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Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Wealthwatch Member Chat  9-29-15    Part 1 of 2

ost From Chat Room  9-29-15
Wealthwatch Member Chat  9-29-15    Part 1 of 2

chattels: the President of the House of Representatives Saleem al-Jubouri, next Thursday, the date for the presence of the Minister of Higher Education and Scientific Research, Hussain al-Shahristani, the parliamentary session.

According to a parliamentary source told all of Iraq [where], that "al-Jubouri select next Thursday, the date for the presence of the Minister of Education to parliament to answer the question students exams next month." 

​It was the Presidency of the Council of Representatives member Hamoudi, said on 16 September this through chairing the parliament session, to invite the Minister of Higher Education and Scientific Research Hussain al-Shahristani to attend the parliament session a short time in order to answer questions directed
TxBrand: just saw this on fb ---> Fear tolerated is faith contaminated
TxBrand: showing abadi on fox

Tootsie: oh, some bust today's Parliament, huh!! - So much for all the ~ can't even think of what to call ~~ should have expected a lesser than climatic return I guess.

blossom7454: I also believe we will have an rv very very shortly

blossom7454: looks like they are goin to pass all those laws, and I hope they pass the security they need also

blossom7454: ‹@disciple7› Hi sweetiepie all the laws that are supposed to be in one basket?

blossom7454: ‹@disciple7› them passing all those laws...

disciple7: ‹@blossom7454› oh oh.. actually no im still trying to find where they are saying they will pass all in one basket..


 Shabibi: Maliki receive more money than all the rulers of the Republic of Iraq "combined"

TxBrand: I read that with a grain of salt... I have never seen that website

blossom7454: ‹@TxBrand› i can believe that he did he is one of the biggest knivers and theif...

TxBrand: it may be a good one I don't know

blossom7454: This dude I like - Professor Kadhim Jawad...

blossom7454: In reading this article I summize that what Maliki did is a good thing for us, an pls do not get me wrong, but because of the tyrannical things he did, we are going to benefit. Pls do not think that I would wish this on any country an people, but this has led to Abadi to have to raise the rate so they can survive. Romans 8:28


blossom7454: fight against Islamic State group will take time

whitelions: ‹@TxBrand› I posted that same story on Maliki by shabbs and we use that website all the time we have for the last few years

whitelions: here is the link translated

lonegunman: we are ALL ! here waiting to see IRAQ enter the free market and the dinar international period ! try to take everything with a shaker of salt  lol

Sam: and that to me has been grim looking

lonegunman: ‹@Sam› not sure we are getting the full picture

Sam: everything the US did over in iraq and the blood that was shed is looking more and more like being done in vain

Dianne777: what is all up in the air, guess i have missed alot

Sam: ‹@lonegunman› IMO i think way to much upheaval

Sam: too much unrest

Dianne777: ‹@lonegunman› what is it that seems to be needed now?

lonegunman: ‹@Dianne777› I have no idea I am at a standstill myself I have had it trying to figure this out

Dianne777: ya me too lol

 lonegunman: ‹@Dianne777› IRAQ is there own worse enemy it seems but i do not hink we really know what is going on and that means EVERYBODY

 Dianne777: the dreams are starting to fade some, however, i did see something about a meeting (dont know when though) for accession into wto

lonegunman: ‹@Dianne777› it seemed a simple thing at the time just for them to go international and have a currency that is on par with the region ! silly me  lol  lol

lonegunman: people very expectant of this .. I. guess

lonegunman: WHEN we see the rate change on the CBI site we will know we are done

MichelleL: ‹@lonegunman› ROFL~ provided it doesn't go in the wrong direction


Donnie: my drinking water source

Donnie: that building is a maple syrup storage building

MichelleL: looks suspiciously like an outhouse, watch out Donnie lol

Donnie: just showing where I get my drinking water from - God's water straight from the ground

MichelleL: love a good artesian well - used to go hiking around one in the woods some 200 years ago

Donnie: click on the pic and you can see the plastic pipes that bring the sap from the maple trees

chattels: [Baghdad-where] Search Kurdistan regional president Massoud Barzani, with Oil Minister Adel Abdul-Mahdi, Tuesday's issue of the oil, and discuss the issue of addressing the terrorist gangs Daash in the city of Ramadi.

