who died September 10 in a strike in Tal Afar in northern Iraq, was a "slave facilitator" who had been involved in the sexual trafficking of Yazidi minority women, a U.S. defense official told AFP. 

Pentagon press secretary Peter Cook called Turkmani an "administrative emir" and "close associate" of IS leaders in Iraq, and said he was part of Al-Qaeda in Iraq before joining IS. 

The Yazidis, a religious minority which lives mainly in Iraq's northern Sinjar region, are neither Muslims nor Arabs and follow a unique faith. They are considered infidels by the militants. 

In 2014, IS massacred Yazidis, forced tens of thousands of them to flee, captured thousands of girls and women as spoils of war, and used them as sex slaves. 

The United Nations has said the atrocities committed against the small community may amount to genocide. U.S. Air Strike Killed Islamic State 'Sex Slave Facilitator" In Iraq   The resource cannot be found.  BAD LINK

September 23, 2015 Coalition forces killed a senior leader of the Islamic State group in an air strike in Iraq, the Pentagon said September 22. Abu Bakr al-Turkmani, who died September 10 in a strike in Tal Afar in northern Iraq, was a "slave facilitator" who had been involved in the sexual trafficking of Yazidi minority women, a U.S. defense official told AFP. 

Pentagon press secretary Peter Cook called Turkmani an "administrative emir" and "close associate" of IS leaders in Iraq,

 and said he was part of Al-Qaeda in Iraq before joining IS. The Yazidis, a religious minority which lives mainly in Iraq's northern Sinjar region, are neither Muslims nor Arabs and follow a unique faith. They are considered infidels by the mi

Lauren305: Barzani launches a reform package in Kurdistan  

It appears the page you were looking for doesn't exist. Sorry . BAD LINK

Wednesday, 23 September 2015 11:42 Shafaq News / The head of Kurdistan Regional Government (KRG) , Nechirvan Barzani launched a reform package after Eid that aims to reduce spending in his government. ‘

Earlier , the Iraqi government has launched a reform package aimed mostly to reduce spending ratios, after the country's vulnerability to the economic effects greatly that push to increase the deficit in the new budget ratios. Kurdistan in turn is exposed to an economic crisis since more than a year.

 According to information obtained by Shafaq News, the first reform package will reduce the salaries of special grades to a great extent, and reduce the size of spending in the ministries and institutions of the government.

chattels: Former CIA director calls for more action in combating ISIS;

chattels: Breaking Up to Stay Together By Ali Khedery

chattels: ALI KHEDERY is Chair and CEO of Dragoman Partners. From 2003 to 2010, he was a special assistant to five U.S. ambassadors in Iraq and a senior adviser to three chiefs of U.S. Central Command. Follow him on Twitter @akhedery.

chattels: Reidar Visser ‏@reidarvisser 9m9 minutes ago This #Iraq soft partition piece by Ali Khedery is surprisingly similar to Peter Galbraith's earlier proposals …

via Dinar Recaps - Our Blog

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