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Sunday, September 27, 2015

Bits and Pieces in Dinarland Late Sunday Afternoon



EXOGEN:  This will pave the way for the exclusion of the fiat dollar from the global financial system in the coming days.   

EXOGEN:  US Approves Yuan SDR Inclusion after China Orders 300 Boeing Planes
September 27, 2015

After reassuring the United States that its economy will be propped up by China, Obama has given his thumbs up to the inclusion of Renminbi into the IMF’s SDR basket of currencies.

Renminbi is the official “people’s currency” of China; Yuan is the primary unit of that currency.

This will pave the way for the exclusion of the fiat dollar from the global financial system in the coming days.
Of course, there are other covert arrangements which led us to conclude that the East is only really aiming for a peaceful “win-win” resolution of all conflicts with the West, and that the best they, i.e. the Reformists, could do for the time being is to initiate an “all-inclusive economic system”, and it is up to us to exploit and maximize that scenario where “no one is left behind.”

Earlier, the White House was also trying to raise the stakes using the cybersecurity and hacking issue which both countries are guilty of doing, and to which China has effectively downplayed by talking to the tech companies first before with anybody else.
After extended bargaining, both parties have reached an understanding on cybertheft issue, among others.

U.S. Takes Step Toward Support for China’s Reserve-Currency Bid
Andrew Mayeda

The Obama administration took a step toward backing China’s bid to have the yuan recognized as a global reserve currency, as the U.S. softened its insistence that the Chinese implement financial reforms to win support.

The International Monetary Fund is reviewing whether the yuan should be included in its Special Drawing Rights, a basket of reserve currencies used by the lender as a unit of account. After U.S. President Barack Obama and Chinese President Xi Jinping met Friday in Washington, the two sides issued a statement saying the U.S. supports the inclusion of the yuan “provided the currency meets the IMF’s existing criteria in its SDR review,” a point Xi highlighted in his press conference with Obama.

The shift in the U.S. position follows the administration’s failed attempt to prevent allies from joining the China-led Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank earlier this year, a strategy that was faulted by former policy makers including ex-Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson.
In June, a joint statement by the two countries said the U.S. “supports China making the reforms that would lead to the inclusion” of the yuan in the basket. Friday’s statement mentions U.S. support for “China’s commitment to implement further financial and capital market reforms.”

The new language clarified to the Chinese that the IMF’s assessment of whether the yuan meets the fund’s SDR criteria will be the determining factor for American support, said an administration official who asked not to be identified.

Winning the IMF’s endorsement would validate efforts by Xi to push through policies aimed at making the world’s second-biggest economy more market-oriented, boosting China’s prestige as it prepares to host Group of 20 gatherings next year. At least $1 trillion of global reserves will convert to Chinese assets if the yuan joins the IMF’s reserve basket, according to Standard Chartered Plc and AXA Investment Managers.

“The train delivering the SDR to President Xi in time for the November 2016 G-20 Summit in Hangzhou remains on schedule,” said David Loevinger, managing director of emerging-markets sovereign research at asset manager TCW Group Inc. in Los Angeles. There’s “plenty of wiggle room” within the IMF criteria to allow China to meet the fund’s requirements, said Loevinger, a former senior coordinator of China affairs at the U.S. Treasury.

The IMF’s executive board will make a decision on the yuan reserve-currency issue as soon as November. Approval requires 70 percent of the fund’s voting shares, and even if the U.S. opposed the move, the nation would need several allies because the U.S. has about 17 percent of votes. Many analysts have been predicting approval.

The U.S. and China also look forward to continuing to discuss methods to facilitate yuan trading and clearing in the U.S., according to the joint statement.

U.S. Treasury Secretary Jacob J. Lew in previous comments this year has put the onus on China to prove the yuan belongs, saying the country needs to further liberalize its currency policy and complete financial reforms before it can get the IMF’s nod.

Friday’s shift brings the U.S. closer to the positions of the U.K. and France. In a speech Tuesday in Shanghai, U.K. Chancellor of the Exchequer George Osborne said he’d like to see the yuan added to the IMF basket as the currency becomes increasingly important in global markets and “meets existing IMF criteria.”

French Finance Minister Michel Sapin said last week in Beijing that France favors including the yuan in the SDR basket, though China still needs to meet the IMF’s technical requirements first, according to Francois Coen, Sapin’s spokesman.