A statement by the presidency of the province that the meeting "dealt with developments in the political situation and ways to address the outstanding problems between Baghdad and Arbil, a private oil file".

He Barzani, according to the statement he hoped "solve all the outstanding problems and reach positive results between the two sides."

chattels: Loggerheads for years between the center and the region on Export validity and confined in the absence of oil and gas inactivated law passed for years, but the two sides reached in December 2014 an agreement to export the region 250 000 barrels of production with 300 000 barrels of the province of Kirkuk fields in exchange for pay Baghdad Kurdistan's share of the federal budget by 17%

 but this agreement and has struggled since then with an exchange of accusations between Baghdad and Erbil non-compliance, but did not announce any of them terminate the agreement.

chattels: The draft of the Ministry of Finance to balance in 2016 submitted to the Council of Ministers on 16 September this has calculated the revenues derived from the export of crude oil on the basis of average price of $ 45 dollars per barrel and the rate of export of 3.6 million barrels per day,

including 250 000 barrels per day of product quantities of crude oil in the Kurdistan region and 300 000 barrels of product quantities of crude oil through the Kirkuk province, and that all revenue actually income once the Treasury account Public Dolh.  chattels:

chattels: [Baghdad-where] Search House Speaker Salim al-Jubouri, in his office, on Tuesday evening, with the head of a coalition united Osama Najafi latest developments in the political process and the reform process "and push for speeding up their implementation."

A statement by the Office Jubouri received by all of Iraq [where] a copy of the two sides "discussed the current locally produced in the province of Nineveh and the willingness to edit, and stress the importance of sparing citizens the effects of military operations, military operations" .


chattels: ‹@BOBBY› what is the latest ?

chattels: [Baghdad-where] Search Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi with US President Barack Obama on Tuesday increased US support in the field of armament and strengthening of the international coalition against Daash bayonet.

 A statement by his office received by all of Iraq [where] a copy of "Abadi, a solo meeting in New York with US President, and took place during the meeting was to discuss bilateral relations between the two countries and ways of enhancing and increasing US support for Iraq in the field of armament and the economy."

He added that he "took place during the Meeting study the situation in the region and the strengthening of the international coalition to fight Daash terrorist gangs ".


BOBBY: Chattels..... lets see.... cashing out, Shabbibbi is back, Oct 1st..... blah blah blah lol

​chattels: [Follow-Wayne] Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi said on Tuesday, we seek to privatize state-owned companies and reduce dependence on oil. Abadi said during a speech during discuss ways to combat terrorism that we are meeting in New York, "we seek to privatize state-owned public companies, and reduce dependence on oil as an imbalance and we are trying to take advantage of the oil drop to amend this error" followed ..    chattels:

 chattels: [Follow-where] Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi said at a security conference in New York: "The Daash was occupies 30% of Iraq and the situation is serious, adding that" the oldest civilization in the world, Iraq was threatened with extinction ".. follow chattels:

chattels: Jubouri is a delay in sending the government to draft laws to parliament upheaval [Baghdad-where] Parliament Speaker Salim al-counting Tuesday, the government delayed sending bills upheaval to the work of Parliament.

He said his spokesman Emad al-Khafaji said in a statement received by all of Iraq [where] a copy of "al-Jubouri called on the prime minister to speed up the re-laws withdrawn from Parliament with a view to the amendment, noting that" some of these laws had been read a first reading and again by the people's deputies " .

He added that "some of these laws has reached the stage of voting, but the prime minister to withdraw those laws prevent the Council from continuing to read them or vote on them",

adding that "delay the return of such laws from the government to the parliament is confusion for the work of the House of Representatives and a delay with its obligations to the people who is expected to pass important laws such as freedom of expression laws

and to demonstrate peacefully and the law of public holidays, which many complain deputies from plentiful and Ashoaiatha and the lack of clarity, in addition to its impact on the national economy and waste of people's money that is desperately need in these difficult economic conditions experienced by Iraq ".   chattels:

Donnie: ‹@BOBBY› you forgot the "voting on the basket of outstanding laws" Sept 28th lol

Donnie: errr 29th  Donnie: errrr maybe 30th....

Comments may be made at the end of Part 2  Thank You

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