Don't WAIT!

Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Mnt.Goat Update 9-30-15: "Full Reconciliation is Coming Very Soon" Part 1

Thanks GeorgeH for sending this to us today:

UU6812 –“ Full Reconciliation is Coming Very Soon” by Mnt Goat

Hello Everyone,

In today’s news letter I am bringing you nuggets of information that are so powerful I just had to sit back in my chair in awe and amazement when I read them.  Why did I feel this way?

A feeling of FINALITY came over me. Like a vale being lifted when I read these articles.  We now know why many of these reforms have been stalled as to why they are taking so long to pass and implement. This is all about to change.

As I suggested many months ago in my news letter the USA will not give full military support to Iraq until they get what they want. We read many past articles about this topic and Abadi’s resistance to give the USA what it wanted.

So what did the USA want?
We will see these next steps in the coming weeks as the USA is now going to get what it wants as Abadi can see that Iraq itself can never defeat ISIS. So now that the USA is going to get certain needed reform laws from Iraq, an in return Iraq will then get the military backing and full support of USA led coalition to fight ISIS.

Iraq can then move on to getting the “full” reconciliation it needs going forward. So we might have to wait a little bit longer to see how this all plays out but I believe we are getting closer than ever to the RV.  I am talking maybe weeks at tops not months. 

They have to make some kind of “reconciliation” or they will NEVER join the international community. Pressure is just too great from the USA and GB not to conclude this sooner than later. This they want and need so desperately. They also have until early 2016 to get their act together to get fully out of chapter 7 sanctions. This deadline is fast approaching. This was a deadline imposed by the UN of 10 year sanction release period.

Now, with the full backing of the USA, GB, the other coalition countries and many of the middle eastern countries, Abadi knows his direction and to despite the criticisms from the “do nothing” party of the Maliki and his goons days, he is moving aggressively forward. For some he is even moving too quickly and that scares them too, even though they are on his side and totally agree with what he is doing to benefit Iraq. So this too slows up the process somewhat as they need confidence Abadi is not going to be another Maliki. Some even compare his style to Saddam Hussein (Dr Ayad Allawi). Of course this is again Maliki propaganda. 

I need to explain to you that a management style is dependent on the situation to which it must be applied. Not all managers are well suited to manage every situations. For instance you don’t take the management style of a minister as applied to managing his congregation and apply it to the situation of General George Patton and his circumstances in fighting WWII. Two separate styles and very different situations that must be managed.

So you must select carefully who is placed to manage the circumstances at hand at the time. Many of the more successful board of directors of major companies too will often change who is at the helm depending on the direction that needs to be taken by the company at the time.

As it is when the current prime minister Abadi was selected, the Dowa party thought he would go along with the Maliki madness and Maliki would actually continue to dictate party lines to him behind the scenes and he would obey. Of course we all know now why Abadi made many trips to the USA back then. What do you think these trips were for? Where they just to sip cocktails and chat with Oboma in the oval office?

We know now why the complete opposite is occurred. In short – Abadi was interviewed by Obama as he was found to be the right manager, at the right time, in the right place. He himself has said it too so completely – nothing will stop my reforms short of my assassination (as they plotted already twice to get him).

One lesson that the USA and GB have learned a very long time ago is this – “National Unity” as a nation is the pivotal foundation to any great nation. Without patriotism and unity you are just a country struggling to maintain a sense of democracy for the average citizen to prevent the wolves from taking full control. Iraq has experienced the wolves and knows fully the damage.

Now it’s time for Iraq to turn the page and to experience the full blessings and abundance that can come from the proper use of all their resources once applied to the global markets. It is my opinion the time is now. The clock is ticking. 

Today’s News

Today is Wednesday September 30th and still no RV. We will see an RV this week?

I do not believe there will be an RV this week…sorry. But I do believe we may be on the path to see a change in the value very soon.

There was a target date for Oct 1st and we might be very close to this date as an end result. I am saying this because I have seen some very amazing results come out of  the recent UN summits in NYC.

I also want to say that when Iraq is ready to revalue their currency and come back as an international player it will just happen. NOTHING WILL STOP IT. There are no boogie men, conspiracies or foreign countries with issues holding it back each weekend, as some make you believe.

So once again we are in the middle of a new week and all the hype about an RV window by the end of September is passing as Oct 1st is tomorrow. Sorry you so called intel “gurus” you were wrong once again….lol…lol…. !!!!

Watch in their next intel conference calls these same gurus will tell you September is over but it was supposed to RV and got held back. Held back….really?  No Kidding!