  After reassuring the United States that its economy will be propped up by China, Obama has given his thumbs up to the inclusion of Renminbi into the IMF’s SDR basket of currencies.

Renminbi is the official “people’s currency” of China; Yuan is the primary unit of that currency. This will pave the way for the exclusion of the fiat dollar from the global financial system in the coming days.

The Obama administration took a step toward backing China’s bid to have the yuan recognized as a global reserve currency, as the U.S. softened its insistence that the Chinese implement financial reforms to win support.

The shift in the U.S. position follows the administration’s failed attempt to prevent allies from joining the China-led Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank earlier this year, a strategy that was faulted by former policy makers including ex-Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson.

Winning the IMF’s endorsement would validate efforts by Xi to push through policies aimed at making the world’s second-biggest economy more market-oriented, boosting China’s prestige as it prepares to host Group of 20 gatherings next year. At least $1 trillion of global reserves will convert to Chinese assets if the yuan joins the IMF’s reserve basket, according to Standard Chartered Plc and AXA Investment Managers.

Friday’s shift brings the U.S. closer to the positions of the U.K. and France. In a speech Tuesday in Shanghai, U.K. Chancellor of the Exchequer George Osborne said he’d like to see the yuan added to the IMF basket as the currency becomes increasingly important in global markets and “meets existing IMF criteria.”

Elmerf123456:  That my Folks spells out A BIG WIN FOR OUR HOME TEAM!  Remember back...I said China doesn't play games. They do what the set out to do!!!!!

Fancy01:  E lmer Am I wrong in thinking with this that the Yuan Remnibi is in the first basket?

Elmer123456:  Fancy count of this. The gov never tells the whole story. I like what I'm seeing and the Market also heard China's voice loud and clear

  Elmer Considering that China always gets what they want- I am thinking yes

  It also points out that over 100 heads of state including the Chinese President did not come to play Bridge but rather to mend a few.

: DOW futures unchanged right now but we should see a shake put a little later. What direction still remains.     I suspect we will see SOME green tomorrow.
TNT Cont.......

BlessedLadyo4:  Bank story

Several months ago I opened several bank accts to be ready for exchange.  At Wells you can have a recurring transfer which keeps your business accounts active until you’re ready to use them.  I had just enough money in these accts to make the transfer from checking to savings back to checking one time each month to keep them active until RV.

 In august my acct showed that the transfer failed and my banker who had told me originally that his manager got an email about the dinar and it was a sure thing now tells me that he advises me to close those accts because he is not sure about the dinar.  I waited until the end of the month because I had aready gotten a fee.

 I went in and my other banker who has dinar of his own advised me to close the accts.  So on Saturday my husband and I went in to close the accts and one business checking banker was out getting married and the other one had an appt. and asked if I could come back on Monday.
I told him I was going to be out of town the following week and he said just wait until the end of the month and see what happens.  This afternoon after I got home from church I decided to check my banking online and the fees are gone.

They were there yesterday.   

Could it be that we are this close and the manager of the bank has gotten another email to get ready.  The manager knows I have dinar and he had approved fees to be removed from my acct before but the last two months would not take the fees off forcing me to close my accts or pay the fees.  

But now they are gone.  

And the funny part about it is I took the monies out of those accounts because I didn't want the fees to deplete them.  

Well it shows that my recurring transfers for both of those accts went through and are not to happen again until Oct 25th.  Strange don't you think.  SOMETHING IS UP!!!!!!!!!!



Walkingstick:  The Ministry of Finance announces the new conditions on the money


The Ministry of Finance and Economy in the Kurdistan Regional Government in the book circulated to ministries and government departments and non-associated region of conditions associated in dealing with the inflows to the region.

The ministry said in a book circulated on the joints of the State in the territory of those conditions, one of which is determined to hand the money and where they came from, those that bear the legal responsibility, and through a special responsibility to form if they have been exposed to money laundering operation or not.

Among the conditions that the Legal Committee in the Ministry of Finance and Economy makes sure the money involved if they are exposed to the process of washing, as well as the Commission itself found that the money to whom, and why it has been deposited in any bank of banks and the region.

Conditions have restricted access funds through the international airports in the cities of Erbil and Sulaymaniyah and obtaining their consent to do so.  Link

via Dinar Recaps - Our Blog

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