No kidding it was held back. I HAVE BEEN TELLING YOU ALL ALONG IT WOULD BE HELD BACK if the reforms were not completed for the needed STABILITY and SECURITY of Iraq necessary to get out of chapter 7, Article 4 ,the last remaining sanction still imposed upon Iraq. If you read what I have presented to you in the last section of this news letter today (under update on fighting ISIS) you will see that these reforms are all but now done and why the hold up in the past.

Now  Oct 1st  is tomorrow and then what will they tell you next? 

Oh- will they will simply give you another outside window for the RV without any facts to back it up? 

Oh- but they will say - you want to hear the minute by minute inside intel don’t you? Did you ever tell them that this is what you desire or did they just tell you that you wanted?  So what do you really want?

Ridiculous and Insane! I say trust in the articles from Iraq. It has been proven over and over again.

Let me also say this from my own experience - Sources of information from “boots on the ground” in Iraq is very unreliable and they often don’t know anymore than we do. In fact in most cases they know even less. The fact that they are in Iraq has little significance. Any news from these sources is often totally misinterpreted as they do not have a strong handle on the Arabic language and customs. They often give you the western viewpoint too looking through their RV glasses.  We could do a better job just reading the articles ourselves. 

The article might not be as timely as we want or even easy to read sometimes but believe me the articles have a hell of a lot more of a reality check on the pulse of Iraq than most of these so called intel “gurus”. My advice is simply stop listening to them unless they clean up their source of information. It is your choice. By the way many of them simply make up their intel anyhow to suite their own agenda. 

So what is now happening in Iraq in this RV saga? 

I will do my best to present to you what I know with NO hype, No rumors and just the FACTS. If I have an opinion I will tell you it is just my opinion.
I came to you earlier this week and stated I thought something BIG was brewing in Iraq.

Well we now have our BIG event!  By BIG I meant an event such as the “full” reconciliation. Today I will present to you the breakdown of some of these obstacles that have prevented this reconciliation from occurring.

I thought this because there seemed to be a lull in the news last week of anything very significant. We know from the past that often Iraq does work through the holidays, such as Eid, and they normally keep the news down to a minimum during these timeframes. So now Eid is over. What have they been doing?

I asked how will they present this “full” reconciliation to us?  The answer was given to us the next day. Funny too how president Masum told us just last week we can expect this “full” reconciliation shortly after Eid. I am presenting an article below about a proposed National Reconciliation conference. Will this be the vehicle they will use to conclude this effort?  You see you can not forget the past news since its all a continuing saga.

They have stated in the recent article and I quote- “The head of Iraq Scholars Mullah Khalid had called in a press statement the federal government to conduct genuine national reconciliation between moderate political and religious authorities of the Sunni community.”

We can see they are working on setting up this conference as they know they are very close.  Will it be this week? I believe it will be within the next couple weeks at most, but first they need the rest of the reform laws passed in parliament and at least some form of implementation started in good faith. What will get them to this point? 

I am saying this because you have to ask another question - How do you come to the table to reconcile differences, when the agreed to reforms to overcome the obstacles preventing reconciliation, have not yet all been met?  So we know they can not yet have this conference but they know it is coming shortly since all the needed laws are now in play and just need the final voting process in parliament. Maybe one big “package” of laws for one vote is on the horizon?

What will happen in the National Reconciliation conference?
They are telling us in the article I have presented below and I quote – “a joint paper gathering all parties”.

They are also telling us the UN, representatives of each of the parties, and the representatives of the branches of government (the three presidents) will be present. The joint paper is a translation issue and means a paper treaty (a document of some sort) will be signed by all parties present.

The VERY interesting part (and I need to emphasize VERY interesting) in the article is this –  They explain - Who will be allowed to attend this conference? 

I quote from the article – “to hold a special conference of national reconciliation and the introduction of those who want to contribute to the building the state and the new Iraq, provided that these authorities are not supportive of terrorism and is stained with the blood of innocent people.” Oh boy this also sounds like the amnesty law too doesn’t it?

This is WOW news since it will not include Maliki, his goons and any parties associated with these terrorist militias or past corruption. How can it possible include them and we all should know why by now.

Folks – this is a brand new Iraq being built from the ground up and this National Reconciliation and its reforms to back it up is the foundation. I have been telling you this for years now. Hope you have been listening.

This reconciliation process along with the economic and security provisions will get us the RV we have been long waiting for. Remember there is much overlap too since it is all interconnected. But we must be patient since Iraq will choose when they are ready. 

Again I will list these needed reforms (did I miss any? )

-Justice & Accountability reforms

-Establishment of the Provincial National Guards

-Full implementation of the Amnesty

-Formal announcement of the Federation Council

Link to Part 2

via Dinar Recaps - Our Blog

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